261 research outputs found

    Decimal Floating-point Fused Multiply Add with Redundant Number Systems

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    The IEEE standard of decimal floating-point arithmetic was officially released in 2008. The new decimal floating-point (DFP) format and arithmetic can be applied to remedy the conversion error caused by representing decimal floating-point numbers in binary floating-point format and to improve the computing performance of the decimal processing in commercial and financial applications. Nowadays, many architectures and algorithms of individual arithmetic functions for decimal floating-point numbers are proposed and investigated (e.g., addition, multiplication, division, and square root). However, because of the less efficiency of representing decimal number in binary devices, the area consumption and performance of the DFP arithmetic units are not comparable with the binary counterparts. IBM proposed a binary fused multiply-add (FMA) function in the POWER series of processors in order to improve the performance of floating-point computations and to reduce the complexity of hardware design in reduced instruction set computing (RISC) systems. Such an instruction also has been approved to be suitable for efficiently implementing not only stand-alone addition and multiplication, but also division, square root, and other transcendental functions. Additionally, unconventional number systems including digit sets and encodings have displayed advantages on performance and area efficiency in many applications of computer arithmetic. In this research, by analyzing the typical binary floating-point FMA designs and the design strategy of unconventional number systems, ``a high performance decimal floating-point fused multiply-add (DFMA) with redundant internal encodings" was proposed. First, the fixed-point components inside the DFMA (i.e., addition and multiplication) were studied and investigated as the basis of the FMA architecture. The specific number systems were also applied to improve the basic decimal fixed-point arithmetic. The superiority of redundant number systems in stand-alone decimal fixed-point addition and multiplication has been proved by the synthesis results. Afterwards, a new DFMA architecture which exploits the specific redundant internal operands was proposed. Overall, the specific number system improved, not only the efficiency of the fixed-point addition and multiplication inside the FMA, but also the architecture and algorithms to build up the FMA itself. The functional division, square root, reciprocal, reciprocal square root, and many other functions, which exploit the Newton's or other similar methods, can benefit from the proposed DFMA architecture. With few necessary on-chip memory devices (e.g., Look-up tables) or even only software routines, these functions can be implemented on the basis of the hardwired FMA function. Therefore, the proposed DFMA can be implemented on chip solely as a key component to reduce the hardware cost. Additionally, our research on the decimal arithmetic with unconventional number systems expands the way of performing other high-performance decimal arithmetic (e.g., stand-alone division and square root) upon the basic binary devices (i.e., AND gate, OR gate, and binary full adder). The proposed techniques are also expected to be helpful to other non-binary based applications


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    Partial goods are generated in parallel utilizing a signed-digit radix-10 recoding from the BCD multiplier using the digit set [-5, 5], and some positive multiplicand multiples (0X, 1X, 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X) created in XS-3. This encoding has lots of advantages. We present the formula and architecture of the BCD parallel multiplier that exploits some qualities of two different redundant BCD codes to hurry up its computation: the redundant BCD excess-3 code (XS-3), and also the overloaded BCD representation (ODDS). Additionally, new techniques are designed to reduce considerably the latency and section of previous representative high end implementations. First, it's a self-complementing code, to ensure that an adverse multiplicand multiple could be acquired just by inverting the items of the related positive one. Also, the accessible redundancy enables a easy and quick generation of multiplicand multiples inside a carry-free way. Finally, the partial products could be recoded towards the ODDS representation just by adding a continuing factor in to the partial product reduction tree. To exhibit the benefits of our architecture, we've synthesized a RTL model for 16 x 16-digit and 34 x 34-digit multiplications and performed a comparative survey from the previous most representative designs. Because the ODDS utilize a similar 4-bit binary encoding as non-redundant BCD, conventional binary VLSI circuit techniques, for example binary carry-save adders and compressor trees, could be adapted efficiently to do decimal operations

    Algorithms and architectures for decimal transcendental function computation

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    Nowadays, there are many commercial demands for decimal floating-point (DFP) arithmetic operations such as financial analysis, tax calculation, currency conversion, Internet based applications, and e-commerce. This trend gives rise to further development on DFP arithmetic units which can perform accurate computations with exact decimal operands. Due to the significance of DFP arithmetic, the IEEE 754-2008 standard for floating-point arithmetic includes it in its specifications. The basic decimal arithmetic unit, such as decimal adder, subtracter, multiplier, divider or square-root unit, as a main part of a decimal microprocessor, is attracting more and more researchers' attentions. Recently, the decimal-encoded formats and DFP arithmetic units have been implemented in IBM's system z900, POWER6, and z10 microprocessors. Increasing chip densities and transistor count provide more room for designers to add more essential functions on application domains into upcoming microprocessors. Decimal transcendental functions, such as DFP logarithm, antilogarithm, exponential, reciprocal and trigonometric, etc, as useful arithmetic operations in many areas of science and engineering, has been specified as the recommended arithmetic in the IEEE 754-2008 standard. Thus, virtually all the computing systems that are compliant with the IEEE 754-2008 standard could include a DFP mathematical library providing transcendental function computation. Based on the development of basic decimal arithmetic units, more complex DFP transcendental arithmetic will be the next building blocks in microprocessors. In this dissertation, we researched and developed several new decimal algorithms and architectures for the DFP transcendental function computation. These designs are composed of several different methods: 1) the decimal transcendental function computation based on the table-based first-order polynomial approximation method; 2) DFP logarithmic and antilogarithmic converters based on the decimal digit-recurrence algorithm with selection by rounding; 3) a decimal reciprocal unit using the efficient table look-up based on Newton-Raphson iterations; and 4) a first radix-100 division unit based on the non-restoring algorithm with pre-scaling method. Most decimal algorithms and architectures for the DFP transcendental function computation developed in this dissertation have been the first attempt to analyze and implement the DFP transcendental arithmetic in order to achieve faithful results of DFP operands, specified in IEEE 754-2008. To help researchers evaluate the hardware performance of DFP transcendental arithmetic units, the proposed architectures based on the different methods are modeled, verified and synthesized using FPGAs or with CMOS standard cells libraries in ASIC. Some of implementation results are compared with those of the binary radix-16 logarithmic and exponential converters; recent developed high performance decimal CORDIC based architecture; and Intel's DFP transcendental function computation software library. The comparison results show that the proposed architectures have significant speed-up in contrast to the above designs in terms of the latency. The algorithms and architectures developed in this dissertation provide a useful starting point for future hardware-oriented DFP transcendental function computation researches

    The implementation and applications of multiple-valued logic

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    Multiple-Valued Logic (MVL) takes two major forms. Multiple-valued circuits can implement the logic directly by using multiple-valued signals, or the logic can be implemented indirectly with binary circuits, by using more than one binary signal to represent a single multiple-valued signal. Techniques such as carry-save addition can be viewed as indirectly implemented MVL. Both direct and indirect techniques have been shown in the past to provide advantages over conventional arithmetic and logic techniques in algorithms required widely in computing for applications such as image and signal processing. It is possible to implement basic MVL building blocks at the transistor level. However, these circuits are difficult to design due to their non binary nature. In the design stage they are more like analogue circuits than binary circuits. Current integrated circuit technologies are biased towards binary circuitry. However, in spite of this, there is potential for power and area savings from MVL circuits, especially in technologies such as BiCMOS. This thesis shows that the use of voltage mode MVL will, in general not provide bandwidth increases on circuit buses because the buses become slower as the number of signal levels increases. Current mode MVL circuits however do have potential to reduce power and area requirements of arithmetic circuitry. The design of transistor level circuits is investigated in terms of a modern production technology. A novel methodology for the design of current mode MVL circuits is developed. The methodology is based upon the novel concept of the use of non-linear current encoding of signals, providing the opportunity for the efficient design of many previously unimplemented circuits in current mode MVL. This methodology is used to design a useful set of basic MVL building blocks, and fabrication results are reported. The creation of libraries of MVL circuits is also discussed. The CORDIC algorithm for two dimensional vector rotation is examined in detail as an example for indirect MVL implementation. The algorithm is extended to a set of three dimensional vector rotators using conventional arithmetic, redundant radix four arithmetic, and Taylor's series expansions. These algorithms can be used for two dimensional vector rotations in which no scale factor corrections are needed. The new algorithms are compared in terms of basic VLSI criteria against previously reported algorithms. A pipelined version of the redundant arithmetic algorithm is floorplanned and partially laid out to give indications of wiring overheads, and layout densities. An indirectly implemented MVL algorithm such as the CORDIC algorithm described in this thesis would clearly benefit from direct implementation in MVL

    On High-Performance Parallel Fixed-Point Decimal Multiplier Designs

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    High-performance, area-efficient hardware implementation of decimal multiplication is preferred to slow software simulations in a number of key scientific and financial application areas, where errors caused by converting decimal numbers into their approximate binary representations are not acceptable. Multi-digit parallel decimal multipliers involve two major stages: (i) the partial product generation (PPG) stage, where decimal partial products are determined by selecting the right versions of the pre-computed multiples of the multiplicand, followed by (ii) the partial product accumulation (PPA) stage, where all the partial products are shifted and then added together to obtain the final multiplication product. In this thesis, we propose a parallel architecture for fixed-point decimal multiplications based on the 8421-5421 BCD representation. In essence, we apply a hybrid 8421-5421 recoding scheme to help simplify the computation logic of the PPG. In the following PPA stage, these generated partial products are accumulated using 8421 carry-lookahead adders (CLAs) organized as a tree structure; this organization is a significant departure from the traditional carry-save-adder-based (CSA) approach, which suffers from the problems introduced by extra recoding logic and/or addition circuits needed. In addition to the proposed 8421-5421-based decimal multiplier, we also propose a 4221-based decimal multi-plier that is built upon a novel full adder for 4221 BCD codes; in this design, expensive 4221-to-8421 conversions are no longer needed, and as a result, the operands of this 4221 multiplier can be directly represented in 4221 BCD. The proposed 16x16 decimal multipliers are compared against other best known decimal multiplier designs in terms of delays and delay-area products with a TSMC 90nm technology. The evaluation results have confirmed that the proposed 8421-5421 multiplier achieves the lowest delay and is the most time-area efficient design among all the existing hardware-based BCD multipliers

    Design Techniques for Energy-Quality Scalable Digital Systems

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    Energy efficiency is one of the key design goals in modern computing. Increasingly complex tasks are being executed in mobile devices and Internet of Things end-nodes, which are expected to operate for long time intervals, in the orders of months or years, with the limited energy budgets provided by small form-factor batteries. Fortunately, many of such tasks are error resilient, meaning that they can toler- ate some relaxation in the accuracy, precision or reliability of internal operations, without a significant impact on the overall output quality. The error resilience of an application may derive from a number of factors. The processing of analog sensor inputs measuring quantities from the physical world may not always require maximum precision, as the amount of information that can be extracted is limited by the presence of external noise. Outputs destined for human consumption may also contain small or occasional errors, thanks to the limited capabilities of our vision and hearing systems. Finally, some computational patterns commonly found in domains such as statistics, machine learning and operational research, naturally tend to reduce or eliminate errors. Energy-Quality (EQ) scalable digital systems systematically trade off the quality of computations with energy efficiency, by relaxing the precision, the accuracy, or the reliability of internal software and hardware components in exchange for energy reductions. This design paradigm is believed to offer one of the most promising solutions to the impelling need for low-energy computing. Despite these high expectations, the current state-of-the-art in EQ scalable design suffers from important shortcomings. First, the great majority of techniques proposed in literature focus only on processing hardware and software components. Nonetheless, for many real devices, processing contributes only to a small portion of the total energy consumption, which is dominated by other components (e.g. I/O, memory or data transfers). Second, in order to fulfill its promises and become diffused in commercial devices, EQ scalable design needs to achieve industrial level maturity. This involves moving from purely academic research based on high-level models and theoretical assumptions to engineered flows compatible with existing industry standards. Third, the time-varying nature of error tolerance, both among different applications and within a single task, should become more central in the proposed design methods. This involves designing “dynamic” systems in which the precision or reliability of operations (and consequently their energy consumption) can be dynamically tuned at runtime, rather than “static” solutions, in which the output quality is fixed at design-time. This thesis introduces several new EQ scalable design techniques for digital systems that take the previous observations into account. Besides processing, the proposed methods apply the principles of EQ scalable design also to interconnects and peripherals, which are often relevant contributors to the total energy in sensor nodes and mobile systems respectively. Regardless of the target component, the presented techniques pay special attention to the accurate evaluation of benefits and overheads deriving from EQ scalability, using industrial-level models, and on the integration with existing standard tools and protocols. Moreover, all the works presented in this thesis allow the dynamic reconfiguration of output quality and energy consumption. More specifically, the contribution of this thesis is divided in three parts. In a first body of work, the design of EQ scalable modules for processing hardware data paths is considered. Three design flows are presented, targeting different technologies and exploiting different ways to achieve EQ scalability, i.e. timing-induced errors and precision reduction. These works are inspired by previous approaches from the literature, namely Reduced-Precision Redundancy and Dynamic Accuracy Scaling, which are re-thought to make them compatible with standard Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools and flows, providing solutions to overcome their main limitations. The second part of the thesis investigates the application of EQ scalable design to serial interconnects, which are the de facto standard for data exchanges between processing hardware and sensors. In this context, two novel bus encodings are proposed, called Approximate Differential Encoding and Serial-T0, that exploit the statistical characteristics of data produced by sensors to reduce the energy consumption on the bus at the cost of controlled data approximations. The two techniques achieve different results for data of different origins, but share the common features of allowing runtime reconfiguration of the allowed error and being compatible with standard serial bus protocols. Finally, the last part of the manuscript is devoted to the application of EQ scalable design principles to displays, which are often among the most energy- hungry components in mobile systems. The two proposals in this context leverage the emissive nature of Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) displays to save energy by altering the displayed image, thus inducing an output quality reduction that depends on the amount of such alteration. The first technique implements an image-adaptive form of brightness scaling, whose outputs are optimized in terms of balance between power consumption and similarity with the input. The second approach achieves concurrent power reduction and image enhancement, by means of an adaptive polynomial transformation. Both solutions focus on minimizing the overheads associated with a real-time implementation of the transformations in software or hardware, so that these do not offset the savings in the display. For each of these three topics, results show that the aforementioned goal of building EQ scalable systems compatible with existing best practices and mature for being integrated in commercial devices can be effectively achieved. Moreover, they also show that very simple and similar principles can be applied to design EQ scalable versions of different system components (processing, peripherals and I/O), and to equip these components with knobs for the runtime reconfiguration of the energy versus quality tradeoff

    Resiliency Mechanisms for In-Memory Column Stores

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    The key objective of database systems is to reliably manage data, while high query throughput and low query latency are core requirements. To date, database research activities mostly concentrated on the second part. However, due to the constant shrinking of transistor feature sizes, integrated circuits become more and more unreliable and transient hardware errors in the form of multi-bit flips become more and more prominent. In a more recent study (2013), in a large high-performance cluster with around 8500 nodes, a failure rate of 40 FIT per DRAM device was measured. For their system, this means that every 10 hours there occurs a single- or multi-bit flip, which is unacceptably high for enterprise and HPC scenarios. Causes can be cosmic rays, heat, or electrical crosstalk, with the latter being exploited actively through the RowHammer attack. It was shown that memory cells are more prone to bit flips than logic gates and several surveys found multi-bit flip events in main memory modules of today's data centers. Due to the shift towards in-memory data management systems, where all business related data and query intermediate results are kept solely in fast main memory, such systems are in great danger to deliver corrupt results to their users. Hardware techniques can not be scaled to compensate the exponentially increasing error rates. In other domains, there is an increasing interest in software-based solutions to this problem, but these proposed methods come along with huge runtime and/or storage overheads. These are unacceptable for in-memory data management systems. In this thesis, we investigate how to integrate bit flip detection mechanisms into in-memory data management systems. To achieve this goal, we first build an understanding of bit flip detection techniques and select two error codes, AN codes and XOR checksums, suitable to the requirements of in-memory data management systems. The most important requirement is effectiveness of the codes to detect bit flips. We meet this goal through AN codes, which exhibit better and adaptable error detection capabilities than those found in today's hardware. The second most important goal is efficiency in terms of coding latency. We meet this by introducing a fundamental performance improvements to AN codes, and by vectorizing both chosen codes' operations. We integrate bit flip detection mechanisms into the lowest storage layer and the query processing layer in such a way that the remaining data management system and the user can stay oblivious of any error detection. This includes both base columns and pointer-heavy index structures such as the ubiquitous B-Tree. Additionally, our approach allows adaptable, on-the-fly bit flip detection during query processing, with only very little impact on query latency. AN coding allows to recode intermediate results with virtually no performance penalty. We support our claims by providing exhaustive runtime and throughput measurements throughout the whole thesis and with an end-to-end evaluation using the Star Schema Benchmark. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present such holistic and fast bit flip detection in a large software infrastructure such as in-memory data management systems. Finally, most of the source code fragments used to obtain the results in this thesis are open source and freely available.:1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Contributions of this Thesis 1.2 Outline 2 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION AND RELATED WORK 2.1 Reliable Data Management on Reliable Hardware 2.2 The Shift Towards Unreliable Hardware 2.3 Hardware-Based Mitigation of Bit Flips 2.4 Data Management System Requirements 2.5 Software-Based Techniques For Handling Bit Flips 2.5.1 Operating System-Level Techniques 2.5.2 Compiler-Level Techniques 2.5.3 Application-Level Techniques 2.6 Summary and Conclusions 3 ANALYSIS OF CODING TECHNIQUES 3.1 Selection of Error Codes 3.1.1 Hamming Coding 3.1.2 XOR Checksums 3.1.3 AN Coding 3.1.4 Summary and Conclusions 3.2 Probabilities of Silent Data Corruption 3.2.1 Probabilities of Hamming Codes 3.2.2 Probabilities of XOR Checksums 3.2.3 Probabilities of AN Codes 3.2.4 Concrete Error Models 3.2.5 Summary and Conclusions 3.3 Throughput Considerations 3.3.1 Test Systems Descriptions 3.3.2 Vectorizing Hamming Coding 3.3.3 Vectorizing XOR Checksums 3.3.4 Vectorizing AN Coding 3.3.5 Summary and Conclusions 3.4 Comparison of Error Codes 3.4.1 Effectiveness 3.4.2 Efficiency 3.4.3 Runtime Adaptability 3.5 Performance Optimizations for AN Coding 3.5.1 The Modular Multiplicative Inverse 3.5.2 Faster Softening 3.5.3 Faster Error Detection 3.5.4 Comparison to Original AN Coding 3.5.5 The Multiplicative Inverse Anomaly 3.6 Summary 4 BIT FLIP DETECTING STORAGE 4.1 Column Store Architecture 4.1.1 Logical Data Types 4.1.2 Storage Model 4.1.3 Data Representation 4.1.4 Data Layout 4.1.5 Tree Index Structures 4.1.6 Summary 4.2 Hardened Data Storage 4.2.1 Hardened Physical Data Types 4.2.2 Hardened Lightweight Compression 4.2.3 Hardened Data Layout 4.2.4 UDI Operations 4.2.5 Summary and Conclusions 4.3 Hardened Tree Index Structures 4.3.1 B-Tree Verification Techniques 4.3.2 Justification For Further Techniques 4.3.3 The Error Detecting B-Tree 4.4 Summary 5 BIT FLIP DETECTING QUERY PROCESSING 5.1 Column Store Query Processing 5.2 Bit Flip Detection Opportunities 5.2.1 Early Onetime Detection 5.2.2 Late Onetime Detection 5.2.3 Continuous Detection 5.2.4 Miscellaneous Processing Aspects 5.2.5 Summary and Conclusions 5.3 Hardened Intermediate Results 5.3.1 Materialization of Hardened Intermediates 5.3.2 Hardened Bitmaps 5.4 Summary 6 END-TO-END EVALUATION 6.1 Prototype Implementation 6.1.1 AHEAD Architecture 6.1.2 Diversity of Physical Operators 6.1.3 One Concrete Operator Realization 6.1.4 Summary and Conclusions 6.2 Performance of Individual Operators 6.2.1 Selection on One Predicate 6.2.2 Selection on Two Predicates 6.2.3 Join Operators 6.2.4 Grouping and Aggregation 6.2.5 Delta Operator 6.2.6 Summary and Conclusions 6.3 Star Schema Benchmark Queries 6.3.1 Query Runtimes 6.3.2 Improvements Through Vectorization 6.3.3 Storage Overhead 6.3.4 Summary and Conclusions 6.4 Error Detecting B-Tree 6.4.1 Single Key Lookup 6.4.2 Key Value-Pair Insertion 6.5 Summary 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 7.1 Future Work A APPENDIX A.1 List of Golden As A.2 More on Hamming Coding A.2.1 Code examples A.2.2 Vectorization BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF LISTINGS LIST OF ACRONYMS LIST OF SYMBOLS LIST OF DEFINITION