103 research outputs found

    Efficient long division via Montgomery multiply

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    We present a novel right-to-left long division algorithm based on the Montgomery modular multiply, consisting of separate highly efficient loops with simply carry structure for computing first the remainder (x mod q) and then the quotient floor(x/q). These loops are ideally suited for the case where x occupies many more machine words than the divide modulus q, and are strictly linear time in the "bitsize ratio" lg(x)/lg(q). For the paradigmatic performance test of multiword dividend and single 64-bit-word divisor, exploitation of the inherent data-parallelism of the algorithm effectively mitigates the long latency of hardware integer MUL operations, as a result of which we are able to achieve respective costs for remainder-only and full-DIV (remainder and quotient) of 6 and 12.5 cycles per dividend word on the Intel Core 2 implementation of the x86_64 architecture, in single-threaded execution mode. We further describe a simple "bit-doubling modular inversion" scheme, which allows the entire iterative computation of the mod-inverse required by the Montgomery multiply at arbitrarily large precision to be performed with cost less than that of a single Newtonian iteration performed at the full precision of the final result. We also show how the Montgomery-multiply-based powering can be efficiently used in Mersenne and Fermat-number trial factorization via direct computation of a modular inverse power of 2, without any need for explicit radix-mod scalings.Comment: 23 pages; 8 tables v2: Tweak formatting, pagecount -= 2. v3: Fix incorrect powers of R in formulae [7] and [11] v4: Add Eldridge & Walter ref. v5: Clarify relation between Algos A/A',D and Hensel-div; clarify true-quotient mechanics; Add Haswell timings, refs to Agner Fog timings pdf and GMP asm-timings ref-page. v6: Remove stray +bw in MULL line of Algo D listing; add note re byte-LUT for qinv_

    Composite Iterative Algorithm and Architecture for q-th Root Calculation

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    An algorithm for the q-th root extraction, being q any integer, is presented in this paper. The algorithm is based on an optimized implementation of X^{1/q} by a sequence of parallel and/or overlapped operations: (1) reciprocal, (2) digit-recurrence logarithm, (3) left-to-right carry-free multiplication and (4) on-line exponential. A detailed error analysis and two architectures are proposed, for low precision q and for higher precision q. The execution time and hardware requirements are estimated for single and double precision floating-point computations for several radices; this helps to determine which radices result in the most efficient implementations. The architectures proposed improve the features of other architectures for q-th root extraction.Dans cet article, nous présentons un algorithme matériel pour l'extraction de la racine q-ième d'un nombre X, où q est un entier naturel non nul. Cet algorithme est basé sur une implantation optimisée de la fonction X^{1/q} par une séquence d'opérations parallèles et/ou superposées: (1) réciproque, (2) logarithme chiffre par chiffre, (3) multiplication de gauche-à-droite sans propagation de retenue et (4) exponentielle en ligne. Une analyse détaillée des erreurs et deux architectures sont proposées, pour q de basse précision et pour q de précision plus haute. Le temps d'exécution et les composants matériels à utiliser sont estimés pour des calculs en virgule flottante simple et double précision et pour plusieurs bases. Cette étude aide à déterminer quelles bases mènent aux implantations les plus efficaces. Les architectures proposées améliorent les caractéristiques d'architectures précédentes destinées à l'extraction des racines

    Pipelining Of Double Precision Floating Point Division And Square Root Operations On Field-programmable Gate Arrays

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    Many space applications, such as vision-based systems, synthetic aperture radar, and radar altimetry rely increasingly on high data rate DSP algorithms. These algorithms use double precision floating point arithmetic operations. While most DSP applications can be executed on DSP processors, the DSP numerical requirements of these new space applications surpass by far the numerical capabilities of many current DSP processors. Since the tradition in DSP processing has been to use fixed point number representation, only recently have DSP processors begun to incorporate floating point arithmetic units, even though most of these units handle only single precision floating point addition/subtraction, multiplication, and occasionally division. While DSP processors are slowly evolving to meet the numerical requirements of newer space applications, FPGA densities have rapidly increased to parallel and surpass even the gate densities of many DSP processors and commodity CPUs. This makes them attractive platforms to implement compute-intensive DSP computations. Even in the presence of this clear advantage on the side of FPGAs, few attempts have been made to examine how wide precision floating point arithmetic, particularly division and square root operations, can perform on FPGAs to support these compute-intensive DSP applications. In this context, this thesis presents the sequential and pipelined designs of IEEE-754 compliant double floating point division and square root operations based on low radix digit recurrence algorithms. FPGA implementations of these algorithms have the advantage of being easily testable. In particular, the pipelined designs are synthesized based on careful partial and full unrolling of the iterations in the digit recurrence algorithms. In the overall, the implementations of the sequential and pipelined designs are common-denominator implementations which do not use any performance-enhancing embedded components such as multipliers and block memory. As these implementations exploit exclusively the fine-grain reconfigurable resources of Virtex FPGAs, they are easily portable to other FPGAs with similar reconfigurable fabrics without any major modifications. The pipelined designs of these two operations are evaluated in terms of area, throughput, and dynamic power consumption as a function of pipeline depth. Pipelining experiments reveal that the area overhead tends to remain constant regardless of the degree of pipelining to which the design is submitted, while the throughput increases with pipeline depth. In addition, these experiments reveal that pipelining reduces power considerably in shallow pipelines. Pipelining further these designs does not necessarily lead to significant power reduction. By partitioning these designs into deeper pipelines, these designs can reach throughputs close to the 100 MFLOPS mark by consuming a modest 1% to 8% of the reconfigurable fabric within a Virtex-II XC2VX000 (e.g., XC2V1000 or XC2V6000) FPGA

    High-Speed Function Approximation using a Minimax Quadratic Interpolator

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    A table-based method for high-speed function approximation in single-precision floating-point format is presented in this paper. Our focus is the approximation of reciprocal, square root, square root reciprocal, exponentials, logarithms, trigonometric functions, powering (with a fixed exponent p), or special functions. The algorithm presented here combines table look-up, an enhanced minimax quadratic approximation, and an efficient evaluation of the second-degree polynomial (using a specialized squaring unit, redundant arithmetic, and multioperand addition). The execution times and area costs of an architecture implementing our method are estimated, showing the achievement of the fast execution times of linear approximation methods and the reduced area requirements of other second-degree interpolation algorithms. Moreover, the use of an enhanced minimax approximation which, through an iterative process, takes into account the effect of rounding the polynomial coefficients to a finite size allows for a further reduction in the size of the look-up tables to be used, making our method very suitable for the implementation of an elementary function generator in state-of-the-art DSPs or graphics processing units (GPUs)

    Speed and Area Optimized Parallel Higher-Radix Modular Multipliers

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    Modular multiplication is the fundamental and compute-intense operation in many Public-Key crypto-systems. This paper presents two modular multipliers with their efficient architectures based on Booth encoding, higher-radix, and Montgomery powering ladder approaches. Montgomery powering ladder technique enables concurrent execution of main operations in the proposed designs, while higher-radix techniques have been adopted to reduce an iteration count which formally dictates a cycle count. It is also shown that by an adopting Booth encoding logic in the designs helps to reduce their area cost with a slight degradation in the maximum achievable frequencies. The proposed designs are implemented in Verilog HDL and synthesized targeting virtex-6 FPGA platform using Xilinx ISE 14.2 Design suite. The radix-4 multiplier computes a 256-bit modular multiplication in 0.93 ms, occupies 1.6K slices, at 137.87 MHz in a cycle count of n/2+2, whereas the radix-8 multiplier completes the operation in 0.69ms, occupies 3.6K slices, achieves 123.43 MHz frequency in a cycle count of n/3+4. The implementation results reveals that the proposed designs consumes 18% lower FPGA slices without any significant performance degradation as compared to their best contemporary designs

    Algorithms and architectures for decimal transcendental function computation

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    Nowadays, there are many commercial demands for decimal floating-point (DFP) arithmetic operations such as financial analysis, tax calculation, currency conversion, Internet based applications, and e-commerce. This trend gives rise to further development on DFP arithmetic units which can perform accurate computations with exact decimal operands. Due to the significance of DFP arithmetic, the IEEE 754-2008 standard for floating-point arithmetic includes it in its specifications. The basic decimal arithmetic unit, such as decimal adder, subtracter, multiplier, divider or square-root unit, as a main part of a decimal microprocessor, is attracting more and more researchers' attentions. Recently, the decimal-encoded formats and DFP arithmetic units have been implemented in IBM's system z900, POWER6, and z10 microprocessors. Increasing chip densities and transistor count provide more room for designers to add more essential functions on application domains into upcoming microprocessors. Decimal transcendental functions, such as DFP logarithm, antilogarithm, exponential, reciprocal and trigonometric, etc, as useful arithmetic operations in many areas of science and engineering, has been specified as the recommended arithmetic in the IEEE 754-2008 standard. Thus, virtually all the computing systems that are compliant with the IEEE 754-2008 standard could include a DFP mathematical library providing transcendental function computation. Based on the development of basic decimal arithmetic units, more complex DFP transcendental arithmetic will be the next building blocks in microprocessors. In this dissertation, we researched and developed several new decimal algorithms and architectures for the DFP transcendental function computation. These designs are composed of several different methods: 1) the decimal transcendental function computation based on the table-based first-order polynomial approximation method; 2) DFP logarithmic and antilogarithmic converters based on the decimal digit-recurrence algorithm with selection by rounding; 3) a decimal reciprocal unit using the efficient table look-up based on Newton-Raphson iterations; and 4) a first radix-100 division unit based on the non-restoring algorithm with pre-scaling method. Most decimal algorithms and architectures for the DFP transcendental function computation developed in this dissertation have been the first attempt to analyze and implement the DFP transcendental arithmetic in order to achieve faithful results of DFP operands, specified in IEEE 754-2008. To help researchers evaluate the hardware performance of DFP transcendental arithmetic units, the proposed architectures based on the different methods are modeled, verified and synthesized using FPGAs or with CMOS standard cells libraries in ASIC. Some of implementation results are compared with those of the binary radix-16 logarithmic and exponential converters; recent developed high performance decimal CORDIC based architecture; and Intel's DFP transcendental function computation software library. The comparison results show that the proposed architectures have significant speed-up in contrast to the above designs in terms of the latency. The algorithms and architectures developed in this dissertation provide a useful starting point for future hardware-oriented DFP transcendental function computation researches

    Datacenter Design for Future Cloud Radio Access Network.

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    Cloud radio access network (C-RAN), an emerging cloud service that combines the traditional radio access network (RAN) with cloud computing technology, has been proposed as a solution to handle the growing energy consumption and cost of the traditional RAN. Through aggregating baseband units (BBUs) in a centralized cloud datacenter, C-RAN reduces energy and cost, and improves wireless throughput and quality of service. However, designing a datacenter for C-RAN has not yet been studied. In this dissertation, I investigate how a datacenter for C-RAN BBUs should be built on commodity servers. I first design WiBench, an open-source benchmark suite containing the key signal processing kernels of many mainstream wireless protocols, and study its characteristics. The characterization study shows that there is abundant data level parallelism (DLP) and thread level parallelism (TLP). Based on this result, I then develop high performance software implementations of C-RAN BBU kernels in C++ and CUDA for both CPUs and GPUs. In addition, I generalize the GPU parallelization techniques of the Turbo decoder to the trellis algorithms, an important family of algorithms that are widely used in data compression and channel coding. Then I evaluate the performance of commodity CPU servers and GPU servers. The study shows that the datacenter with GPU servers can meet the LTE standard throughput with 4× to 16× fewer machines than with CPU servers. A further energy and cost analysis show that GPU servers can save on average 13× more energy and 6× more cost. Thus, I propose the C-RAN datacenter be built using GPUs as a server platform. Next I study resource management techniques to handle the temporal and spatial traffic imbalance in a C-RAN datacenter. I propose a “hill-climbing” power management that combines powering-off GPUs and DVFS to match the temporal C-RAN traffic pattern. Under a practical traffic model, this technique saves 40% of the BBU energy in a GPU-based C-RAN datacenter. For spatial traffic imbalance, I propose three workload distribution techniques to improve load balance and throughput. Among all three techniques, pipelining packets has the most throughput improvement at 10% and 16% for balanced and unbalanced loads, respectively.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120825/1/qizheng_1.pd

    Floating-point exponential functions for DSP-enabled FPGAs

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    International audienceThis article presents a floating-point exponential operator generator targeting recent FPGAs with embedded memories and DSP blocks. A single-precision operator consumes just one DSP block, 18Kbits of dual-port memory, and 392 slices on Virtex-4. For larger precisions, a generic approach based on polynomial approximation is used and proves more resource-efficient than the literature. For instance a double-precision operator consumes 5 BlockRAM and 12 DSP48 blocks on Virtex-5, or 10 M9k and 22 18x18 multipliers on Stratix III. This approach is flexible, scales well beyond double-precision, and enables frequencies close to the FPGA's nominal frequency. All the proposed architectures are last-bit accurate for all the floating-point range.They are available in the open-source FloPoCo framework
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