7 research outputs found

    Wide stopband bandpass filter implemented by stepped impedance resonator and multiple in-resonator open stubs

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    Stepped impedance resonator (SIR) has been widely used for applications in wide stopband bandpass filters. However, the reported SIR wide stopband bandpass filters are limited in either stopband performance or design complexity. Here we propose an approach to improve the stopband performance and reduce the design complexity simultaneously. Two in-resonator open stubs are adopted in a SIR (with tap-feeding) to stagger the frequencies of higher-order modes (compared with other SIR) and produce two adjustable transmission zeros without affecting the fundamental properties. For a SIR filter employing such a structure, the spurious passbands are doubly deteriorated by the staggering and up to four transmission zeros. At the same time, the fundamental passband is not affected, which significantly reduces the design complexity. As a result, not only wide stopband but also high-suppression stopband can be obtained in a simple design. A prototype based on the substrate integrated coaxial line (SICL) is experimented showing an impressive stopband performance. Agreeing with the simulation well, the measured stopband is extended up to about 12 f0 with the suppression of 40 – 50 dB (f0 is the center frequency). The proposed technique could be very useful to design a bandpass filter with a wide and high-suppression stopband efficiently

    Design of a Branch-line Microstrip Coupler Using Spirals and Step Impedance Cells for WiMAX Applications

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    branch-line microstrip coupler is designed and fabricated in this paper. The proposed coupler operates at 3 GHz, which is suitable for WiMAX applications. The designed coupler has a high performance, that is, a low phase difference of 0.49°, low insertion loss, good coupling factor, and good isolation better than −30 dB. Another advantage of the designed coupler is its novel geometrical structure based on integrating the semi-circular and step impedance cells. The design process is based on introducing and analyzing an equivalent LC model to improve impedance matching and reduce losses. To verify the design process, the designed coupler is fabricated, where a good agreement between the simulation result and measurement is achieved

    Miniaturization of three-section branch-line coupler using diamond-series stubs microstrip line

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    A three-section branch-line coupler is miniaturized using diamond-series stubs microstrip lines. The modified coupler is capable of operating from 1.6GHz to 3GHz with a return loss of less than −20 dB, phase imbalance of less than 2.5°, insertion loss and coupling of −4.5±1.5 dB and −2.5±0.5 dB, respectively over the operating range. The bandwidth of the coupler has been extended up to 1.4GHz. In addition, it achieves up to 83.3% size reduction as compared to the conventional three-section coupler. Furthermore, its performance and circuit size are compared with another modified coupler with normal open-stubs microstrip lines. Significantly, this study focuses on analyzing and discussing the effects of diamond structure and number of stubs. Furthermore, the achieved results are superior to the previous studies

    A compact size microstrip five poles hairpin band-pass filter using three-layers structure for Ku-band satellites application

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    This paper presents a reduced size microstrip five poles hairpin band-pass filter using three-layers structure for Ku-band satellites application. The three-layers structure shows a substantially reduced filter size and enlarged bandwidth. The filter has been designed based on five-pole resonators at 12.475 GHz and bandwidth of 550 MHz. This filter is designed on Rogers RO3003 substrate having relative permittivity (εr) of 3. The proposed band-pass filter has been designed with the help of Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software. Comparison analyses between the simulated insertion loss and reflection coefficient of RO3003 and FR4 substrates have been carried out in order to show the efficiency of the proposed filter design. Based on the obtained results, the proposed filter design achieves significant filter size reduction compared to other band-pass filters

    A compact size microstrip five poles hairpin band-pass filter using three-layers structure for Ku-band satellites application

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    This paper presents a reduced size microstrip five poles hairpin band-pass filter using three-layers structure for Ku-band satellites application. The three-layers structure shows a substantially reduced filter size and enlarged bandwidth. The filter has been designed based on five-pole resonators at 12.475 GHz and bandwidth of 550 MHz. This filter is designed on Rogers RO3003 substrate having relative permittivity (εr) of 3. The proposed band-pass filter has been designed with the help of Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software. Comparison analyses between the simulated insertion loss and reflection coefficient of RO3003 and FR4 substrates have been carried out in order to show the efficiency of the proposed filter design. Based on the obtained results, the proposed filter design achieves significant filter size reduction compared to other band-pass filters

    Design of a selective filter - antenna with low insertion loss and high suppression stopband for WiMAX applications

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    This paper presents a selective quasi–elliptic bandpass filter-antenna. The presented filter-antenna has a low insertion loss in the passband and relatively high stopband rejection. This structure consists of a quasi–elliptic bandpass filter direct coupled with patch antenna. The bandpass filter consists of four (λ/4) spiral square resonators. It has operates between (3.25–3.6) GHz so it is suitable for WiMAX applications. A CST Microwave Studio Suite software has used to simulate the filter-antenna circuit. The simulated results of the patch antenna and the results of the filter-antenna appears a good matching between the two circuits

    Microwave Filters in Planar and Hybrid Technologies with Advanced Responses

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    [ES] La presente tesis doctoral tiene como principal objetivo el estudio, diseño, desarrollo y fabricación de nuevos dispositivos pasivos de microondas, tales como filtros y multiplexores con respuestas avanzadas para aplicaciones de alto valor añadido (i.e. comerciales, militares, espacio); orientados a distintos servicios, actuales y futuros, en sistemas inalámbricos de comunicación. Además, esta investigación se centrará en el desarrollo de filtros encapsulados de montaje superficial y con un elevado grado de miniaturización. Para ello, se propone investigar distintas técnicas que consigan respuestas muy selectivas o con unas características exigentes en rechazo (mediante la flexible introducción de ceros de transmisión), así como una excelente planaridad en banda (aplicando técnicas tales como la mejora del Q o el diseño de filtros con pérdidas, lossy filters), obteniendo de este modo respuestas mejoradas, con respecto a soluciones conocidas, en los componentes de microondas desarrollados. De forma general, la metodología seguida se iniciará con una búsqueda y conocimiento del estado del arte sobre cada uno de los temas que se acometerán en esta tesis. Tras ello, se establecerá un procedimiento de síntesis que permitirá acometer de forma teórica los objetivos y especificaciones a conseguir en cada caso. Con ello, se establecerán las bases para iniciar el proceso de diseño, incluyendo co-simulación circuital/electromagnética y optimización que permitirán, en última instancia, implementar la solución planteada en cada caso de aplicación concreto. Finalmente, la demostración y validez de todas las investigaciones realizadas se llevará a cabo mediante la fabricación y caracterización experimental de distintos prototipos.[CA] La present tesi doctoral té com a principal objectiu l'estudi, disseny, desenvolupament I fabricació de nous dispositius passius de microones, com ara filtres i multiplexors amb respostes avançades per a aplicacions d'alt valor afegit, (comercials, militars, espai); orientats a oferir diferents serveis, actuals i futurs, en els diferents sistemes sense fils de comunicació. A més, aquesta investigació es centrarà en el desenvolupament de filtres encapsulats de muntatge superficial i amb un elevat grau de miniaturització. Per a això, es proposa investigar diferents tècniques que aconsegueixin respostes molt selectives o amb unes característiques exigents en rebuig (mitjançant la flexible introducció de zeros de transmissió), així com una excel·lent planaritat en banda (aplicant tècniques com ara la millora de l'Q o el disseny de filtres amb perdues, lossy filters), obtenint d'aquesta manera respostes millorades, respecte solucions conegudes, en els components de micrones desenvolupats. De forma general, la metodologia seguida s'iniciarà amb una recerca i coneixement de l'estat de l'art sobre cadascun dels temes que s'escometran en aquesta tesi. Després d'això, s'establirà un procediment de síntesi que permetrà escometre de forma teòrica els objectiusi especificacions a aconseguir en cada cas. Amb això, s'establiran les bases per iniciar el procés de disseny, amb co-simulació circuital / electromagnètica i optimització que permetran, en última instància, implementar la solució plantejada en cada cas d'aplicació concret. Finalment, la demostració i validesa de totes les investigacions realitzades es durà a terme mitjançant la fabricació i caracterització experimental de diferents prototips.[EN] The main objective of this doctoral thesis is the study, design, development and manufacture of new passive microwave components, such as filters and multiplexers with advanced responses for commercials, military and space applications; oriented to other different services, in current and future wireless communication systems. In addition, this research will focus on the development of surface-mounted encapsulated filters with a high degree of miniaturization. With this purpose, it is proposed to investigate different techniques that achieve highly selective responses or with demanding characteristics in rejection (through the flexible introduction of transmission zeros), as well as an excellent in-band planarity (applying techniques such as the Q enhancement or lossy filters), thus obtaining improved responses, with respect to known solutions, in the developed microwave components. In general, the followed methodology will begin with a search and knowledge of the state of the art on each of the topics addressed in this thesis. After that, a synthesis procedure will be established, which will allow the achievement of the objectives and specifications in a theoretical way, for each case. With this, the bases will be established to start the design process, with circuital and electromagnetic co-simulations and optimizations that will allow, ultimately, to implement the proposed solution, in every application case, specifically. Finally, the demonstration and validity of all the investigations will be carried out through the manufacture and experimental characterization of different prototypes.Marín Martínez, S. (2022). Microwave Filters in Planar and Hybrid Technologies with Advanced Responses [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18894