23,471 research outputs found

    A high-precision current-mode WTA-MAX circuit with multichip capability

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    This paper presents a circuit design technique suitable for the realization of winner-take-all (WTA), maximum (MAX), looser-take-all (LTA), and minimum (MIN) circuits. The technique presented is based on current replication and comparison. Traditional techniques rely on the matching of an N transistors array, where N is the number of system inputs. This implies that when N increases, as the size of the circuit and the distance between transistors will also increase, transistor matching degradation and loss of precision in the overall system performance will result. Furthermore, when multichip systems are required, the transistor matching is even worse and performance is drastically degraded. The technique presented in this paper does not rely on the proper matching of N transistors, but on the precise replication and comparison of currents. This can be performed by current mirrors with a limited number of outputs. Thus, N can increase without degrading the precision, even if the system is distributed among several chips. Also, the different chips constituting the system can be of different foundries without degrading the overall system precision. Experimental results that attest these facts are presented

    A Modular Programmable CMOS Analog Fuzzy Controller Chip

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    We present a highly modular fuzzy inference analog CMOS chip architecture with on-chip digital programmability. This chip consists of the interconnection of parameterized instances of two different kind of blocks, namely label blocks and rule blocks. The architecture realizes a lattice partition of the universe of discourse, which at the hardware level means that the fuzzy labels associated to every input (realized by the label blocks) are shared among the rule blocks. This reduces the area and power consumption and is the key point for chip modularity. The proposed architecture is demonstrated through a 16-rule two input CMOS 1-μm prototype which features an operation speed of 2.5 Mflips (2.5×10^6 fuzzy inferences per second) with 8.6 mW power consumption. Core area occupation of this prototype is of only 1.6 mm 2 including the digital control and memory circuitry used for programmability. Because of the architecture modularity the number of inputs and rules can be increased with any hardly design effort.This work was supported in part by the Spanish C.I.C.Y.T under Contract TIC96-1392-C02- 02 (SIVA)

    Twin CWG systems Final report

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    Construction, operation, and maintenance of twin control moment gyroscope system for space vehicle motion simulato

    A rocket-borne pulse-height analyzer for energetic particle measurements

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    The pulse-height analyzer basically resembles a time-sharing multiplexing data-acquisition system which acquires analog data (from energetic particle spectrometers) and converts them into digital code. The PHA simultaneously acquires pulse-height information from the analog signals of the four input channels and sequentially multiplexes the digitized data to a microprocessor. The PHA together with the microprocessor form an on-board real-time data-manipulation system. The system processes data obtained during the rocket flight and reduces the amount of data to be sent back to the ground station. Consequently the data-reduction process for the rocket experiments is speeded up. By using a time-sharing technique, the throughput rate of the microprocessor is increased. Moreover, data from several particle spectrometers are manipulated to share one information channel; consequently, the TM capacity is increased

    Integrated circuit implementation of fuzzy controllers

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    This paper presents mixed-signal current-mode CMOS circuits to implement programmable fuzzy controllers that perform the singleton or zero-order Sugeno’s method. Design equations to characterize these circuits are provided to explain the precision and speed that they offer. This analysis is illustrated with the experimental results of prototypes integrated in standard CMOS technologies. These tests show that an equivalent precision of 6 bits is achieved. The connection of these blocks according to a proposed architecture allows fuzzy chips with low silicon area whose inference speed is in the range of 2 Mega FLIPS (fuzzy logic inferences per second

    A solid-state digital temperature recorder for space use

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    A solid-state, digital, temperature recorder has been developed for use in space experiments. The recorder is completely self-contained and includes a temperature sensor; all necessary electronics for signal conditioning, processing, storing, control and timing; and a battery power supply. No electrical interfacing with the particular spacecraft on which the unit is used is required. The recorder is small, light, and sturdy, and has no moving parts. It uses only biocompatible materials and has passed vibration and shock spaceflight qualification tests. The unit is capable of storing 2048, -10 to +45 C, 8-bit temperature measurements taken at intervals selectable by factors of 2 from 1.875 to 240 min; data can be retained for at least 6 months. The basic recorder can be simplified to accommodate a variety of applications by adding memory to allow more data to be recorded, by changing the front end to permit measurements other than temperature to be made, and by using different batteries to realize various operating periods. Stored flight data are read out from the recorder by means of a ground read-out unit

    Development of a space qualified high reliability rotary actuator. Volume 1: Technical report

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    A space-qualified, high reliability, 150 ft-lb rated torque rotary acutator based on the Bendix Dynavector drive concept was developed. This drive is an integrated variable reluctance orbit motor-epicyclic transmission actuator. The performance goals were based on future control moment gyro torquer applications and represent a significant advancement in the torque-to-weight ratio, backlash, inertia and response characteristics of electric rotary drives. The program accomplishments have been in two areas: (1) the development of two high ratio (818:1) actuator configurations (breadboard and flightweight), and (2) the invention of a reliable proximity switch sensor system for self-commutation without use of optical or electrical brush techniques

    CMOS Nonlinear Signal Processing Circuits

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