34,590 research outputs found

    Efficient Cloud Gaming Resource Provision Via Multi-dimensional Bin-Packing

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    In order to enable the acceptable level of service quality for cloud gaming services, sufficient resources should be always maintained and optimal resource management is then necessary. However, taking only a limited set of server-related parameters, but ignoring the client-related parameters, in the typical formulation of optimization problem cannot yield for optimal resource allocation in the cloud gaming environment nowadays, where the game server’s computing processors can be driven by both the CPU and GPU, and the client devices’ display resolutions are largely heterogeneous. In this paper, we describe how better cloud gaming resource utilization can be achieved through a formulation of Multi-dimensional bin-packing optimization problem. Based on the experiment results, our proposed mechanism looks promising for realistic cloud gaming services, where the adaptive feature must be taken as a prime consideration for efficient cloud gaming resource management

    Resource allocation in cloud computing using advanced imperialist competitive algorithm

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    Cloud computing makes possible free access to computing resources and high-level services for performing complex calculations and mass storage of information on the Internet. Resource management is one of the most important tasks of cloud providers, which is known as resource allocation. Heterogeneous resources and diverse requests at different time intervals makes it difficult to solve resources allocation problems and is considered as a NP-hard problem. Providing an efficient algorithm for resources allocation to satisfy the cloud providers and customers has always attracted much attention of researchers. Heuristic methods have always introduced as a good model for problem solving. However, most algorithms suffer from early convergence. This paper proposes a new approach based on imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) which emphasizes the optimization of resource allocation in reducing time, cost and energy consumption. The proposed approach has been able to improve the early convergence of colonial competition algorithm by combining with the Tabu Search Algorithm to achieve an optimal solution at an acceptable time. The evaluated results show more efficiency performance than several relevant effective algorithms

    Fault aware task scheduling in cloud using min-min and DBSCAN

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    Cloud computing leverages computing resources by managing these resources globally in a more efficient manner as compared to individual resource services. It requires us to deliver the resources in a heterogeneous environment and also in a highly dynamic nature. Hence, there is always a risk of resource allocation failure that can maximize the delay in task execution. Such adverse impact in the cloud environment also raises questions on quality of service (QoS). Resource management for cloud application and service have bigger challenges and many researchers have proposed several solutions but there is room for improvement. Clustering the resources clustering and mapping them according to task can also be an option to deal with such task failure or mismanaged resource allocation. Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is a stochastic approach-based algorithm which has the capability to cluster the resources in a cloud environment. The proposed algorithm considers high execution enabled powerful data centers with least fault probability during resource allocation which reduces the probability of fault and increases the tolerance. The simulation is cone using CloudsSim 5.0 tool kit. The results show 25% average improve in execution time, 6.5% improvement in number of task completed and 3.48% improvement in count of task failed as compared to ACO, PSO, BB-BC (Bib = g bang Big Crunch) and WHO(Whale optimization algorithm)

    PIASA: A power and interference aware resource management strategy for heterogeneous workloads in cloud data centers

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    Cloud data centers have been progressively adopted in different scenarios, as reflected in the execution of heterogeneous applications with diverse workloads and diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements. Virtual machine (VM) technology eases resource management in physical servers and helps cloud providers achieve goals such as optimization of energy consumption. However, the performance of an application running inside a VM is not guaranteed due to the interference among co-hosted workloads sharing the same physical resources. Moreover, the different types of co-hosted applications with diverse QoS requirements as well as the dynamic behavior of the cloud makes efficient provisioning of resources even more difficult and a challenging problem in cloud data centers. In this paper, we address the problem of resource allocation within a data center that runs different types of application workloads, particularly CPU- and network-intensive applications. To address these challenges, we propose an interference- and power-aware management mechanism that combines a performance deviation estimator and a scheduling algorithm to guide the resource allocation in virtualized environments. We conduct simulations by injecting synthetic workloads whose characteristics follow the last version of the Google Cloud tracelogs. The results indicate that our performance-enforcing strategy is able to fulfill contracted SLAs of real-world environments while reducing energy costs by as much as 21%

    Resource Management for Elastic Publish Subscribe Systems: A Performance Modeling-based Approach (Extended Version)

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    As more and more information systems are moving to the cloud, there have been efforts to deploy publish-subscribe (or pub/sub) systems in the cloud environment to take advantage of the elasticity of resources. As a result, there is a need to perform resource management for the cloud-based pub/sub systems that supports various types of jobs, each consists of a series of tasks, or workflow. Designing an efficient and effective resource management approach for the cloud-based pub/sub system is challenging because such an approach needs to be able to support flexible provisioning strategies, model the complex interactions between heterogeneous types of jobs, and provide dynamic resource allocation capability. In this paper, we formulate the resource management problem of elastic pub/sub system as optimization problems using different objectives functions. We model the elastic pub/sub system as a multiple-class open queuing network to derive system performance measures, and propose greedy algorithms to efficiently solve the optimization problems. Our evaluation based on simulation on real system show that our proposed solution outperforms the baseline and is robust in dealing with high-volume and fast-changing workload.Ope

    Autonomic management of virtualized resources in cloud computing

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    The last five years have witnessed a rapid growth of cloud computing in business, governmental and educational IT deployment. The success of cloud services depends critically on the effective management of virtualized resources. A key requirement of cloud management is the ability to dynamically match resource allocations to actual demands, To this end, we aim to design and implement a cloud resource management mechanism that manages underlying complexity, automates resource provisioning and controls client-perceived quality of service (QoS) while still achieving resource efficiency. The design of an automatic resource management centers on two questions: when to adjust resource allocations and how much to adjust. In a cloud, applications have different definitions on capacity and cloud dynamics makes it difficult to determine a static resource to performance relationship. In this dissertation, we have proposed a generic metric that measures application capacity, designed model-independent and adaptive approaches to manage resources and built a cloud management system scalable to a cluster of machines. To understand web system capacity, we propose to use a metric of productivity index (PI), which is defined as the ratio of yield to cost, to measure the system processing capability online. PI is a generic concept that can be applied to different levels to monitor system progress in order to identify if more capacity is needed. We applied the concept of PI to the problem of overload prevention in multi-tier websites. The overload predictor built on the PI metric shows more accurate and responsive overload prevention compared to conventional approaches. To address the issue of the lack of accurate server model, we propose a model-independent fuzzy control based approach for CPU allocation. For adaptive and stable control performance, we embed the controller with self-tuning output amplification and flexible rule selection. Finally, we build a QoS provisioning framework that supports multi-objective QoS control and service differentiation. Experiments on a virtual cluster with two service classes show the effectiveness of our approach in both performance and power control. To address the problems of complex interplay between resources and process delays in fine-grained multi-resource allocation, we consider capacity management as a decision-making problem and employ reinforcement learning (RL) to optimize the process. The optimization depends on the trial-and-error interactions with the cloud system. In order to improve the initial management performance, we propose a model-based RL algorithm. The neural network based environment model, which is learned from previous management history, generates simulated resource allocations for the RL agent. Experiment results on heterogeneous applications show that our approach makes efficient use of limited interactions and find near optimal resource configurations within 7 steps. Finally, we present a distributed reinforcement learning approach to the cluster-wide cloud resource management. We decompose the cluster-wide resource allocation problem into sub-problems concerning individual VM resource configurations. The cluster-wide allocation is optimized if individual VMs meet their SLA with a high resource utilization. For scalability, we develop an efficient reinforcement learning approach with continuous state space. For adaptability, we use VM low-level runtime statistics to accommodate workload dynamics. Prototyped in a iBalloon system, the distributed learning approach successfully manages 128 VMs on a 16-node close correlated cluster

    mF2C: Towards a coordinated management of the IoT-fof-cloud continuum

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    Fog computing enables location dependent resource allocation and low latency services, while fostering novel market and business opportunities in the cloud sector. Aligned to this trend, we refer to Fog-tocloud (F2C) computing system as a new pool of resources, set into a layered and hierarchical model, intended to ease the entire fog and cloud resources management and coordination. The H2020 project mF2C aims at designing, developing and testing a first attempt for a real F2C architecture. This document outlines the architecture and main functionalities of the management framework designed in the mF2C project to coordinate the execution of services in the envisioned set of heterogeneous anddistributed resources.Postprint (author's final draft

    Power Modeling and Resource Optimization in Virtualized Environments

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    The provisioning of on-demand cloud services has revolutionized the IT industry. This emerging paradigm has drastically increased the growth of data centers (DCs) worldwide. Consequently, this rising number of DCs is contributing to a large amount of world total power consumption. This has directed the attention of researchers and service providers to investigate a power-aware solution for the deployment and management of these systems and networks. However, these solutions could be bene\ufb01cial only if derived from a precisely estimated power consumption at run-time. Accuracy in power estimation is a challenge in virtualized environments due to the lack of certainty of actual resources consumed by virtualized entities and of their impact on applications\u2019 performance. The heterogeneous cloud, composed of multi-tenancy architecture, has also raised several management challenges for both service providers and their clients. Task scheduling and resource allocation in such a system are considered as an NP-hard problem. The inappropriate allocation of resources causes the under-utilization of servers, hence reducing throughput and energy e\ufb03ciency. In this context, the cloud framework needs an e\ufb00ective management solution to maximize the use of available resources and capacity, and also to reduce the impact of their carbon footprint on the environment with reduced power consumption. This thesis addresses the issues of power measurement and resource utilization in virtualized environments as two primary objectives. At \ufb01rst, a survey on prior work of server power modeling and methods in virtualization architectures is carried out. This helps investigate the key challenges that elude the precision of power estimation when dealing with virtualized entities. A di\ufb00erent systematic approach is then presented to improve the prediction accuracy in these networks, considering the resource abstraction at di\ufb00erent architectural levels. Resource usage monitoring at the host and guest helps in identifying the di\ufb00erence in performance between the two. Using virtual Performance Monitoring Counters (vPMCs) at a guest level provides detailed information that helps in improving the prediction accuracy and can be further used for resource optimization, consolidation and load balancing. Later, the research also targets the critical issue of optimal resource utilization in cloud computing. This study seeks a generic, robust but simple approach to deal with resource allocation in cloud computing and networking. The inappropriate scheduling in the cloud causes under- and over- utilization of resources which in turn increases the power consumption and also degrades the system performance. This work \ufb01rst addresses some of the major challenges related to task scheduling in heterogeneous systems. After a critical analysis of existing approaches, this thesis presents a rather simple scheduling scheme based on the combination of heuristic solutions. Improved resource utilization with reduced processing time can be achieved using the proposed energy-e\ufb03cient scheduling algorithm

    Cost-effective traffic scheduling for Cloud resource management

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    Cloud resource management experienced massive strategy development throughout recent years. A traffic scheduling pattern becomes more significant in Cloud for adapting heterogeneous processing demands. We present priority-based traffic scheduling for downlink resource management aims to sustain Quality of Services (QoS) in Cloud which provide Cost-Effective Best Effort service (CEBE). Our traffic scheduling embraces two main functions are priority assignment and resource bandwidth allocation. Specifically, we leverage prioritization for several downlink services, and then dynamically allocate suitable bandwidth for improving accessibility while providing efficient communication cost. Our simulation results illustrate that priority-based traffic scheduling has more substantial performance in terms of throughput and delay than others