13 research outputs found

    Telematic solutions in plastic surgery during COVID-19 pandemic: Liability issues and risk management

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, surgical elective procedures were stopped in our plastic surgery unit. Limitations for consultations and for follow-up of previous surgical procedures were imposed in order to minimize the risk of contagion in waiting rooms and outpatient clinics. We have identified telemedicine as an alternative way to follow patients during the lockdown. Nevertheless, we have experienced different difficulties. We have not had the possibility to use a secure teleconferencing software. In our unit we had not technological devices. Surgeons in our department were not able to use remote video technology for patient management. Guidelines for an appropriate selection of patients which could be served via telemedicine had to be created.Telemedicine must be regulated by healthcare organizations for legal, ethical, medico-legal and risk management aspects.Even if we have experienced an important need to use telematic solutions during the COVID-19 lockdown, liability and risk management issues has greatly limited this possibility in our unit. The need of telemedicine in the time of COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged us to implement future virtual encounters in order to reduce unnecessary in-person visits by taking into consideration all legal, ethical and medico-legal aspects

    Augmented reality to aid retention in an African university of technology engineering program

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    Whenever complex threshold concepts are covered facilitators need to take extra care that students retain the new knowledge for future application. The problem encountered was that certain concepts, like digital logic gates with its layers of information are harder to retain. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the students’ perceptions on the possible use of a custom design Quick Response code and Augmented Reality application in an Electrical Engineering subject. Evaluation was done on Logic Design III a 2nd year subject where the threshold concepts should have been imprinted. An exploratory design is implemented with data collected using an online survey tool. The results were promising as 88.89% of students felt that they will remember the content better with the use of the application and 83.33% were positive about adopting the technology in class. The paper shows that technology like Quick Response code and Augmented Reality in the classroom is not only beneficial for improving retention but is also welcomed by studentsLuwes, N.; Van Heerden, L. (2020). Augmented reality to aid retention in an African university of technology engineering program. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):535-543. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11103OCS53554330-05-202


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    ABSTRACTIS/IT strategy is one of the keys to a company's success in running a business. IS/IT is usually in line with existing business strategies. In the last few decades, many IS/IT models have been developed and implemented with the aim of improving business management by utilizing the latest technology. Motivated by the application of IS/IT in various business models, this paper aims to emphasize the importance of this strategy in business transformation. This paper contains an overview of the strategy and identification of IS/IT strategies that have been implemented in various business areas. This paper is expected to provide additional knowledge for researchers, communities and IS/IT practitioners in developing and implementing better IS/IT in the future. Keywords: IS/IT strategy, business strategy, management I


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    Indonesia Tech Trend is a company that runs in distribution field of technological products and other trendy products. Indonesia Tech Trend has been established since 2017. The products of Indonesia Tech Trend are technology products such as computers, computer equipment, and trendy electronic products. Indonesia Tech Trend exists to ensure people’s need, especially technological lovers, brand awareness can be influenced by some factors. In brand equity theory, there are some factors that affect brand awareness, that is, promotions belong to digital marketing and trend. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of trends on brand awareness and the effect of digital marketing on Youtube on brand awareness. The method in this research is descriptive quantitative, with multiple linear regression analysis method using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). This research has the total sample of 110 respondents who are 2017 universitas ciputra students, Surabaya with the result of the research shows that trend does not effect on brand awareness and digital marketing Youtube effects and significant on brand awareness

    Enhancing GDPR compliance through data sensitivity and data hiding tools

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    Since the emergence of GDPR, several industries and sectors are setting informatics solutions for fulfilling these rules. The Health sector is considered a critical sector within the Industry 4.0 because it manages sensitive data, and National Health Services are responsible for managing patients’ data. European NHS are converging to a connected system allowing the exchange of sensitive information cross different countries. This paper defines and implements a set of tools for extending the reference architectural model industry 4.0 for the healthcare sector, which are used for enhancing GDPR compliance. These tools are dealing with data sensitivity and data hiding tools A case study illustrates the use of these tools and how they are integrated with the reference architectural model

    Trends and development of industry 4.0 technologies in healthcare

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    Este artículo presenta una revisión bibliográfica de las diferentes tendencias y desarrollo de las tecnologías de la industria 4.0 en el sector salud, la cual, se ha consolidado como una tecnología fundamental para optimizar diferentes procedimientos y consolidar procesos, profesionales y centros de salud mucho más eficientes. Así, dichas tecnologías han dado paso a una extensa variedad de productos y servicios inteligentes, reestructurando los límites del ámbito de la salud. En este sentido, el objetivo fundamental es poder identificar cuáles son las tendencias en el desarrollo e implementación de las tecnologías 4.0 en el sector de la salud. Para lograr esto, se utiliza una metodología que consiste en una revisión sistemática de diversas fuentes académicas sobre el tema en cuestión. De esta manera, se destacan distintas aplicaciones y beneficios en el sector salud en el contexto de la industria 4.0 entre las que destacan: generar nuevos métodos para la detección, prevención, tratamiento y diagnóstico de enfermedades y consolidar una mejor atención médica, más exacta y oportuna. Por último, se concluye que la industria 4.0 puede entenderse como una nueva esfera en la cual se han fomentado distintos recursos para aprovechar todo el potencial que ofrece el conjunto de innovaciones tecnológicas en el sector de la salud.This article presents a bibliographic review of the different trends and development of the technologies of the 4.0 industry in the healthcare sector, which, has been consolidated as a fundamental technology to optimize different procedures and to consolidate processes, professionals and much more efficient healthcare centers. Thus, these technologies have given way to a wide variety of intelligent products and services, restructuring the limits of the health field. In this sense, the fundamental objective is to be able to identify the trends in the development and implementation of 4.0 technologies in the health sector. To achieve this, it uses a methodology consisting of a systematic review of various academic sources on the subject in question. Therefore, it highlights different applications and benefits in the health sector in the context of the 4.0 industry, among which are: generating new methods for the detection, prevention, treatment and diagnosis of diseases and consolidating better, more accurate and timely medical care. Finally, it is concluded that industry 4.0 can be understood as a new area in which different resources have been promoted to take advantage of the full potential offered by the set of technological innovations in the health sector

    Review of Methods for Data Collection Experiments with People with Dementia and the Impact of COVID-19

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    The development of a wearable-based system for detecting difficulties in the daily lives of people with dementia would be highly useful in the day-to-day management of the disease. To develop such a system, it would be necessary to identify physiological indicators of the difficulties, which can be identified by analyzing physiological datasets from people with dementia. However, there is no such data available to researchers. As such, it is vital that data is collected and made available in future. In this paper we perform a review of past physiological data collection experiments conducted with people with dementia and evaluate the methods used at each stage of the experiment. Consideration is also given to the impacts and limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns both on the people with dementia- such people being one of the most at risk and affected groups- and on the efficacy and safety of each of the methods. It is concluded that the choice of method to be utilized in future data collection experiments is heavily dependent on the type and severity of the dementia the participants are experiencing, and that the choice of remote or COVID-secure methods should be used during the COVID-19 pandemic; many of the methods reviewed could allow for the spread of the virus if utilized during a pandemic

    Effects of contingencies on healthcare 4.0 technologies adoption and barriers in emerging economies

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    Studies on the influence of contingency factors on the introduction of novel digital technologies into high- complexity systems, such as hospitals, are still incipient. As the introduction of Healthcare 4.0 (H4.0) usually implies in high capital expenditures and requires a more skilled labor force, such understanding gains relevance when considering hospitals in emerging economies, more likely to be resource-constrained. This study examines the effect of five contingency factors on the adoption of H4.0 technologies and associated barriers to H4.0 adoption in emerging economies; they are: hospital´s ownership and age, number of employees, number of inpatient beds, and functionality (teaching hospital or not). The analysis is based on a transnational survey with 159 middle and senior managers from 16 hospitals, located in Brazil, India, Mexico and Argentina. Results indicate that contingencies do affect both H4.0 technologies adoption and associated barriers although not homogeneously in terms of effect, being more prominent on technologies? adoption than on barriers to H4.0 implementation. Our study sheds light on these relationships, providing hospitals? managers a means to an- ticipate potential issues and handle eventual difficulties inherent to the context in which they are inserted.Fil: Tortorella, Guilherme Luz. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Fogliatto, Flávio Sanson. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Espôsto, Kleber Francisco. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Vergara, Alejandro Mac Cawley. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Escuela de Ingeniería; ChileFil: Vassolo, Roberto Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Austral. Instituto de Altos Estudios; ArgentinaFil: Mendoza, Diego Tlapa. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur; MéxicoFil: Narayanamurthy, Gopalakrishnan. University of Liverpool; Reino Unid

    Exploring macro-environmental catalysts and barriers of healthcare 4.0 transformation in Central-Eastern European countries : a comprehensive study in Hungary

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    The pursuit of a secure, efficient healthcare system responsive to patient needs remains a crucial goal for developed countries. Governments, grappling with rising healthcare demands, are increasingly turning to technological innovation as a transformative solution. Healthcare 4.0, integrating cutting-edge industrial technologies, aims to enhance patient experience, promote health, control costs, and boost clinical satisfaction. The COVID-19 pandemic has catalysed investments in digitalisation, but the promises of Healthcare 4.0 are still seemingly unrealized. This is especially true in the Central-Eastern European (CEE) region, particularly in Hungary, where substantial Industry 4.0 innovation potential intersects with shrinking financial resources, a challenging political environment, a transitioning healthcare system hindering the widescale transition to Healthcare 4.0. Thus, this paper aims to explore the macro-environmental factors influencing Healthcare 4.0 adoption in Hungary. Leveraging qualitative content analysis of interviews with 21 Hungarian healthcare technology startup founders, we aim to map the catalysts and barriers of a Healthcare 4.0 transition using a PESTLE framework. This explorative study contributes to the literature with valuable insights from the innovators’ perspective, serving as a foundation for future policy interventions in the quest for widespread Healthcare 4.0 implementation