196 research outputs found

    A fast and scalable binary similarity method for open source libraries

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    Abstract. Usage of third party open source software has become more and more popular in the past years, due to the need for faster development cycles and the availability of good quality libraries. Those libraries are integrated as dependencies and often in the form of binary artifacts. This is especially common in embedded software applications. Dependencies, however, can proliferate and also add new attack surfaces to an application due to vulnerabilities in the library code. Hence, the need for binary similarity analysis methods to detect libraries compiled into applications. Binary similarity detection methods are related to text similarity methods and build upon the research in that area. In this research we focus on fuzzy matching methods, that have been used widely and successfully in text similarity analysis. In particular, we propose using locality sensitive hashing schemes in combination with normalised binary code features. The normalization allows us to apply the similarity comparison across binaries produced by different compilers using different optimization flags and being build for various machine architectures. To improve the matching precision, we use weighted code features. Machine learning is used to optimize the feature weights to create clusters of semantically similar code blocks extracted from different binaries. The machine learning is performed in an offline process to increase scalability and performance of the matching system. Using above methods we build a database of binary similarity code signatures for open source libraries. The database is utilized to match by similarity any code blocks from an application to known libraries in the database. One of the goals of our system is to facilitate a fast and scalable similarity matching process. This allows integrating the system into continuous software development, testing and integration pipelines. The evaluation shows that our results are comparable to other systems proposed in related research in terms of precision while maintaining the performance required in continuous integration systems.Nopea ja skaalautuva käännettyjen ohjelmistojen samankaltaisuuden tunnistusmenetelmä avoimen lähdekoodin kirjastoille. Tiivistelmä. Kolmansien osapuolten kehittämien ohjelmistojen käyttö on yleistynyt valtavasti viime vuosien aikana nopeutuvan ohjelmistokehityksen ja laadukkaiden ohjelmistokirjastojen tarjonnan kasvun myötä. Nämä kirjastot ovat yleensä lisätty kehitettävään ohjelmistoon riippuvuuksina ja usein jopa käännettyinä binääreinä. Tämä on yleistä varsinkin sulatetuissa ohjelmistoissa. Riippuvuudet saattavat kuitenkin luoda uusia hyökkäysvektoreita kirjastoista löytyvien haavoittuvuuksien johdosta. Nämä kolmansien osapuolten kirjastoista löytyvät haavoittuvuudet synnyttävät tarpeen tunnistaa käännetyistä binääriohjelmistoista löytyvät avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistokirjastot. Binäärien samankaltaisuuden tunnistusmenetelmät usein pohjautuvat tekstin samankaltaisuuden tunnistusmenetelmiin ja hyödyntävät tämän tieteellisiä saavutuksia. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään sumeisiin tunnistusmenetelmiin, joita on käytetty laajasti tekstin samankaltaisuuden tunnistamisessa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään sijainnille sensitiivisiä tiivistemenetelmiä ja normalisoituja binäärien ominaisuuksia. Ominaisuuksien normalisoinnin avulla binäärien samankaltaisuutta voidaan vertailla ohjelmiston kääntämisessä käytetystä kääntäjästä, optimisaatiotasoista ja prosessoriarkkitehtuurista huolimatta. Menetelmän tarkkuutta parannetaan painotettujen binääriominaisuuksien avulla. Koneoppimista hyödyntämällä binääriomisaisuuksien painotus optimoidaan siten, että samankaltaisista binääreistä puretut ohjelmistoblokit luovat samankaltaisien ohjelmistojen joukkoja. Koneoppiminen suoritetaan erillisessä prosessissa, mikä parantaa järjestelmän suorituskykyä. Näiden menetelmien avulla luodaan tietokanta avoimen lähdekoodin kirjastojen tunnisteista. Tietokannan avulla minkä tahansa ohjelmiston samankaltaiset binääriblokit voidaan yhdistää tunnettuihin avoimen lähdekoodin kirjastoihin. Menetelmän tavoitteena on tarjota nopea ja skaalautuva samankaltaisuuden tunnistus. Näiden ominaisuuksien johdosta järjestelmä voidaan liittää osaksi ohjelmistokehitys-, integraatioprosesseja ja ohjelmistotestausta. Vertailu muihin kirjallisuudessa esiteltyihin menetelmiin osoittaa, että esitellyn menetlmän tulokset on vertailtavissa muihin kirjallisuudessa esiteltyihin menetelmiin tarkkuuden osalta. Menetelmä myös ylläpitää suorituskyvyn, jota vaaditaan jatkuvan integraation järjestelmissä

    Survey of Vector Database Management Systems

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    There are now over 20 commercial vector database management systems (VDBMSs), all produced within the past five years. But embedding-based retrieval has been studied for over ten years, and similarity search a staggering half century and more. Driving this shift from algorithms to systems are new data intensive applications, notably large language models, that demand vast stores of unstructured data coupled with reliable, secure, fast, and scalable query processing capability. A variety of new data management techniques now exist for addressing these needs, however there is no comprehensive survey to thoroughly review these techniques and systems. We start by identifying five main obstacles to vector data management, namely vagueness of semantic similarity, large size of vectors, high cost of similarity comparison, lack of natural partitioning that can be used for indexing, and difficulty of efficiently answering hybrid queries that require both attributes and vectors. Overcoming these obstacles has led to new approaches to query processing, storage and indexing, and query optimization and execution. For query processing, a variety of similarity scores and query types are now well understood; for storage and indexing, techniques include vector compression, namely quantization, and partitioning based on randomization, learning partitioning, and navigable partitioning; for query optimization and execution, we describe new operators for hybrid queries, as well as techniques for plan enumeration, plan selection, and hardware accelerated execution. These techniques lead to a variety of VDBMSs across a spectrum of design and runtime characteristics, including native systems specialized for vectors and extended systems that incorporate vector capabilities into existing systems. We then discuss benchmarks, and finally we outline research challenges and point the direction for future work.Comment: 25 page

    Improved security and privacy preservation for biometric hashing

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    We address improving verification performance, as well as security and privacy aspects of biohashing methods in this thesis. We propose various methods to increase the verification performance of the random projection based biohashing systems. First, we introduce a new biohashing method based on optimal linear transform which seeks to find a better projection matrix. Second, we propose another biohashing method based on a discriminative projection selection technique that selects the rows of the random projection matrix by using the Fisher criterion. Third, we introduce a new quantization method that attempts to optimize biohashes using the ideas from diversification of error-correcting output codes classifiers. Simulation results show that introduced methods improve the verification performance of biohashing. We consider various security and privacy attack scenarios for biohashing methods. We propose new attack methods based on minimum l1 and l2 norm reconstructions. The results of these attacks show that biohashing is vulnerable to such attacks and better template protection methods are necessary. Therefore, we propose an identity verification system which has new enrollment and authentication protocols based on threshold homomorphic encryption. The system can be used with any biometric modality and feature extraction method whose output templates can be binarized, therefore it is not limited to biohashing. Our analysis shows that the introduced system is robust against most security and privacy attacks conceived in the literature. In addition, a straightforward implementation of its authentication protocol is su ciently fast enough to be used in real applications

    Learning to compress and search visual data in large-scale systems

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    The problem of high-dimensional and large-scale representation of visual data is addressed from an unsupervised learning perspective. The emphasis is put on discrete representations, where the description length can be measured in bits and hence the model capacity can be controlled. The algorithmic infrastructure is developed based on the synthesis and analysis prior models whose rate-distortion properties, as well as capacity vs. sample complexity trade-offs are carefully optimized. These models are then extended to multi-layers, namely the RRQ and the ML-STC frameworks, where the latter is further evolved as a powerful deep neural network architecture with fast and sample-efficient training and discrete representations. For the developed algorithms, three important applications are developed. First, the problem of large-scale similarity search in retrieval systems is addressed, where a double-stage solution is proposed leading to faster query times and shorter database storage. Second, the problem of learned image compression is targeted, where the proposed models can capture more redundancies from the training images than the conventional compression codecs. Finally, the proposed algorithms are used to solve ill-posed inverse problems. In particular, the problems of image denoising and compressive sensing are addressed with promising results.Comment: PhD thesis dissertatio

    Fast anomaly detection with locality-sensitive hashing and hyperparameter autotuning

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    This paper presents LSHAD, an anomaly detection (AD) method based on Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH), capable of dealing with large-scale datasets. The resulting algorithm is highly parallelizable and its implementation in Apache Spark further increases its ability to handle very large datasets. Moreover, the algorithm incorporates an automatic hyperparameter tuning mechanism so that users do not have to implement costly manual tuning. Our LSHAD method is novel as both hyperparameter automation and distributed properties are not usual in AD techniques. Our results for experiments with LSHAD across a variety of datasets point to state-of-the-art AD performance while handling much larger datasets than state-of-the-art alternatives. In addition, evaluation results for the tradeoff between AD performance and scalability show that our method offers significant advantages over competing methods.This research has been financially supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (project PID-2019-109238GB-C22) and by the Xunta de Galicia (grants ED431C 2018/34 and ED431G 2019/01) through European Union ERDF funds. CITIC, as a research center accredited by the Galician University System, is funded by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidades of the Xunta de Galicia, supported 80% through ERDF Funds (ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014–2020) and 20% by the Secretaría Xeral de Universidades (Grant ED431G 2019/01).This work was also supported by National Funds through the Portuguese FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (projects UIDB/00760/2020 and UIDP/00760/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geometric, Feature-based and Graph-based Approaches for the Structural Analysis of Protein Binding Sites : Novel Methods and Computational Analysis

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    In this thesis, protein binding sites are considered. To enable the extraction of information from the space of protein binding sites, these binding sites must be mapped onto a mathematical space. This can be done by mapping binding sites onto vectors, graphs or point clouds. To finally enable a structure on the mathematical space, a distance measure is required, which is introduced in this thesis. This distance measure eventually can be used to extract information by means of data mining techniques

    Associative Pattern Recognition for Biological Regulation Data

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    In the last decade, bioinformatics data has been accumulated at an unprecedented rate, thanks to the advancement in sequencing technologies. Such rapid development poses both challenges and promising research topics. In this dissertation, we propose a series of associative pattern recognition algorithms in biological regulation studies. In particular, we emphasize efficiently recognizing associative patterns between genes, transcription factors, histone modifications and functional labels using heterogeneous data sources (numeric, sequences, time series data and textual labels). In protein-DNA associative pattern recognition, we introduce an efficient algorithm for affinity test by searching for over-represented DNA sequences using a hash function and modulo addition calculation. This substantially improves the efficiency of \textit{next generation sequencing} data analysis. In gene regulatory network inference, we propose a framework for refining weak networks based on transcription factor binding sites, thus improved the precision of predicted edges by up to 52%. In histone modification code analysis, we propose an approach to genome-wide combinatorial pattern recognition for histone code to function associative pattern recognition, and achieved improvement by up to 38.1%38.1\%. We also propose a novel shape based modification pattern analysis approach, using this to successfully predict sub-classes of genes in flowering-time category. We also propose a combination to combination associative pattern recognition, and achieved better performance compared against multi-label classification and bidirectional associative memory methods. Our proposed approaches recognize associative patterns from different types of data efficiently, and provides a useful toolbox for biological regulation analysis. This dissertation presents a road-map to associative patterns recognition at genome wide level

    Large-scale Content-based Visual Information Retrieval

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    Rather than restricting search to the use of metadata, content-based information retrieval methods attempt to index, search and browse digital objects by means of signatures or features describing their actual content. Such methods have been intensively studied in the multimedia community to allow managing the massive amount of raw multimedia documents created every day (e.g. video will account to 84% of U.S. internet traffic by 2018). Recent years have consequently witnessed a consistent growth of content-aware and multi-modal search engines deployed on massive multimedia data. Popular multimedia search applications such as Google images, Youtube, Shazam, Tineye or MusicID clearly demonstrated that the first generation of large-scale audio-visual search technologies is now mature enough to be deployed on real-world big data. All these successful applications did greatly benefit from 15 years of research on multimedia analysis and efficient content-based indexing techniques. Yet the maturity reached by the first generation of content-based search engines does not preclude an intensive research activity in the field. There is actually still a lot of hard problems to be solved before we can retrieve any information in images or sounds as easily as we do in text documents. Content-based search methods actually have to reach a finer understanding of the contents as well as a higher semantic level. This requires modeling the raw signals by more and more complex and numerous features, so that the algorithms for analyzing, indexing and searching such features have to evolve accordingly. This thesis describes several of my works related to large-scale content-based information retrieval. The different contributions are presented in a bottom-up fashion reflecting a typical three-tier software architecture of an end-to-end multimedia information retrieval system. The lowest layer is only concerned with managing, indexing and searching large sets of high-dimensional feature vectors, whatever their origin or role in the upper levels (visual or audio features, global or part-based descriptions, low or high semantic level, etc. ). The middle layer rather works at the document level and is in charge of analyzing, indexing and searching collections of documents. It typically extracts and embeds the low-level features, implements the querying mechanisms and post-processes the results returned by the lower layer. The upper layer works at the applicative level and is in charge of providing useful and interactive functionalities to the end-user. It typically implements the front-end of the search application, the crawler and the orchestration of the different indexing and search services