27 research outputs found

    Exploiting data locality in cache-coherent NUMA systems

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    The end of Dennard scaling has caused a stagnation of the clock frequency in computers.To overcome this issue, in the last two decades vendors have been integrating larger numbers of processing elements in the systems, interconnecting many nodes, including multiple chips in the nodes and increasing the number of cores in each chip. The speed of main memory has not evolved at the same rate as processors, it is much slower and there is a need to provide more total bandwidth to the processors, especially with the increase in the number of cores and chips. Still keeping a shared address space, where all processors can access the whole memory, solutions have come by integrating more memories: by using newer technologies like high-bandwidth memories (HBM) and non-volatile memories (NVM), by giving groups cores (like sockets, for example) faster access to some subset of the DRAM, or by combining many of these solutions. This has caused some heterogeneity in the access speed to main memory, depending on the CPU requesting access to a memory address and the actual physical location of that address, causing non-uniform memory access (NUMA) behaviours. Moreover, many of these systems are cache-coherent (ccNUMA), meaning that changes in the memory done from one CPU must be visible by the other CPUs and transparent for the programmer. These NUMA behaviours reduce the performance of applications and can pose a challenge to the programmers. To tackle this issue, this thesis proposes solutions, at the software and hardware levels, to improve the data locality in NUMA systems and, therefore, the performance of applications in these computer systems. The first contribution shows how considering hardware prefetching simultaneously with thread and data placement in NUMA systems can find configurations with better performance than considering these aspects separately. The performance results combined with performance counters are then used to build a performance model to predict, both offline and online, the best configuration for new applications not in the model. The evaluation is done using two different high performance NUMA systems, and the performance counters collected in one machine are used to predict the best configurations in the other machine. The second contribution builds on the idea that prefetching can have a strong effect in NUMA systems and proposes a NUMA-aware hardware prefetching scheme. This scheme is generic and can be applied to multiple hardware prefetchers with a low hardware cost but giving very good results. The evaluation is done using a cycle-accurate architectural simulator and provides detailed results of the performance, the data transfer reduction and the energy costs. Finally, the third and last contribution consists in scheduling algorithms for task-based programming models. These programming models help improve the programmability of applications in parallel systems and also provide useful information to the underlying runtime system. This information is used to build a task dependency graph (TDG), a directed acyclic graph that models the application where the nodes are sequential pieces of code known as tasks and the edges are the data dependencies between the different tasks. The proposed scheduling algorithms use graph partitioning techniques and provide a scheduling for the tasks in the TDG that minimises the data transfers between the different NUMA regions of the system. The results have been evaluated in real ccNUMA systems with multiple NUMA regions.La fi de la llei de Dennard ha provocat un estancament de la freqüència de rellotge dels computadors. Amb l'objectiu de superar aquest fet, durant les darreres dues dècades els fabricants han integrat més quantitat d'unitats de còmput als sistemes mitjançant la interconnexió de nodes diferents, la inclusió de múltiples xips als nodes i l'increment de nuclis de processador a cada xip. La rapidesa de la memòria principal no ha evolucionat amb el mateix factor que els processadors; és molt més lenta i hi ha la necessitat de proporcionar més ample de banda als processadors, especialment amb l'increment del nombre de nuclis i xips. Tot mantenint un adreçament compartit en el qual tots els processadors poden accedir a la memòria sencera, les solucions han estat al voltant de la integració de més memòries: amb tecnologies modernes com HBM (high-bandwidth memories) i NVM (non-volatile memories), fent que grups de nuclis (com sòcols sencers) tinguin accés més ràpid a una part de la DRAM o amb la combinació de solucions. Això ha provocat una heterogeneïtat en la velocitat d'accés a la memòria principal, en funció del nucli que sol·licita l'accés a una adreça en particular i la seva localització física, fet que provoca uns comportaments no uniformes en l'accés a la memòria (non-uniform memory access, NUMA). A més, sovint tenen memòries cau coherents (cache-coherent NUMA, ccNUMA), que implica que qualsevol canvi fet a la memòria des d'un nucli d'un processador ha de ser visible la resta de manera transparent. Aquests comportaments redueixen el rendiment de les aplicacions i suposen un repte. Per abordar el problema, a la tesi s'hi proposen solucions, a nivell de programari i maquinari, que milloren la localitat de dades als sistemes NUMA i, en conseqüència, el rendiment de les aplicacions en aquests sistemes. La primera contribució mostra que, quan es tenen en compte alhora la precàrrega d'adreces de memòria amb maquinari (hardware prefetching) i les decisions d'ubicació dels fils d'execució i les dades als sistemes NUMA, es poden trobar millors configuracions que quan es condieren per separat. Una combinació dels resultats de rendiment i dels comptadors disponibles al sistema s'utilitza per construir un model de rendiment per fer la predicció, tant per avançat com també en temps d'execució, de la millor configuració per aplicacions que no es troben al model. L'avaluació es du a terme a dos sistemes NUMA d'alt rendiment, i els comptadors mesurats en un sistema s'usen per predir les millors configuracions a l'altre sistema. La segona contribució es basa en la idea que el prefetching pot tenir un efecte considerable als sistemes NUMA i proposa un esquema de precàrrega a nivell de maquinari que té en compte els efectes NUMA. L'esquema és genèric i es pot aplicar als algorismes de precàrrega existents amb un cost de maquinari molt baix però amb molt bons resultats. S'avalua amb un simulador arquitectural acurat a nivell de cicle i proporciona resultats detallats del rendiment, la reducció de les comunicacions de dades i els costos energètics. La tercera i darrera contribució consisteix en algorismes de planificació per models de programació basats en tasques. Aquests simplifiquen la programabilitat de les aplicacions paral·leles i proveeixen informació molt útil al sistema en temps d'execució (runtime system) que en controla el funcionament. Amb aquesta informació es construeix un graf de dependències entre tasques (task dependency graph, TDG), un graf dirigit i acíclic que modela l'aplicació i en el qual els nodes són fragments de codi seqüencial (o tasques) i els arcs són les dependències de dades entre les tasques. Els algorismes de planificació proposats fan servir tècniques de particionat de grafs i proporcionen una planificació de les tasques del TDG que minimitza la comunicació de dades entre les diferents regions NUMA del sistema. Els resultats han estat avaluats en sistemes ccNUMA reals amb múltiples regions NUMA.El final de la ley de Dennard ha provocado un estancamiento de la frecuencia de reloj de los computadores. Con el objetivo de superar este problema, durante las últimas dos décadas los fabricantes han integrado más unidades de cómputo en los sistemas mediante la interconexión de nodos diferentes, la inclusión de múltiples chips en los nodos y el incremento de núcleos de procesador en cada chip. La rapidez de la memoria principal no ha evolucionado con el mismo factor que los procesadores; es mucho más lenta y hay la necesidad de proporcionar más ancho de banda a los procesadores, especialmente con el incremento del número de núcleos y chips. Aun manteniendo un sistema de direccionamiento compartido en el que todos los procesadores pueden acceder al conjunto de la memoria, las soluciones han oscilado alrededor de la integración de más memorias: usando tecnologías modernas como las memorias de alto ancho de banda (highbandwidth memories, HBM) y memorias no volátiles (non-volatile memories, NVM), haciendo que grupos de núcleos (como zócalos completos) tengan acceso más veloz a un subconjunto de la DRAM, o con la combinación de soluciones. Esto ha provocado una heterogeneidad en la velocidad de acceso a la memoria principal, en función del núcleo que solicita el acceso a una dirección de memoria en particular y la ubicación física de esta dirección, lo que provoca unos comportamientos no uniformes en el acceso a la memoria (non-uniform memory access, NUMA). Además, muchos de estos sistemas tienen memorias caché coherentes (cache-coherent NUMA, ccNUMA), lo que implica que cualquier cambio hecho en la memoria desde un núcleo de un procesador debe ser visible por el resto de procesadores de forma transparente para los programadores. Estos comportamientos NUMA reducen el rendimiento de las aplicaciones y pueden suponer un reto para los programadores. Para abordar dicho problema, en esta tesis se proponen soluciones, a nivel de software y hardware, que mejoran la localidad de datos en los sistemas NUMA y, en consecuencia, el rendimiento de las aplicaciones en estos sistemas informáticos. La primera contribución muestra que, cuando se tienen en cuenta a la vez la precarga de direcciones de memoria mediante hardware (o hardware prefetching ) y las decisiones de la ubicación de los hilos de ejecución y los datos en los sistemas NUMA, se pueden hallar mejores configuraciones que cuando se consideran ambos aspectos por separado. Con una combinación de los resultados de rendimiento y de los contadores disponibles en el sistema se construye un modelo de rendimiento, tanto por avanzado como en en tiempo de ejecución, de la mejor configuración para aplicaciones que no están incluidas en el modelo. La evaluación se realiza en dos sistemas NUMA de alto rendimiento, y los contadores medidos en uno de los sistemas se usan para predecir las mejores configuraciones en el otro sistema. La segunda contribución se basa en la idea de que el prefetching puede tener un efecto considerable en los sistemas NUMA y propone un esquema de precarga a nivel hardware que tiene en cuenta los efectos NUMA. Este esquema es genérico y se puede aplicar a diferentes algoritmos de precarga existentes con un coste de hardware muy bajo pero que proporciona muy buenos resultados. Dichos resultados se obtienen y evalúan mediante un simulador arquitectural preciso a nivel de ciclo y proporciona resultados detallados del rendimiento, la reducción de las comunicaciones de datos y los costes energéticos. Finalmente, la tercera y última contribución consiste en algoritmos de planificación para modelos de programación basados en tareas. Estos modelos simplifican la programabilidad de las aplicaciones paralelas y proveen información muy útil al sistema en tiempo de ejecución (runtime system) que controla su funcionamiento. Esta información se utiliza para construir un grafo de dependencias entre tareas (task dependency graph, TDG), un grafo dirigido y acíclico que modela la aplicación y en el ue los nodos son fragmentos de código secuencial, conocidos como tareas, y los arcos son las dependencias de datos entre las distintas tareas. Los algoritmos de planificación que se proponen usan técnicas e particionado de grafos y proporcionan una planificación de las tareas del TDG que minimiza la comunicación de datos entre las distintas regiones NUMA del sistema. Los resultados se han evaluado en sistemas ccNUMA reales con múltiples regiones NUMA.Postprint (published version

    Profile driven dataflow optimisation of mean shift visual tracking

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    Profile guided optimisation is a common technique used by compilers and runtime systems to shorten execution runtimes and to optimise locality aware scheduling and memory access on heterogeneous hardware platforms. Some profiling tools trace the execution of low level code, whilst others are designed for abstract models of computation to provide rich domain-specific context in profiling reports. We have implemented mean shift, a computer vision tracking algorithm, in the RVC-CAL dataflow language and use both dynamic runtime and static dataflow profiling mechanisms to identify and eliminate bottlenecks in our naive initial version. We use these profiling reports to tune the CPU scheduler reducing runtime by 88%, and to optimise our dataflow implementation that reduces runtime by a further 43% - an overall runtime reduction of 93%. We also assess the portability of our mean shift optimisations by trading off CPU runtime against resource utilisation on FPGAs. Applying all dataflow optimisations reduces FPGA design space significantly, requiring fewer slice LUTs and less block memory

    MAi: Memory Affinity Interface

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    In this document, we describe an interface called MAI. This interface allows developers to manage memory affinity in NUMA architectures. The affinity unit in MAI is an array of the parallel application. A set of memory policies implemented in MAI can be applied to these arrays in a simple way. High-level functions implemented in MAI minimize developers work when managing memory affinity in NUMA machines. MAI's performance has been evaluating on two different NUMA machines using some parallel applications. Results obtained with MAI present important gains when compared with the standard memory affinity solutions

    Compilation techniques to support memory migration on NUMA systems

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    Orientadores: Edson Borin, Fernando Magno Quintão PereiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Com o avanço cada vez maior dos processadores de múltiplos núcleos, devido especialmente à barreira tecnológica imposta por limitações físicas no crescimento da frequência de operação dos processadores, arquiteturas de memória não-uniforme (NUMA) estão se difundindo como solução para a escalabilidade de projetos de alto desempenho computacional. Tais arquiteturas não são isentas de problemas, especialmente em se tratando do acesso à memória; má alocação de memória pode causar contenção no acesso aos dados e gerar redução significativa no desempenho de aplicações. Neste trabalho apresentamos a técnica Selective Page Migration (SPM), uma otimização no âmbito de compiladores que, através da análise de laços e suas propriedades, e dos vetores acessados dentro de tais laços, realiza a migração seletiva de páginas de memória segundo uma heurística. Seu objetivo é atenuar problemas de contenção e má alocação de memória em arquiteturas NUMA, sem que haja necessidade de se modificar código-fonte ou utilizar hardwares ou sistemas operacionais específicos. Para tanto, análises de compilação foram implementadas para instrumentação de código-fonte em busca de estruturas cujos dados sejam propícios à migração; ainda, uma heurística foi desenvolvida, capaz de avaliar se a migração de páginas se faz interessante ou se potencialmente prejudicaria o desempenho da aplicação. Obtivemos bons resultados, com ganho de desempenho de mais de 5x para alguns benchmarks - realizamos análises comparativas com outros dois mecanismos usados com o mesmo objetivo, e também apresentamos uma avaliação teórica de uma variedade de técnicas com o mesmo propósito de SPMAbstract: Multicore processors are increasingly common, especially due to technological barrier imposed by physical limitations in the growth of processors clock frequency. Non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA) are spreading as a solution to the scalability of high performance computing applications - such architectures, however, still exhibits problems, especially in the case of memory accesses. Bad data placement can cause contention on memory access leading to significant decrease in applications performance. We present Selective Page Migration (SPM), a compiler optimization that, by analyzing loops and their properties along with arrays accessed within such loops, can perform selective page migration according to a heuristic. The goal is to mitigate contention issues and bad data placement in NUMA architectures with no need to modify source code or using specific hardware or operating systems. To achieve this goal, compilation transformations have been implemented so we can perform source code instrumentation to find data structures that, once migrated, lead to an increase in program performance. Also, a heuristic has been developed so we're able to assess whether the migration of those data structures are likely to become profitable or will potentially impair the application performance. We've achieved good results, with speedup of more than 5x for some benchmarks. We have compared SPM with another two mechanisms used with the same goal, and also presented a theoretical evaluation of a variety of techniques with the same end of SPMMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação2013/18794-3FAPES

    Memory Access Characterization of OpenMP Workloads on a Multi-core NUMA Machine

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    Nowadays, on hierarchical shared memory multiprocessors with Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA), the number of cores accessing memory banks is considerably high. Such accesses produce more stress on the memory banks, generating load-balancing issues, memory contention and remote accesses. In this context, it is important to have a good understanding of memory access patterns and what are the inuences of data placement on such patterns. In this document, we have investigated memory accesses behavior of microbenchmarks and benchmarks over a ccNUMA platform with multi-core processors. Additionally, we have evaluated a set of memory policies that were used to place data among the machine memory banks. Our results have shown that an appropriate selection of data placement, considering the memory accesses, can generated great improvement gains

    Hardware counter based performance analysis, modelling, and improvement through thread migration in numa systems

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    [EN]These last years have seen an important evolution in the computational resources available in science and engineering. Currently, most high performance systems include several multicore processors and use a NUMA (Non Uniform Memory Access) memory architecture. In this context, data locality becomes a highly important issue for parallel codes performance. It is foreseeable that the complexity as SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing) NUMA systems increases during the next years. These will increase both the number of cores and the memory complexity, including the various cache levels, which implies memory access latency will depend, increasingly, of the proximity or affinity of the different threads to the memory modules where their data reside. Improving the performance and scalability of parallel codes on multicore architectures may be quite complex. This way, memory management on parallel codes will become more complicated, especially from the point of view of a programmer who wishes to obtain the best performance. Not only this, but the problem worsens in the usual case with different processes in execution simultaneously. Automatically migrating executing threads among the cores and processors, depending on their behaviour, may improve performance of parallel programs. Furthermore, it may allow to simplify their development, since the programmer avoids to explicitly manage locality. Modern microprocessors include registers that give useful information at a low cost, usually known as hardware counters (HCs). HCs are not commonly used due to a lack of tools to easily obtain their data. These HCs, in modern processors, allow to obtain the memory access latency during cache miss resolutions, and even the memory address that leads to the event. This opens the door to the development of new techniques for performance improvement based on this information. A procedure to easily and automatically obtain data about a shared memory parallel code execution on SMP multicore and NUMA systems, to model it using the hardware counters of modern processors, alongside additional information, as the memory access latencies from different threads. This procedure will be used during a parallel program execution, at runtime, to model its performance. This information will be used to improve the efficiency of the execution of said parallel codes automatically and transparently to the user.[GL]Hoxe en día, a maioría dos sistemas de computación son multicore e mesmo multiprocessador. Nestes sistemas, o comportamento dos accesos á memoria de cada fío para os distintos nodos de memoria é un dos aspectos que máis significativamente afectan o rendemento de calquera código. Este feito é cada vez máis relevante a medida que aumenta o chamado "memory wall". Neste traballo, esta cuestión foi abordada baixo dous puntos de vista. Desde o punto de vista dun programador de aplicacións paralelas, desenvolvéronse ferramentas e modelos para caracterizar o comportamento de códigos e axudao para a súa aplicación. Desde o punto de vista dun usuario de aplicacións paralelas, desenvolveuse unha ferramenta de migración para seleccionar e adaptar, automaticamente durante a execución, a colocación de fíos no sistema para mellorar o seu funcionamento. Todas estas ferramentas fan uso de datos de rendemento en tempo de execución obtidos a partir de Contadores Hardware (HC) presentes nos procesadores Intel. En comparación cos "software profilers", os HC proporcionan, cunha baixa sobrecarga, unha información de rendemento detallada e rica referente ás unidades funcionais, caches, acceso á memoria principal por parte da CPU, etc. Outra vantaxe de usalos é que non precisa ningunha modificación do código fonte. Con todo, os tipos e os significados dos contadores hardware varían dunha arquitectura a outra debido á variación nas organizacións do hardware. Ademais, pode haber dificultades para correlacionar as métricas de rendemento de baixo nivel co código fonte orixinal. O número limitado de rexistros para almacenar os contadores moitas veces pode forzar aos usuarios a realizar múltiples medicións para recoller todas as métricas de rendemento desexadas. En concreto, neste traballo, utilizáronse os Precise Event Based Sampling (PEBS, MOSTRAXE BASEADO EN EVENTOS PRECISOS) nos procesadores Intel modernos e os Event Address Register (EARs, REXISTROS DE ENDEREZO DE EVENTO) nos procesadores Itanium 2. O procesador Itanium 2 ofrece un conxunto de rexistros, os EARs que rexistran os enderezos de instrución e datos dos fallos caché, e os enderezos de instrución e datos de fallos de TLB [25]. Cando se usan para capturar fallos caché, os EARs permiten a detección das latencias maiores de 4 ciclos. Xa que os accesos de punto flotante sempre provocan un fallo (os datos de punto flotante son sempre almacenados na L2D), calquer acceso pode ser potencialmente detectado. Os EARs permiten a mostraxe estatística, configurando un contador de rendemento para contar as aparicións dun determinado evento. O PEBS usa un mecanismo de interrupción cos HC para almacenar un conxunto de información sobre o estado da arquitectura para o procesador. A información ofrece o estado arquitectónico da instrución executada despois da instrución que causou o evento. Xunto con esta información, que inclúe o estado de todos os rexistros, os procesadores Sandy Bridge posúen un sistema de medición da latencia a memoria. Ista é un medio para caracterizar a latencia de carga media para os diferentes niveis da xerarquía de memoria. A latencia é medida dende a expedición da instrucción ata cando os datos son globalmente observables, e dicir, cando chegan ao procesador. Ademáis da latencia, o PEBS permite coñecer a orixe dos datos e o nivel de memoria de onde se leron. A diferenza dos EARs, o PEBS permite tamén medir a latencia de operacións enteiras ou de almacenamento de dato

    BubbleSched : construire son propre ordonnanceur de threads pour machines multiprocesseurs hirarchiques

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    National audienceL'efficacité de l'exécution d'une application multithreadée irrégulière sur une architecture multiprocesseurs fortement hiérarchique repose essentiellement sur la qualité de l'ordonnancement des threads et du placement des données. Pour obtenir d'excellentes performances, les programmeurs sont souvent contraints de sacrifier la portabilité de leur application en câblant dans celle-ci des stratégies de placement ad-hoc fortement dépendantes de l'architecture. Pour remédier à ce problème de portabilité des performances, nous avons défini une plate-forme permettant de décrire dynamiquement la structure hiérarchique des calculs et de définir simplement des ordonnanceurs dédiés, efficaces et portables. Nous justions l'intérêt d'une telle approche et décrivons la technique que nous avons mise au point pour définir simplement de tels ordonnanceurs

    Garbage collection optimization for non uniform memory access architectures

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    Cache-coherent non uniform memory access (ccNUMA) architecture is a standard design pattern for contemporary multicore processors, and future generations of architectures are likely to be NUMA. NUMA architectures create new challenges for managed runtime systems. Memory-intensive applications use the system’s distributed memory banks to allocate data, and the automatic memory manager collects garbage left in these memory banks. The garbage collector may need to access remote memory banks, which entails access latency overhead and potential bandwidth saturation for the interconnection between memory banks. This dissertation makes five significant contributions to garbage collection on NUMA systems, with a case study implementation using the Hotspot Java Virtual Machine. It empirically studies data locality for a Stop-The-World garbage collector when tracing connected objects in NUMA heaps. First, it identifies a locality richness which exists naturally in connected objects that contain a root object and its reachable set— ‘rooted sub-graphs’. Second, this dissertation leverages the locality characteristic of rooted sub-graphs to develop a new NUMA-aware garbage collection mechanism. A garbage collector thread processes a local root and its reachable set, which is likely to have a large number of objects in the same NUMA node. Third, a garbage collector thread steals references from sibling threads that run on the same NUMA node to improve data locality. This research evaluates the new NUMA-aware garbage collector using seven benchmarks of an established real-world DaCapo benchmark suite. In addition, evaluation involves a widely used SPECjbb benchmark and Neo4J graph database Java benchmark, as well as an artificial benchmark. The results of the NUMA-aware garbage collector on a multi-hop NUMA architecture show an average of 15% performance improvement. Furthermore, this performance gain is shown to be as a result of an improved NUMA memory access in a ccNUMA system. Fourth, the existing Hotspot JVM adaptive policy for configuring the number of garbage collection threads is shown to be suboptimal for current NUMA machines. The policy uses outdated assumptions and it generates a constant thread count. In fact, the Hotspot JVM still uses this policy in the production version. This research shows that the optimal number of garbage collection threads is application-specific and configuring the optimal number of garbage collection threads yields better collection throughput than the default policy. Fifth, this dissertation designs and implements a runtime technique, which involves heuristics from dynamic collection behavior to calculate an optimal number of garbage collector threads for each collection cycle. The results show an average of 21% improvements to the garbage collection performance for DaCapo benchmarks

    Software-Oriented Distributed Shared Cache Management for Chip Multiprocessors

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    This thesis proposes a software-oriented distributed shared cache management approach for chip multiprocessors (CMPs). Unlike hardware-based schemes, our approach offloads the cache management task to trace analysis phase, allowing flexible management strategies. For single-threaded programs, a static 2D page coloring scheme is proposed to utilize oracle trace information to derive an optimal data placement schema for a program. In addition, a dynamic 2D page coloring scheme is proposed as a practical solution, which tries to ap- proach the performance of the static scheme. The evaluation results show that the static scheme achieves 44.7% performance improvement over the conventional shared cache scheme on average while the dynamic scheme performs 32.3% better than the shared cache scheme. For latency-oriented multithreaded programs, a pattern recognition algorithm based on the K-means clustering method is introduced. The algorithm tries to identify data access pat- terns that can be utilized to guide the placement of private data and the replication of shared data. The experimental results show that data placement and replication based on these access patterns lead to 19% performance improvement over the shared cache scheme. The reduced remote cache accesses and aggregated cache miss rate result in much lower bandwidth requirements for the on-chip network and the off-chip main memory bus. Lastly, for throughput-oriented multithreaded programs, we propose a hint-guided data replication scheme to identify memory instructions of a target program that access data with a high reuse property. The derived hints are then used to guide data replication at run time. By balancing the amount of data replication and local cache pressure, the proposed scheme has the potential to help achieve comparable performance to best existing hardware-based schemes.Our proposed software-oriented shared cache management approach is an effective way to manage program performance on CMPs. This approach provides an alternative direction to the research of the distributed cache management problem. Given the known difficulties (e.g., scalability and design complexity) we face with hardware-based schemes, this software- oriented approach may receive a serious consideration from researchers in the future. In this perspective, the thesis provides valuable contributions to the computer architecture research society

    Performance counter-based strategies to improve data locality on multiprocessor systems: reordering and page migration techniques

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    In this dissertation we approach the study of Precise Event-Based Sampling (PEBS) techniques to improve the performance of applications on a NUMA, Itanium2-based system. We demonstrate that a low-cost, PEBS profiling can support strategies to improve the performance of an important group of computational and scientific codes in runtime. In addition, the accurate information provided by the new Event Adress Registers (EAR) of the Intel Itanium architecture helps foster the development of new data allocation strategies. Following this line, we have also developed a series of dynamic page migration PEBS strategies. Specifically, two problems are addressed: how to improve the performance of locality optimisation techniques for irregular codes in runtime, particularising for the Sparse Matrix-Vector product kernel, and how to develop strategies for dynamic page migration. To summarise, the main contributions of this dissertation are: 1. A study of the different factors that affect the performance, as well as data and thread allocation policies, in the FinisTerrae supercomputer, the target platform in which this thesis relies on. 2. The implementation of a performance model for FinisTerrae. 3. The development of hardware counter-based strategies to assist reordering techniques for irregular codes in order to reduce their cost and improve their behaviour. 4. The development of novel hardware counter-guided, dynamic page migration algorithms that take advantage of the new features provided by the PEBS. As a software contribution, we present a user-level page-migration framework to monitor, sample and control an application in runtime