Performance counter-based strategies to improve data locality on multiprocessor systems: reordering and page migration techniques


In this dissertation we approach the study of Precise Event-Based Sampling (PEBS) techniques to improve the performance of applications on a NUMA, Itanium2-based system. We demonstrate that a low-cost, PEBS profiling can support strategies to improve the performance of an important group of computational and scientific codes in runtime. In addition, the accurate information provided by the new Event Adress Registers (EAR) of the Intel Itanium architecture helps foster the development of new data allocation strategies. Following this line, we have also developed a series of dynamic page migration PEBS strategies. Specifically, two problems are addressed: how to improve the performance of locality optimisation techniques for irregular codes in runtime, particularising for the Sparse Matrix-Vector product kernel, and how to develop strategies for dynamic page migration. To summarise, the main contributions of this dissertation are: 1. A study of the different factors that affect the performance, as well as data and thread allocation policies, in the FinisTerrae supercomputer, the target platform in which this thesis relies on. 2. The implementation of a performance model for FinisTerrae. 3. The development of hardware counter-based strategies to assist reordering techniques for irregular codes in order to reduce their cost and improve their behaviour. 4. The development of novel hardware counter-guided, dynamic page migration algorithms that take advantage of the new features provided by the PEBS. As a software contribution, we present a user-level page-migration framework to monitor, sample and control an application in runtime

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