667 research outputs found

    Verifying Parallel Loops with Separation Logic

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    This paper proposes a technique to specify and verify whether a loop can be parallelised. Our approach can be used as an additional step in a parallelising compiler to verify user annotations about loop dependences. Essentially, our technique requires each loop iteration to be specified with the locations it will read and write. From the loop iteration specifications, the loop (in)dependences can be derived. Moreover, the loop iteration specifications also reveal where synchronisation is needed in the parallelised program. The loop iteration specifications can be verified using permission-based separation logic.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2014, arXiv:1406.331

    A Comparative Analysis of STM Approaches to Reduction Operations in Irregular Applications

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    As a recently consolidated paradigm for optimistic concurrency in modern multicore architectures, Transactional Memory (TM) can help to the exploitation of parallelism in irregular applications when data dependence information is not available up to run- time. This paper presents and discusses how to leverage TM to exploit parallelism in an important class of irregular applications, the class that exhibits irregular reduction patterns. In order to test and compare our techniques with other solutions, they were implemented in a software TM system called ReduxSTM, that acts as a proof of concept. Basically, ReduxSTM combines two major ideas: a sequential-equivalent ordering of transaction commits that assures the correct result, and an extension of the underlying TM privatization mechanism to reduce unnecessary overhead due to reduction memory updates as well as unnecesary aborts and rollbacks. A comparative study of STM solutions, including ReduxSTM, and other more classical approaches to the parallelization of reduction operations is presented in terms of time, memory and overhead.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The hArtes Tool Chain

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    This chapter describes the different design steps needed to go from legacy code to a transformed application that can be efficiently mapped on the hArtes platform

    Combining dynamic and static scheduling in high-level synthesis

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are starting to become mainstream devices for custom computing, particularly deployed in data centres. However, using these FPGA devices requires familiarity with digital design at a low abstraction level. In order to enable software engineers without a hardware background to design custom hardware, high-level synthesis (HLS) tools automatically transform a high-level program, for example in C/C++, into a low-level hardware description. A central task in HLS is scheduling: the allocation of operations to clock cycles. The classic approach to scheduling is static, in which each operation is mapped to a clock cycle at compile time, but recent years have seen the emergence of dynamic scheduling, in which an operation’s clock cycle is only determined at run-time. Both approaches have their merits: static scheduling can lead to simpler circuitry and more resource sharing, while dynamic scheduling can lead to faster hardware when the computation has a non-trivial control flow. This thesis proposes a scheduling approach that combines the best of both worlds. My idea is to use existing program analysis techniques in software designs, such as probabilistic analysis and formal verification, to optimize the HLS hardware. First, this thesis proposes a tool named DASS that uses a heuristic-based approach to identify the code regions in the input program that are amenable to static scheduling and synthesises them into statically scheduled components, also known as static islands, leaving the top-level hardware dynamically scheduled. Second, this thesis addresses a problem of this approach: that the analysis of static islands and their dynamically scheduled surroundings are separate, where one treats the other as black boxes. We apply static analysis including dependence analysis between static islands and their dynamically scheduled surroundings to optimize the offsets of static islands for high performance. We also apply probabilistic analysis to estimate the performance of the dynamically scheduled part and use this information to optimize the static islands for high area efficiency. Finally, this thesis addresses the problem of conservatism in using sequential control flow designs which can limit the throughput of the hardware. We show this challenge can be solved by formally proving that certain control flows can be safely parallelised for high performance. This thesis demonstrates how to use automated formal verification to find out-of-order loop pipelining solutions and multi-threading solutions from a sequential program.Open Acces

    Compilation and Automatic Parallelisation of Functional Code for Data-Parallel Architectures

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    Over recent years, there has been a stagnation of the increase in CPU clock speed, and consequently, it has become increasingly popular to offload general-purpose computing problems to graphics processors to try to exploit the massively data-parallel processing capabilities of these devices.This project presents the design of a functional programming language and the implementation of a prototype compiler which aims to produce code that exploits the powerful processing capabilities of data-parallel hardware components, such as CUDA enabled graphics processors. One of the long-term goals is to provide programmers with a tool that simplifies the development of algorithms for parallel architectures.Previous work in the area of automatic parallellisation of code is predominantly concerned with the exploitation of task parallelism in functional languages, such as Lisp and Haskell, and data parallelism in imperative languages, such as Fortran. In the cases where data-parallelism has been exploited in functional languages, e.g., in Data Parallel Haskell, this has mostly been done by introducing library support for CUDA, OpenCL and other data-parallel frameworks.The main focus in the course of this project has been directed towards the optimisation techniques that can be applied to seemingly sequential, functional-style code to prepare it for automatic parallelisation. The pre-eminent transformation in this context is the conversion of augmenting recursion and tail recursion into iteration which, consequently,can enable the translation of iterative constructs into parallel loops, given that there are no loop-carried dependences.Thee compiler strives to identify natural mapping and reduction constructs in sequential code. Furthermore, a dynamic performance model is employed to ensure that only beneficial sections of the code are parallelised. It is concluded from the initial results, that tenfold to hundredfold speed-ups can be achieved from the parallelisation of sequential representations of naturally data-parallel constructs, depending on the pointof comparison

    Advances in Parallel-Stage Decoupled Software Pipelining Leveraging Loop Distribution, Stream-Computing and the SSA Form

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    8 pages Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processors-Compilers, OptimizationInternational audienceDecoupled Software Pipelining (DSWP) is a program partitioning method enabling compilers to extract pipeline parallelism from sequential programs. Parallel Stage DSWP (PS-DSWP) is an extension that also exploits the data parallelism within pipeline filters. This paper presents the preliminary design of a new PS-DSWP method capable of handling arbitrary structured control flow, a slightly better algorithmic complexity, the natural exploitation of nested parallelism with communications across arbitrary levels, with a seamless integration with data-flow parallel programming environments. It is inspired by loop-distribution and supports nested/structured partitioning along with the hierarchy of control dependences. The method relies on a data-flow streaming extension of OpenMP. These advances are made possible thanks to progresses in compiler intermediate representation. We describe our usage of the Static Single Assignment (SSA) form, how we extend it to the context of concurrent streaming tasks, and we discuss the benefits and challenges for PS-DSWP

    ALPyNA: Acceleration of Loops in Python for Novel Architectures

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    We present ALPyNA, an automatic loop parallelization framework for Python, which analyzes data dependences within nested loops and dynamically generates CUDA kernels for GPU execution. The ALPyNA system applies classical dependence analysis techniques to discover and exploit potential parallelism. The skeletal structure of the dependence graph is determined statically (if possible) or at runtime; this is combined with type and bounds information discovered at runtime, to auto-generate high-performance kernels for offload to GPU. We demonstrate speedups of up to 1000x relative to the native CPython interpreter across four array-intensive numerical Python benchmarks. Performance improvement is related to both iteration domain size and dependence graph complexity. Nevertheless, this approach promises to bring the benefits of manycore parallelism to application developers

    A Theoretical Approach Involving Recurrence Resolution, Dependence Cycle Statement Ordering and Subroutine Transformation for the Exploitation of Parallelism in Sequential Code.

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    To exploit parallelism in Fortran code, this dissertation consists of a study of the following three issues: (1) recurrence resolution in Do-loops for vector processing, (2) dependence cycle statement ordering in Do-loops for parallel processing, and (3) sub-routine parallelization. For recurrence resolution, the major findings include: (1) the node splitting algorithm cannot be used directly to break an essential antidependence link, of which the source variable that results in antidependence is itself the sink variable of another true dependence so a correction method is proposed, (2) a sink variable renaming technique is capable of breaking an antidependence and/or output-dependence link, (3) for recurrences formed by only true dependences, a dynamic dependence concept and the derived technique are powerful, and (4) by integrating related techniques, an algorithm for resolving a general multistatement recurrence is developed. The performance of a parallel loop is determined by the level of parallelism and the time delay due to interprocessor communication and synchronization. For a dependence cycle of a single parallel loop executed in a general synchronization mode, the parallelism exposed varies with the alignment of statements. Statements are reordered on the basis of execution-time of the loop as estimated at compile-time. An improved timing formula and a derived statement ordering algorithm are proposed. Further extension of this algorithm to multiple perfectly nested Do-loops with simple global dependence cycle is also presented. The subroutine is a potential source for parallel processing. Several problems must be solved for subroutine parallelization: (1) the precedence of parallel executions of subroutines, (2) identification of the optimum execution mode for each subroutine and (3) the restructuring of a serial program. A five-step approach to parallelize called subroutines for a calling subroutine is proposed: (1) computation of control dependence, (2) approximation of the global effects of subroutines, (3) analysis of data dependence, (4) identification of execution mode, and (5) restructuring of calling and called subroutines. Application of these five steps in a recursive manner to different levels of calling subroutines in a program addresses the parallelization of subroutines
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