11,155 research outputs found

    Complex Event Recognition from Images with Few Training Examples

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    We propose to leverage concept-level representations for complex event recognition in photographs given limited training examples. We introduce a novel framework to discover event concept attributes from the web and use that to extract semantic features from images and classify them into social event categories with few training examples. Discovered concepts include a variety of objects, scenes, actions and event sub-types, leading to a discriminative and compact representation for event images. Web images are obtained for each discovered event concept and we use (pretrained) CNN features to train concept classifiers. Extensive experiments on challenging event datasets demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms several baselines using deep CNN features directly in classifying images into events with limited training examples. We also demonstrate that our method achieves the best overall accuracy on a dataset with unseen event categories using a single training example.Comment: Accepted to Winter Applications of Computer Vision (WACV'17

    A Computational Theory of Contextual Knowledge in Machine Reading

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    Machine recognition of off–line handwriting can be achieved by either recognising words as individual symbols (word level recognition) or by segmenting a word into parts, usually letters, and classifying those parts (letter level recognition). Whichever method is used, current handwriting recognition systems cannot overcome the inherent ambiguity in writingwithout recourse to contextual information. This thesis presents a set of experiments that use Hidden Markov Models of language to resolve ambiguity in the classification process. It goes on to describe an algorithm designed to recognise a document written by a single–author and to improve recognition by adaptingto the writing style and learning new words. Learning and adaptation is achieved by reading the document over several iterations. The algorithm is designed to incorporate contextual processing, adaptation to modify the shape of known words and learning of new words within a constrained dictionary. Adaptation occurs when a word that has previously been trained in the classifier is recognised at either the word or letter level and the word image is used to modify the classifier. Learning occurs when a new word that has not been in the training set is recognised at the letter level and is subsequently added to the classifier. Words and letters are recognised using a nearest neighbour classifier and used features based on the two–dimensional Fourier transform. By incorporating a measure of confidence based on the distribution of training points around an exemplar, adaptation and learning is constrained to only occur when a word is confidently classified. The algorithm was implemented and tested with a dictionary of 1000 words. Results show that adaptation of the letter classifier improved recognition on average by 3.9% with only 1.6% at the whole word level. Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the learning in the system. It was found that learning accounted for little improvement in the classification results and also that learning new words was prone to misclassifications being propagated

    Arabic Text Recognition and Machine Translation

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    [EN] Research on Arabic Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) and Arabic-English Machine Translation (MT) has been usually approached as two independent areas of study. However, the idea of creating one system that combines both areas together, in order to generate English translation out of images containing Arabic text, is still a very challenging task. This process can be interpreted as the translation of Arabic images. In this thesis, we propose a system that recognizes Arabic handwritten text images, and translates the recognized text into English. This system is built from the combination of an HTR system and an MT system. Regarding the HTR system, our work focuses on the use of Bernoulli Hidden Markov Models (BHMMs). BHMMs had proven to work very well with Latin script. Indeed, empirical results based on it were reported on well-known corpora, such as IAM and RIMES. In this thesis, these results are extended to Arabic script, in particular, to the well-known IfN/ENIT and NIST OpenHaRT databases for Arabic handwritten text. The need for transcribing Arabic text is not only limited to handwritten text, but also to printed text. Arabic printed text might be considered as a simple form of handwritten text version. Thus, for this kind of text, we also propose Bernoulli HMMs. In addition, we propose to compare BHMMs with state-of-the-art technology based on neural networks. A key idea that has proven to be very effective in this application of Bernoulli HMMs is the use of a sliding window of adequate width for feature extraction. This idea has allowed us to obtain very competitive results in the recognition of both Arabic handwriting and printed text. Indeed, a system based on it ranked first at the ICDAR 2011 Arabic recognition competition on the Arabic Printed Text Image (APTI) database. Moreover, this idea has been refined by using repositioning techniques for extracted windows, leading to further improvements in Arabic text recognition. In the case of handwritten text, this refinement improved our system which ranked first at the ICFHR 2010 Arabic handwriting recognition competition on IfN/ENIT. In the case of printed text, this refinement led to an improved system which ranked second at the ICDAR 2013 Competition on Multi-font and Multi-size Digitally Represented Arabic Text on APTI. Furthermore, this refinement was used with neural networks-based technology, which led to state-of-the-art results. For machine translation, the system was based on the combination of three state-of-the-art statistical models: the standard phrase-based models, the hierarchical phrase-based models, and the N-gram phrase-based models. This combination was done using the Recognizer Output Voting Error Reduction (ROVER) method. Finally, we propose three methods of combining HTR and MT to develop an Arabic image translation system. The system was evaluated on the NIST OpenHaRT database, where competitive results were obtained.[ES] El reconocimiento de texto manuscrito (HTR) en árabe y la traducción automática (MT) del árabe al inglés se han tratado habitualmente como dos áreas de estudio independientes. De hecho, la idea de crear un sistema que combine las dos áreas, que directamente genere texto en inglés a partir de imágenes que contienen texto en árabe, sigue siendo una tarea difícil. Este proceso se puede interpretar como la traducción de imágenes de texto en árabe. En esta tesis, se propone un sistema que reconoce las imágenes de texto manuscrito en árabe, y que traduce el texto reconocido al inglés. Este sistema está construido a partir de la combinación de un sistema HTR y un sistema MT. En cuanto al sistema HTR, nuestro trabajo se enfoca en el uso de los Bernoulli Hidden Markov Models (BHMMs). Los modelos BHMMs ya han sido probados anteriormente en tareas con alfabeto latino obteniendo buenos resultados. De hecho, existen resultados empíricos publicados usando corpus conocidos, tales como IAM o RIMES. En esta tesis, estos resultados se han extendido al texto manuscrito en árabe, en particular, a las bases de datos IfN/ENIT y NIST OpenHaRT. En aplicaciones reales, la transcripción del texto en árabe no se limita únicamente al texto manuscrito, sino también al texto impreso. El texto impreso se puede interpretar como una forma simplificada de texto manuscrito. Por lo tanto, para este tipo de texto, también proponemos el uso de modelos BHMMs. Además, estos modelos se han comparado con tecnología del estado del arte basada en redes neuronales. Una idea clave que ha demostrado ser muy eficaz en la aplicación de modelos BHMMs es el uso de una ventana deslizante (sliding window) de anchura adecuada durante la extracción de características. Esta idea ha permitido obtener resultados muy competitivos tanto en el reconocimiento de texto manuscrito en árabe como en el de texto impreso. De hecho, un sistema basado en este tipo de extracción de características quedó en la primera posición en el concurso ICDAR 2011 Arabic recognition competition usando la base de datos Arabic Printed Text Image (APTI). Además, esta idea se ha perfeccionado mediante el uso de técnicas de reposicionamiento aplicadas a las ventanas extraídas, dando lugar a nuevas mejoras en el reconocimiento de texto árabe. En el caso de texto manuscrito, este refinamiento ha conseguido mejorar el sistema que ocupó el primer lugar en el concurso ICFHR 2010 Arabic handwriting recognition competition usando IfN/ENIT. En el caso del texto impreso, este refinamiento condujo a un sistema mejor que ocupó el segundo lugar en el concurso ICDAR 2013 Competition on Multi-font and Multi-size Digitally Represented Arabic Text en el que se usaba APTI. Por otro lado, esta técnica se ha evaluado también en tecnología basada en redes neuronales, lo que ha llevado a resultados del estado del arte. Respecto a la traducción automática, el sistema se ha basado en la combinación de tres tipos de modelos estadísticos del estado del arte: los modelos standard phrase-based, los modelos hierarchical phrase-based y los modelos N-gram phrase-based. Esta combinación se hizo utilizando el método Recognizer Output Voting Error Reduction (ROVER). Por último, se han propuesto tres métodos para combinar los sistemas HTR y MT con el fin de desarrollar un sistema de traducción de imágenes de texto árabe a inglés. El sistema se ha evaluado sobre la base de datos NIST OpenHaRT, donde se han obtenido resultados competitivos.[CA] El reconeixement de text manuscrit (HTR) en àrab i la traducció automàtica (MT) de l'àrab a l'anglès s'han tractat habitualment com dues àrees d'estudi independents. De fet, la idea de crear un sistema que combine les dues àrees, que directament genere text en anglès a partir d'imatges que contenen text en àrab, continua sent una tasca difícil. Aquest procés es pot interpretar com la traducció d'imatges de text en àrab. En aquesta tesi, es proposa un sistema que reconeix les imatges de text manuscrit en àrab, i que tradueix el text reconegut a l'anglès. Aquest sistema està construït a partir de la combinació d'un sistema HTR i d'un sistema MT. Pel que fa al sistema HTR, el nostre treball s'enfoca en l'ús dels Bernoulli Hidden Markov Models (BHMMs). Els models BHMMs ja han estat provats anteriorment en tasques amb alfabet llatí obtenint bons resultats. De fet, existeixen resultats empírics publicats emprant corpus coneguts, tals com IAM o RIMES. En aquesta tesi, aquests resultats s'han estès a la escriptura manuscrita en àrab, en particular, a les bases de dades IfN/ENIT i NIST OpenHaRT. En aplicacions reals, la transcripció de text en àrab no es limita únicament al text manuscrit, sinó també al text imprès. El text imprès es pot interpretar com una forma simplificada de text manuscrit. Per tant, per a aquest tipus de text, també proposem l'ús de models BHMMs. A més a més, aquests models s'han comparat amb tecnologia de l'estat de l'art basada en xarxes neuronals. Una idea clau que ha demostrat ser molt eficaç en l'aplicació de models BHMMs és l'ús d'una finestra lliscant (sliding window) d'amplària adequada durant l'extracció de característiques. Aquesta idea ha permès obtenir resultats molt competitius tant en el reconeixement de text àrab manuscrit com en el de text imprès. De fet, un sistema basat en aquest tipus d'extracció de característiques va quedar en primera posició en el concurs ICDAR 2011 Arabic recognition competition emprant la base de dades Arabic Printed Text Image (APTI). A més a més, aquesta idea s'ha perfeccionat mitjançant l'ús de tècniques de reposicionament aplicades a les finestres extretes, donant lloc a noves millores en el reconeixement de text en àrab. En el cas de text manuscrit, aquest refinament ha aconseguit millorar el sistema que va ocupar el primer lloc en el concurs ICFHR 2010 Arabic handwriting recognition competition usant IfN/ENIT. En el cas del text imprès, aquest refinament va conduir a un sistema millor que va ocupar el segon lloc en el concurs ICDAR 2013 Competition on Multi-font and Multi-size Digitally Represented Arabic Text en el qual s'usava APTI. D'altra banda, aquesta tècnica s'ha avaluat també en tecnologia basada en xarxes neuronals, el que ha portat a resultats de l'estat de l'art. Respecte a la traducció automàtica, el sistema s'ha basat en la combinació de tres tipus de models estadístics de l'estat de l'art: els models standard phrase-based, els models hierarchical phrase-based i els models N-gram phrase-based. Aquesta combinació es va fer utilitzant el mètode Recognizer Output Voting Errada Reduction (ROVER). Finalment, s'han proposat tres mètodes per combinar els sistemes HTR i MT amb la finalitat de desenvolupar un sistema de traducció d'imatges de text àrab a anglès. El sistema s'ha avaluat sobre la base de dades NIST OpenHaRT, on s'han obtingut resultats competitius.Alkhoury, I. (2015). Arabic Text Recognition and Machine Translation [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53029TESI

    Online Handwritten Chinese/Japanese Character Recognition

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    SLIS Connecting Volume 5, Issue 2

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    SLIS Connecting Volume 5, Issue 2 (Fall/Winter 2016

    Off-line Thai handwriting recognition in legal amount

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    Thai handwriting in legal amounts is a challenging problem and a new field in the area of handwriting recognition research. The focus of this thesis is to implement Thai handwriting recognition system. A preliminary data set of Thai handwriting in legal amounts is designed. The samples in the data set are characters and words of the Thai legal amounts and a set of legal amounts phrases collected from a number of native Thai volunteers. At the preprocessing and recognition process, techniques are introduced to improve the characters recognition rates. The characters are divided into two smaller subgroups by their writing levels named body and high groups. The recognition rates of both groups are increased based on their distinguished features. The writing level separation algorithms are implemented using the size and position of characters. Empirical experiments are set to test the best combination of the feature to increase the recognition rates. Traditional recognition systems are modified to give the accumulative top-3 ranked answers to cover the possible character classes. At the postprocessing process level, the lexicon matching algorithms are implemented to match the ranked characters with the legal amount words. These matched words are joined together to form possible choices of amounts. These amounts will have their syntax checked in the last stage. Several syntax violations are caused by consequence faulty character segmentation and recognition resulting from connecting or broken characters. The anomaly in handwriting caused by these characters are mainly detected by their size and shape. During the recovery process, the possible word boundary patterns can be pre-defined and used to segment the hypothesis words. These words are identified by the word recognition and the results are joined with previously matched words to form the full amounts and checked by the syntax rules again. From 154 amounts written by 10 writers, the rejection rate is 14.9 percent with the recovery processes. The recognition rate for the accepted amount is 100 percent