8 research outputs found

    Mining Time-delayed Gene Regulation Patterns from Gene Expression Data

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    Discovered gene regulation networks are very helpful to predict unknown gene functions. The activating and deactivating relations between genes and genes are mined from microarray gene expression data. There are evidences showing that multiple time units delay exist in a gene regulation process. Association rule mining technique is very suitable for finding regulation relations among genes. However, current association rule mining techniques cannot handle temporally ordered transactions. We propose a modified association rule mining technique for efficiently discovering time-delayed regulation relationships among genes.By analyzing gene expression data, we can discover gene relations. Thus, we use modified association rule to mine gene regulation patterns. Our proposed method, BC3, is designed to mine time-delayed gene regulation patterns with length 3 from time series gene expression data. However, the front two items are regulators, and the last item is their affecting target. First we use Apriori to find frequent 2-itemset in order to figure backward to BL1. The Apriori mined the frequent 2-itemset in the same time point, so we make the L2 split to length one for having relation in the same time point. Then we combine BL1 with L1 to a new ordered-set BC2 with time-delayed relations. After pruning BC2 with the threshold, BL2 is derived. The results are worked out by BL2 joining itself to BC3, and sifting BL3 from BC3. We use yeast gene expression data to evaluate our method and analyze the results to show our work is efficient

    Building and Querying Large Modelbases

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    Model building is one of the most important objectives of data mining and data analysis. As many data mining applications, such as personalization, bioinformatics and some large enterprise-wide business applications, become increasingly complex and require a very large number of models, it is becoming progressively more difficult for data analysts to built and to manage a large number of models in these applications on their own. Therefore, development of software tools helping data analysts in these tasks is becoming a pressing issue. This paper presents a model management system supporting various types of data mining models. It describes how to build and populate large heterogeneous modelbases. It also presents a query language for querying these modelbases and examines performance results for some of the queries.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Integrated analysis of gene expression by association rules discovery

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    BACKGROUND: Microarray technology is generating huge amounts of data about the expression level of thousands of genes, or even whole genomes, across different experimental conditions. To extract biological knowledge, and to fully understand such datasets, it is essential to include external biological information about genes and gene products to the analysis of expression data. However, most of the current approaches to analyze microarray datasets are mainly focused on the analysis of experimental data, and external biological information is incorporated as a posterior process. RESULTS: In this study we present a method for the integrative analysis of microarray data based on the Association Rules Discovery data mining technique. The approach integrates gene annotations and expression data to discover intrinsic associations among both data sources based on co-occurrence patterns. We applied the proposed methodology to the analysis of gene expression datasets in which genes were annotated with metabolic pathways, transcriptional regulators and Gene Ontology categories. Automatically extracted associations revealed significant relationships among these gene attributes and expression patterns, where many of them are clearly supported by recently reported work. CONCLUSION: The integration of external biological information and gene expression data can provide insights about the biological processes associated to gene expression programs. In this paper we show that the proposed methodology is able to integrate multiple gene annotations and expression data in the same analytic framework and extract meaningful associations among heterogeneous sources of data. An implementation of the method is included in the Engene software package

    Building and Querying Large Modelbases

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    Model building is one of the most important objectives of data mining and data analysis. As many data mining applications, such as personalization, bioinformatics and some large enterprise-wide business applications, become increasingly complex and require a very large number of models, it is becoming progressively more difficult for data analysts to built and to manage a large number of models in these applications on their own. Therefore, development of software tools helping data analysts in these tasks is becoming a pressing issue. This paper presents a model management system supporting various types of data mining models. It describes how to build and populate large heterogeneous modelbases. It also presents a query language for querying these modelbases and examines performance results for some of the queries.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Mining frequent sequential patterns in data streams using SSM-algorithm.

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    Frequent sequential mining is the process of discovering frequent sequential patterns in data sequences as found in applications like web log access sequences. In data stream applications, data arrive at high speed rates in a continuous flow. Data stream mining is an online process different from traditional mining. Traditional mining algorithms work on an entire static dataset in order to obtain results while data stream mining algorithms work with continuously arriving data streams. With rapid change in technology, there are many applications that take data as continuous streams. Examples include stock tickers, network traffic measurements, click stream data, data feeds from sensor networks, and telecom call records. Mining frequent sequential patterns on data stream applications contend with many challenges such as limited memory for unlimited data, inability of algorithms to scan infinitely flowing original dataset more than once and to deliver current and accurate result on demand. This thesis proposes SSM-Algorithm (sequential stream mining-algorithm) that delivers frequent sequential patterns in data streams. The concept of this work came from FP-Stream algorithm that delivers time sensitive frequent patterns. Proposed SSM-Algorithm outperforms FP-Stream algorithm by the use of a hash based and two efficient tree based data structures. All incoming streams are handled dynamically to improve memory usage. SSM-Algorithm maintains frequent sequences incrementally and delivers most current result on demand. The introduced algorithm can be deployed to analyze e-commerce data where the primary source of the data is click stream data. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)Dept. of Computer Science. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .M668. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1409. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Handling very large numbers of association rules in the analysis of microarray data

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    Benefits of the application of web-mining methods and techniques for the field of analytical customer relationship management of the marketing function in a knowledge management perspective

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    Le Web Mining (WM) reste une technologie relativement méconnue. Toutefois, si elle est utilisée adéquatement, elle s'avère être d'une grande utilité pour l'identification des profils et des comportements des clients prospects et existants, dans un contexte internet. Les avancées techniques du WM améliorent grandement le volet analytique de la Gestion de la Relation Client (GRC). Cette étude suit une approche exploratoire afin de déterminer si le WM atteint, à lui seul, tous les objectifs fondamentaux de la GRC, ou le cas échéant, devrait être utilisé de manière conjointe avec la recherche marketing traditionnelle et les méthodes classiques de la GRC analytique (GRCa) pour optimiser la GRC, et de fait le marketing, dans un contexte internet. La connaissance obtenue par le WM peut ensuite être administrée au sein de l'organisation dans un cadre de Gestion de la Connaissance (GC), afin d'optimiser les relations avec les clients nouveaux et/ou existants, améliorer leur expérience client et ultimement, leur fournir de la meilleure valeur. Dans un cadre de recherche exploratoire, des entrevues semi-structurés et en profondeur furent menées afin d'obtenir le point de vue de plusieurs experts en (web) data rnining. L'étude révéla que le WM est bien approprié pour segmenter les clients prospects et existants, pour comprendre les comportements transactionnels en ligne des clients existants et prospects, ainsi que pour déterminer le statut de loyauté (ou de défection) des clients existants. Il constitue, à ce titre, un outil d'une redoutable efficacité prédictive par le biais de la classification et de l'estimation, mais aussi descriptive par le biais de la segmentation et de l'association. En revanche, le WM est moins performant dans la compréhension des dimensions sous-jacentes, moins évidentes du comportement client. L'utilisation du WM est moins appropriée pour remplir des objectifs liés à la description de la manière dont les clients existants ou prospects développent loyauté, satisfaction, défection ou attachement envers une enseigne sur internet. Cet exercice est d'autant plus difficile que la communication multicanale dans laquelle évoluent les consommateurs a une forte influence sur les relations qu'ils développent avec une marque. Ainsi le comportement en ligne ne serait qu'une transposition ou tout du moins une extension du comportement du consommateur lorsqu'il n'est pas en ligne. Le WM est également un outil relativement incomplet pour identifier le développement de la défection vers et depuis les concurrents ainsi que le développement de la loyauté envers ces derniers. Le WM nécessite toujours d'être complété par la recherche marketing traditionnelle afin d'atteindre ces objectives plus difficiles mais essentiels de la GRCa. Finalement, les conclusions de cette recherche sont principalement dirigées à l'encontre des firmes et des gestionnaires plus que du côté des clients-internautes, car ces premiers plus que ces derniers possèdent les ressources et les processus pour mettre en œuvre les projets de recherche en WM décrits.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Web mining, Gestion de la connaissance, Gestion de la relation client, Données internet, Comportement du consommateur, Forage de données, Connaissance du consommateu