87 research outputs found

    Execution/Simulation of Context/Constraint-aware Composite Services using GIPSY

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    For fulfilling a complex requirement comprising of several sub-tasks, a composition of simple web services, each of which is dedicated to performing a specific sub-task involved, proves to be a more competent solution in comparison to an equivalent atomic web service. Owing to advantages such as re-usability of components, broader options for composition requesters and liberty to specialize for component providers, for over two decades now, composite services have been extensively researched to the point of being perfected in many aspects. Yet, most of the studies undertaken in this field fail to acknowledge that every web service has a limited context in which it can successfully perform its tasks, the boundaries of which are defined by the internal constraints placed on the service by its providers. When used as part of a composition, the restricted context-spaces of all such component services together define the contextual boundaries of the composite service as a unit, which makes internal constraints an influential factor for composite service functionality. However, due to the limited exposure received by them, no systems have yet been proposed to cater to the specific verification of internal constraints imposed on components of a composite service. In an attempt to address this gap in service composition research, in this thesis, we propose a multi-faceted solution capable of not only automatically constructing context-aware composite web services with their internal constraints positioned for optimum resource-utilization but also of validating the generated compositions using the General Intensional Programming SYstem (GIPSY) as a time- and cost-efficient simulation/execution environment

    Scalable Automatic Service Composition using Genetic Algorithms

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    A composition of simple web services, each dedicated to performing a specific sub- task involved, proves to be a more competitive solution than an equivalent atomic web service for a complex requirement comprised of several sub-tasks. Composite services have been extensively researched and perfected in many aspects for over two decades, owing to benefits such as component re-usability, broader options for composition requesters, and the liberty to specialize for component providers. However, most studies in this field must acknowledge that each web service has a limited context in which it can successfully perform its tasks, the boundaries defined by the internal constraints imposed on the service by its providers. The restricted context-spaces of all such component services define the contextual boundaries of the composite service as a whole when used in a composition, making internal constraints an essential factor in composite service functionality. Due to their limited exposure, no systems have yet been proposed on the large-scale solution repository to cater to the specific verification of internal constraints imposed on components of a composite service. In this thesis, we propose a scalable automatic service composition capable of not only automatically constructing context-aware composite web services with internal constraints positioned for optimal resource utilization but also validating the generated compositions on a large-scale solution repository using the General Intensional Programming System (GIPSY) as a time- and cost-efficient simulation/execution environment

    Parameter dependencies for reusable performance specifications of software components

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    To avoid design-related per­for­mance problems, model-driven performance prediction methods analyse the response times, throughputs, and re­source utilizations of software architectures before and during implementation. This thesis proposes new modeling languages and according model transformations, which allow a reusable description of usage profile dependencies to the performance of software components. Predictions based on this new methods can support performance-related design decisions

    Network-Integrated Multimedia Middleware, Services, and Applications

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    Today, there is a strong trend towards networked multimedia devices. However, common multimedia software architectures are restricted to perform all processing on a single system. Available software infrastructures for distributed computing — commonly referred to as middleware — only partly provide the facilities needed for supporting multimedia in distributed and dynamic environments. Approaches from the research community only focus on specific aspects and do not achieve the coverage needed for a full-featured multimedia middleware solution. The Network-Integrated Multimedia Middleware (NMM) presented in this thesis considers the network as an integral part. Despite the inherent heterogeneity of present networking and device technologies, the architecture allows to extend control and cooperation to the network and enables the development of distributed multimedia applications that transparently use local and remote components in combination. The base architecture of this middleware is augmented by several middleware services that especially aim at providing additional support for developing complex applications that involve mobile users and devices. To this end, previously not available services and corresponding abstractions are proposed, realized, and evaluated. The performance and applicability of the developed middleware and its additional services are demonstrated by describing different realized application scenarios.Eine wachsende Anzahl von Multimedia-Geraeten verfuegt heute bereits ueber Netzwerkschnittstellen. Verfueugbare Multimedia Software-Architekturen beschraeanken jedoch die gesamte Datenverarbeitung auf ein einzelnes System. Verbreitete Software-Infrastrukturen fuer Verteilte Systeme — ueblicherweise Middleware genannt — bieten nur teilweise die Eigenschaften, die fuer die Multimedia-Datenverarbeitung in vernetzten und dynamischen Umgebungen benoetigt werden. Ansaetze aus der Forschung behandeln nur spezielle Teilaspekte und erreichen deshalb nicht den Funktionsumfang einer vollwertigen Middleware fuer Multimedia. Die in dieser Arbeit beschriebene Netzwerk-Integrierte Multimedia Middleware (NMM) betrachtet das Netzwerk als integralen Bestandteil. Die Architektur erlaubt trotz der inhaerenten Heterogenitaet der vorhandenen Netzwerk- und Geraetetechnologie die Kontrolle und das Zusammenspiel von Systemen auf das Netzwerk auszuweiten. Dies ermoeglicht die Entwicklung verteilter Multimedia-Anwendungen, die transparent lokale und entfernte Komponenten zusammen einsetzen. Die Kernarchitektur dieser Middleware wird durch verschiedene Dienste erweitert, die speziell die Realisierung komplexer Anwendungsszenarien mitmobilen Geraeten und Benutzern unterstuetzt. Insbesondere werden neue, bisher nicht vorhandene Middleware-Dienste und zugehoerige Abstraktionen vorgeschlagen, realisiert und evaluiert. Anhand verschiedener Anwendungsszenarien wird die Leistungfaehigkeit, die Effizienz und die praktische Relevanz der entwickelten Middleware und der ergaenzenden Dienste demonstriert

    ICE-B 2010:proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business

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    The International Conference on e-Business, ICE-B 2010, aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners who are interested in e-Business technology and its current applications. The mentioned technology relates not only to more low-level technological issues, such as technology platforms and web services, but also to some higher-level issues, such as context awareness and enterprise models, and also the peculiarities of different possible applications of such technology. These are all areas of theoretical and practical importance within the broad scope of e-Business, whose growing importance can be seen from the increasing interest of the IT research community. The areas of the current conference are: (i) e-Business applications; (ii) Enterprise engineering; (iii) Mobility; (iv) Business collaboration and e-Services; (v) Technology platforms. Contributions vary from research-driven to being more practical oriented, reflecting innovative results in the mentioned areas. ICE-B 2010 received 66 submissions, of which 9% were accepted as full papers. Additionally, 27% were presented as short papers and 17% as posters. All papers presented at the conference venue were included in the SciTePress Digital Library. Revised best papers are published by Springer-Verlag in a CCIS Series book

    The Palladio Component Model

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    A framework for SLA-centric service-based Utility Computing

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    Nicht angegebenService oriented Utility Computing paves the way towards realization of service markets, which promise metered services through negotiable Service Level Agreements (SLA). A market does not necessarily imply a simple buyer-seller relationship, rather it is the culmination point of a complex chain of stake-holders with a hierarchical integration of value along each link in the chain. In service value chains, services corresponding to different partners are aggregated in a producer-consumer manner resulting in hierarchical structures of added value. SLAs are contracts between service providers and service consumers, which ensure the expected Quality of Service (QoS) to different stakeholders at various levels in this hierarchy. \emph{This thesis addresses the challenge of realizing SLA-centric infrastructure to enable service markets for Utility Computing.} Service Level Agreements play a pivotal role throughout the life cycle of service aggregation. The activities of service selection and service negotiation followed by the hierarchical aggregation and validation of services in service value chain, require SLA as an enabling technology. \emph{This research aims at a SLA-centric framework where the requirement-driven selection of services, flexible SLA negotiation, hierarchical SLA aggregation and validation, and related issues such as privacy, trust and security have been formalized and the prototypes of the service selection model and the validation model have been implemented. } The formal model for User-driven service selection utilizes Branch and Bound and Heuristic algorithms for its implementation. The formal model is then extended for SLA negotiation of configurable services of varying granularity in order to tweak the interests of the service consumers and service providers. %and then formalizing the requirements of an enabling infrastructure for aggregation and validation of SLAs existing at multiple levels and spanning % along the corresponding service value chains. The possibility of service aggregation opens new business opportunities in the evolving landscape of IT-based Service Economy. A SLA as a unit of business relationships helps establish innovative topologies for business networks. One example is the composition of computational services to construct services of bigger granularity thus giving room to business models based on service aggregation, Composite Service Provision and Reselling. This research introduces and formalizes the notions of SLA Choreography and hierarchical SLA aggregation in connection with the underlying service choreography to realize SLA-centric service value chains and business networks. The SLA Choreography and aggregation poses new challenges regarding its description, management, maintenance, validation, trust, privacy and security. The aggregation and validation models for SLA Choreography introduce concepts such as: SLA Views to protect the privacy of stakeholders; a hybrid trust model to foster business among unknown partners; and a PKI security mechanism coupled with rule based validation system to enable distributed queries across heterogeneous boundaries. A distributed rule based hierarchical SLA validation system is designed to demonstrate the practical significance of these notions
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