4 research outputs found

    3D Compression: from A to Zip a first complete example

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    Imagens invadiram a maioria das publicacações e comunicacões contemporâneas. Esta expansão acelerou-se com o desenvolvimento de métodos eficientes de compressão da imagem. Hoje o processo da criação de imagens é baseado nos objetos multidimensionais gerados por CAD, simulações físicas, representações de dados ou soluções de problemas de otimização. Esta variedade das fontes motiva o desenho de esquemas de compressão adaptados a classes específicas de modelos. O lançamento recente do Google Sketch’up com o seu armazém de modelos 3D acelerou a passagem das imagens bidimensionais às tridimensionais. Entretanto, este o tipo de sistemas requer um acesso rápido aos modelos 3D, possivelmente gigantes, que é possível somente usando de esquemas eficientes da compressão. Esse trabalho faz parte de um tutorial ministrado no Sibgrapi 2007.Images invaded most of contemporary publications and communications. This expansion has accelerated with the development of efficient schemes dedicated to image compression. Nowadays, the image creation process relies on multidimensional objects generated from computer aided design, physical simulations, data representation or optimisation problem solutions. This variety of sources motivates the design of compression schemes adapted to specific class of models. The recent launch of Google Sketch’up and its 3D models warehouse has accelerated the shift from two-dimensional images to three-dimensional ones. However, these kind of systems require fast access to eventually huge models, which is possible only through the use of efficient compression schemes. This work is part of a tutorial given at the XXth Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (Sibgrapi 2007)

    Ascending and descending regions of a discrete Morse function

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    We present an algorithm which produces a decomposition of a regular cellular complex with a discrete Morse function analogous to the Morse-Smale decomposition of a smooth manifold with respect to a smooth Morse function. The advantage of our algorithm compared to similar existing results is that it works, at least theoretically, in any dimension. Practically, there are dimensional restrictions due to the size of cellular complexes of higher dimensions, though. We prove that the algorithm is correct in the sense that it always produces a decomposition into descending and ascending regions of the critical cells in a finite number of steps, and that, after a finite number of subdivisions, all the regions are topological discs. The efficiency of the algorithm is discussed and its performance on several examples is demonstrated.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Operatori za multi-rezolucione komplekse Morza i ćelijske komplekse

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    The topic of the thesis is analysis of the topological structure of scalar fields and shapes represented through Morse and cell complexes, respectively. This is achieved by defining simplification and refinement operators on these complexes. It is shown that the defined operators form a basis for the set of operators that modify Morse and cell complexes. Based on the defined operators, a multi-resolution model for Morse and cell complexes is constructed, which contains a large number of representations at uniform and variable resolution.Тема дисертације је анализа тополошке структуре скаларних поља и облика представљених у облику комплекса Морза и ћелијских комплекса, редом. То се постиже дефинисањем оператора за симплификацију и рафинацију тих комплекса. Показано је да дефинисани оператори чине базу за скуп оператора на комплексима Морза и ћелијским комплексима. На основу дефинисаних оператора конструисан је мулти-резолуциони модел за комплексе Морза и ћелијске комплексе, који садржи велики број репрезентација униформне и варијабилне резолуције.Tema disertacije je analiza topološke strukture skalarnih polja i oblika predstavljenih u obliku kompleksa Morza i ćelijskih kompleksa, redom. To se postiže definisanjem operatora za simplifikaciju i rafinaciju tih kompleksa. Pokazano je da definisani operatori čine bazu za skup operatora na kompleksima Morza i ćelijskim kompleksima. Na osnovu definisanih operatora konstruisan je multi-rezolucioni model za komplekse Morza i ćelijske komplekse, koji sadrži veliki broj reprezentacija uniformne i varijabilne rezolucije

    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum