354 research outputs found

    Multilayered visuo-haptic hair simulation

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    Over the last fifteen years, research on hair simulation has made great advances in the domains of modeling, animation and rendering, and is now moving towards more innovative interaction modalities. The combination of visual and haptic interaction within a virtual hairstyling simulation framework represents an important concept evolving in this direction. Our visuo-haptic hair interaction framework consists of two layers which handle the response to the user's interaction at a local level (around the contact area), and at a global level (on the full hairstyle). Two distinct simulation models compute individual and collective hair behavior. Our multilayered approach can be used to efficiently address the specific requirements of haptics and vision. Haptic interaction with both models has been tested with virtual hairstyling tool

    Applications of Face Analysis and Modeling in Media Production

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    Facial expressions play an important role in day-by-day communication as well as media production. This article surveys automatic facial analysis and modeling methods using computer vision techniques and their applications for media production. The authors give a brief overview of the psychology of face perception and then describe some of the applications of computer vision and pattern recognition applied to face recognition in media production. This article also covers the automatic generation of face models, which are used in movie and TV productions for special effects in order to manipulate people's faces or combine real actors with computer graphics

    Analysis and Construction of Engaging Facial Forms and Expressions: Interdisciplinary Approaches from Art, Anatomy, Engineering, Cultural Studies, and Psychology

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    The topic of this dissertation is the anatomical, psychological, and cultural examination of a human face in order to effectively construct an anatomy-driven 3D virtual face customization and action model. In order to gain a broad perspective of all aspects of a face, theories and methodology from the fields of art, engineering, anatomy, psychology, and cultural studies have been analyzed and implemented. The computer generated facial customization and action model were designed based on the collected data. Using this customization system, culturally-specific attractive face in Korean popular culture, “kot-mi-nam (flower-like beautiful guy),” was modeled and analyzed as a case study. The “kot-mi-nam” phenomenon is overviewed in textual, visual, and contextual aspects, which reveals the gender- and sexuality-fluidity of its masculinity. The analysis and the actual development of the model organically co-construct each other requiring an interwoven process. Chapter 1 introduces anatomical studies of a human face, psychological theories of face recognition and an attractive face, and state-of-the-art face construction projects in the various fields. Chapter 2 and 3 present the Bezier curve-based 3D facial customization (BCFC) and Multi-layered Facial Action Model (MFAF) based on the analysis of human anatomy, to achieve a cost-effective yet realistic quality of facial animation without using 3D scanned data. In the experiments, results for the facial customization for gender, race, fat, and age showed that BCFC achieved enhanced performance of 25.20% compared to existing program Facegen , and 44.12% compared to Facial Studio. The experimental results also proved the realistic quality and effectiveness of MFAM compared with blend shape technique by enhancing 2.87% and 0.03% of facial area for happiness and anger expressions per second, respectively. In Chapter 4, according to the analysis based on BCFC, the 3D face of an average kot-mi-nam is close to gender neutral (male: 50.38%, female: 49.62%), and Caucasian (66.42-66.40%). Culturally-specific images can be misinterpreted in different cultures, due to their different languages, histories, and contexts. This research demonstrates that facial images can be affected by the cultural tastes of the makers and can also be interpreted differently by viewers in different cultures

    Digital Hair Creation for Archaeological Facial Approximation: George Dixon, the Last Captain of the Hl Hunley

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    This study explores the application of digital hair creation techniques in archaeological facial approximation, focusing on the case of George Dixon, the last captain of the HL Hunley submarine. While digital hair creation techniques have been previously employed in facial approximation, this research seeks to investigate further their potential and advantages over traditional methods, particularly regarding flexibility and the ability to create multiple variations. Facial approximation is a critical method for reconstructing the physical appearance of historical individuals. However, accurately recreating their hairstyle presents a significant challenge due to limited information and reliance on artistic interpretation. This research aims to harness digital hair creation techniques to address these limitations by integrating archaeological evidence, historical records, and scientific principles. The methodology involves five steps: data collection, hair modeling, hair simulation, styling and texturing, and integration and evaluation. The data collection phase involves gathering archaeological evidence, historical accounts, and visual references of hairstyles from the relevant time period. Hair modeling involves creating a three-dimensional model of Dixon\u27s head using computed tomography (CT) scans or available data. Hair simulation employs advanced computer graphics techniques to simulate the physical properties of hair. Styling and texturing involve sculpting and manipulating the digital hair strands into the desired hairstyle and adding color and other attributes for a lifelike appearance. Finally, the reconstructed hairstyle is integrated with Dixon\u27s facial approximation model and evaluated for accuracy and realism. One of the key advantages of this digital approach is the ability to easily create alternate versions and conduct look development in consultation with archaeologists. This allows for a more comprehensive exploration of possible hairstyles and facial hair variations for Dixon, enhancing the accuracy and authenticity of the facial approximation. This research contributes to the growing body of work on the application of digital techniques in archaeological facial approximation. The findings from this study will offer valuable insights into the appearance of George Dixon and provide a useful reference for future research in the field. Keywords: digital hair creation, archaeological facial approximation, hairstyle reconstruction, George Dixon, HL Hunley, computed tomography, three-dimensional modeling, hair simulation, styling, texturing, accuracy, authenticity, forensic archaeology

    Image-Based Approaches to Hair Modeling

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    Hair is a relevant characteristic of virtual characters, therefore the modeling of plausible facial hair and hairstyles is an essential step in the generation of computer generated (CG) avatars. However, the inherent geometric complexity of hair together with the huge number of filaments of an average human head make the task of modeling hairstyles a very challenging one. To date this is commonly a manual process which requires artist skills or very specialized and costly acquisition software. In this work we present an image-based approach to model facial hair (beard and eyebrows) and (head) hairstyles. Since facial hair is usually much shorter than the average head hair two different methods are resented, adapted to the characteristics of the hair to be modeled. Facial hair is modeled using data extracted from facial texture images and missing information is inferred by means of a database-driven prior model. Our hairstyle reconstruction technique employs images of the hair to be modeled taken with a thermal camera. The major advantage of our thermal image-based method over conventional image-based techniques lies on the fact that during data capture the hairstyle is "lit from the inside": the thermal camera captures heat irradiated by the head and actively re-emitted by the hair filaments almost isotropically. Following this approach we can avoid several issues of conventional image-based techniques, like shadowing or anisotropy in reflectance. The presented technique requires minimal user interaction and a simple acquisition setup. Several challenging examples demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach

    Applications of face analysis and modelling in media production:Overview of the state of the art

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    Facial expressions play an important role in day-by-day communication as well as media production. This article surveys automatic facial analysis and modeling methods using computer vision techniques and their applications for media production. The authors give a brief overview of the psychology of face perception and then describe some of the applications of computer vision and pattern recognition applied to face recognition in media production. This article also covers the automatic generation of face models, which are used in movie and TV productions for special effects in order to manipulate people's faces or combine real actors with computer graphics

    Virtual sculpting and 3D printing for young people with disabilities

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    In this paper, we present the SHIVA project which was designed to provide virtual sculpting tools for young people with complex disabilities, to allow them to engage with artistic and creative activities that they might otherwise never be able to access. Modern 3D printing then allows us to physically build their creations. To achieve this, we combined our expertise in education, accessible technology, user interfaces and geometric modelling. We built a generic accessible graphical user interface (GUI) and a suitable geometric modelling system and used these to produce two prototype modelling exercises. These tools were deployed in a school for students with complex disabilities and are now being used for a variety of educational and developmental purposes. In this paper, we present the project's motivations, approach and implementation details together with initial results, including 3D printed objects designed by young people who have disabilties

    THE REALISM OF ALGORITHMIC HUMAN FIGURES A Study of Selected Examples 1964 to 2001

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    It is more than forty years since the first wireframe images of the Boeing Man revealed a stylized hu-man pilot in a simulated pilot's cabin. Since then, it has almost become standard to include scenes in Hollywood movies which incorporate virtual human actors. A trait particularly recognizable in the games industry world-wide is the eagerness to render athletic muscular young men, and young women with hour-glass body-shapes, to traverse dangerous cyberworlds as invincible heroic figures. Tremendous efforts in algorithmic modeling, animation and rendering are spent to produce a realistic and believable appearance of these algorithmic humans. This thesis develops two main strands of research by the interpreting a selection of examples. Firstly, in the computer graphics context, over the forty years, it documents the development of the creation of the naturalistic appearance of images (usually called photorealism ). In particular, it de-scribes and reviews the impact of key algorithms in the course of the journey of the algorithmic human figures towards realism . Secondly, taking a historical perspective, this work provides an analysis of computer graphics in relation to the concept of realism. A comparison of realistic images of human figures throughout history with their algorithmically-generated counterparts allows us to see that computer graphics has both learned from previous and contemporary art movements such as photorealism but also taken out-of-context elements, symbols and properties from these art movements with a questionable naivety. Therefore, this work also offers a critique of the justification of the use of their typical conceptualization in computer graphics. Although the astounding technical achievements in the field of algorithmically-generated human figures are paralleled by an equally astounding disregard for the history of visual culture, from the beginning 1964 till the breakthrough 2001, in the period of the digital information processing machine, a new approach has emerged to meet the apparently incessant desire of humans to create artificial counterparts of themselves. Conversely, the theories of traditional realism have to be extended to include new problems that those active algorithmic human figures present

    Realistic Hair Simulation: Animation and Rendering

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    International audienceThe last five years have seen a profusion of innovative solutions to one of the most challenging tasks in character synthesis: hair simulation. This class covers both recent and novel research ideas in hair animation and rendering, and presents time tested industrial practices that resulted in spectacular imagery
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