302 research outputs found

    Novelty Detection for Robot Neotaxis

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    The ability of a robot to detect and respond to changes in its environment is potentially very useful, as it draws attention to new and potentially important features. We describe an algorithm for learning to filter out previously experienced stimuli to allow further concentration on novel features. The algorithm uses a model of habituation, a biological process which causes a decrement in response with repeated presentation. Experiments with a mobile robot are presented in which the robot detects the most novel stimulus and turns towards it (`neotaxis').Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Neural Computation, 200

    A Growing Self-Organizing Network for Reconstructing Curves and Surfaces

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    Self-organizing networks such as Neural Gas, Growing Neural Gas and many others have been adopted in actual applications for both dimensionality reduction and manifold learning. Typically, in these applications, the structure of the adapted network yields a good estimate of the topology of the unknown subspace from where the input data points are sampled. The approach presented here takes a different perspective, namely by assuming that the input space is a manifold of known dimension. In return, the new type of growing self-organizing network presented gains the ability to adapt itself in way that may guarantee the effective and stable recovery of the exact topological structure of the input manifold

    Lifelong 3D object recognition and grasp synthesis using dual memory recurrent self-organization networks

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    Humans learn to recognize and manipulate new objects in lifelong settings without forgetting the previously gained knowledge under non-stationary and sequential conditions. In autonomous systems, the agents also need to mitigate similar behaviour to continually learn the new object categories and adapt to new environments. In most conventional deep neural networks, this is not possible due to the problem of catastrophic forgetting, where the newly gained knowledge overwrites existing representations. Furthermore, most state-of-the-art models excel either in recognizing the objects or in grasp prediction, while both tasks use visual input. The combined architecture to tackle both tasks is very limited. In this paper, we proposed a hybrid model architecture consists of a dynamically growing dual-memory recurrent neural network (GDM) and an autoencoder to tackle object recognition and grasping simultaneously. The autoencoder network is responsible to extract a compact representation for a given object, which serves as input for the GDM learning, and is responsible to predict pixel-wise antipodal grasp configurations. The GDM part is designed to recognize the object in both instances and categories levels. We address the problem of catastrophic forgetting using the intrinsic memory replay, where the episodic memory periodically replays the neural activation trajectories in the absence of external sensory information. To extensively evaluate the proposed model in a lifelong setting, we generate a synthetic dataset due to lack of sequential 3D objects dataset. Experiment results demonstrated that the proposed model can learn both object representation and grasping simultaneously in continual learning scenarios

    Infant categorization as a dynamic process linked to memory

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    Recency effects are well documented in the adult and infant literature: recognition and recall memory are better for recently occurring events. We explore recency effects in infant categorization, which does not merely involve memory for individual items, but the formation of abstract category representations. We present a computational model of infant categorization that simulates category learning in 10-month-olds. The model predicts that recency effects outweigh previously reported order effects for the same stimuli. According to the model, infant behaviour at test should depend mainly on the identity of the most recent training item. We evaluate these predictions in a series of experiments with 10-month-old infants. Our results show that infant behaviour confirms the model’s prediction. In particular, at test infants exhibited a preference for a category outlier over the category average only if the final training item had been close to the average, rather than distant from it. Our results are consistent with a view of categorization as a highly dynamic process where the end result of category learning is not the overall average of all stimuli encountered, but rather a fluid representation that moves depending on moment-to-moment novelty. We argue that this is a desirable property of a flexible cognitive system that adapts rapidly to different contexts

    A biologically plausible system for detecting saliency in video

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    Neuroscientists and cognitive scientists credit the dorsal and ventral pathways for the capability of detecting both still salient and motion salient objects. In this work, a framework is developed to explore potential models of still and motion saliency and is an extension of the original VENUS system. The early visual pathway is modeled by using Independent Component Analysis to learn a set of Gabor-like receptive fields similar to those found in the mammalian visual pathway. These spatial receptive fields form a set of 2D basis feature matrices, which are used to decompose complex visual stimuli into their spatial components. A still saliency map is formed by combining the outputs of convoluting the learned spatial receptive fields with the input stimuli. The dorsal pathway is primarily focused on motion-based information. In this framework, the model uses simple motion segmentation and tracking algorithms to create a statistical model of the motion and color-related information in video streams. A key feature of the human visual system is the ability to detect novelty. This framework uses a set of Gaussian distributions to model color and motion. When a unique event is detected, Gaussian distributions are created and the event is declared novel. The next time a similar event is detected the framework is able to determine that the event is not novel based on the previously created distributions. A forgetting term is also included that allows events that have not been detected for a long period of time to be forgotten

    Algorithm and Hardware Co-design for Learning On-a-chip

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    abstract: Machine learning technology has made a lot of incredible achievements in recent years. It has rivalled or exceeded human performance in many intellectual tasks including image recognition, face detection and the Go game. Many machine learning algorithms require huge amount of computation such as in multiplication of large matrices. As silicon technology has scaled to sub-14nm regime, simply scaling down the device cannot provide enough speed-up any more. New device technologies and system architectures are needed to improve the computing capacity. Designing specific hardware for machine learning is highly in demand. Efforts need to be made on a joint design and optimization of both hardware and algorithm. For machine learning acceleration, traditional SRAM and DRAM based system suffer from low capacity, high latency, and high standby power. Instead, emerging memories, such as Phase Change Random Access Memory (PRAM), Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM), and Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM), are promising candidates providing low standby power, high data density, fast access and excellent scalability. This dissertation proposes a hierarchical memory modeling framework and models PRAM and STT-MRAM in four different levels of abstraction. With the proposed models, various simulations are conducted to investigate the performance, optimization, variability, reliability, and scalability. Emerging memory devices such as RRAM can work as a 2-D crosspoint array to speed up the multiplication and accumulation in machine learning algorithms. This dissertation proposes a new parallel programming scheme to achieve in-memory learning with RRAM crosspoint array. The programming circuitry is designed and simulated in TSMC 65nm technology showing 900X speedup for the dictionary learning task compared to the CPU performance. From the algorithm perspective, inspired by the high accuracy and low power of the brain, this dissertation proposes a bio-plausible feedforward inhibition spiking neural network with Spike-Rate-Dependent-Plasticity (SRDP) learning rule. It achieves more than 95% accuracy on the MNIST dataset, which is comparable to the sparse coding algorithm, but requires far fewer number of computations. The role of inhibition in this network is systematically studied and shown to improve the hardware efficiency in learning.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Review of real brain-controlled wheelchairs

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    This paper presents a review of the state of the art regarding wheelchairs driven by a brain-computer interface (BCI). Using a brain-controlled wheelchair (BCW), disabled users could handle a wheelchair through their brain activity, granting autonomy to move through an experimental environment. A classification is established, based on the characteristics of the BCW, such as the type of electroencephalographic (EEG) signal used, the navigation system employed by the wheelchair, the task for the participants, or the metrics used to evaluate the performance. Furthermore, these factors are compared according to the type of signal used, in order to clarify the differences among them. Finally, the trend of current research in this field is discussed, as well as the challenges that should be solved in the future

    Visual Novelty Detection for Mobile Inspection Robots

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