184 research outputs found

    Identificación de tareas isométricas y dinámicas del miembro superior basada en EMG de alta densidad

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    La identificación de tareas y estimación del movimiento voluntario basados en electromiografía (EMG) constituyen un problema conocido que involucra diferentes áreas en sistemas expertos, particularmente la de reconocimiento de patrones, con muchas aplicaciones posibles en dispositivos de asistencia y rehabilitación. La información que proporciona puede resultar útil para el control de exoesqueletos o brazos robóticos utilizados en terapias activas. La tecnología emergente de electromiografía de alta densidad (HD-EMG) abre nuevas posibilidades para extraer información neural y ya ha sido reportado que la distribución espacial de mapas de intensidad HD-EMG es una característica valiosa en la identificación de tareas isométricas (contracciones que no producen cambio en la longitud del músculo). Este estudio explora la utilización de la distribución espacial de la actividad mioeléctrica y lleva a cabo identificación de tareas durante ejercicios dinámicos a diferentes velocidades que son mucho más cercanos a los que se utilizan habitualmente en las terapias de rehabilitación. Con este objetivo, se registraron señales HD-EMG en un grupo de sujetos sanos durante la realización de un conjunto de tareas isométricas y dinámicas del miembro superior. Los resultados indican que la distribución espacial es una característica muy útil en la identificación, no solo de contracciones isométricas sino también de contracciones dinámicas, mejorando la eficiencia y naturalidad del control de dispositivos de rehabilitación para que se adapte mejor al usuario.Identification of tasks and estimation of volitional movement based on electromyography (EMG) constitute a known problem that involves different areas in the field of expert systems and particularly pattern recognition, with many possible applications in assistive and rehabilitation devices. The obtained information can be very useful to control exoskeletons or robots used in active rehabilitation processes. The emerging technology of high-density electromyography (HD-EMG) opens up new possibilities to extract neural information, and it has already been reported that the spatial distribution of HD-EMG intensity maps is a valuable feature in the identification of isometric tasks. This study explores the use of the spatial distribution of myoelectric activity and carries out a task identification during dynamic exercises at different velocities which are much closer to the ones commonly used during therapy. To this end, HD-EMG signals were recorded in a group of healthy subjects while performing a set of isometric and dynamic upper limb tasks. The results show that spatial distribution is a very useful feature in the identification not only of isometric contractions but also of dynamic contractions, so it can be very useful to improve the control of rehabilitation devices, making it more natural and permitting to adapt better to the user

    Explainable AI-powered graph neural networks for HD EMG-based gesture intention recognition

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    The ability to recognize fine-grained gestures enables several applications in different domains, including healthcare, robotics, remote control, and human-computer interaction. Traditional gesture recognition systems rely on data acquired from cameras, depth sensors, or smart gloves. More recently, techniques for recognizing gestures based on signals acquired by high-density (HD) EMG electrodes worn on the forearm have been proposed. An advantage of these techniques is that they do not rely on the use of external devices, and they are feasible also to people who underwent amputation. Unfortunately, the extraction of complex features from raw HD EMG signals may introduce delays that deter the real-time requirements of the system. To address this issue, in a preliminary investigation we proposed to use graph neural networks for gesture recognition from raw HD EMG data. In this paper, we extend our previous work by exploiting Explainable AI algorithms to automatically refine the graph topology based on the data in order to improve recognition rates and reduce the computational cost. We performed extensive experiments with a large dataset collected from 20 volunteers regarding the execution of 65 fine-grained gestures, comparing our technique with state-of-the-art methods based on handcrafted features and different machine learning algorithms. Experimental results show that our technique outperforms the state of the art in terms of recognition performance while incurring significantly lower computational cost at run-time

    Using High Density EMG to Proportionally Control 3D Model of Human Hand

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    Control of human hand using surface electromyography (EMG) is already established in various mechanisms, but proportionally controlling magnitudes degrees of freedom (DOF) of humanoid hand model is still highly developed in recent years. This paper proposes another method to achieve a proportional estimation and control of human’s hand multiple DOFs. Gestures in the form of American Sign Language (ABCDFIKLOW) were chosen as the targets, of which ten alphabetical gestures were specifically used following their clarity on its 3D model. Then the dataset of the movements gestures was simultaneously recorded using High-density electromyography (HD-EMG) and motion capture system. Sensor placements were on intrinsic - extrinsic muscles for HD-EMG and finger joints for the motion capture system. To derive the proportional control in time series between both datasets (HD-EMG and kinematics data), neural network (NN) and k-Nearest Neighbour were used. The models produced around 70-95 % (R index) accuracy for the eleven DOFs in four healthy subjects’ hand. kNN’s performance was better than NN, even if the input features were reduced either using manual selections or principal component analysis (PCA). The time series controls could also identify most sign language gestures (9 of 10), with difficulty was given on O gesture. The false interpretation was because of nearly identical muscle’s EMG and kinematics data between O and C. This paper intends to extend its conference version [1] by adding more in-depth Results and Discussion along making other sections more comprehensive

    Deep Learning-Based Robust Neural-Machine Interface for Dexterous Control of Robotic Hand

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    Neuromuscular injuries can impair hand function and impact the quality of life. To restore hand dexterity, numerous assistive devices have been developed. However, the lack of a robust neural-machine interface may limit functionality of these devices. Accordingly, a robust neural decoding approach was developed that can continuously decode the intended finger motor output. High-density electromyogram (HD-EMG) signals were obtained from the extrinsic finger flexor and extensor muscles. Convolutional neural networks were implemented to learn the mapping from HD-EMG features to finger-specific population neuron firing frequency, which was then used to control a prosthetic hand in real-time. In comparison with the HD-EMG amplitude approach, the network-based decoder predicted finger forces and angles with lower prediction errors. The network-based decoder also demonstrated better isolation with minimal predicted output in the unintended fingers. The outcomes offer a novel neural-machine interface technique that allows intuitive control of assistive robotic hands in a dexterous manner.Master of Scienc

    A novel spatial feature for the identification of motor tasks using high-density electromyography

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    Estimation of neuromuscular intention using electromyography (EMG) and pattern recognition is still an open problem. One of the reasons is that the pattern-recognition approach is greatly influenced by temporal changes in electromyograms caused by the variations in the conductivity of the skin and/or electrodes, or physiological changes such as muscle fatigue. This paper proposes novel features for task identification extracted from the high-density electromyographic signal (HD-EMG) by applying the mean shift channel selection algorithm evaluated using a simple and fast classifier-linear discriminant analysis. HD-EMG was recorded from eight subjects during four upper-limb isometric motor tasks (flexion/extension, supination/pronation of the forearm) at three different levels of effort. Task and effort level identification showed very high classification rates in all cases. This new feature performed remarkably well particularly in the identification at very low effort levels. This could be a step towards the natural control in everyday applications where a subject could use low levels of effort to achieve motor tasks. Furthermore, it ensures reliable identification even in the presence of myoelectric fatigue and showed robustness to temporal changes in EMG, which could make it suitable in long-term applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Longitudinal high-density EMG classification: Case study in a glenohumeral TMR subject.

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    Targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) represents a breakthrough interface for prosthetic control in high-level upper-limb amputees. However, clinically, it is still limited to the direct motion-wise control restricted by the number of reinnervation sites. Pattern recognition may overcome this limitation. Previous studies on EMG classification in TMR patients experienced with myocontrol have shown greater accuracy when using high-density (HD) recordings compared to conventional single-channel derivations. This case study investigates the potential of HD-EMG classification longitudinally over a period of 17 months post-surgery in a glenohumeral amputee. Five experimental sessions, separated by approximately 3 months, were performed. They were timed during a standard rehabilitation protocol that included intensive physio- and occupational therapy, myosignal training, and routine use of the final myoprosthesis. The EMG signals recorded by HD-EMG grids were classified into 12 classes. The first sign of EMG activity was observed in the second experimental session. The classification accuracy over 12 classes was 76% in the third session and ∼95% in the last two sessions. When using training and testing sets that were acquired with a 1-h time interval in between, a much lower accuracy (32%, Session 4) was obtained, which improved upon prosthesis usage (Session 5, 67%). The results document the improvement in EMG classification accuracy throughout the TMR-rehabilitation process

    On the Detection of High-Quality, High-Density Electromyograms During 80m Sprints: a Case Study

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    Surface electromyograms (EMGs) have been often used to study muscle function in locomotor activities. Typically, EMGs are sampled with a single pair of electrodes, providing information on the timing and degree of muscle excitation. Additional information may be obtained when sampling EMGs with multiple electrodes from the same, target muscles. Studies using high-density EMGs (HD-EMGs) in locomotor activities are limited to laboratory settings and low speed tasks, likely due to the technical shortcomings in the commercially available systems for high-density recordings. This issue is further aggravated when kinematics data are necessary for associating EMGs with events of interest during the movement cycle. By combining two systems, ad hoc developed for the on-field recording of kinematics data and HD-EMGs, here we present single-case results during extreme-speed locomotion-the 80 m sprint on an official, athletic track. Our aim was to verify whether descriptors of quality documented in the EMG literature during well-controlled, isometric contractions, apply to the HD-EMGs we detected and segmented with respect to the running cycles. From a single, elite sprinter, we were able to obtain HD-EMGs with negligible movement artifacts and with temporal profiles typically characterizing action potentials of single motor units. Our results would seem to advocate the possibility of using HD-EMG to study muscle function during highly dynamic contractions outside the laboratory settings

    Analysis of forearm muscles activity by means of new protocols of multichannel EMG signal recording and processing

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    Los movimientos voluntarios del cuerpo son controlados por el sistema nervioso central y periférico a través de la contracción de los músculos esqueléticos. La contracción se inicia al liberarse un neurotransmisor sobre la unión neuromuscular, iniciando la propagación de un biopotencial sobre la membrana de las fibras musculares que se desplaza hacia los tendones: el Potencial de Acción de la Unidad Motora (MUAP). La señal electromiográfica de superficie registra la activación continua de dichos potenciales sobre la superficie de la piel y constituye una valiosa herramienta para la investigación, diagnóstico y seguimiento clínico de trastornos musculares, así como para la identificación de la intención movimiento tanto en términos de dirección como de potencia. En el estudio de las enfermedades del sistema neuromuscular es necesario analizar el nivel de actividad, la capacidad de producción de fuerza, la activación muscular conjunta y la predisposición a la fatiga muscular, todos ellos asociados con factores fisiológicos que determinan la resultante contracción mioeléctrica. Además, el uso de matrices de electrodos facilita la investigación de las propiedades periféricas de las unidades motoras activas, las características anatómicas del músculo y los cambios espaciales en su activación, ocasionados por el tipo de tarea motora o la potencia de la misma. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el diseño e implementación de protocolos experimentales y algoritmos de procesado para extraer información fiable de señales sEMG multicanal en 1 y 2 dimensiones del espacio. Dicha información ha sido interpretada y relacionada con dos patologías específicas de la extremidad superior: Epicondilitis Lateral y Lesión de Esfuerzo Repetitivo. También fue utilizada para identificar la dirección de movimiento y la fuerza asociada a la contracción muscular, cuyos patrones podrían ser de utilidad en aplicaciones donde la señal electromiográfica se utilice para controlar interfaces hombre-máquina como es el caso de terapia física basada en robots, entornos virtuales de rehabilitación o realimentación de la actividad muscular. En resumen, las aportaciones más relevantes de esta tesis son: * La definición de protocolos experimentales orientados al registro de señales sEMG en una región óptima del músculo. * Definición de índices asociados a la co-activación de diferentes músculos * Identificación de señales artefactuadas en registros multicanal * Selección de los canales mas relevantes para el análisis Extracción de un conjunto de características que permita una alta exactitud en la identificación de tareas motoras Los protocolos experimentales y los índices propuestos permitieron establecer que diversos desequilibrios entre músculos extrínsecos del antebrazo podrían desempeñar un papel clave en la fisiopatología de la epicondilitis lateral. Los resultados fueron consistentes en diferentes ejercicios y pueden definir un marco de evaluación para el seguimiento y evaluación de pacientes en programas de rehabilitación motora. Por otra parte, se encontró que las características asociadas con la distribución espacial de los MUAPs mejoran la exactitud en la identificación de la intención de movimiento. Lo que es más, las características extraídas de registros sEMG de alta densidad son más robustas que las extraídas de señales bipolares simples, no sólo por la redundancia de contacto implicada en HD-EMG, sino también porque permite monitorizar las regiones del músculo donde la amplitud de la señal es máxima y que varían con el tipo de ejercicio, permitiendo así una mejor estimación de la activación muscular mediante el análisis de los canales mas relevantes.Voluntary movements are achieved by the contraction of skeletal muscles controlled by the Central and Peripheral Nervous system. The contraction is initiated by the release of a neurotransmitter that promotes a reaction in the walls of the muscular fiber, producing a biopotential known as Motor Unit Action Potential (MUAP) that travels from the neuromuscular junction to the tendons. The surface electromyographic signal records the continuous activation of such potentials over the surface of the skin and constitutes a valuable tool for the diagnosis, monitoring and clinical research of muscular disorders as well as to infer motion intention not only regarding the direction of the movement but also its power. In the study of diseases of the neuromuscular system it is necessary to analyze the level of activity, the capacity of production of strength, the load-sharing between muscles and the probably predisposition to muscular fatigue, all of them associated with physiological factors determining the resultant muscular contraction. Moreover, the use of electrode arrays facilitate the investigation of the peripheral properties of the active Motor Units, the anatomical characteristics of the muscle and the spatial changes induced in their activation of as product of type of movement or power of the contraction.The main objective of this thesis was the design and implementation of experimental protocols, and algorithms to extract information from multichannel sEMG signals in 1 and 2 dimensions of the space. Such information was interpreted and related to pathological events associated to two upper-limb conditions: Lateral Epicondylitis and Repetitive Strain Injury. It was also used to identify the direction of movement and contraction strength which could be useful in applications concerning the use of biofeedback from EMG like in robotic- aided therapies and computer-based rehabilitation training.In summary, the most relevant contributions are:§The definition of experimental protocols intended to find optimal regions for the recording of sEMG signals. §The definition of indices associated to the co- activation of different muscles. §The detection of low-quality signals in multichannel sEMG recordings.§ The selection of the most relevant EMG channels for the analysis§The extraction of a set of features that led to high classification accuracy in the identification of tasks.The experimental protocols and the proposed indices allowed establishing that imbalances between extrinsic muscles of the forearm could play a key role in the pathophysiology of lateral epicondylalgia. Results were consistent in different types of motor task and may define an assessment framework for the monitoring and evaluation of patients during rehabilitation programs.On the other hand, it was found that features associated with the spatial distribution of the MUAPs improve the accuracy of the identification of motion intention. What is more, features extracted from high density EMG recordings are more robust not only because it implies contact redundancy but also because it allows the tracking of (task changing) skin surface areas where EMG amplitude is maximal and a better estimation of muscle activity by the proper selection of the most significant channels