21 research outputs found


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    Transportation on campus is crucial for daily activities, yet challenges like limited parking, traffic jams, and inefficient private vehicle use persist. This study aims to analyze the potential of implementing a dynamic pricing approach in managing campus transportation, considering variable parking rates during peak hours. This research employs binary logistic regression to understand user preferences for commuting to campus. Data from respondents' preferences are collected to develop the model, considering factors like parking fees, mileage, transportation costs, and other preferences. The study reveals that the on-arrival parking rate and discount attributes significantly influence the respondents' decisions. Moreover, respondents' income or pocket money and comfort level with parking positions also impact their choices. ABSTRAK Transportasi di lingkungan kampus memiliki peran penting dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Namun, masalah seperti keterbatasan parkir, kemacetan, dan efisiensi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi sering terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis potensi penerapan tarif dinamis dalam mengelola transportasi kampus, dengan mempertimbangkan harga parkir yang berubah sesuai jam sibuk. Skema tarif dinamis mencakup diskon parkir, tarif parkir flat, dan hari dengan tarif khusus. Metode regresi logistik biner digunakan untuk mempelajari preferensi pengguna dalam memilih transportasi ke kampus. Data preferensi dari responden digunakan untuk mengembangkan model regresi logistik biner, yang mempertimbangkan biaya parkir, jarak tempuh, biaya transportasi, dan preferensi lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atribut yang signifikan mempengaruhi keputusan responden adalah tarif parkir saat datang dan diskon parkir. Karakteristik responden yang berpengaruh adalah pemasukan atau uang saku, serta tingkat kenyamanan posisi parkir


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    Transportation on campus is crucial for daily activities, yet challenges like limited parking, traffic jams, and inefficient private vehicle use persist. This study aims to analyze the potential of implementing a dynamic pricing approach in managing campus transportation, considering variable parking rates during peak hours. This research employs binary logistic regression to understand user preferences for commuting to campus. Data from respondents' preferences are collected to develop the model, considering factors like parking fees, mileage, transportation costs, and other preferences. The study reveals that the on-arrival parking rate and discount attributes significantly influence the respondents' decisions. Moreover, respondents' income or pocket money and comfort level with parking positions also impact their choices. ABSTRAK Transportasi di lingkungan kampus memiliki peran penting dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Namun, masalah seperti keterbatasan parkir, kemacetan, dan efisiensi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi sering terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis potensi penerapan tarif dinamis dalam mengelola transportasi kampus, dengan mempertimbangkan harga parkir yang berubah sesuai jam sibuk. Skema tarif dinamis mencakup diskon parkir, tarif parkir flat, dan hari dengan tarif khusus. Metode regresi logistik biner digunakan untuk mempelajari preferensi pengguna dalam memilih transportasi ke kampus. Data preferensi dari responden digunakan untuk mengembangkan model regresi logistik biner, yang mempertimbangkan biaya parkir, jarak tempuh, biaya transportasi, dan preferensi lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atribut yang signifikan mempengaruhi keputusan responden adalah tarif parkir saat datang dan diskon parkir. Karakteristik responden yang berpengaruh adalah pemasukan atau uang saku, serta tingkat kenyamanan posisi parkir

    Gamificación y e-learning: estudio de un contexto universitario para la adecuación de su diseño

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    Gamification, applied to educational contexts, can increase the motivation and engagement of stu­dents. First analysis of the bibliography tells that there is not enough research done in this topic, and there are few guidelines marked to implement gamification. This work aims to generate hypothe­ses that guide the design of a future pilot study in e-learning high education. Students and teachers from the Master of Education and New Technolo­gies at the Madrid Open University (UDIMA) have been tested. The methodology includes qualitative and quantitative aspects and two different on-line questionnaires. Student’s questionnaire included a translation of the BrainHex test. Conclusions about the gamification characteristics which are more suitable in this e-learning high education context are generated using these results and through a review of existing research: related to the accep­tance of gamification by students and teachers; related to the type of gamification elements that are more suitable for use in the context at the UDIMA and related to aspects or behaviors that need to be changed through the motivation of students.La «gamificación», aplicada a la educación, puede afectar positivamente a la motivación e implicación del alumnado, si bien aún existen pocas investigaciones que respalden sus bondades y marquen pautas sobre cómo realizar este proceso. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo generar hipótesis dirigidas a facilitar el diseño de un futuro estudio piloto en el ámbito de la educación superior en modalidad e-learning. Para ello, se estudiaron factores relacionados con el alumnado y el profesorado del Máster de Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA). La metodología utilizada combina aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos con una finalidad descriptiva y exploratoria. Para la obtención de datos se utilizaron dos cuestionarios on-line diferentes para el profesorado y el alumnado, incluyéndose en este último una traducción del test BrainHex. A partir de los datos y de la revisión de la literatura existente se generan conclusiones acerca de la aceptación del alumnado y del profesorado respecto a la introducción de la gamificación en la formación, sobre qué tipo de elementos de gamificación son más adecuados para su uso en el contexto de la UDIMA y a la motivación de qué aspectos o conductas deberían dirigirse para su éxito

    Time-Based Addiction

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    This paper introduces time-based addiction, which refers to excessive engagement in an activity that results in negative outcomes due to the misallocation of time. This type of addiction is often seen in media-related activities such as video games, social media, and television watching. Behavioural design in video games plays a significant role in enabling time-based addiction. Games are designed to be engaging and enjoyable, with features such as rewards, leveling up, and social competition, which is all intended to keep players coming back for more. This article reviews the behavioural design used in video games, and media more broadly, to increase the addictive nature of these experiences. By doing so the article aims to recognise time-based addiction as a problem that in large part stems from irresponsible design practices.Comment: Accepted at the CHI-23 1st Workshop on Behavioural Design in Video Games: Ethical, Legal, and Health Impact on Players held at the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI-23), 8 page

    Understanding Online Customer Touchpoints:A Deep Learning Approach to Enhancing Customer Experience in Digital Retail

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    This study investigates the main touchpoints that customers value most when shopping online and their attitudes towards them, using Ocado's customer reviews as a case study. Employing machine learning and deep learning methods, such as word2vec, CNN-based sentiment models, and embedding-based topic models, the analysis identified seven critical touchpoints across pre-purchase and post-purchase stages. Recommendations were provided regarding promotional opportunities, technology utilization, and customer experience creation, highlighting the need for different strategies based on customer stages in their journey. The findings offer valuable insights for retail companies transitioning to digital platforms, emphasizing the importance of understanding customer needs and prioritizing touchpoints. Future research could explore additional retail companies with various channels and incorporate different types of customer views to provide a broader perspective on touchpoints

    The Gamification of Crowdsourcing Systems: Empirical Investigations and Design

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    Recent developments in modern information and communication technologies have spawned two rising phenomena, gamification and crowdsourcing, which are increasingly being combined into gamified crowdsourcing systems. While a growing number of organizations employ crowdsourcing as a way to outsource tasks related to the inventing, producing, funding, or distributing of their products and services to the crowd – a large group of people reachable via the internet – crowdsourcing initiatives become enriched with design features from games to motivate the crowd to participate in these efforts. From a practical perspective, this combination seems intuitively appealing, since using gamification in crowdsourcing systems promises to increase motivations, participation and output quality, as well as to replace traditionally used financial incentives. However, people in large groups all have individual interests and motivations, which makes it complex to design gamification approaches for crowds. Further, crowdsourcing systems exist in various forms and are used for various tasks and problems, thus requiring different incentive mechanisms for different crowdsourcing types. The lack of a coherent understanding of the different facets of gamified crowdsourcing systems and the lack of knowledge about the motivational and behavioral effects of applying various types of gamification features in different crowdsourcing systems inhibit us from designing solutions that harness gamification’s full potential. Further, previous research canonically uses competitive gamification, although crowdsourcing systems often strive to produce cooperative outcomes. However, the potentially relevant field of cooperative gamification has to date barely been explored. With a specific focus on these shortcomings, this dissertation presents several studies to advance the understanding of using gamification in crowdsourcing systems

    Gamificación del aprendizaje y motivación en universitarios. Elaboración de una historia interactiva: MOTORIA-X

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    El objetivo del estudio consiste en gamificar la asignatura de Actividades Físicas Expresivas y Psicomotoras de Magisterio en Educación Primaria, aplicando diferentes mecánicas y dinámicas de juego mediante la plataforma online Classcraft, observando si se mejora el aprendizaje y la motivación en el alumnado. Se utilizó un cuestionario inicial de opinión para comprobar la motivación y se gamificó la asignatura usando un enfoque de aprendizaje multisensorial y técnicas de trabajo cooperativo, asignándoles diferentes roles de trabajo. Las conclusiones muestran mejoras en las calificaciones del alumnado, aumentando la motivación por la asignatura y mejorando el aprendizaje del alumnado. Por último, se explica el proceso de elaboración de la aventura gráfica interactiva MOTORIA-X con Twine y su aplicación Android

    De la enseñanza con libros de texto al aprendizaje en espacios online gamificados

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    This article raises the need for twenty-first century schools to begin transforming their teaching materials by adapting them to the new experiences and expressive forms offered by the digital society. Our study begins by analysing an idiosyncratic school means--textbooks. Text-books are underlying by an encyclopedic understanding of the curriculum made popular by twentieth century’s cultural industries and they play an important mediating role between the official curriculum and teaching practice since they scaffold what should be taught and learned. As an alternative to text-books, we present a new approach to producing educational materials basedon the logic of video games: gamification. This approach to learning involves a model based on problem solving, on a better human-machine interactivity and on ludic components. Our conclusion is that these digital gamified materials have profound implications for the restructuring of the publishing industry, as well as for the conceptions and practices of teaching and learning in schools.En este artículo se plantea la necesidad que la escuela del siglo XXI empiece a transformar sus materiales didácticos adecuándolos a las nuevas experiencias y formas expresivas de la sociedad digital. Comienza con el análisis del medio o material didáctico idiosincrático escolarcomo es el libro de texto. Se le caracteriza como un producto derivado de una concepción enciclopedista del curriculum, derivado del modelo de las industrias culturales del siglo XX y que juega un papel mediador entre el curriculum oficial y la práctica docente ya que vertebra lo que debe enseñarse y aprenderse. Frente a ello, presentamos un nuevo enfoque de producción de materiales educativos basados en la lógica de los videojuegos. Es el enfoque de gamificación del aprendizaje que implica un modelo de aprendizaje basado en situaciones problemáticas, en mayor interactividad humano-máquina y con componentes lúdicos. Concluimos que estos materiales digitales gamificados tienen profundas implicaciones para la reestructuración de las industrias editoras, así como para las concepciones y prácticas de enseñanza y aprendizaje en las escuelas

    Human–Computer Interaction and Participation in Software Crowdsourcing

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    Improvements in communication and networking technologies have transformed people’s lives and organizations’ activities. Web 2.0 innovation has provided a variety of hybridized applications and tools that have changed enterprises’ functional and communication processes. People use numerous platforms to broaden their social contacts, select items, execute duties, and learn new things. Context: Crowdsourcing is an internet-enabled problem-solving strategy that utilizes human–computer interaction to leverage the expertise of people to achieve business goals. In crowdsourcing approaches, three main entities work in collaboration to solve various problems. These entities are requestors (job providers), platforms, and online users. Tasks are announced by requestors on crowdsourcing platforms, and online users, after passing initial screening, are allowed to work on these tasks. Crowds participate to achieve various rewards. Motivation: Crowdsourcing is gaining importance as an alternate outsourcing approach in the software engineering industry. Crowdsourcing application development involves complicated tasks that vary considerably from the micro-tasks available on platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk. To obtain the tangible opportunities of crowdsourcing in the realm of software development, corporations should first grasp how this technique works, what problems occur, and what factors might influence community involvement and co-creation. Online communities have become more popular recently with the rise in crowdsourcing platforms. These communities concentrate on specific problems and help people with solving and managing these problems. Objectives: We set three main goals to research crowd interaction: (1) find the appropriate characteristics of social crowd utilized for effective software crowdsourcing, (2) highlight the motivation of a crowd for virtual tasks, and (3) evaluate primary participation reasons by assessing various crowds using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS method. Conclusion: We developed a decision support system to examine the appropriate reasons of crowd participation in crowdsourcing. Rewards and employments were evaluated as the primary motives of crowds for accomplishing tasks on crowdsourcing platforms, knowledge sharing was evaluated as the third reason, ranking was the fourth, competency was the fifth, socialization was sixth, and source of inspiration was the seventh.Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Project number (PNURSP2023TR140)

    An examination of the mediating role for a nursing information system

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    This paper reports on findings from an examination of a nursing information system through the lens of Activity Theory. The information system was designed to support real-time nursing documentation in acute care hospital contexts. The objective was to enable superior nursing care to ensue by providing nurses with the opportunity to document patient care data into a tablet computer located at the patient bedside. The system was evaluated in a not-for-profit acute care hospital’s wards during its implementation. Nurses’ interactions with the system and their perceptions were collected and analysed through the lens of Activity Theory. The analysis highlighted nurses’ positive attitude towards the system and identified potential mediation capabilities as well as areas for improvements. Activity Theory was found to be useful to examine the positive and potentially problematic aspects of this new nursing information system