2,214 research outputs found

    First record of Thyreophora cynophila (Panzer, 1798) (Diptera: Piophilidae: Thyreophorina) for the Valencian Community (Spain)

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    Es registra per primera vegada a la Comunitat Valenciana (Espanya) l’espècie Thyreophora cynophila (Panzer, 1798) (Diptera: Piophilidae: Thyreophorina). S’amplia, així, la seua distribució a la península Ibèrica. Els exemplars es van trobar sobre les restes d’una cabra salvatge ibèrica (Capra pyrenaica) menjada per voltors comuns (Gyps fulvus).Thyreophora cynophila (Panzer, 1798) (Diptera: Piophilidae: Thyreophorina) is cited for the first time from the Comunitat Valenciana, Spain. This extends its distribution through the Iberian Peninsula. The specimens were found on the remains of an Iberian Wild Goat (Capra pyrenaica), eaten by Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus)

    Dugoročni trend, reprodukcijski parametri i pomicanje kolonija bjeloglavog supa Gyps fulvus u Hrvatskoj

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    The Eurasian Griffon population in Croatia declined during most of the 20th century. Here the results related to the population trend and reproduction parameters and phenomena called colony shifting based on a 40-year research (1981 – 2021) are presented. The population declined from about 110-150 pairs in 10 colonies in 1981 to 78-95 pairs in 6 colonies in 1999, and subsequently increased to 141-150 pairs in 6 colonies in 2013. Since 1999, there have been no Griffons nesting in Paklenica, and it is possible that they all shifted to Kvarner, where 13% increase was recorded in 2000. In 2021, the total number was about 120 pairs on 5 islands: Cres, Plavnik, Krk, Prvić and Pag. Population density was estimated at 32.5 adult individuals/100 km2 and 13.75 breeding pairs/100 km2. Detailed population surveys were conducted during 15 years (2000 – 2014) to document cliffs’ saturation/occupancy, inter- and intra-colony nest movements, and for 10 years, to calculate reproductive arameters: breeding success Bs = 0.60 ± 0.059 and productivity Pd = 0.55 ± 0.054. The nest site occupation was very low (M = 15.05%), implying that carrying capacity was not determined by cliff availability, and population is still far from saturation level. Six Kvarner islands’ colonies are functionally one single colony with many nest-clusters on the same or on different islands, annually pulsating with numbers of active nests on cliffs and regularly shifting from cliff to cliff and back.Populacija bjeloglavog supa u Hrvatskoj značajno se smanjila tijekom prve polovice 20. stoljeća, ne samo brojnošću, već i brojem gnijezdećih područja i veličini gnijezdećeg areala. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati koji se odnose na populacijski trend i reprodukcijske parametre, uključujući pomicanje kolonija, na temelju 40-godišnjeg istraživanja (1981 – 2021). Populacija se smanjila s 110-150 parova u 10 kolonija 1981. na 75 parova u 6 kolonija 1999. Kasnije se povećala sa 75 na 141-150 parova u 6 kolonija u 2013, da bi zatim pala na 100-tinjak parova 2019. godine. Nakon otvaranja hranilišta na Cresu i Učki, populacija ponovno lagano raste. Povećanje od 13% u 2000. moglo bi djelomično ili u potpunosti biti posljedica prebacivanje grupe gnijezdećih parova s Paklenice na Kvarner. Godine 2021. na pet otoka: Cresu, Plavniku, Krku, Prviću i Pagu gnijezdilo se ukupno oko 120 parova. Gustoća naseljenosti procijenjena je na 32,5 odraslih jedinki/100 km2, 15 teritorijalnih parova/100 km2 i 13,75 gnijezdećih parova na 100 km2. Detaljna istraživanja populacije provedena su tijekom 15 godina kako bi se dokumentirala popunjenost kolonija, zasićenost litica, te pomicanje gnijezda između i unutar kolonija. Za razdoblje od 10 godina izračunati su reprodukcijski parametri: uspješnost gniježđenja (Bs = 0,60 ± 0,059) i produktivnost (Pd = 0,55 ± 0,054). Zauzetost gnijezda bila je vrlo niska (između 9,83% i 22,6%; M = 15,05%), što znači da kapacitet okoliša kod kvarnerskih supova nije bio određen dostupnošću litica za gnijezda, već su ga determinirali dostupnost hrane i gustoćom uvjetovani socijalni mehanizmi, kao i da je populacija još uvijek daleko od razine zasićenosti. Šest kvarnerskih “kolonija” u stvarnosti nisu zasebne kolonije (prema aktualnoj definiciji kolonije) nego su jedna metakolonija s mnogo gnijezdećih grupa (klastera) na istom ili različitim otocima, godišnje pulsirajući s brojem aktivnih gnijezda na liticama i redovito se prebacujući s litice na liticu (pa i između različitih otoka) i natrag. Postojeća definicija kolonije kod bjeloglavog supa nije zadovoljavajuća i potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se utvrdili razlozi pulsiranja broja parova u pojedinim grupama gnijezda, posebno „okidača“ koji ih pokreće

    Nest-site preference of griffon vulture (gyps fulvus) in Herzegovina

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    Although formerly an abundant species, the Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus Hablizl, 1783) has undergone a dramatic decline in Herzegovina. Such an unfavorable trend may be associated with frequent poisoning incidents (consumption of poisoned baits), shortage of food and hunting. This species disappeared from its breeding habitats in Herzegovina during the last decade of the 20th century. The extinction was probably caused by military activities during the civil war. Using data that were collected over a period of long-term (1980-1991) monitoring of the breeding population, we discovered optimal environmental conditions for the nesting of the Eurasian Griffon Vulture in Herzegovina. Information on nest-site preference is valuable for conservation programs and the possible reintroduction of the Eurasian Griffon, not only in Herzegovina, but also to a much wider region. During the study period, we observed 61 nests and 252 nesting cases in four colonies of Eurasian Griffon Vulture. Most nests were located on limestone and dolomite rocks. The average altitude of nests was 378 m a.s.l.; most of nests (85%) were located below 500 m a.s.l. Also, the majority of nests were located on west-exposed sites

    Горная система Демерджи в Крыму - территория, важная для сохранения разнообразия птиц

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    Представлены результаты орнитологических исследований в горной системе Демерджи в 2002 г. Всего в весенне-летний период район населяет около 40 видов птиц. Представлены данные по лесному (21 вид), скальному (7 видов), степному (9 видов) орнитокомплексам и по 8 видам, занесенным в Красную книгу Украины (Circaetus gallicus, Aguila heliaca, Aegypius monachus, Gyps fulvus, Falco cherrug, Falco peregrinus, Bubo bubo, Monticola saxatilis). Данная территория является перспективной для включения в сеть IBA.Представлено результати орнітологічних досліджень у гірській системі Демерджі у 2002 р. Всього в літньо-осінній період район населяє близько 40 видів птахів. Наведено дані щодо лісового (21 вид), скельного (7 видів), степового (9 видів) орнітокомплексів і щодо 8 видів, занесених до Червоної книги України (Circaetus gallicus, Aguila heliaca, Aegypius monachus, Gyps fulvus, Falco cherrug, Falco peregrinus, Bubo bubo, Monticola saxatilis). Окреслена територія є перспективною для включення до мережі ІВА.The results of ornithological investigation of a system of the Demerdzhy Mountains in 2002 year are presented. Total bird population in this area in the spring-summer period consists of about 40 species. Composition of forest (21 sp.), rocky (7 sp.), and steppe (9 sp.) ornithocomplexes as well as data on 8 bird species of the Red Data Book of Ukraine (Circaetus gallicus, Aguila heliaca, Aegypius monachus, Gyps fulvus, Falco cherrug, Falco peregrinus, Bubo bubo, Monticola saxatilis) are given. This territory is promising to be included in the list of IBA

    Modelling the effect of environmental variables on the reproductive success of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Sardinia, Italy

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    Old World vultures are experiencing dramatic population declines and now are among the species most threatened with extinction. Understanding the environmental variables that can influence the reproductive indexes of vulture populations can facilitate both habitat and species management. The aim of this study was to identify which environmental variables primarily affect the breeding successes of the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus in northern Sardinia by applying a Bayesian hierarchical model. A unique dataset of reproductive records (197 nests monitored over 39 years for a total of 992 breeding records) was used. Eight environmental and topographical variables describing the habitat at the nesting sites were considered as potential predictors of breeding success. These included mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation, isothermality, elevation, the normalized difference vegetation index, wind speed, and the aspect and slope of the land surface. In addition, we also considered the effect of human disturbance and the type of nest. According to our best model, the probability of successfully raising a chick in Griffon Vultures was higher in nests exposed to a high wind speed, not covered by natural shelters, where the vegetation was mostly represented by shrub and pastures, with low human disturbance and in years with low rainfall. This model will be useful for management of the breeding habitat and to identify the area most suitable for Griffon Vulture reproduction. This information is crucial for programming conservation measures aimed at enlarging the area of occupancy of the species.Postprin

    Usurpación de nidos de quebrantahuesos (Gypaetus barbatus) e interacciones interespecíficas por la ocupación del nido en el Pirineo central (Aragón)

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    El quebrantahuesos es una especie catalogada como “en peligro de extinción” en Europa, cuya fracción reproductora en los Pirineos se ha estimado en 125 unidades reproductoras (UR). En el Pirineo central (Aragón) en los últimos 15 años se ha producido un incremento de la población reproductora acompañado de un progresivo descenso de la productividad cuyas causas son objeto de discusión y pueden deberse a diversos factores. El periodo de reproducción del quebrantahuesos es muy extenso y coincide con el de otras rapaces que compiten por los emplazamientos de los nidos. Esto implica una importante inversión de tiempo y energía, por lo que la usurpación de nidos podría tener efectos negativos sobre el éxito reproductor. En Aragón entre 2005 y 2010 fueron usurpados 107 nidos de quebrantahuesos pertenecientes a 52 de las 72 UR controladas. La mayor parte de los nidos (95,3% de los casos; n = 102) fueron usurpados por buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus), aunque también por alimoche común (Neophron percnopterus) (4,7% de los casos; n = 5). El Pirineo Axial acogió tanto el mayor porcentaje de UR con nidos usurpados como la UR con un mayor número de nidos usurpados. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a la productividad entre UR que habían sufrido usurpación y los que no la habían padecido. El buitre leonado posee una similar distribución espacial y parecidos requerimientos ecológicos al quebrantahuesos, mayor corpulencia y agresividad así como similar fenología de puesta temprana. El aumento demográfico del buitre leonado en Aragón podría estar provocando una mayor usurpación de nidos de quebrantahuesos en los Pirineos.El presente trabajo se ha elaborado dentro del Convenio Marco de Colaboración suscrito entre el Gobierno de Aragón y la FCQ (2008-2011), por el cual se desarrollaron diferentes acciones del Plan de Recuperación del quebrantahuesos en Aragón (D. 45/2003). Pascual López-López disfruta de una beca postdoctoral del programa “Juan de la Cierva” del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (referencia JCI-2011-09588)

    The vultures at the crossroads of biodiversity, politics, tourism, the environment, and agriculture

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    New vulture censuses in the Montejo Raptor Refuge, Spain

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    The gorges of the Riaza River (Montejo Raptor Refuge and its surroundings,Segovia, Spain) are renowned as one of the most important areas in Europe for the Eurasian Griffon Gyps fulvus and the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus (Del Moral & Martí 2001, 2002).&#160