31 research outputs found

    El uso de la información para la mejora de los procesos de colaboración en un foro en línea.

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    Projecte: 2014PID_UB/024Recientemente han surgido varias líneas de investigación que tratan de optimizar los procesos de aprendizaje que utilizan foros digitales. Estos trabajos ponen el énfasis en proporcionar información a los participantes -en tiempo real- sobre su propia actividad en el foro con el fin de ayudarlos a mejorar los procesos de colaboración y los resultados de aprendizaje. En este trabajo, desde un marco constructivista sociocultural y, en particular, el concepto de influencia educativa distribuida exploramos el grado en que distintos tipos de información sobre la influencia educativa que ejercen los participantes en un foro digital les ayudan a orientar su participación y a mejorar sus procesos colaborativos en línea. Presentamos un estudio de caso con 33 estudiantes universitarios de postgrado que participan en siete foros sucesivos. Los resultados sugieren que la información derivada del análisis de contenido de las contribuciones es más útil para potenciar la mejora de los procesos colaborativos.El trabajo presentado forma parte de un proyecto de innovación docente financiado por el «Programa de Millorai InnovacióDocent-Universitatde Barcelona» (2014PID_UB/024). Más información sobre este proyecto y sobre el grupo de investigación se puede encontrar en http://www.psyed.edu.es/grintie El primer autor agradece al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT-México) por la beca otorgada para la realización de los estudios de doctorad

    Perceived Benefits of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence-Based Oniline Learning Platforms: Case of Lithuanian General Education Schools

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    Online learning platforms with integrated tools of learning analytics (LA) and artificial intelligence (AI) are growing in popularity in general education in Lithuania. Such platforms have a number of advantages in terms of the teaching-learning process, however, there is a lack of research about such advantages after direct use of the platforms in general education schools. Thus, the purpose of the current study is to find out the perceived benefits of online learning platforms with LA and AI tools. The research was conducted in 11 schools in Lithuania. The students at these schools tested the LearnLab and Eduten Playground online learning platforms for almost three months. Descriptive statistics methods and chi-square (χ2) criteria were applied. Results showed that students claim that their learning achievements have improved thanks to the platforms. Moreover, research results showed, that when working with platforms, it is appropriate to pay attention and, in parallel, to teach students computer literacy from the elementary grades, to develop a relationship with the computer as a work tool. It is also appropriate to start working with LA and AI platforms from the primary grades, which would positively stimulate the growth of digital competence, as well as the interest of students in the educational subject(s) and the positive growth of learning achievements

    Perceived Benefits of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence-Based Online Learning Platforms: Case of Lithuanian General Education Schools

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    Online learning platforms with integrated tools of learning analytics (LA) and artificial intelligence (AI) are growing in popularity in general education in Lithuania. Such platforms have a number of advantages in terms of the teaching-learning process, however, there is a lack of research about such advantages after direct use of the platforms in general education schools. Thus, the purpose of the current study is to find out the perceived benefits of online learning platforms with LA and AI tools. The research was conducted in 11 schools in Lithuania. The students at these schools tested the LearnLab and Eduten Playground online learning platforms for almost three months. Descriptive statistics methods and chi-square (χ2) criteria were applied. Results showed that students claim that their learning achievements have improved thanks to the platforms. Moreover, research results showed, that when working with platforms, it is appropriate to pay attention and, in parallel, to teach students computer literacy from the elementary grades, to develop a relationship with the computer as a work tool. It is also appropriate to start working with LA and AI platforms from the primary grades, which would positively stimulate the growth of digital competence, as well as the interest of students in the educational subject(s) and the positive growth of learning achievements

    Perceived Benefits of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence-Based Online Learning Platforms: Case of Lithuanian General Education Schools

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    Online learning platforms with integrated tools of learning analytics (LA) and artificial intelligence (AI) are growing in popularity in general education in Lithuania. Such platforms have a number of advantages in terms of the teaching-learning process, however, there is a lack of research about such advantages after direct use of the platforms in general education schools. Thus, the purpose of the current study is to find out the perceived benefits of online learning platforms with LA and AI tools. The research was conducted in 11 schools in Lithuania. The students at these schools tested the LearnLab and Eduten Playground online learning platforms for almost three months. Descriptive statistics methods and chi-square (χ2) criteria were applied. Results showed that students claim that their learning achievements have improved thanks to the platforms. Moreover, research results showed, that when working with platforms, it is appropriate to pay attention and, in parallel, to teach students computer literacy from the elementary grades, to develop a relationship with the computer as a work tool. It is also appropriate to start working with LA and AI platforms from the primary grades, which would positively stimulate the growth of digital competence, as well as the interest of students in the educational subject(s) and the positive growth of learning achievements

    Mokinių įsitraukimo į mokymąsi naudojant skaitmenines priemones stiprinimas

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    This paper analyzes teaching and learning in the context of the implementation of digital technology in educational practices. On the basis of the data obtained from focus group discussions and creative workshops with primary school teachers, ways are identified to recognize and strengthen student engagement in learning through the use of digital tools, based on artificial intelligence and integrating learning analytics. As evidenced by the analysis of the research data, students’ cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement in learning increases due to the use of digital learning tools. To support and strengthen student engagement, teachers need to rethink their habitual educational practices, anticipate the barriers to engagement caused by digital technologies and the ways of coping with them, make use of digital tools for personalized and in-depth learning, and apply effective means to manage classrooms and interactions between students.Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamas mokymas ir mokymasis skaitmeninių technologijų diegimo ugdymo praktikoje kontekste. Remiantis fokus grupių diskusijos bei kūrybinių dirbtuvių su pradinių klasių mokinius mokančiais pedagogais metu gautais duomenimis išskiriami būdai, kaip atpažinti ir sustiprinti mokinių įsitraukimą į mokymąsi naudojant dirbtiniu intelektu paremtas ir mokymosi analitiką integruojančias skaitmenines mokymosi priemones. Tyrimo duomenų analizė parodė, kad naudojant skaitmenines mokymosi priemones stiprėja mokinių pažintinis, emocinis ir elgesio įsitraukimas į mokymąsi. Įsitraukimui palaikyti ir stiprinti mokytojai turi pergalvoti įprastą ugdymo praktiką, numatyti skaitmeninių technologijų nulemtus įsitraukimo trikdžius ir jų šalinimo būdus, išnaudoti skaitmeninių mokymosi priemonių teikiamas galimybes personalizuotam ir giluminiam mokymuisi, taikyti veiksmingus klasės valdymo ir sąveikos tarp mokinių užtikrinimo būdus

    Visualización del proceso colaborativo como metaconocimiento: descripción de una estrategia de mirroring y sus resultados

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    Existe consenso acerca de que las estrategias y el proceso de construcción grupal, constituyen un conocimiento significativo para quienes trabajan colaborativamente. La decisión acerca de qué indicadores seleccionar, y visualizar para el acompañamiento de grupos colaborativos por parte de los docentes, resulta estratégica. También reviste importancia definir cuándo el grupo accede a la información sobre su colaboración: si luego de terminar el proceso, o durante el mismo. En este trabajo se propone y presenta una estrategia de seguimiento de trabajo colaborativo bajo la forma de mirroring, que ha sido llevada adelante en una experiencia educativa de postgrado durante 2016. Los resultados preliminares alcanzados parecen confirmar la idea de que el grupo se beneficia a partir del conocimiento sobre cómo se está desarrollando el proceso colaborativo y, aún más, indican que se profundiza la conciencia que cada integrante tiene de su propia tarea y de la de sus compañeros.XVI Workshop Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Cognitive Learning Outcomes: Its Relationship with Communication Skills and Collaboration Skills through Digital Mind Maps-Integrated PBL

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    This study aimed to investigate the relation of communication skills and collaborative skills simultaneously on student cognitive learning outcomes using the Digital Mind Maps-Integrated PBL model. This correlational study was conducted on biology education students at Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia. The research instrument consisted of observation sheets to assess communication and collaboration skills, as well as essay tests to measure cognitive learning outcomes. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis. The results showed a significant relationship between communication skills and collaboration skills on cognitive learning outcomes with F count (13.966) and p-value of 0,000 <α (0.05). Besides, these two variables simultaneously also contributed to the achievement of student learning outcomes with an Effective Contribution (EC) value of 46.61%. Thus it can be concluded that the improvement of communication skills and collaboration skills have a contribution to the learning outcomes obtained by students. Therefore, educators can empower both of these skills so that students' cognitive learning outcomes also improve

    Prompting and visualising monitoring outcomes: Guiding self-regulatory processes with confidence judgments

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    Sensible self-regulated study decisions are largely based on monitoring learning and using this information to control learning processes, but research has found that such processes may not be initiated automatically. To support learners, we adopted prompting and visualisation methods by asking learners to assign confidence ratings to learning tasks and visualising them during re-study, and tested the effects on metacognitive and cognitive measures in an experimental study (N = 95). Results show that prompting monitoring increased study efforts while visualising monitoring outcomes during learning focussed these efforts on uncertain answers. Due to low monitoring accuracy, metacognitively sensible regulation did not lead to cognitive learning gains. While the results support the idea of using visualisation techniques to implicitly guide self-regulated learning, more needs to be done to increase monitoring accuracy. Further, our study suggests that researchers should be aware of the effect that assessing confidence judgments has on subsequent learning behaviour