11 research outputs found

    Polar snakes: a fast and robust parametric active contour model

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    We present in this paper a way to perform a fast and robust image segmentation and to track a contour along a sequence of images. Our approach is based on a dynamic deformable model. More precisely, we revisit the physics basedmodel proposed in [1] to show the benefit of using a polar description to model the contour, in particular to cope with the well-known initialization problem. Indeed, we show that this way to proceed leads to diagonal and constant matrices in the equations of the snake evolution yielding therefore to a faster algorithm. Experimental results on image segmentation and contour tracking validate the efficiency of this new formulation. Index Terms — Active contour model, polar description, segmentation, contour tracking. 1

    Suivi des vaisseaux sanguins en temps réel à partir d’images ultrasonores mode-B et reconstruction 3D : application à la caractérisation des sténoses artérielles

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    La maladie des artères périphériques (MAP) se manifeste par une réduction (sténose) de la lumière de l’artère des membres inférieurs. Elle est causée par l’athérosclérose, une accumulation de cellules spumeuses, de graisse, de calcium et de débris cellulaires dans la paroi artérielle, généralement dans les bifurcations et les ramifications. Par ailleurs, la MAP peut être causée par d`autres facteurs associés comme l’inflammation, une malformation anatomique et dans de rares cas, au niveau des artères iliaques et fémorales, par la dysplasie fibromusculaire. L’imagerie ultrasonore est le premier moyen de diagnostic de la MAP. La littérature clinique rapporte qu’au niveau de l’artère fémorale, l’écho-Doppler montre une sensibilité de 80 à 98 % et une spécificité de 89 à 99 % à détecter une sténose supérieure à 50 %. Cependant, l’écho-Doppler ne permet pas une cartographie de l’ensemble des artères des membres inférieurs. D’autre part, la reconstruction 3D à partir des images échographiques 2D des artères atteintes de la MAP est fortement opérateur dépendant à cause de la grande variabilité des mesures pendant l’examen par les cliniciens. Pour planifier une intervention chirurgicale, les cliniciens utilisent la tomodensitométrie (CTA), l’angiographie par résonance magnétique (MRA) et l’angiographie par soustraction numérique (DSA). Il est vrai que ces modalités sont très performantes. La CTA montre une grande précision dans la détection et l’évaluation des sténoses supérieures à 50 % avec une sensibilité de 92 à 97 % et une spécificité entre 93 et 97 %. Par contre, elle est ionisante (rayon x) et invasive à cause du produit de contraste, qui peut causer des néphropathies. La MRA avec injection de contraste (CE MRA) est maintenant la plus utilisée. Elle offre une sensibilité de 92 à 99.5 % et une spécificité entre 64 et 99 %. Cependant, elle sous-estime les sténoses et peut aussi causer une néphropathie dans de rares cas. De plus les patients avec stents, implants métalliques ou bien claustrophobes sont exclus de ce type d`examen. La DSA est très performante mais s`avère invasive et ionisante. Aujourd’hui, l’imagerie ultrasonore (3D US) s’est généralisée surtout en obstétrique et échocardiographie. En angiographie il est possible de calculer le volume de la plaque grâce à l’imagerie ultrasonore 3D, ce qui permet un suivi de l’évolution de la plaque athéromateuse au niveau des vaisseaux. L’imagerie intravasculaire ultrasonore (IVUS) est une technique qui mesure ce volume. Cependant, elle est invasive, dispendieuse et risquée. Des études in vivo ont montré qu’avec l’imagerie 3D-US on est capable de quantifier la plaque au niveau de la carotide et de caractériser la géométrie 3D de l'anastomose dans les artères périphériques. Par contre, ces systèmes ne fonctionnent que sur de courtes distances. Par conséquent, ils ne sont pas adaptés pour l’examen de l’artère fémorale, à cause de sa longueur et de sa forme tortueuse. L’intérêt pour la robotique médicale date des années 70. Depuis, plusieurs robots médicaux ont été proposés pour la chirurgie, la thérapie et le diagnostic. Dans le cas du diagnostic artériel, seuls deux prototypes sont proposés, mais non commercialisés. Hippocrate est le premier robot de type maitre/esclave conçu pour des examens des petits segments d’artères (carotide). Il est composé d’un bras à 6 degrés de liberté (ddl) suspendu au-dessus du patient sur un socle rigide. À partir de ce prototype, un contrôleur automatisant les déplacements du robot par rétroaction des images échographiques a été conçu et testé sur des fantômes. Le deuxième est le robot de la Colombie Britannique conçu pour les examens à distance de la carotide. Le mouvement de la sonde est asservi par rétroaction des images US. Les travaux publiés avec les deux robots se limitent à la carotide. Afin d’examiner un long segment d’artère, un système robotique US a été conçu dans notre laboratoire. Le système possède deux modes de fonctionnement, le mode teach/replay (voir annexe 3) et le mode commande libre par l’utilisateur. Dans ce dernier mode, l’utilisateur peut implémenter des programmes personnalisés comme ceux utilisés dans ce projet afin de contrôler les mouvements du robot. Le but de ce projet est de démontrer les performances de ce système robotique dans des conditions proches au contexte clinique avec le mode commande libre par l’utilisateur. Deux objectifs étaient visés: (1) évaluer in vitro le suivi automatique et la reconstruction 3D en temps réel d’une artère en utilisant trois fantômes ayant des géométries réalistes. (2) évaluer in vivo la capacité de ce système d'imagerie robotique pour la cartographie 3D en temps réel d'une artère fémorale normale. Pour le premier objectif, la reconstruction 3D US a été comparée avec les fichiers CAD (computer-aided-design) des fantômes. De plus, pour le troisième fantôme, la reconstruction 3D US a été comparée avec sa reconstruction CTA, considéré comme examen de référence pour évaluer la MAP. Cinq chapitres composent ce mémoire. Dans le premier chapitre, la MAP sera expliquée, puis dans les deuxième et troisième chapitres, l’imagerie 3D ultrasonore et la robotique médicale seront développées. Le quatrième chapitre sera consacré à la présentation d’un article intitulé " A robotic ultrasound scanner for automatic vessel tracking and three-dimensional reconstruction of B-mode images" qui résume les résultats obtenus dans ce projet de maîtrise. Une discussion générale conclura ce mémoire. L’article intitulé " A 3D ultrasound imaging robotic system to detect and quantify lower limb arterial stenoses: in vivo feasibility " de Marie-Ange Janvier et al dans l’annexe 3, permettra également au lecteur de mieux comprendre notre système robotisé. Ma contribution dans cet article était l’acquisition des images mode B, la reconstruction 3D et l’analyse des résultats pour le patient sain.Locating and quantifying stenosis length and severity are essential for planning adequate treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). To do this, clinicians use imaging methods such as ultrasound (US), Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) and Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA). However, US examination cannot provide maps of entire lower limb arteries in 3D, MRA is expensive and invasive, CTA is ionizing and also invasive. We propose a new 3D-US robotic system with B-mode images, which is non-ionizing, non-invasive, and is able to track and reconstruct in 3D the superficial femoral artery from the iliac down to the popliteal artery, in real time. In vitro, 3D-US reconstruction was evaluated for simple and complex geometries phantoms in comparison with their computer-aided-design (CAD) file in terms of lengths, cross sectional areas and stenosis severity. In addition, for the phantom with a complex geometry, an evaluation was realized using Hausdorff distance, cross-sectional area and stenosis severity in comparison with 3D reconstruction with CTA. A mean Hausdorff distance of 0.97± 0.46 mm was found for 3D-US compared to 3D-CTA vessel representations. In vitro investigation to evaluate stenosis severity when compared with the original phantom CAD file showed that 3D-US reconstruction, with 3%-6% error, is better than 3D-CTA reconstruction, with 4-13% error. The in vivo system’s feasibility to reconstruct a normal femoral artery segment of a volunteer was also investigated. All of these promising results show that our ultrasound robotic system is able to track automatically the vessel and reconstruct it in 3D as well as CTA. Clinically, our system will allow firstly to the radiologist to have 3D images readily interpretable and secondly, to avoid radiation and contrast agent for patients

    Robotic-assisted approaches for image-controlled ultrasound procedures

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    Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Engenharia Clínica e Instrumentação Médica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019A aquisição de imagens de ultrassons (US) é atualmente uma das modalidades de aquisição de imagem mais implementadas no meio médico por diversas razões. Quando comparada a outras modalidades como a tomografia computorizada (CT) e ressonância magnética (MRI), a combinação da sua portabilidade e baixo custo com a possibilidade de adquirir imagens em tempo real resulta numa enorme flexibilidade no que diz respeito às suas aplicações em medicina. Estas aplicações estendem-se desde o simples diagnóstico em ginecologia e obstetrícia, até tarefas que requerem alta precisão como cirurgia guiada por imagem ou mesmo em oncologia na área da braquiterapia. No entanto ao contrário das suas contrapartes devido à natureza do princípio físico da qual decorrem as imagens, a sua qualidade de imagem é altamente dependente da destreza do utilizador para colocar e orientar a sonda de US na região de interesse (ROI) correta, bem como, na sua capacidade de interpretar as imagens obtidas e localizar espacialmente as estruturas no corpo do paciente. De modo para tornar os procedimentos de diagnóstico menos propensos a erros, bem como os procedimentos guiados por imagem mais precisos, o acoplamento desta modalidade de imagem com uma abordagem robótica com controlo baseado na imagem adquirida é cada vez mais comum. Isto permite criar sistemas de diagnóstico e terapia semiautónomos, completamente autónomos ou cooperativos com o seu utilizador. Esta é uma tarefa que requer conhecimento e recursos de múltiplas áreas de conhecimento, incluindo de visão por computador, processamento de imagem e teoria de controlo. Em abordagens deste tipo a sonda de US vai agir como câmara para o interior do corpo do paciente e o processo de controlo vai basear-se em parâmetros tais como, as informações espaciais de uma certa estrutura-alvo presente na imagem adquirida. Estas informações que são extraídos através de vários estágios de processamento de imagem são utilizadas como realimentação no ciclo de controlo do sistema robótico em questão. A extração de informação espacial e controlo devem ser o mais autónomos e céleres possível, de modo a conseguir produzir-se um sistema com a capacidade de atuar em situações que requerem resposta em tempo real. Assim, o objetivo deste projeto foi desenvolver, implementar e validar, em MATLAB, as bases de uma abordagem para o controlo semiautónomo baseado em imagens de um sistema robótico de US e que possibilite o rastreio de estruturas-alvo e a automação de procedimentos de diagnóstico gerais com esta modalidade de imagem. De modo a atingir este objetivo foi assim implementada nesta plataforma, um programa semiautónomo com a capacidade de rastrear contornos em imagens US e capaz de produzir informação relativamente à sua posição e orientação na imagem. Este programa foi desenhado para ser compatível com uma abordagem em tempo real utilizando um sistema de aquisição SONOSITE TITAN, cuja velocidade de aquisição de imagem é de 25 fps. Este programa depende de fortemente de conceitos integrados na área de visão por computador, como computação de momentos e contornos ativos, sendo este último o motor principal da ferramenta de rastreamento. De um modo geral este programa pode ser descrito como uma implementação para rastreamento de contornos baseada em contornos ativos. Este tipo de contornos beneficia de um modelo físico subjacente que o permite ser atraído e convergir para determinadas características da imagem, como linhas, fronteiras, cantos ou regiões específicas, decorrente da minimização de um funcional de energia definido para a sua fronteira. De modo a simplificar e tornar mais célere a sua implementação este modelo dinâmico recorreu à parametrização dos contornos com funções harmónicas, pelo que as suas variáveis de sistema são descritoras de Fourier. Ao basear-se no princípio de menor energia o sistema pode ser encaixado na formulação da mecânica de Euler-Lagrange para sistemas físicos e a partir desta podem extrair-se sistemas de equações diferenciais que descrevem a evolução de um contorno ao longo do tempo. Esta evolução dependente não só da energia interna do contorno em sim, devido às forças de tensão e coesão entre pontos, mas também de forças externas que o vão guiar na imagem. Estas forças externas são determinadas de acordo com a finalidade do contorno e são geralmente derivadas de informação presente na imagem, como intensidades, gradientes e derivadas de ordem superior. Por fim, este sistema é implementado utilizando um método explícito de Euler que nos permite obter uma discretização do sistema em questão e nos proporciona uma expressão iterativa para a evolução do sistema de um estado prévio para um estado futuro que tem em conta os efeitos externos da imagem. Depois de ser implementado o desempenho do programa semiautomático de rastreamento foi validado. Esta validação concentrou-se em duas vertentes: na vertente da robustez do rastreio de contornos quando acoplado a uma sonda de US e na vertente da eficiência temporal do programa e da sua compatibilidade com sistemas de aquisição de imagem em tempo real. Antes de se proceder com a validação este sistema de aquisição foi primeiro calibrado espacialmente de forma simples, utilizando um fantoma de cabos em N contruído em acrílico capaz de produzir padrões reconhecíveis na imagem de ultrassons. Foram utilizados padrões verticais, horizontais e diagonais para calibrar a imagem, para os quais se consegue concluir que os dois primeiros produzem melhores valores para os espaçamentos reais entre pixéis da imagem de US. Finalmente a robustez do programa foi testada utilizando fantomas de 5%(m/m) de agar-agar incrustados com estruturas hipoecogénicas, simuladas por balões de água, construídos especialmente para este propósito. Para este tipo de montagem o programa consegue demonstrar uma estabilidade e robustez satisfatórias para diversos movimentos de translação e rotação da sonda US dentro do plano da imagem e mostrando também resultados promissores de resposta ao alongamento de estruturas, decorrentes de movimentos da sonda de US fora do plano da imagem. A validação da performance temporal do programa foi feita com este a funcionar a solo utilizando vídeos adquiridos na fase anterior para modelos de contornos ativos com diferentes níveis de detalhe. O tempo de computação do algoritmo em cada imagem do vídeo foi medido e a sua média foi calculada. Este valor encontra-se dentro dos níveis previstos, sendo facilmente compatível com a montagem da atual da sonda, cuja taxa de aquisição é 25 fps, atingindo a solo valores na gama entre 40 e 50 fps. Apesar demonstrar uma performance temporal e robustez promissoras esta abordagem possui ainda alguns limites para os quais a ainda não possui solução. Estes limites incluem: o suporte para um sistema rastreamento de contornos múltiplos e em simultâneo para estruturas-alvo mais complexas; a deteção e resolução de eventos topológicos dos contornos, como a fusão, separação e auto-interseção de contornos; a adaptabilidade automática dos parâmetros do sistema de equações para diferentes níveis de ruido da imagem e finalmente a especificidade dos potenciais da imagem para a convergência da abordagem em regiões da imagem que codifiquem tipo de tecidos específicos. Mesmo podendo beneficiar de algumas melhorias este projeto conseguiu atingir o objetivo a que se propôs, proporcionando uma implementação eficiente e robusta para um programa de rastreamento de contornos, permitindo lançar as bases nas quais vai ser futuramente possível trabalhar para finalmente atingir um sistema autónomo de diagnóstico em US. Além disso também demonstrou a utilidade de uma abordagem de contornos ativos para a construção de algoritmos de rastreamento robustos aos movimentos de estruturas-alvo no a imagem e com compatibilidade para abordagens em tempo-real.Ultrasound (US) systems are very popular in the medical field for several reasons. Compared to other imaging techniques such as CT or MRI, the combination of low-priced and portable hardware with realtime image acquisition enables great flexibility regarding medical applications, from simple diagnostics tasks to high precision ones, including those with robotic assistance. Unlike other techniques, the image quality and procedure accuracy are highly dependent on user skills for spatial ultrasound probe positioning and orientation around a region of interest (ROI) for inspection. To make diagnostics less prone to error and guided procedures more precise, and consequently safer, the US approach can be coupled to a robotic system. The probe acts as a camera to the patient body and relevant imaging information can be used to control a robotic arm, enabling the creation of semi-autonomous, cooperative and possibly fully autonomous diagnostics and therapeutics. In this project our aim is to develop a semi-autonomous tool for tracking defined structures of interest within US images, that outputs meaningful spatial information of a target structure (location of the centre of mass [CM], main orientation and elongation). Such tool must accomplish real-time requirements for future use in autonomous image-guided robotic systems. To this end, the concepts of moment-based visual servoing and active contours are fundamental. Active contours possess an underlying physical model allowing deformation according to image information, such as edges, image regions and specific image features. Additionally, the mathematical framework of vision-based control enables us to establish the types of necessary information for controlling a future autonomous system and how such information can be transformed to specify a desired task. Once implemented in MATLAB the tracking and temporal performance of this approach is tested in built agar-agar phantoms embedded with water-filled balloons, for stability demonstration, probe motion robustness in translational and rotational movements, as well as promising capability in responding to target structure deformations. The developed framework is also inside the expected levels, being compatible with a 25 frames per second image acquisition setup. The framework also has a standalone tool capable of dealing with 50 fps. Thus, this work lays the foundation for US guided procedures compatible with real-time approaches in moving and deforming targets

    Image guided robotic assistance for the diagnosis and treatment of tumor

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    The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the feasibility and the potentiality of introduction of robotics and image guidance in the overall oncologic workflow, from the diagnosis to the treatment phase. The popularity of robotics in the operating room has grown in recent years. Currently the most popular systems is the da Vinci telemanipulator (Intuitive Surgical), it is based on a master-slave control, for minimally invasive surgery and it is used in several surgical fields such us urology, general, gynecology, cardiothoracic. An accurate study of this system, from a technological field of view, has been conducted addressing all drawbacks and advantages of this system. The da Vinci System creates an immersive operating environment for the surgeon by providing both high quality stereo visualization and a human-machine interface that directly connects the surgeon’s hands to the motion of the surgical tool tips inside the patient’s body. It has undoubted advantages for the surgeon work and for the patient health, at least for some interventions, while its very high costs leaves many doubts on its price benefit ratio. In the robotic surgery field many researchers are working on the optimization and miniaturization robots mechanic, while others are trying to obtain smart functionalities to realize robotic systems, that, “knowing” the patient anatomy from radiological images, can assists the surgeon in an active way. Regarding the second point, image guided systems can be useful to plan and to control medical robots motion and to provide the surgeon pre-operative and intra-operative images with augmented reality visualization to enhance his/her perceptual capacities and, as a consequence, to improve the quality of treatments. To demonstrate this thesis some prototypes has been designed, implemented and tested. The development of image guided medical devices, comprehensive of augmented reality, virtual navigation and robotic surgical features, requires to address several problems. The first ones are the choosing of the robotic platform and of the image source to employ. An industrial anthropomorphic arm has been used as testing platform. The idea of integrating industrial robot components in the clinical workflow has been supported by the da Vinci technical analysis. The algorithms and methods developed, regarding in particular robot calibration, based on literature theories and on an easily integration in the clinical scenario, can be adapted to each anthropomorphic arm. In this way this work can be integrated with light-weight robots, for industrial or clinical use, able to work in close contact to humans, which will become numerous in the early future. Regarding the medical image source, it has been decided to work with ultrasound imaging. Two-dimensional ultrasound imaging is widely used in clinical practice because is not dangerous for the patient, inexpensive, compact and it is a highly flexible imaging that allows users to study many anatomic structures. It is routinely used for diagnosis and as guidance in percutaneous treatments. However the use of 2D ultrasound imaging presents some disadvantages that require great ability of the user: it requires that the clinician mentally integrates many images to reconstruct a complete idea of the anatomy in 3D. Furthermore the freehand control of the probe make it difficult to individuate anatomic positions and orientations and probe repositioning to reach a particular location. To overcome these problems it has been developed an image guided system that fuse 2D US real time images with routinely CT or MRI 3D images, previously acquired from the patient, to enhance clinician orientation and probe guidance. The implemented algorithms for robot calibration and US image guidance has been used to realize two applications responding to specific clinical needs. The first one to speed up the execution of routinely and very recurrently procedures like percutaneous biopsy or ablation. The second one to improve a new completely non invasive type of treatment for solid tumors, the HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound). An ultrasound guided robotic system has been developed to assist the clinician to execute complicated biopsies, or percutaneous ablations, in particular for deep abdominal organs. It was developed an integrated system that provides the clinician two types of assistance: a mixed reality visualization allows accurate and easy planning of needle trajectory and target reaching verification; the robot arm equipped with a six-degree-of-freedom force sensor allows the precise positioning of the needle holder and allows the clinician to adjust, by means of a cooperative control, the planned trajectory to overcome needle deflection and target motion. The second application consists in an augmented reality navigation system for HIFU treatment. HIFU represents a completely non invasive method for treatment of solid tumors, hemostasis and other vascular features in human tissues. The technology for HIFU treatments is still evolving and the systems available on the market have some limitations and drawbacks. A disadvantage resulting from our experience with the machinery available in our hospital (JC200 therapeutic system Haifu (HIFU) by Tech Co., Ltd, Chongqing), which is similar to other analogous machines, is the long time required to perform the procedure due to the difficulty to find the target, using the remote motion of an ultrasound probe under the patient. This problem has been addressed developing an augmented reality navigation system to enhance US guidance during HIFU treatments allowing an easy target localization. The system was implemented using an additional free hand ultrasound probe coupled with a localizer and CT fused imaging. It offers a simple and an economic solution to an easy HIFU target localization. This thesis demonstrates the utility and usability of robots for diagnosis and treatment of the tumor, in particular the combination of automatic positioning and cooperative control allows the surgeon and the robot to work in synergy. Further the work demonstrates the feasibility and the potentiality of the use of a mixed reality navigation system to facilitate the target localization and consequently to reduce the times of sittings, to increase the number of possible diagnosis/treatments and to decrease the risk of potential errors. The proposed solutions for the integration of robotics and image guidance in the overall oncologic workflow, take into account current available technologies, traditional clinical procedures and cost minimization

    Ultrasound based navigation and control for orthopaedic robot surgery

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    Thesis approved in public session to obtain the PhD Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Universidade de Lisboa. Instituto Superior TécnicoA Robótica cirúrgica é uma área em expansão, contribuindo para o aumento da precisão e exatidão dos procedimentos cirúrgicos, além de produzir resultados mais confiáveis e reprodutíveis, minimizando a invasividade, reduzindo as complicações e melhorando a segurança dos pacientes, comparativamente com as técnicas convencionais. A navegação dentro da sala de operações é primordial para o sucesso dos sistemas robóticos. Neste contexto é proposto um novo sistema de navegação, usado na malha de controlo, de um sistema robótico co-manipulado, dedesenvolvido para auxiliar os cirurgiões ortopédicos. Embora possa ter outras aplicações, o sistema foi desenvolvido para realizar um furo na cabeça do fémur, necessário ao implante do fio guia na cirurgia de substituição parcial da anca. Durante a cirurgia, a posição e orientação do osso é obtida através de um processo de registo entre as imagens de US adquiridas em tempo real e o modelo CT do fémur, previamente carregado no pré-operatório. Contrariamente aos sistemas cirúrgicos atuais, não usa nenhum tipo de implante no osso para localizar o fémur, mas sim marcadores passivos colocados na sonda e no robô, e um sistema de medição óptico para medir as suas posições 3D. Os testes experimentais de validação foram realizados num phantom de um fémur humano.Abstract: Surgical Robotics is an expanding area, contributing to the increased precision and accuracy of surgical procedures, besides producing more reliable and reproducible results, minimizing the invasiveness, reducing complications and improving patient safety, compared with conventional techniques. Navigation within the operating room is fundamental to the success of robotic systems. In this context a new navigation system, used in the control loop, to co-manipulate a robotic system developed to assist orthopaedic surgeons, is proposed. Although it may have other applications, the system is designed to perform a hole in the femur head, necessary to implant the initial guide wire used in Hip Resurfacing surgery. During the surgery, the bone position and orientation is obtained through a registration process between a set of US images acquired in real time and the CT femur model, preloaded pre-operatively. Contrary to current surgical systems, it does not use any type of implant in the bone, to localize the femur, but passive markers, of an optical measurement system, placed on the probe and the robot to measure their 3D poses. Experimental validation tests were performed on a human’s femur phantom, validating the proposed system

    Conception d'un système robotique sécuritaire pour la prise d'images échographiques

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    La sténose consiste en un blocage des vaisseaux sanguins qui peut survenir n'importe où dans le corps humain. Lorsqu'un vaisseau alimentant les membres inférieurs est partiellement bloqué, la pression sanguine diminue, causant des douleurs chroniques. Les systèmes modernes d'imagerie médicale en trois dimensions peuvent aider le diagnostic ou la planification d'une intervention chirurgicale de la sténose. Ces appareils coûteux soumettent souvent le patient à de fortes doses de radiations tout en lui injectant un agent contraste pour rehausser la visibilité du système vasculaire. L'échographie fait l'objet de plus en plus de recherches en imagerie 3D comme alternative potentielle permettant de poser un diagnostic de sténose. De plus, les ultrasons ne présentent aucune radiation ionisante et l'appareil est plus abordable. Afin d'effectuer la prise d'images échographiques par le déplacement d'une sonde en contact avec le patient, des robots sont développés. Un robot donne en tout temps la position de la sonde, en plus d'alléger la tâche du radiologue et de rendre possible l'automatisation de l'examen. Cette thèse propose le concept d'un nouveau robot effectuant l'examen échographique 3D des artères des membres inférieurs. Le design mécanique original de ce robot a été élaboré avec pour objectif un fonctionnement hautement sécuritaire pour le personnel de la santé et le patient. Puisqu'aucune norme de sécurité en robotique médicale n"a pu être recensée, une recherche approfondie de la littérature a permis l'élaboration d'une stratégie adaptée au défi posé par l'objectif de départ. Le robot à structure parallèle proposé permet de partager les efforts aux différents moteurs. Ses dimensions ont été mathématiquement déterminées afin qu'il soit en mesure d'effectuer l'examen échographique vasculaire demandant le plus grand déplacement : le balayage des vaisseaux sanguins des membres inférieurs. Conséquemment, tout autre examen demandant un déplacement plus petit pourra être réalisé. Des dispositifs mécaniques d'équilibrage statique ont par ailleurs permis de prédire le comportement du robot lorsqu'il est mis hors tension, en plus de minimiser les effets de la gravité. Enfin, les équations mécaniques détaillées rendront possible la fabrication d'un prototype du système robotique proposé

    Guidance of an ultrasound probe by visual servoing.

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    Special issue on Selected papers from IROS'05International audienceA new visual servoing technique based on 2D ultrasound image is proposed in order to control the motion of an ultrasound probe held by a medical robot. In opposition to a standard camera which provides a projection of the 3D scene to a 2D image, ultrasound information is strictly in the observation plan of the probe and consequently visual servoing techniques have to be adapted. In this paper the coupling between the ultrasound probe and a motionless crossed string phantom used for probe calibration is modeled. Then a robotic task is developed which consists to position the ultrasound image on the intersection point of the crossed string phantom while moving the probe to different orientations. The goal of this task is to optimize the procedure of spatial parameters calibration of 3D ultrasound systems

    Automatic guidance of an ultrasound probe by visual servoing based on B-mode image moments

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    International audienceWe propose a new visual servo approach to automatically control in real-time the full motion of a 2D ultrasound (US) probe held by a medical robot in order to reach a desired image of motionless soft tissue object in B-mode ultrasound imaging. Combinations of image moments of the observed object cross-section are used as feedback information in the visual control scheme. These visual features are extracted in real-time from the US image thanks to a fast image segmentation method. Simulations performed with a static US volume containing an egg-shaped object, and ex-vivo experiments using a robotized US probe that interacts with a motionless rabbit heart immersed in water, show the validity of this new approach and its robustness to different perturbations. This method shows promise for a variety of US-guided medical interventions that require real-time servoing

    © VSP and Robotics Society of Japan 2006. Also available online- www.brill.nl/ar Guidance of an ultrasound probe by visual servoing

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    Abstract—A new visual servoing technique based on two-dimensional (2-D) ultrasound (US) image is proposed in order to control the motion of an US probe held by a medical robot. In opposition to a standard camera which provides a projection of the three-dimensional (3-D) scene to a 2-D image, US information is strictly in the observation plane of the probe and consequently visual servoing techniques have to be adapted. In this paper the coupling between the US probe and a motionless crossed string phantom used for probe calibration is modeled. Then a robotic task is developed which consists of positioning the US image on the intersection point of the crossed string phantom while moving the probe to different orientations. The goal of this task is to optimize the procedure of spatial parameter calibration of 3-D US systems