27,875 research outputs found

    Introduction to the ACM TIST Special Issue on Intelligent Healthcare Informatics

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    Healthcare Informatics is a research area dealing with the study and application of computer science and information and communication technology to face both theoretical/methodological and practical issues in healthcare, public health, and everyday wellness. Intelligent Healthcare Informatics may be defined as the specific area focusing on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) theories and techniques to offer important services (such as a component of complex systems) to allow integrated systems to perceive, reason, learn, and act intelligently in the healthcare arena. One of the many peculiarities of healthcare is that decision support systems need to be integrated with several heterogeneous systems supporting both collaborative work and process coordination and the management and analysis of a huge amount of clinical and health data, to compose intelligent, process-aware health information systems. After some pioneering work focusing explicitly on specific medical aspects and providing some efficient, even ad hoc, solutions, in recent years, AI in healthcare has been faced by researchers with different backgrounds and interests, taking into consideration the main results obtained in the more general and theoretical/methodological area of intelligent systems. Moreover, from a focus on reasoning strategies and deep knowledge representation, research in healthcare intelligent systems moved to data-intensive clinical tasks, where there is the need for supporting healthcare decision making in the presence of overwhelming amounts of clinical data. Significant solutions have been provided through a multidisciplinary combination of the results from the different research areas and their associated cultures, ranging from algorithms, to information systems and databases, to human-computer interaction, to medical informatics. To this regard, it is interesting to observe that, from one side, medical informaticians benefited by the general solutions coming from the generic computer science area, tailoring them to specific medical domains, while from the other side, computer scientists found several (still open) challenges in the medical and, more generally, health domains. This ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST) special issue contains articles discussing fundamental principles, algorithms, or applications for process-aware health information systems. Such articles are a sound answer to the research challenges for novel techniques, combinations of tools, and so forth to build effective ways to manage and deal in an integrated way with healthcare processes and data

    Journal positioning meta-issues as evolving contexts: Organizational marketing at the crossroads

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    As Industrial Marketing Management (IMM) has completed 45 years of publication, Industrial Marketing Management: An Interorganizational Interdisciplinary Journal comes of age yet again. A description of the proliferation of journals and associated titles within cognate subfields is provided noting the societal forces creating this necessity. Relief is brought to the complexity and diversity of journals therein. The unit of analysis is that of an individual circumspect scholar viewing the journal mix landscape and its associated impact on their scholarship and career. Contexts and criteria are offered for sorting out this meta-dilemma that has been evolving since time immemorial. Peter J. LaPlaca's (PJL's) presence in our field and IMM is explicated with awe and appreciation. Closing thoughts are offered regarding our collective future and some criteria for getting there – the next interlude. The reader is invited to ascertain their unique scholarly path. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are used in the evaluation of the mere incidence of article outlets and the moderating effect on institutional and industry constraints as accelerated over the past 45 years. Industry sources that measure and monitor journal use and their activity are broadly and succinctly portrayed. Historical analyses of college business school education's evolution with the associated impact of these industrial forces for journal publishing are derived. A narrative describing the evolution in the quantity of journals and their proliferation is provided. The analysis is by definition contemporary yet retrospective, qualitative yet adductive. PJL's long-term contribution to the field is documented with awe and appreciation. Individual scholars are to know that their own acumen and that of those whom they may come to supervise are constrained yet enabled by the mere quantity of journal options and their inevitable domain enmeshment. The impact on education and the management thereof are noted in detail and associated sense making in the performance of our job. The analyses of the journals publishing provides a paradox of opportunity yet a twisted knot of options for any scholar requiring yet further criteria to untie. Over most of our career lifespans the data and analysis provided help contextualize the character of your scholarly journey. A glimpse into the evolution of research in the area of business-to-business marketing and its components over the last few decades helps magnify the positioning of the journals for prospective authors and would-be readers

    PICES Press, Vol. 16, No. 2, July 2008

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    The 2008 Inter-Sessional Science Board Meeting (pp.1-2, pdf, 0.1 Mb) FUTURE – From Science Plan to Implementation Plan (pp. 3-4, pdf, 0.1 Mb) CFAME Task Team Workshop – Linking and Visualising (p. 5, pdf, 0.1 Mb) PICES WG 21 Meets in Busan, Korea: The Database Meeting (pp. 6-7, pdf, 0.1 Mb) ICES-PICES-IOC Symposium on Climate Change (pp. 8-12, pdf, 1.2 Mb) Zooplankton and Climate: Response Modes and Linkages (pp. 13-15, pdf, 0.2 Mb) PICES Fishery Science Committee Workshop in Gijón (pp. 16-18, pdf, 0.1 Mb) The North Pacific Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey (pp. 19-21, pdf, 0.4 Mb) PICES Ecosystem Status Report Wins Design Award (p. 21, pdf, 0.4 Mb) Canada’s Three Oceans (C3O): A Canadian Contribution to the International Polar Year (pp. 22-25, pdf, 0.8 Mb) New Surface Mooring at Station Papa Monitors Climate (pp. 26-27, pdf, 0.2 Mb) The State of the Western North Pacific in the Second Half of 2007 (pp. 28-29, pdf, 0.4 Mb) The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Events (pp. 30-31, pdf, 0.4 Mb) Recent Trends in Waters of the Subarctic NE Pacific (pp.32-33, pdf, 0.3 Mb) 2009 Vintage of Fraser River Sockeye Salmon: A Complex Full Bodied Redd with Mysterious Bouquet (p. 34, pdf, 0.1 Mb) Pacific Biological Station Celebrates Centennial Anniversary, 1908–2008 (p. 35, pdf, 0.3 Mb) Marine and Coastal Fisheries: American Fisheries Society Open Access E-journal (p. 36, pdf, 0.1 Mb) Latest and Upcoming PICES Publications (p. 36, pdf, 0.1 Mb

    The Open Access Journals Toolkit

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    Contents: Getting Started 5 • Scope, aims and focus 5 • Choosing a title for your journal 6 • Types of content accepted 7 • Kick-off and ongoing funding 11 • Disciplinary considerations 16 • Journal setup checklist and timeline 18 • Running a journal 20 • Article selection criteria 20 • Publication frequency and journal issues 23 • Attracting authors 25 • Peer review and quality assurance 27 • The costs of running an online open access journal 31 • Running a journal in a local or regional language 34 • Flipping a journal to open access 36 • Indexing 38 • Building and maintaining a profile 38 • Journal and article indexing 41 • Search engine optimisation and technical improvements 43 • Journal and article level metrics 45 • Staffing 49 • Roles and responsibilities 49 • Recruiting journal staff 51 • Building an editorial board 54 • Training and staff development 57 • Policies 59 • Developing author guidelines 59 • Publication ethics and related editorial policies 61 • Compliance with funder policies and mandates 64 • Copyright and licensing 66 • Displaying licensing information 68 • Corrections and retractions 70 • Infrastructure 72 • Software and technical infrastructure 72 • Journal appearance and web design 74 • Article and journal metadata 76 • Structured content 79 • Persistent Identifiers 81 • About the Open Access Journals Toolkit 83 • About 83 • What is an open access journal? 86 • Frequently asked questions 89 • Glossary 92 • Further reading 9

    Strategies and tactics in academic knowledge production by multilingual scholars

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    In the past decade, academic evaluation systems worldwide have markedly increased the use of mechanisms that privilege the use of English in journal publishing. In the context of these trends, this article highlights our findings from more than 12 years of research on the experiences and perspectives of 50 multilingual European scholars with writing for publication, particularly in English. We draw on de Certeau’s (1984) notions of strategies and tactics to explore key ways in which scholars manage often-competing demands and interests in writing for publication. Scholars both adopt strategies that align with official publication policies and use tactics that support scholars’ sometimes competing agendas. At different moments scholars embrace, accommodate, or resist the perceived dominance of English in knowledge production regimes and evaluation systems. We conclude by summarizing the value of drawing on the notions of strategy and tactics in an era of increasing debates over evaluation systems

    Goals, Values, and Expectations of the AIS Family of Journals

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    The Association for Information Systems (AIS) is the premier professional association for individuals and organizations that lead the research, teaching, practice, and study of information systems. It serves society through advancing knowledge and promoting excellence in the practice and study of information systems. To that end, the AIS hosts seven academic journals: Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interactions (THCI), AIS Transactions on Replication Research (TRR), Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (PAJAIS), Revista Latinoamericana y del Caribe de la Asociación de Sistemas de Información (RELCASI), and Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS). In this editorial statement, we summarize the different mission statements for each journal; describe their different audiences, goals, and markets; and identify their shared values, requirements, and resources. We do so to assist AIS members to identify the most suitable journal outlet for their research

    Estratégias e táticas na produção de conhecimento acadêmico para pesquisadores multilíngües

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    In the past decade, academic evaluation systems worldwide have markedly increased the use of mechanisms that privilege the use of English in journal publishing. In the context of these trends, this article highlights our findings from more than 12 years of research on the experiences and perspectives of 50 multilingual European scholars with writing for publication, particularly in English. We draw on de Certeau’s (1984) notions of strategies and tactics to explore key ways in which scholars manage often-competing demands and interests in writing for publication. Scholars both adopt strategies that align with official publication policies and use tactics that support scholars’ sometimes competing agendas. At different moments scholars embrace, accommodate, or resist the perceived dominance of English in knowledge production regimes and evaluation systems. We conclude by summarizing the value of drawing on the notions of strategy and tactics in an era of increasing debates over evaluation systems.En la última década, los sistemas de evaluación académica de todo el mundo han aumentado considerablemente el uso de mecanismos que privilegian el uso de Inglés en la publicación de revistas académicas. En el contexto de estas tendencias, este artículo resalta los hallazgos de más de 12 años de investigación sobre las experiencias y perspectivas de 50 investigadores europeos multilingües sobre la escritura para la publicación, sobre todo en Inglés. Nos basamos en las nociones de De Certeau  de estrategias y tácticas (1984) para explorar formas clave en que los investigadores gestionan demandas e intereses que a menudo compiten en la escritura para publicación. Los investigadores tanto adoptan estrategias que se alinean con las políticas de publicación oficial y usan tácticas que a veces compiten con sus agendas de investigación. En diferentes momentos los investigadores adoptan, dan cabida, o se resisten a la dominación percibida del idioma Inglés en los regímenes de producción de conocimiento y sistemas de evaluación. Concluimos resumiendo el valor de recurrir a las nociones de estrategia y táctica en una era de creciente debate sobre los sistemas de evaluación .Na última década, nos sistemas de avaliação de acadêmicos de todo o mundo aumentou consideravelmente o uso de mecanismos que favoreçam o uso de Inglês na publicação de revistas acadêmicas. No contexto dessas tendências, este artigo destaca os resultados de mais de 12 anos de pesquisa sobre as experiências e perspectivas de 50 investigadores europeus multilingues sobre como escrever para a publicação , principalmente em Inglês. Contamos com as noções de De Certeau das estratégias e táticas (1984) para explorar maneiras principais em que os pesquisadores gerem demandas e interesses, muitas vezes concorrentes, na escrita para a publicação. Os pesquisadores adotam estratégias alinhadas com as políticas oficiais de publicação e usam táticas que às vezes competem com suas agendas de investigação. Em momentos diferentes pesquisadores adotam, acomodam ou resistem à dominação percebida do Inglês nos regimes de sistemas de produção e avaliação do conhecimento. Conclui-se por indicar o valor de usar os conceitos de estratégia e tática em uma era de crescente debate sobre os sistemas de avaliação
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