275 research outputs found

    CPS: 3D Compositional Part Segmentation through Grasping

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    Abstract—Most objects are composed of parts which have a semantic meaning. A handle can have many different shapes and can be present in quite different objects, but there is only one semantic meaning to a handle, which is “a part that is designed especially to be grasped by the hand”. We introduce here a novel 3D algorithm named CPS for the decomposition of objects into their semantically meaningful parts. These meaningful parts are learned from experiments where a robot grasps different objects. Objects are represented in a compositional graph hierarchy where their parts are represented as the relationship between subparts, which are in turn represented based on the relationships between small adjacent regions. Unlike other compositional approaches, our method relies on learning semantically meaningful parts which are learned from grasping experience. This compositional part representation provides generalization for part segmentation. We evaluated our method in this respect, by training it on one dataset and evaluating it on another. We achieved on average 78 % part overlap accuracy for segmentation of novel part instances. Keywords-Compositional model, 3D object representation, object part segmentation, graspability I

    Integrating Vision and Physical Interaction for Discovery, Segmentation and Grasping of Unknown Objects

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Verfahren der Bildverarbeitung und die FĂ€higkeit humanoider Roboter, mit ihrer Umgebung physisch zu interagieren, in engem Zusammenspiel eingesetzt, um unbekannte Objekte zu identifizieren, sie vom Hintergrund und anderen Objekten zu trennen, und letztendlich zu greifen. Im Verlauf dieser interaktiven Exploration werden außerdem Eigenschaften des Objektes wie etwa sein Aussehen und seine Form ermittelt

    The Sum of Its Parts: Visual Part Segmentation for Inertial Parameter Identification of Manipulated Objects

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    To operate safely and efficiently alongside human workers, collaborative robots (cobots) require the ability to quickly understand the dynamics of manipulated objects. However, traditional methods for estimating the full set of inertial parameters rely on motions that are necessarily fast and unsafe (to achieve a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio). In this work, we take an alternative approach: by combining visual and force-torque measurements, we develop an inertial parameter identification algorithm that requires slow or 'stop-and-go' motions only, and hence is ideally tailored for use around humans. Our technique, called Homogeneous Part Segmentation (HPS), leverages the observation that man-made objects are often composed of distinct, homogeneous parts. We combine a surface-based point clustering method with a volumetric shape segmentation algorithm to quickly produce a part-level segmentation of a manipulated object; the segmented representation is then used by HPS to accurately estimate the object's inertial parameters. To benchmark our algorithm, we create and utilize a novel dataset consisting of realistic meshes, segmented point clouds, and inertial parameters for 20 common workshop tools. Finally, we demonstrate the real-world performance and accuracy of HPS by performing an intricate 'hammer balancing act' autonomously and online with a low-cost collaborative robotic arm. Our code and dataset are open source and freely available.Comment: Accepted to the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'23), London, UK, May 29 - June 2, 202

    Seeing Behind The Scene: Using Symmetry To Reason About Objects in Cluttered Environments

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    Rapid advances in robotic technology are bringing robots out of the controlled environments of assembly lines and factories into the unstructured and unpredictable real-life workspaces of human beings. One of the prerequisites for operating in such environments is the ability to grasp previously unobserved physical objects. To achieve this individual objects have to be delineated from the rest of the environment and their shape properties estimated from incomplete observations of the scene. This remains a challenging task due to the lack of prior information about the shape and pose of the object as well as occlusions in cluttered scenes. We attempt to solve this problem by utilizing the powerful concept of symmetry. Symmetry is ubiquitous in both natural and man-made environments. It reveals redundancies in the structure of the world around us and thus can be used in a variety of visual processing tasks. In this thesis we propose a complete pipeline for detecting symmetric objects and recovering their rotational and reflectional symmetries from 3D reconstructions of natural scenes. We begin by obtaining a multiple-view 3D pointcloud of the scene using the Kinect Fusion algorithm. Additionally a voxelized occupancy map of the scene is extracted in order to reason about occlusions. We propose two classes of algorithms for symmetry detection: curve based and surface based. Curve based algorithm relies on extracting and matching surface normal edge curves in the pointcloud. A more efficient surface based algorithm works by fitting symmetry axes/planes to the geometry of the smooth surfaces of the scene. In order to segment the objects we introduce a segmentation approach that uses symmetry as a global grouping principle. It extracts points of the scene that are consistent with a given symmetry candidate. To evaluate the performance of our symmetry detection and segmentation algorithms we construct a dataset of cluttered tabletop scenes with ground truth object masks and corresponding symmetries. Finally we demonstrate how our pipeline can be used by a mobile robot to detect and grasp objects in a house scenario

    Efficient 3D Segmentation, Registration and Mapping for Mobile Robots

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    Sometimes simple is better! For certain situations and tasks, simple but robust methods can achieve the same or better results in the same or less time than related sophisticated approaches. In the context of robots operating in real-world environments, key challenges are perceiving objects of interest and obstacles as well as building maps of the environment and localizing therein. The goal of this thesis is to carefully analyze such problem formulations, to deduce valid assumptions and simplifications, and to develop simple solutions that are both robust and fast. All approaches make use of sensors capturing 3D information, such as consumer RGBD cameras. Comparative evaluations show the performance of the developed approaches. For identifying objects and regions of interest in manipulation tasks, a real-time object segmentation pipeline is proposed. It exploits several common assumptions of manipulation tasks such as objects being on horizontal support surfaces (and well separated). It achieves real-time performance by using particularly efficient approximations in the individual processing steps, subsampling the input data where possible, and processing only relevant subsets of the data. The resulting pipeline segments 3D input data with up to 30Hz. In order to obtain complete segmentations of the 3D input data, a second pipeline is proposed that approximates the sampled surface, smooths the underlying data, and segments the smoothed surface into coherent regions belonging to the same geometric primitive. It uses different primitive models and can reliably segment input data into planes, cylinders and spheres. A thorough comparative evaluation shows state-of-the-art performance while computing such segmentations in near real-time. The second part of the thesis addresses the registration of 3D input data, i.e., consistently aligning input captured from different view poses. Several methods are presented for different types of input data. For the particular application of mapping with micro aerial vehicles where the 3D input data is particularly sparse, a pipeline is proposed that uses the same approximate surface reconstruction to exploit the measurement topology and a surface-to-surface registration algorithm that robustly aligns the data. Optimization of the resulting graph of determined view poses then yields globally consistent 3D maps. For sequences of RGBD data this pipeline is extended to include additional subsampling steps and an initial alignment of the data in local windows in the pose graph. In both cases, comparative evaluations show a robust and fast alignment of the input data

    Bimanual Interaction with Clothes. Topology, Geometry, and Policy Representations in Robots

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    Twardon L. Bimanual Interaction with Clothes. Topology, Geometry, and Policy Representations in Robots. Bielefeld: UniversitÀt Bielefeld; 2019.If anthropomorphic robots are to assist people with activities of daily living, they must be able to handle all kinds of everyday objects, including highly deformable ones such as garments. The present thesis begins with a detailed problem analysis of robotic interaction with and perception of clothes. We show that handling items of clothing is very challenging due to their complex dynamics and the vast number of degrees of freedom. As a result of our analysis, we obtain a topological, geometric, and functional description of garments that supports the development of reduced object and task representations. One of the key findings is that the boundary components, which typically correspond with the openings, characterize garments well, both in terms of their topology and their inherent purpose, namely dressing. We present a polygon-based and an interactive method for identifying boundary components using RGB-D vision with application to grasping. Moreover, we propose Active Boundary Component Models (ABCMs), a constraint-based framework for tracking garment openings with point clouds. It is often difficult to maintain an accurate representation of the objects involved in contact-rich interaction tasks such as dressing assistance. Therefore, our policy optimization approach to putting a knit cap on a styrofoam head avoids modeling the details of the garment and its deformations. The experimental results suggest that a heuristic performance measure that takes into account the amount of contact established between the two objects is suitable for the task

    Motion planning and control methods for nonprehensile manipulation and multi-contact locomotion tasks

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    Many existing works in the robotic literature deal with the problem of nonprehensile dynamic manipulation. However, a unified control framework does not exist so far. One of the ambitious goals of this Thesis is to contribute to identify planning and control frameworks solving classes of nonprehensile dynamic manipulation tasks, dealing with the non linearity of their dynamic models and, consequently, with the inherited design complexity. Besides, while passing through a number of connections between dynamic nonprehensile manipulation and legged locomotion, the Thesis presents novel methods for generating walking motions in multi-contact situations
