408,789 research outputs found

    Army-NASA aircrew/aircraft integration program (A3I) software detailed design document, phase 3

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    The capabilities and design approach of the MIDAS (Man-machine Integration Design and Analysis System) computer-aided engineering (CAE) workstation under development by the Army-NASA Aircrew/Aircraft Integration Program is detailed. This workstation uses graphic, symbolic, and numeric prototyping tools and human performance models as part of an integrated design/analysis environment for crewstation human engineering. Developed incrementally, the requirements and design for Phase 3 (Dec. 1987 to Jun. 1989) are described. Software tools/models developed or significantly modified during this phase included: an interactive 3-D graphic cockpit design editor; multiple-perspective graphic views to observe simulation scenarios; symbolic methods to model the mission decomposition, equipment functions, pilot tasking and loading, as well as control the simulation; a 3-D dynamic anthropometric model; an intermachine communications package; and a training assessment component. These components were successfully used during Phase 3 to demonstrate the complex interactions and human engineering findings involved with a proposed cockpit communications design change in a simulated AH-64A Apache helicopter/mission that maps to empirical data from a similar study and AH-1 Cobra flight test

    Graphic design as urban design: towards a theory for analysing graphic objects in urban environments

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    This thesis presents a model for analysing the graphic object as urban object, by considering atypical fields of discourse that contribute to the formation of the object domain. The question: what is graphic design as urban design? directs the research through an epistemological design study comprising: an interrogation of graphic design studio practice and the articulation of graphic design research questions; a review and subsequent development of research strategy, design and method towards the articulation of methodology that reflects the nature of the inquiry; a detailed analysis of five different ways to study and research graphic design as urban design, in geography, language, visual communication, art and design, and urban design. The outcome of the investigation is a model that enables future research in the urban environment to benefit from micro-meso-macrographic analysis. The model endeavours to provide a way to evaluate, design and enhance ‘public places and urban spaces’ (Carmona et al., 2010) by considering different scales of symbolic thought and deed. This has been achieved by acknowledging the relationship between the relatively miniscule detail of graphic symbolism, the point at which this becomes visible through increased scale, and the instances when it dominates the urban realm. Examples are considered that show differences between, for example, the size and spacing of letter shapes on a pedestrian sign, compared to the ‘visual’ impact of an iconic building in the cityscape. In between is a myriad of graphic elements that are experienced and designed by many different professional disciplines and occupations. These are evidenced and explained. Throughout the study an indiscriminating literature review is interwoven with the text, accompanied by tabular information, and visual data in the form of photographs and diagrams. This is mainly research-driven data utilising photographs from fieldwork in Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Italy, Portugal, South Korea, United Kingdom, and United States of America. The methodology integrates a transdisciplinary adaptive theory approach derived from sociological research, with graphic method (utilising a wider scope of visual data usually associated with graph theory). The following images provide sixteen examples of artefacts representing the graphic object as urban object phenomenon

    Vector AR Implementation for Rain Rate Space Time Series Modeling in Surabaya

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    Site diversity is one of the Fading Mitigation Techniques (FMT) that is a base system design on the nature of rain rate that change to the time and space. However, to get appropriate site diversity needs deep knowledges about rain rate dynamic and statistical characteristic. In this research, rain rate space-time series modeling in 4 rain gauges location studied by using Vector AR (VAR) model. To validate VAR model, it used 3 methods; ecdf graphic comparison, qqplot method and model residual analysis. The result showed that VAR model is correct and appropriate model for rain rate space time series modeling in 4 rain gauges location. These VAR models have good accuracy with Spatial RMSE Mean between 0.273 - 0.763


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    Abstract. The topic of this paper is the problem of the professional design thinking formation in studentswhich learn such discipline as design. Design thinking is a specific spatial-figurative thinking that allows designers to materialize their ideas and designs. Design thinking allows new forms and solutions of design problems to search and find. A creative search for a designer is based on empathy, which is an understanding and emotional experience concerning a practical problem being solved. Means of formation of design thinking are graphic and layout spatial modeling. They are used in conceptual, logical and physical modeling. They are implemented in the form of a two-dimensional graphic sketch and three-dimensional layout. The iteration method allows them to gradually narrow thesearch for the optimal form in the design, returning from a three-dimensional model to a planar one (for example, as a photo), and make adjustments to the final three-dimensional model layout based on the analysis. To create a design object, it is necessary to have professional skills in both plane-graphic and three-dimensional space modeling. The extrapolation of planar approaches to three-dimensional once and vice versa is productive. Both methods of modeling serve a consistent approximation to the solution of a problem. They can complement each other at different stages of designing, bringing the designer closer to the embodiment in the material of the created object. The layout allows themto define and refine the design and proportional ratios of the parts of the object being created, its functional and aesthetic characteristics. The graphic sketch makes it possible to capture the emotionally significant characteristics of the designed object, simultaneously fix its role in various contexts of the environment, and capture the intermediate stages of creative search.Keywords: two-dimensional graphic modeling in design, model-plastic modeling in design, iteration in design,design thinking, designing

    Developing a pedagogical model to enhance and assess creativity in Omani graphic design education

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    This research investigates the position of creativity within graphic design education in general, and within the Omani educational context specifically. It situates itself among three realms: education, design, and creativity, investigating the relationships, effectiveness, and interrogations among these three topics. Creativity is defined within this research and in relation to graphic design education as problem solving , which is explained also as a cultural activity, or a cultural production. Graphic designers can involve themselves effectively in solving communication, social, and cultural problems that are classified as wicked problems , which usually require creative solutions. It is argued that Omani graphic designers should be creative problem solvers and able to find effective solutions for these problems. Yet this is not the case in Oman, at least from an educational point of view. The research problem is that the Omani design education system lacks a framework that recognises creativity as an important concept in education. Such a lack creates a twofold problem: 1) underestimating the importance of creativity in Omani design education; and 2) a shortage of pedagogical structured programmes that can enhance students creativity. It is argued that this problem is a result of the neglected situation of creativity in Arabic traditional education in general. Traditional education usually does not support creative thinking in design students, which consequently minimises their roles in social and cultural change. Based on the above, this research aims to develop a pedagogical model that can enhance and promote creative potential within Omani graphic design students. This aim can be achieved through re-establishing the position of creativity within Omani design education and valuing creativity as integrated part of graphic design. It proposes that the pedagogical model can offer a systematic approach for lecturers, to guide them into the best practice to enhance the creative potential of their students. Therefore, this research, and the proposed model, is the first step towards improving the position of creativity in Omani design educational systems in general. The model would propose to help Omani graphic design students to develop their creative problem solving abilities, which can allow them to effectively find solutions for several social and cultural wicked problems faced in Oman, such as the increased rate of car accidents nationally). The model will contain some creative-thinking techniques, and some pedagogical strategies that are already used internationally in education to improve creativity. The relevant literature has been reviewed to study the techniques and strategies used internationally to improve the creative potential of graphic design students. A qualitative interpretative methodology was used to answer the research questions and fulfil the aims. A survey approach was used for this research, implementing two methods: questionnaires and interviews. The online questionnaire was conducted with 33 international participants. It investigated how creativity is defined within graphic design contexts; whether creativity can be taught or enhanced; if yes, How, and by which techniques and strategies? Which curriculum contents are most suitable and effective? And how to assess creativity within graphic design education?. The same set of questions was asked in face-to-face interviews conducted with 39 design lecturers. The participants in these interviews were local lecturers who teach graphic design courses at six Omani institutions. All of the collected data were analysed by a thematic analysis method, by coding and categorising them according to different themes that had been extracted earlier from the literature. The contribution of this research is in defining the concept of creativity through scientific research; more specifically by practical research conducting an international survey and local interviews. Through this approach, this research has collected ideas, insights and trends about creativity in graphic design and how it can be developed. Also, this research has advanced knowledge of the relationships among graphic design, creativity, and education, specifically in the Arabic region. It is an attempt to emphasise this new field. Moreover, this research has given a snapshot of differing views regarding creativity in design education as perceived by international lecturers versus Omani lecturers, through conducting a cross-cultural study by asking these two groups the same questions, which was an interesting comparison. Finally, the collected data were utilised to develop the proposed pedagogical model designed for graphic design lecturers who teach design courses within Omani design education. The pedagogical model is the main contribution of this research. It would be suggested to the Omani Ministry of Higher Education that the model should be part of the Omani undergraduate graphic design curriculum

    Analisis Penerapan Penggunaan Graphic Editor pada Pembuatan Objek 3 Dimensi

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    Three-dimensional applications has evolved penetrated in almost all areas of work, especially in the field of multimedia and other virtual media. Offeature films, television, print design to production games. LightWave 3D is a software that can model an object once animate. This research model a 3D object using LightWave Modeler then analyzed the results of modeling using graphic editors in LightWave Layout. To connect between LightWave Modeler and LightWave Layout used LightWave Hub. Analysis using the graphic editor can make a better model for the selection of each layer more detail


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    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find a conceptual model as a basic in developing a learning media Mathematics of Scale material using motion graphic media. The development model used in this research is Hannapin and Peck's model which is consists of three stages, namely requirements analysis, design, and development or implementation. This research was conducted at SDN Karanggan 01 Gunung Putri, Bogor towards fifth grade students of elementary schools. The results of the product feasibility trial show that interactive motion graphic media is very feasible to use by obtaining an average expert review rating of 95.14% with the category "Very Good". Based on an analysis of previous research findings the conceptual model of interactive motion graphic media that researchers found to be effectively used in schools with problems that researchers found in the field. Keyword : Motion graphic, Interactive, Mathematic, Scale Abstrak : Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan model konseptual sebagai dasar dalam mengembangkan suatu media pembelajaran Matematika materi Skala menggunakan media motion graphic. Model pengembangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah model Hannapin dan Peck yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu analisis kebutuhan, desain, dan pengembangan atau implementasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SDN Karanggan 01 Gunung Putri, Bogor terhadap siswa kelas V sekolah dasar. Hasil uji coba kelayakan produk menunjukkan bahwa media motion graphic interaktif sangat layak digunakan dengan mendapat penilaian expert review rata-rata sebesar 95,14% dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Berdasarkan analisis terhadap temuan penelitian sebelumnya model konseptual media motion graphic interaktif yang peneliti temukan efektif digunakan pada sekolah dengan permasalahan yang peneliti temukan di lapangan. Kata Kunci : Motion graphic, Interaktif, Matematika, Skal

    Interactive E-book Development for Graphic Design Subjects at Multimedia Department of Vocational School in Malang

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    This research is based on learning media that is not suitable enough to the needs of students. Most of students don’t understand about the using of e-book in the class because of incomplete learning media material. The development of e-book is used for printing graphic design subjects for grade XI in SMKN 5 Malang. The purpose of this research is: (1) to develop an e-book as printing graphic design learning media for grade XI in multimedia department SMKN 5 Malang. (2) to increase students’ understanding of printing graphic design material by using an e-book. (3) to know the efficiency level of e-book on printing graphic design subjects in even semester. The method of this research is true experimental and pretest-posttest control group as the design model. Data analysis uses 4D e-book development model. There are four important steps in 4D model, that are: (1) Define, (2) Design, (3) Development, and (4) Disseminate. The validation of e-book is done by material experts, media experts, small-scale test, and wide-scale test. The average results of the validation percentage of media experts and material experts is 91,5 percent. The average percentage of small-scale test media validation is 87,75 percent and the average percentage of wide-scale test media validation is 86,42 percent. Based on validation, the total average percentage of learning media is 88,55 percent. On the students learning outcomes show that there is an increasing of average value from pre-test value to post-test value. The average pre-test value is 46,67 percent and the average post-test value is 88,09 percent. These results show that the using of e-book is efficient in learning process for printing graphic design subjects

    Development Of Interactive Media With Contextual Teaching Learning To Enhance Vocational Schools Student Creativity In Malang

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    Basic Graphic Design is one of the compulsory subjects that must be taken by students of class X Multimedia Department at SMK Negeri 7 Malang. This research and development aim to produce products in the form of interactive media containing Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) Basic Graphic Design subjects to foster creativity. This type of research and analysis is included in mixed or quantitative and qualitative research. The Research and Development model used is the ADDIE model. The development procedure is (1) Analyze; (2) Design; (3) Development; (4) Implementation; (5) Evaluation. The results of the validation by material experts were 88.75 percent, media experts 95 percent, small group trials 83.18 percent, large group trials 87.69 percent. Therefore, it can be concluded that the basic interactive media of Graphic Design with CTL is suitable for use as a student learning medium. Based on the results of the study as long as students used interactive media, it was found that 19 students (63 percent) had high creativity, 10 students (33 percent) had moderate creativity, and 1 student (3 percent) had low creativity. This indicates that the use of interactive media has been able to foster student learning creativity in genera


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    The article describes the development and analysis of a pedagogical model for the development of engineers in the development of design competencies, the use of pedagogical systems and computer graphics, development using graphic programs, as well as in project processes, working drawings and assembly drawings