17 research outputs found

    Decentralized Autonomous Organization

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    A DAO is a blockchain-based system that enables people to coordinate and govern themselves mediated by a set of self-executing rules deployed on a public blockchain, and whose governance is decentralised (i.e., independent from central control)

    Governance Challenges of AI-enabled Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Toward a Research Agenda

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    The emergence of novel applications using distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) has gathered pace since the introduction of Bitcoin and the subsequent release of the Ethereum platform for decentralized applications (dApps). Such decentrally governed DLT systems are accelerating the displacement of intermediaries in regulated contexts such as the financial system and challenging the efficacy of governance regimes that have conventionally levered governance controls on identifiable, accountable decision-makers. The governance challenges of DLT systems are exacerbated by the arrival of digital autonomous organizations (DAOs) that use on-ledger decision-making mechanisms to further displace or eliminate human decision-makers. When DAOs are augmented with artificial intelligence (AI), their potent combination of computational power and access to large on-platform data sets and resources, signals a significant disruption to conventional institutional, regulatory, and legal governance regimes. This paper discusses the governance challenges of AI-enabled DAOs and presents a research agenda to address these challenges

    DAOs: Governance in the Blockchain Era

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    Blockchain technology promises to revolutionize not only the way we transact among peers but also the way we organize to create socio-economic value. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are governed and owned by the community whose members follow a set of blockchain-embedded governance rules that define and control participation. In this chapter, we will clarify what governance decentralization and automation mean, examining DAOs’ distinguishing characteristics. We will also discuss the problems that DAOs solve (e.g., lack of extrinsic incentives, censorship, mismanagement and lack of transparency and accountability), as well as the problems they face (e.g., lack of participation, rigidity, voting misbehaviours and legal status)

    DLT-based Regulatory Systems Dynamics

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    In this research, we examine the interplay between ‘actors’ and ‘agents’ in Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) systems. We identify regulatory interactions between off-chain agents setting the rules, as well as on-chain code as actors regulating the behavior of DLT users. We theorize about the relationship between agents and actors that mutually regulate each other in certain ways through the DLT system and identify the significant dimensions related to the trifecta in which the soft system agent sphere regulation of DLT is likely to interact with the hard system actor sphere regulation by DLT. By proposing the trifecta between DLT design, DLT protocol, and DLT use, we explain the relationship between these three and the role of DLT protocol as a mediator between DLT design and DLT use. Our research sheds light on the dynamics within DLT systems and the regulating forces at play from a systems’ thinking perspective.e

    La Blockchain pour la gestion des informations au sein des administrations publiques marocaines : Opportunités et défis

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    to-day relationships of governments and citizens. With the evolution of information and communication technologies, Moroccan public administrations have been challenged to provide services more efficiently to citizens, while ensuring a high level of security, transparency, control and confidentiality of data. Information and communication technologies become an essential element for a successful public administration reform. As public administrations are responsible for the delivery of many services, they are obliged to integrate more technological tools to reduce the inefficiency of their current systems and, consequently, to clearly improve their services. Blockchain technology is one of the fundamental technological innovations in the development stage that has revolutionized the world of organizations, comparable to the invention of the Internet. It is a revolutionary potential technology with the ability to improve levels of efficiency and security within organizations, including public administrations. Based on an exploratory study, this article will aim to identify the potential changes that can be induced by the use of Blockchain for the development of information systems in Moroccan public administrations. The ultimate goal is to highlight the opportunities that can be offered to these administrations in terms of security and efficiency by transferring their informations through a distributed « Blockchain » register, without neglecting of course the challenges that may result.     JEL Classification : O32 Paper type: Empirical research L’intelligence artificielle, la technologie Blockchain, ainsi que d’autres progrĂšs technologiques ont intensĂ©ment changĂ© les relations quotidiennes des gouvernements et des citoyens. Avec l’évolution des technologies de l’information et de la communication, les administrations marocaines nationales ont Ă©tĂ© mises au dĂ©fi de fournir des services avec plus d’efficacitĂ© aux citoyens, et ce tout en garantissant un niveau Ă©levĂ© de sĂ©curitĂ©, de transparence, de contrĂŽle et de confidentialitĂ© des donnĂ©es.  Les technologies de l’information et de la communication deviennent un Ă©lĂ©ment essentiel pour une rĂ©forme rĂ©ussie de l’administration publique. En effet, les administrations publiques Ă©tant responsables de la dĂ©livrance d’une multitude nature de services se trouvent dans l’obligation d’intĂ©grer plus d’outils technologiques leur permettant de rĂ©duire l’inefficacitĂ© de leurs systĂšmes actuels et, par consĂ©quent, d’amĂ©liorer clairement leurs prestations de services.       La technologie Blockchain est l’une des innovations technologiques fondamentales en stade de dĂ©veloppement ayant bouleversĂ© le monde des organisations, comparable Ă  l’invention d’Internet. C’est une technologie Ă  potentiel rĂ©volutionnaire dotĂ©e d’une capacitĂ© d’amĂ©lioration des niveaux d’efficacitĂ© et de sĂ©curitĂ© au sein des organisations, y compris les administrations publiques. BasĂ© sur une Ă©tude exploratoire, cet article aura pour objectif d’identifier les changements potentiels qui peuvent ĂȘtre induits par l’usage de la Blockchain pour le dĂ©veloppement des systĂšmes d’informations (SI) au sein des administrations publiques marocaines. Le but ultime Ă©tant de mettre le point sur les opportunitĂ©s qui peuvent ĂȘtre offertes Ă  ces administrations en matiĂšre de sĂ©curitĂ© et d’efficacitĂ© en distribuant leurs informations via un registre distribuĂ© « Blockchain », sans nĂ©gliger bien Ă©videmment les dĂ©fis qui peuvent y rĂ©sulter.     Classification JEL : O32 Type de l’article : Recherche empirique

    Investigating the Decentralized Governance of Distributed Ledger Infrastructure Implementation in Extended Enterprises

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    The prevention of money laundering in the use of cryptocurrency

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    Money laundering has become common in the world and the introduction of cryptocurrencies has created another avenue that makes it easier to move funds between jurisdictions without anyone knowing. A block chain technology is used to process peer-to-peer electronic payments utilising decentralised virtual currencies known as cryptocurrencies. Although they are not yet regulated, cryptocurrencies are prevalent in South Africa and pose a risk of being used for money laundering and other illicit activities. The regulation of cryptocurrencies in South Africa to prevent money laundering is what is being examined by this research project. The objectives were to understand the concept of money laundering, cryptocurrency and the inherent risks of cryptocurrency in money laundering. An analysis and examination of the difficult concept of cryptocurrency and the risks of money laundering was done. The study demonstrated that cryptocurrencies are decentralised convertible virtual currencies based on cryptographic algorithms. Cryptocurrencies are not monitored by a central body. The research reveals that the use of cryptocurrencies presents risks of money laundering and other illegal activities because of its decentralised, anonymous, peer-to-peer, and unregulated nature. The study focused on the prevention of money laundering using cryptocurrency. International regulatory frameworks of countries such as Canada, United States of America, European Union and Australia were discussed and compared to the South African regulatory developments. It was established that the legal frameworks developed by Canada, the United States of America, the European Union, and Australia aim to mitigate the risk of money laundering associated with the use of cryptocurrencies. Additionally, it was discovered that there is no legislative framework in South Africa to regulate cryptocurrencies, however SARB acknowledged that efforts are being made to develop one. ix It was determined that South Africa urgently needs regulatory interventions in the continued use of cryptocurrencies. The author presented recommendations based on this need, including incorporating cryptocurrencies into the current legal framework by designating them as financial products and adopting a proactive rather than a reactionary approach to the developments of cryptocurrencies.Thesis (LLM) -- Faculty of Law, School of School of Criminal and Procedural Law, 202

    Blockchain Technology in the Nordic Energy Market and in the Renewable Energy Sector

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    The goal of this master’s thesis is to research the current state of blockchain technology, identify opportunities and challenges of blockchain technology in the Nordic energy market and in the renewable energy sector and recognize possible use cases. Climate change and decreasing natural resources are the main drivers to finding new solutions to utilize renewable energy and boost energy efficiency. There is growing energy demands that cannot be met by conventional energy systems. The energy systems are changing to be dynamic with numerous participants, and managing this complex system needs automation. Energy trading is transforming, and a suitable communication and trading system between market participants is needed. The Nordic countries have ambitious progress goals towards carbon neutrality by 2050. The Nordic energy market is one of the most successfully functioning regional markets in Europe and has a high share of renewable energy consumption, which has remained well above the EU average. Blockchain technology is a distributed system and includes a consensus protocol. New transactions are added to the blockchain agreed by all nodes. The most interesting area of adoption of blockchain technology is the energy industry revolution, and several researchers in the academic world believe that this technology can bring changes in the energy sector. So far, there is a lack of research of this kind; hence this research will give a solid foundation for future research. First, in this master’s thesis theory part is provided to give a comprehensive overview of the main concepts of the research. The central concepts of this master’s thesis are Blockchain technology, the Nordic energy market, and the renewable energy sector. The definition and fundamental principles of blockchain technology are clearly stated that the reader understands the basics of this emerging technology. Then Nordic energy market is introduced containing market participants, current challenges, the transformation of the energy system, comprehensive setting of trends and megatrends and drivers of change in the energy sector, and finally, the renewable energy sector is introduced. The theory part supports the empirical part and gives justification for the research results. The research was conducted as qualitative survey research by organizing surveys for several energy sector stakeholders in every Nordic country. The survey objective is to find an answer to the main research question and sub research questions from the five different dimensions with the help of the TESEI framework. This master’s thesis concludes that blockchain technology is a potential solution for different challenges in the Nordic energy market and in the renewable energy sector. It could simplify many processes, help the Nordic electricity market be much more efficient, offer novel solutions, change business models in the long term, and inspire new ways of thinking about services related to the energy industry

    Tourism Sustainability Reporting using Blockchain

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