108 research outputs found

    Recomendaciones editoriales para mejorar la visibilidad y el posicionamiento de contenidos: Un análisis superficial de las revistas españolas en el Journal Citation Reports (SSCI)

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    Presentación en la Mesa redonda sobre Academic SEO celebrada el 5 de mayo de 2022 en la 12ª Conferencia internacional sobre revistas científicas (CRECS). Participan Ángel M. Delgado Vázquez, Universidad Pablo de Olavide; Enrique Orduña-Malea, Universitat Politècnica de València; Isidro F. Aguillo, Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos, CSIC; Rodrigo Sánchez-Jiménez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Modera: María-Luisa Alvite-Díez, Universidad de LeónBiblioteca/CRAI de la Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    A Literature Review of Quantum Education in K-12 Level

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    Quantum computing is an emerging technology paradigm of computing and has the potential to solve computational problems intractable using today’s classical computers or digital technology. Quantum computing is expected to be disruptive for many industries. The power of quantum computing technologies is based on the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, such as quantum superposition, quantum entanglement, or the no-cloning theorem. To build a highly trained and skilled quantum workforce that meets future industry needs, there is a need to introduce quantum concepts early on in K-12 schools since the learning of quantum is a lengthy process. As fundamental quantum concepts derive from physics, students usually start to learn physics in secondary schools. Since the resources and curriculum design for quantum education in K-12 level is rare, we conducted a literature review with a focus on quantum computing education in K-12 level and filled the research gap


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    Artikel ini mengkaji tentang self-citation pada Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional SINTA UIN Alauddin Makassar. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara: 1) menelusuri jurnal UIN Alauddin di SINTA (Science and Technology Index), 2) melacak jurnal UIN Alauddin yang terakreditasi berdasarkan peringkatnya masing-masing di SINTA (Science and Technology Index), dan 3) menyajikan data jurnal dan artikel setiap jurnal ke dalam Microsoft excel yang bersumber dari database SINTA (Science and Technology Index) dan Google Scholar, kemudian dianalisis dan diinterpretasikkan dengan menunjukkan jumlah persentase dan frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 72.97% jurnal UIN Alauddin yang terakreditasi SINTA terindikasi self-citation. Frekuensi self-citation berkisar antara 1 sampai 14. Jurnal yang memiliki self-citation tertinggi adalah Jurnal JPP, sedangkan Penulis yang melakukan self-citation tertinggi adalah inisial AM. Selain itu ditemukan penulis yang melakukan self-citation tertinggi pada jurnal yang sama adalah inisial S

    The use of Google Scholar rating in scientific activities

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    В роботі проведено аналіз функціональних можливостей системи Google Scholar для об’єктивного оцінювання результативності науково-педагогічних досліджень та надання суспільству цілісної картини стану вітчизняного та світового наукового середовища. Визначено та обґрунтовано основні шляхи використання рейтингового оцінювання системи Google Scholar у науковій діяльності. Зроблено висновок, що Google Scholar виконує такі основні функції: пошукову, наукометричну та бібліометричну. Google Scholar має такі функціональні можливості: індексування відкритих наукових джерел; надання можливостей користувачам будь-якої країни створювати облікові записи із їхніми списками наукових публікацій, що наявні у базах даних та індексуються у Google Scholar; забезпечення користувачів сервісами Google Scholar системи пошуку наукових статей для проведення особистих досліджень; надання статистичного аналізу цитування статей користувачів Google Scholar.The paper analyzes the functionality of the Google Scholar system to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of scientific and pedagogical research and to provide the society with a holistic picture of the state of the domestic and world scientific environment. The main ways to use the rating of Google Scholar in the scientific activity are identified and substantiated. It is concluded that Google Scholar performs the following basic functions: search, scientometrics and bibliometrics. Google Scholar has the following functionality to objectively evaluate: indexing of open scientific sources; enable users of any country to create accounts with their lists of scientific publications available in databases indexed by Google Scholar; providing Google Scholar users with a system for researching personal articles for personal research; providing statistical analysis of the citation of articles by Google Scholar users

    Where to now? Searching beyond Medline

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    This article looks at the tools available to you to extend your search beyond the major bibliographic sources. The article identifies the type of literature you can find and which tools are suitable to use to find them. It aims to help you to broaden the scope of your search to find more relevant material. There is a warning about predatory journals and the need to take a critical approach to material that has not been peer-reviewed. Abstract published with permission

    Enfoque híbrido para la correcta identificación de autores en bases de datos bibliográficas de libre acceso: el caso de Google Scholar

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    En una Base de Datos Bibliográfica (BDB) un autor puede tener varios nombres y varios autores pueden compartir el mismo nombre simplemente debido a abreviaturas, nombres idénticos o errores ortográficos en las publicaciones. Esto puede producir ambigüedad en el nombre que puede afectar la atribución de créditos y cálculo de indicadores. La falta de normalización es muy común sobre todo en las BDB de libre acceso, Google Scholar (GS) es un claro ejemplo de ello. Aquí se presenta un enfoque para desambiguar los nombres de autor a partir de un conjunto de publicaciones provenientes de GS. Se propone un enfoque híbrido basado en redes de coautoría y reglas heurísticas para la detección de agrupaciones de autores más frecuentes. Los resultados preliminares evidencian la factibilidad del enfoque propuesto.Sociedad Argentina de Informátic

    Citation-based Transparent Ranking of Indian Institutes of Technology

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    The study has ranked Indian Institutes of Technology based on the number of citations of top 10 profiles on Google Scholar. The methodology prescribed by the Ranking Web of Universities has been adopted. Top ten user profiles based on the number of citations on Google Scholar have been considered for each of the 23 IITs using institutional email domain. The first (top 1) profile of the list is excluded for improving representativeness. The number of citations for the rest of the top 10 profiles has been added and IITs have been ranked in the descending order of this indicator. IIT Delhi secured the top position, while IIT Goa is placed last. Seven IITs did not have institutional profile on Google Scholar, though individual user profiles use institutional email address

    A Bibliometric Analysis of Health and Medicine Research in Uganda

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    Background: Research is one of the many domains that help countries to provide solutions to various challenges and improve facilities. The bibliometric analysis measures the research output of individuals/research teams, institutions, and countries and identifies national and international research networks across the globe. Objective: To examine key research topics, interrelations, and collaboration patterns of published health-related research in Scopus from Ugandan institutions and authors. Methods: Using the search term "Uganda, health, medicine" in the title, abstract and keywords, documents published between 1963 and 2022 were retrieved from Scopus. The extracted records were analysed in terms of keywords analysis and collaboration networks. The R Bibliometrics package was used to analyse and visualise the data. Results: The results reveal to scholars and practitioners the most relevant authors, affiliations, publication sources, trends in research topics and collaborating countries. The results provide valuable information for more investigation into the revealed research trends. Conclusion: Bibliometric analysis of health research in Uganda revealed that the most frequent topics are medicinal plants, traditional medicine and herbal medicine. Research work on malaria, Covid-19 and HIV/AIDS is also evident. There is a significant research collaboration with authors from the United States and the United Kingdom

    Bibliometric Analysis of Ophthalmic Journals

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    Importance: The primary vehicle for reporting and testing advances in eye care is refereed ophthalmic journals, which can be characterized using targeted bibliometric analyses. Objective: To identify all ophthalmic journals and evaluate citation metrics relating to articles, journals, authors, institutions, and countries published therein. Design and Setting: A bibliometric analysis was undertaken of all ophthalmic journals included in the Scopus database (Elsevier). The search was restricted to all article types published in ophthalmic journals in English from inception through November 18, 2022. After excluding general medical journals, journals published in a language other than English, and spurious titles unrelated to the ophthalmic field, the Scopus database was found to list 335 ophthalmic journal titles that have published 471184 articles, constituting the data set for this analysis. The 20 most highly cited articles were identified. Rank-order lists by article count were assembled for journals, authors, institutions, and countries. Main Outcomes and Measures: An h-index for ophthalmic journal articles was derived from citations and article counts for each constituent of each category. Results: The h-index for ophthalmic journal articles was determined to be 494. The journal with the highest h-index was Ophthalmology (h-index, 297). The journal with the greatest number of articles was American Journal of Ophthalmology (38441 articles). The most highly cited article was by Quigley and Broman, 2006 (5147 citations), concerning the epidemiology of glaucoma. The author with the highest h-index for ophthalmic journal articles was Ronald Klein, MD (h-index, 126), and the most prolific was Carol L. Shields, MD (1400 articles). Johns Hopkins University (h-index, 215) was the institution with the highest h-index for ophthalmic journal articles, and Harvard University was the most prolific (10071 articles). The United States was the nation with the highest h-index for ophthalmic journal articles (h-index, 444) and was the most prolific (180017 articles). Conclusions and Relevance: In this study, the most highly cited articles published in ophthalmic journals were revealed, as well as the leading journals, authors, institutions, and countries. While excluding ophthalmology articles in general medical journals, this investigation affords a means of identifying highly cited authors, institutions, and countries which individuals or institutions can use as a guide regarding contributions to the field.</p

    An appraisal of Nursing Informatics Research and the Influence of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

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    Abstract The study recognized the importance of healthcare informatics in today’s dynamic health systems, and narrows down to how nursing informatics, a component of healthcare informatics, can provide efficient and effective healthcare delivery. Hence, underpinned by the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), the study aimed at situating research activities on nursing informatics within existing studies that have applied the theory to investigate healthcare informatics in general. The study adopted a systematic review of literature to explored online databases: Google Scholar and Ebscohost from 2014 to 2019. The search returned a total of 205 articles for the specified period. However, only 8 eligible studies were found to be related specifically to nursing informatics. The study also revealed that performance expectancy and effort expectancy (respectively), both being constructs of the UTAUT, are the dominating factors influencing the acceptance/adoption/use of nursing informatics among the papers under review. The study recommends that researchers should further explore the use of nursing informatics technologies in healthcare. In addition; nursing informatics system designers should factor in the effectiveness and ease of use of the technologies for easy usage. On the other hand, the stakeholders in medical field are called upon to provide the enabling infrastructure to enhance the use of nursing informatics technologies