146 research outputs found

    Robust set stabilization of Boolean control networks with impulsive effects

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    This paper addresses the robust set stabilization problem of Boolean control networks (BCNs) with impulsive effects via the semi-tensor product method. Firstly, the closed-loop system consisting of a BCN with impulsive effects and a given state feedback control is converted into an algebraic form. Secondly, based on the algebraic form, some necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for the robust set stabilization of BCNs with impulsive effects under a given state feedback control and a free-form control sequence, respectively. Thirdly, as applications, some necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for robust partial stabilization and robust output tracking of BCNs with impulsive effects, respectively. The study of two illustrative examples shows that the obtained new results are effective

    Analysis of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems under Logic Dynamic Switchings

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    The control properties of discrete-time switched linear systems (SLS) with switching signals generated by logical dynamic systems are studied using the semi-tensor product (STP) approach. With the algebraic state space representation (ASSR), the linear modes and the logical generators are aggregated as a hybrid system, leading to the criteria of reachability, controllability, observability, and reconstructibility of the SLSs. Algorithms for checking these properties are given. Then, two kinds of realization problems concerning whether the logical dynamic systems can generate the desired switching signals are investigated, and necessary and sufficient conditions for the realisability of the required switching signals are given with respect to the cases of fixed operating time switching and finite reference signal switching.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Stability Analysis and Control of Several Classes of Logical Dynamic Systems and the Applications in Game Theory

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    With the rapid development of complex networks, logical dynamic systems have been commonly used mathematical models for simulating Genetic Regulatory Networks (GRNs) and Networked Evolutionary Games (NEGs), which have attracted considerable attention from biology, economy and many other fields. By resorting to the Semi-Tensor Product (STP) of matrices, logical dynamic systems can be equivalently converted into discrete time linear systems with algebraic forms. Based on that, this thesis analyzes the stability and studies the control design problems of several classes of logical dynamic systems. Moreover, the obtained results are applied to investigate the control and optimization problems of NEGs. The main results of this thesis are the following. • The stability and event-triggered control for a class of k-Valued Logical Networks (KVLNs) with time delays are studied. First, some necessary and sufficient con- ditions are obtained to detect the stability of Delayed k-Valued Logical Networks (DKVLNs). Second, the global stabilization problem under event-triggered control is considered, and some necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for the sta- bilization of Delayed k-Valued Logical Control Networks (DKVLCNs). Moreover, an algorithm is proposed to construct all the event-triggered state feedback controllers via antecedence solution technique. • The robust control invariance and robust set stabilization problems for a class of Mix- Valued Logical Control Networks (MVLCNs) with disturbances are studied. First, a calculation method for the Largest Robust Control Invariant Set (LRCIS) contained in a given set is introduced. Second, based on the Robust Control Invariant Subset (RCIS) obtained, the robust set stabilization of MVLCNs is discussed, and some new results are presented. Furthermore, the design algorithm of time-optimal state feedback stabilizers via antecedence solution technique is derived. • The robust set stability and robust set stabilization problems for a class of Probabilis- tic Boolean Control Networks (PBCNs) with disturbances are studied. An algorithm to determine the Largest Robust Invariant Set (LRIS) with probability 1 of a given set for a Probabilistic Boolean Network (PBN) is proposed, and the necessary and sufficient conditions to detect whether the PBN is globally finite-time stable to this invariant set with probability 1 are established. Then, the PBNs with control inputs are considered, and an algorithm for LRCIS with probability 1 is provided, based on which, some necessary and sufficient conditions for finite-time robust set stabiliza- tion with probability 1 of PBCNs are presented. Furthermore, the design scheme of time-optimal state feedback stabilizers via antecedence solution technique is derived. • The stabilization and set stabilization problems for a class of Switched Boolean Con- trol Networks (SBCNs) with periodic switching signal are studied. First, algebraic forms are constructed for SBCNs with periodic switching signal. Second, based on the algebraic formulations, the stabilization and set stabilization of SBCNs with peri- odic switching signal are discussed, and some new results are presented. Furthermore, constructive procedure of open loop controllers is given, and the design algorithms of switching-signal-dependent state feedback controllers via antecedence solution tech- nique are derived. • The dynamics and control problems for a class of NEGs with time-invariant delay in strategies are studied. First, algebraic forms are constructed for Delayed Networked Evolutionary Games (DNEGs). Second, based on the algebraic formulations, some necessary and sufficient conditions for the global convergence of desired strategy pro- file under a state feedback event-triggered controller are presented. Furthermore, the constructive procedure and the number of all valid event-triggered state feedback controllers are derived, which can make the game converge globally. • The evolutionary dynamics and optimization problems of the networked evolutionary boxed pig games with the mechanism of passive reward and punishment are studied. First, an algorithm is provided to construct the algebraic formulation for the dynamics of this kind of games. Then, the impact of reward and punishment parameters on the final cooperation level of the whole network is discussed

    An advanced delay-dependent approach of impulsive genetic regulatory networks besides the distributed delays, parameter uncertainties and time-varying delays

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    In this typescript, we concerned the problem of delay-dependent approach of impulsive genetic regulatory networks besides the distributed delays, parameter uncertainties and time-varying delays. An advanced Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional are defined, which is in triple integral form. Combining the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional with convex combination method and free-weighting matrix approach the stability conditions are derived with the help of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Some available software collections are used to solve the conditions. Lastly, two numerical examples and their simulations are conferred to indicate the feasibility of the theoretical concepts

    Modelling & analysis of hybrid dynamic systems using a bond graph approach

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    Hybrid models are those containing continuous and discontinuous behaviour. In constructing dynamic systems models, it is frequently desirable to abstract rapidly changing, highly nonlinear behaviour to a discontinuity. Bond graphs lend themselves to systems modelling by being multi-disciplinary and reflecting the physics of the system. One advantage is that they can produce a mathematical model in a form that simulates quickly and efficiently. Hybrid bond graphs are a logical development which could further improve speed and efficiency. A range of hybrid bond graph forms have been proposed which are suitable for either simulation or further analysis, but not both. None have reached common usage. A Hybrid bond graph method is proposed here which is suitable for simulation as well as providing engineering insight through analysis. This new method features a distinction between structural and parametric switching. The controlled junction is used for the former, and gives rise to dynamic causality. A controlled element is developed for the latter. Dynamic causality is unconstrained so as to aid insight, and a new notation is proposed. The junction structure matrix for the hybrid bond graph features Boolean terms to reflect the controlled junctions in the graph structure. This hybrid JSM is used to generate a mixed-Boolean state equation. When storage elements are in dynamic causality, the resulting system equation is implicit. The focus of this thesis is the exploitation of the model. The implicit form enables application of matrix-rank criteria from control theory, and control properties can be seen in the structure and causal assignment. An impulsive mode may occur when storage elements are in dynamic causality, but otherwise there are no energy losses associated with commutation because this method dictates the way discontinuities are abstracted. The main contribution is therefore a Hybrid Bond Graph which reflects the physics of commutating systems and offers engineering insight through the choice of controlled elements and dynamic causality. It generates a unique, implicit, mixed-Boolean system equation, describing all modes of operation. This form is suitable for both simulation and analysis

    Discrete Time Systems

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    Discrete-Time Systems comprehend an important and broad research field. The consolidation of digital-based computational means in the present, pushes a technological tool into the field with a tremendous impact in areas like Control, Signal Processing, Communications, System Modelling and related Applications. This book attempts to give a scope in the wide area of Discrete-Time Systems. Their contents are grouped conveniently in sections according to significant areas, namely Filtering, Fixed and Adaptive Control Systems, Stability Problems and Miscellaneous Applications. We think that the contribution of the book enlarges the field of the Discrete-Time Systems with signification in the present state-of-the-art. Despite the vertiginous advance in the field, we also believe that the topics described here allow us also to look through some main tendencies in the next years in the research area

    Optimized state feedback regulation of 3DOF helicopter system via extremum seeking

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    In this paper, an optimized state feedback regulation of a 3 degree of freedom (DOF) helicopter is designed via extremum seeking (ES) technique. Multi-parameter ES is applied to optimize the tracking performance via tuning State Vector Feedback with Integration of the Control Error (SVFBICE). Discrete multivariable version of ES is developed to minimize a cost function that measures the performance of the controller. The cost function is a function of the error between the actual and desired axis positions. The controller parameters are updated online as the optimization takes place. This method significantly decreases the time in obtaining optimal controller parameters. Simulations were conducted for the online optimization under both fixed and varying operating conditions. The results demonstrate the usefulness of using ES for preserving the maximum attainable performance

    Impulsive Control of Dynamical Networks

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    Dynamical networks (DNs) consist of a large set of interconnected nodes with each node being a fundamental unit with detailed contents. A great number of natural and man-made networks such as social networks, food networks, neural networks, WorldWideWeb, electrical power grid, etc., can be effectively modeled by DNs. The main focus of the present thesis is on delay-dependent impulsive control of DNs. To study the impulsive control problem of DNs, we firstly construct stability results for general nonlinear time-delay systems with delayed impulses by using the method of Lyapunov functionals and Razumikhin technique. Secondly, we study the consensus problem of multi-agent systems with both fixed and switching topologies. A hybrid consensus protocol is proposed to take into consideration of continuous-time communications among agents and delayed instant information exchanges on a sequence of discrete times. Then, a novel hybrid consensus protocol with dynamically changing interaction topologies is designed to take the time-delay into account in both the continuous-time communication among agents and the instant information exchange at discrete moments. We also study the consensus problem of networked multi-agent systems. Distributed delays are considered in both the agent dynamics and the proposed impulsive consensus protocols. Lastly, stabilization and synchronization problems of DNs under pinning impulsive control are studied. A pinning algorithm is incorporated with the impulsive control method. We propose a delay-dependent pinning impulsive controller to investigate the synchronization of linear delay-free DNs on time scales. Then, we apply the pinning impulsive controller proposed for the delay-free networks to stabilize time-delay DNs. Results show that the delay-dependent pinning impulsive controller can successfully stabilize and synchronize DNs with/without time-delay. Moreover, we design a type of pinning impulsive controllers that relies only on the network states at history moments (not on the states at each impulsive instant). Sufficient conditions on stabilization of time-delay networks are obtained, and results show that the proposed pinning impulsive controller can effectively stabilize the network even though only time-delay states are available to the pinning controller at each impulsive instant. We further consider the pinning impulsive controllers with both discrete and distributed time-delay effects to synchronize the drive and response systems modeled by globally Lipschitz time-delay systems. As an extension study of pinning impulsive control approach, we investigate the synchronization problem of systems and networks governed by PDEs

    Control over communication networks : modeling, analysis, and synthesis

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    The focus of this work is on dynamical systems that are controlled over a communication network, also denoted as Networked Control Systems (NCSs). Such systems consist of a continuous-time plant and a discrete-time controller that are connected via a communication network, such as e.g. controller area network (CAN), wireless networks, or internet. Advantages of the use of such a network are a reduction of installation and maintenance costs and a flexible architecture. The reduction of the costs is achieved by using one (shared) processor to control multiple plants, instead of using dedicated processors for each plant. Adding or removing plants or controllers to the network is easy, which explains the benefit in terms of a flexible architecture of the control system. Moreover, the use of wireless networks obviously allows to separate the controller and plant physically. Typical applications of NCSs are mobile sensor networks, remote surgery, automated highway systems, and the cooperative control of unmanned aerial vehicles. Disadvantages of the use of such networks are the occurrence of time-varying delays, time-varying sampling intervals, and packet dropouts, i.e. loss of data. Moreover, time-varying sampling intervals and delays may also result from other sources than the communication network. Namely, in many high-tech embedded systems, the processor is used for both the control computation and other software tasks, such as interrupt and error handling. This leads to variation in the computation time or variation in the moment of asking for new sensor data, resulting in variable sampling intervals. The amount of variation depends on the chosen software implementation, the chosen architecture, and the processor load. A control design that can deal with the variation in the time-delays, sampling intervals, and the occurrence of packet dropout is important for the multidisciplinary design of high-tech systems. Namely, such robustness properties of the control design represent a relaxation on the demands from control engineering on the software and communication network design. In this thesis, a discrete-time model for linear NCSs is derived that considers time-varying delays, time-varying sampling intervals, and packet dropouts. Based on this model, examples of the destabilizing effect of variations in the delay and variations in the sampling intervals are given to show the necessity of stability conditions that consider the effects of time-varying delays, time-varying sampling intervals, and packet dropouts. To derive such stability conditions, upper and lower bounds of time-varying delays and sampling intervals are assumed, as well as a maximum number for the subsequent packet dropouts. Based on these assumptions, sufficient conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) are derived that guarantee global asymptotic stability of the NCS. Two different control strategies, i.e. state feedback control and state-feedback control including past control input information are considered. For both control approaches, conditions in terms of LMIs are given for the controller synthesis problem and a comparison of the applicability of both control approaches is made. Besides the stability analysis and controller synthesis conditions, the intersample behavior is investigated to ensure stability of the continuous-time system between the sampling instants. An extension to the stability analysis conditions is given that can be used to solve the approximate tracking problem for NCSs with time-varying delays and sampling intervals and packet dropouts. Only approximate tracking can be achieved because the time-varying delays, sampling intervals, packet dropouts, and the use of a zero-order hold between the controller and actuator cause an inexact feedforward, which induces a perturbation on the tracking error dynamics. Sufficient conditions for the input-tostate stability of the tracking error dynamics are provided and an upper bound for the tracking error is given as a function of the plant properties, the control design, and the bounds on the delays, the sampling interval and the number of subsequent packet dropouts. To validate the obtained stability and controller synthesis conditions experiments are performed on a typical motion control example. First, measurements are performed to validate the stability region, i.e. all stabilizing controllers, for constant time-delays. Second, the destabilizing effect of time-variation of the delays is shown in experiments. Third, the obtained stabilizing controllers for time-varying delays, with constant sampling intervals are validated. A comparison between the stability regions for constant delays and time-varying delays shows that the stability conditions developed in this thesis are not overly conservative. The delay combinations that result in instability in the measurements confirm this observation