2,253 research outputs found

    Hopf Bifurcation and Chaos in Tabu Learning Neuron Models

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    In this paper, we consider the nonlinear dynamical behaviors of some tabu leaning neuron models. We first consider a tabu learning single neuron model. By choosing the memory decay rate as a bifurcation parameter, we prove that Hopf bifurcation occurs in the neuron. The stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions and the direction of the Hopf bifurcation are determined by applying the normal form theory. We give a numerical example to verify the theoretical analysis. Then, we demonstrate the chaotic behavior in such a neuron with sinusoidal external input, via computer simulations. Finally, we study the chaotic behaviors in tabu learning two-neuron models, with linear and quadratic proximity functions respectively.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, Accepted by International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao

    Bifurcations and Chaos in Time Delayed Piecewise Linear Dynamical Systems

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    We reinvestigate the dynamical behavior of a first order scalar nonlinear delay differential equation with piecewise linearity and identify several interesting features in the nature of bifurcations and chaos associated with it as a function of the delay time and external forcing parameters. In particular, we point out that the fixed point solution exhibits a stability island in the two parameter space of time delay and strength of nonlinearity. Significant role played by transients in attaining steady state solutions is pointed out. Various routes to chaos and existence of hyperchaos even for low values of time delay which is evidenced by multiple positive Lyapunov exponents are brought out. The study is extended to the case of two coupled systems, one with delay and the other one without delay.Comment: 34 Pages, 14 Figure

    Mean-field equations for stochastic firing-rate neural fields with delays: Derivation and noise-induced transitions

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    In this manuscript we analyze the collective behavior of mean-field limits of large-scale, spatially extended stochastic neuronal networks with delays. Rigorously, the asymptotic regime of such systems is characterized by a very intricate stochastic delayed integro-differential McKean-Vlasov equation that remain impenetrable, leaving the stochastic collective dynamics of such networks poorly understood. In order to study these macroscopic dynamics, we analyze networks of firing-rate neurons, i.e. with linear intrinsic dynamics and sigmoidal interactions. In that case, we prove that the solution of the mean-field equation is Gaussian, hence characterized by its two first moments, and that these two quantities satisfy a set of coupled delayed integro-differential equations. These equations are similar to usual neural field equations, and incorporate noise levels as a parameter, allowing analysis of noise-induced transitions. We identify through bifurcation analysis several qualitative transitions due to noise in the mean-field limit. In particular, stabilization of spatially homogeneous solutions, synchronized oscillations, bumps, chaotic dynamics, wave or bump splitting are exhibited and arise from static or dynamic Turing-Hopf bifurcations. These surprising phenomena allow further exploring the role of noise in the nervous system.Comment: Updated to the latest version published, and clarified the dependence in space of Brownian motion

    Complex partial synchronization patterns in networks of delay-coupled neurons

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    We study the spatio-temporal dynamics of a multiplex network of delay-coupled FitzHugh–Nagumo oscillators with non-local and fractal connectivities. Apart from chimera states, a new regime of coexistence of slow and fast oscillations is found. An analytical explanation for the emergence of such coexisting partial synchronization patterns is given. Furthermore, we propose a control scheme for the number of fast and slow neurons in each layer.DFG, 163436311, SFB 910: Kontrolle selbstorganisierender nichtlinearer Systeme: Theoretische Methoden und Anwendungskonzept

    Amplitude Death: The emergence of stationarity in coupled nonlinear systems

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    When nonlinear dynamical systems are coupled, depending on the intrinsic dynamics and the manner in which the coupling is organized, a host of novel phenomena can arise. In this context, an important emergent phenomenon is the complete suppression of oscillations, formally termed amplitude death (AD). Oscillations of the entire system cease as a consequence of the interaction, leading to stationary behavior. The fixed points that the coupling stabilizes can be the otherwise unstable fixed points of the uncoupled system or can correspond to novel stationary points. Such behaviour is of relevance in areas ranging from laser physics to the dynamics of biological systems. In this review we discuss the characteristics of the different coupling strategies and scenarios that lead to AD in a variety of different situations, and draw attention to several open issues and challenging problems for further study.Comment: Physics Reports (2012