361 research outputs found

    A critical analysis of an IoT—aware AAL system for elderly monitoring

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    Abstract A growing number of elderly people (65+ years old) are affected by particular conditions, such as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and frailty, which are characterized by a gradual cognitive and physical decline. Early symptoms may spread across years and often they are noticed only at late stages, when the outcomes remain irrevocable and require costly intervention plans. Therefore, the clinical utility of early detecting these conditions is of substantial importance in order to avoid hospitalization and lessen the socio-economic costs of caring, while it may also significantly improve elderly people's quality of life. This work deals with a critical performance analysis of an Internet of Things aware Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) system for elderly monitoring. The analysis is focused on three main system components: (i) the City-wide data capturing layer, (ii) the Cloud-based centralized data management repository, and (iii) the risk analysis and prediction module. Each module can provide different operating modes, therefore the critical analysis aims at defining which are the best solutions according to context's needs. The proposed system architecture is used by the H2020 City4Age project to support geriatricians for the early detection of MCI and frailty conditions

    Human Gait Analysis in Neurodegenerative Diseases: a Review

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    This paper reviews the recent literature on technologies and methodologies for quantitative human gait analysis in the context of neurodegnerative diseases. The use of technological instruments can be of great support in both clinical diagnosis and severity assessment of these pathologies. In this paper, sensors, features and processing methodologies have been reviewed in order to provide a highly consistent work that explores the issues related to gait analysis. First, the phases of the human gait cycle are briefly explained, along with some non-normal gait patterns (gait abnormalities) typical of some neurodegenerative diseases. The work continues with a survey on the publicly available datasets principally used for comparing results. Then the paper reports the most common processing techniques for both feature selection and extraction and for classification and clustering. Finally, a conclusive discussion on current open problems and future directions is outlined

    Wearable Sensors Applied in Movement Analysis

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    Recent advances in electronics have led to sensors whose sizes and weights are such that they can be placed on living systems without impairing their natural motion and habits. They may be worn on the body as accessories or as part of the clothing and enable personalized mobile information processing. Wearable sensors open the way for a nonintrusive and continuous monitoring of body orientation, movements, and various physiological parameters during motor activities in real-life settings. Thus, they may become crucial tools not only for researchers, but also for clinicians, as they have the potential to improve diagnosis, better monitor disease development and thereby individualize treatment. Wearable sensors should obviously go unnoticed for the people wearing them and be intuitive in their installation. They should come with wireless connectivity and low-power consumption. Moreover, the electronics system should be self-calibrating and deliver correct information that is easy to interpret. Cross-platform interfaces that provide secure data storage and easy data analysis and visualization are needed.This book contains a selection of research papers presenting new results addressing the above challenges

    Executive function & semantic memory impairments in Alzheimer’s disease — investigating the decline of executive function and semantic memory in Alzheimer’s disease through computer-supported qualitative analysis of semantic verbal fluency and its applications in clinical decision support

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    Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) has a huge impact on an ever-aging society in highly developed industrialized countries such as the EU member states: according to the World Alzheimer’s Association the number one risk factor for AD is age. AD patients suffer from neurodegenerative processes driving cognitive decline which eventually results in the loss of patients’ ability of independent living. Episodic memory impairment is the most prominent cognitive symptom of AD in its clinical stage. In addition, also executive function and semantic memory impairments significantly affect activities of daily living and are discussed as important cognitive symptoms during prodromal as well as acute clinical stages of AD. Most of the research on semantic memory impairments in AD draws evidence from the Semantic Verbal Fluency (SVF) task which evidentially also places high demands on the executive function level. At the same time, the SVF is one of the most-applied routine assessments in clinical neuropsychology especially in the diagnosis of AD. Therefore, the SVF is a prime task to study semantic memory and executive function impairment side-by-side and draw conclusions about their parallel or successive impairments across the clinical trajectory of AD. To effectively investigate semantic memory and executive function processes in the SVF, novel computational measures have been proposed that tap into data-driven semantic as well as temporal metrics scoring an SVF performance on the item-level. With a better and more differentiated understanding of AD-related executive function and semantic memory impairments in the SVF, the SVF can grow from a well-established screening into a more precise diagnostic tool for early AD. As the SVF is one of the most-applied easy-to-use and low-burden neurocognitive assessments in AD, such advancements have a direct impact on clinical practice as well. For the last decades huge efforts have been put on the discovery of disease-modifying compounds responding to specific AD biomarker-related cognitive decline characteristics. However, as most pharmaceutical trials failed, the focus has shifted towards population-wide early screening with cost-effective and scalable cognitive tests representing an effective mid-term strategy. Computer-supported SVF analysis responds to this demand. This thesis pursues a two-fold objective: (1) improve our understanding of the progressive executive function and semantic memory impairments and their interplay in clinical AD as measured by the SVF and (2) harness those insights for applied early and specific AD screening. To achieve both objectives, this thesis comprises work on subjects from different clinical stages of AD (Healthy Aging, amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment—aMCI, and AD dementia) and in different languages (German & French). All results are based on SVF speech data generated either as a one-time assessment or a repeated within-participant testing. From these SVF speech samples, qualitative markers are extracted with different amount of computational support (ranging from manual processing of speech to fully automated evaluation). The results indicate, that semantic memory is structurally affected from an early clinical—amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI)—stage on and is even more affected in the later acute dementia stage. The semantic memory impairment in AD is particularly worsened through the patients’ inability to compensate by engaging executive functions. Hence, over the course of the disease, hampered executive functioning and therefore the inability to compensate for corrupt semantic memory structures might be the main driver of later-stage AD patients’ notably poor cognitive performance. These insights generated on the SVF alone are only made possible through computer-supported qualitative analysis on an item-per-item level which leads the way towards potential applications in clinical decision support. The more fine-grained qualitative analysis of the SVF is clinically valuable for AD diagnosis and screening but very time-consuming if performed manually. This thesis shows though that automatic analysis pipelines can reliably and validly generate this diagnostic information from the SVF. Automatic transcription of speech plus automatic extraction of the novel qualitative SVF features result in clinical interpretation comparable to manual transcripts and improved diagnostic decision support simulated through machine learning classification experiments. This indicates that the computer-supported SVF could ultimately be used for cost-effective fully automated early clinical AD screening. This thesis advances current AD research in a two-fold manner. First it improves the understanding of the decline of executive function and semantic memory in AD as measured through computational qualitative analysis of the SVF. Secondly, this thesis embeds these theoretical advances into practical clinical decision support concepts that help screen population-wide and cost-effective for early-stage AD.Die Alzheimer-Krankheit (AD) stellt eine enorme Herausforderung für die immer älter werdende Gesellschaft in hochentwickelten Industrieländern wie den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten dar. Nach Angaben der World Alzheimer's Association ist der größte Risikofaktor für AD das Alter. Alzheimer-Patienten leiden unter neurodegenerativen Prozessen, die kognitiven Abbau verursachen und schließlich dazu führen, dass Patienten nicht länger selbstbestimmt leben können. Die Beeinträchtigung des episodischen Gedächtnisses ist das prominenteste kognitive Symptom von AD im klinischen Stadium. Darüber hinaus führen auch Störungen der Exekutivfunktionen sowie der semantischen Gedächtnisleistung zu erheblichen Einschränkungen bei Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens und werden als wichtige kognitive Symptome sowohl im Prodromal- als auch im akuten klinischen Stadium von AD diskutiert. Der Großteil der Forschung zu semantischen Gedächtnisbeeinträchtigungen bei AD stützt sich auf Ergebnisse aus dem Semantic Verbal Fluency Tests (SVF), der auch die Exekutivfunktionen stark fordert. In der Praxis ist die SVF eines der am häufigsten eingesetzten Routine- Assessments in der klinischen Neuropsychologie, insbesondere bei der Diagnose von AD. Daher ist die SVF eine erstklassige Aufgabe, um die Beeinträchtigung des semantischen Gedächtnisses und der exekutiven Funktionen Seite an Seite zu untersuchen und Rückschlüsse auf ihre parallelen oder sukzessiven Beeinträchtigungen im klinischen Verlauf von AD zu ziehen. Um semantische Gedächtnis- und Exekutivfunktionsprozesse in der SVF effektiv zu untersuchen, wurden jüngst neuartige computergestützte Verfahren vorgeschlagen, die sowohl datengetriebene semantische als auch temporäre Maße nutzen, die eine SVF-Leistung auf Item-Ebene bewerten. Mit einem besseren und differenzierteren Verständnis von ADbedingten Beeinträchtigungen der Exekutivfunktionen und des semantischen Gedächtnisses in der SVF kann sich die SVF von einem gut etablierten Screening zu einem präziseren Diagnoseinstrument für frühe AD entwickeln. Da die SVF eines der am häufigsten angewandten, einfach zu handhabenden und wenig belastenden neurokognitiven Assessments bei AD ist, haben solche Fortschritte auch einen direkten Einfluss auf die klinische Praxis. In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurden enorme Anstrengungen unternommen, um krankheitsmodifizierende Substanzen zu finden, die auf spezifische, mit AD-Biomarkern verbundene Merkmale des kognitiven Abbaus reagieren. Da jedoch die meisten pharmazeutischen Studien in jüngster Vergangenheit fehlgeschlagen sind, wird heute als mittelfristige Strategie bevölkerungsweite Früherkennung mit kostengünstigen und skalierbaren kognitiven Tests gefordert. Die computergestützte SVF-Analyse ist eine Antwort auf diese Forderung. Diese Arbeit verfolgt deshalb zwei Ziele: (1) Verbesserung des Verständnisses der fortschreitenden Beeinträchtigungen der Exekutivfunktionen und des semantischen Gedächtnisses und ihres Zusammenspiels bei klinischer AD, gemessen durch die SVF, und (2) Nutzung dieser Erkenntnisse für angewandte AD-Früherkennung. Um beide Ziele zu erreichen, umfasst diese Thesis Forschung mit Probanden aus verschiedenen klinischen AD Stadien (gesundes Altern, amnestisches Mild Cognitive Impairment-aMCI, und AD-Demenz) und in verschiedenen Sprachen (Deutsch & Französisch). Alle Ergebnisse basieren auf SVF Sprachdaten, erhoben im Querschnittdesign oder als wiederholte Testung in einem Längsschnittdesign. Aus diesen SVF-Sprachproben werden mit unterschiedlicher rechnerischer Unterstützung qualitative Marker extrahiert (von manueller Verarbeitung der Sprache bis hin zu vollautomatischer Auswertung). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das semantische Gedächtnis bereits im frühen aMCI Stadium strukturell beeinträchtigt ist und im späteren akuten Demenzstadium noch stärker betroffen ist. Die strukturelle Beeinträchtigung des semantischen Gedächtnisses bei Alzheimer wird insbesondere dadurch verschlimmert, dass die Patienten nicht in der Lage sind, dies durch den Einsatz exekutiver Funktionen zu kompensieren. Daher könnten im Verlauf der Erkrankung eingeschränkte Exekutivfunktionen und damit die Unfähigkeit, degenerierte semantische Gedächtnisstrukturen zu kompensieren, die Hauptursache für die auffallend schlechten kognitiven Leistungen von AD-Patienten im Akutstadium sein. Diese Erkenntnisse basierend auf der SVF alleine werden erst durch die computergestützte qualitative Analyse auf Item-per-Item-Ebene möglich und weisen den Weg zu möglichen Anwendungen in der klinischen Entscheidungsunterstützung. Die feinkörnigere qualitative Analyse der SVF ist klinisch wertvoll für die AD-Diagnose und das Screening, aber sehr zeitaufwändig, wenn sie manuell durchgeführt wird. Diese Arbeit zeigt jedoch, dass automatische Analysepipelines diese diagnostischen Informationen zuverlässig und valide aus der SVF generieren können. Die automatische Transkription von Sprache plus die automatische Extraktion der neuartigen qualitativen SVF-Merkmale führen zu einer klinischen Interpretation, die mit manuellen Analysen vergleichbar ist. Diese Verarbeitung führt auch zu einer verbesserten diagnostischen Entscheidungsunterstützung, die durch Klassifikationsexperimente mit maschinellem Lernen simuliert wurde. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die computergestützte SVF letztendlich für ein kostengünstiges vollautomatisches klinisches AD-Frühscreening eingesetzt werden könnte. Diese Arbeit bringt die aktuelle AD-Forschung auf zweifache Weise voran. Erstens verbessert sie unser Verständnis der kognitiven Einschränkungen im Bereich der Exekutivfunktionen und des semantischen Gedächtnisses bei AD, gemessen durch die computergestützte qualitative Analyse der SVF. Zweitens bettet diese Arbeit diese theoretischen Fortschritte in ein praktisches Konzept zur klinischen Entscheidungsunterstützung ein, das zukünftig ein bevölkerungsweites und kosteneffektives Screening für AD im Frühstadium ermöglichen könnte

    Instrumentation of a cane to detect and prevent falls

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)The number of falls is growing as the main cause of injuries and deaths in the geriatric community. As a result, the cost of treating the injuries associated with falls is also increasing. Thus, the development of fall-related strategies with the capability of real-time monitoring without user restriction is imperative. Due to their advantages, daily life accessories can be a solution to embed fall-related systems, and canes are no exception. Moreover, gait assessment might be capable of enhancing the capability of cane usage for older cane users. Therefore, reducing, even more, the possibility of possible falls amongst them. Summing up, it is crucial the development of strategies that recognize states of fall, the step before a fall (pre-fall step) and the different cane events continuously throughout a stride. This thesis aims to develop strategies capable of identifying these situations based on a cane system that collects both inertial and force information, the Assistive Smart Cane (ASCane). The strategy regarding the detection of falls consisted of testing the data acquired with the ASCane with three different fixed multi-threshold fall detection algorithms, one dynamic multi-threshold and machine learning methods from the literature. They were tested and modified to account the use of a cane. The best performance resulted in a sensitivity and specificity of 96.90% and 98.98%, respectively. For the detection of the different cane events in controlled and real-life situations, a state-of-the-art finite-state-machine gait event detector was modified to account the use of a cane and benchmarked against a ground truth system. Moreover, a machine learning study was completed involving eight feature selection methods and nine different machine learning classifiers. Results have shown that the accuracy of the classifiers was quite acceptable and presented the best results with 98.32% of overall accuracy for controlled situations and 94.82% in daily-life situations. Regarding pre-fall step detection, the same machine learning approach was accomplished. The models were very accurate (Accuracy = 98.15%) and with the implementation of an online post-processing filter, all the false positive detections were eliminated, and a fall was able to be detected 1.019s before the end of the corresponding pre-fall step and 2.009s before impact.O número de quedas tornou-se uma das principais causas de lesões e mortes na comunidade geriátrica. Como resultado, o custo do tratamento das lesões também aumenta. Portanto, é necessário o desenvolvimento de estratégias relacionadas com quedas e que exibam capacidade de monitorização em tempo real sem colocar restrições ao usuário. Devido às suas vantagens, os acessórios do dia-a-dia podem ser uma solução para incorporar sistemas relacionados com quedas, sendo que as bengalas não são exceção. Além disso, a avaliação da marcha pode ser capaz de aprimorar a capacidade de uso de uma bengala para usuários mais idosos. Desta forma, é crucial o desenvolvimento de estratégias que reconheçam estados de queda, do passo anterior a uma queda e dos diferentes eventos da marcha de uma bengala. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo desenvolver estratégias capazes de identificar as situações anteriormente descritas com base num sistema incorporado numa bengala que coleta informações inerciais e de força, a Assistive Smart Cane (ASCane). A estratégia referente à deteção de quedas consistiu em testar os dados adquiridos através da ASCane com três algoritmos de deteção de quedas (baseados em thresholds fixos), com um algoritmo de thresholds dinâmicos e diferentes classificadores de machine learning encontrados na literatura. Estes métodos foram testados e modificados para dar conta do uso de informação adquirida através de uma bengala. O melhor desempenho alcançado em termos de sensibilidade e especificidade foi de 96,90% e 98,98%, respetivamente. Relativamente à deteção dos diferentes eventos da ASCane em situações controladas e da vida real, um detetor de eventos da marcha foi e comparado com um sistema de ground truth. Além disso, foi também realizado um estudo de machine learning envolvendo oito métodos de seleção de features e nove classificadores diferentes de machine learning. Os resultados mostraram que a precisão dos classificadores foi bastante aceitável e apresentou, como melhores resultados, 98,32% de precisão para situações controladas e 94.82% para situações do dia-a-dia. No que concerne à deteção de passos pré-queda, a mesma abordagem de machine learning foi realizada. Os modelos foram precisos (precisão = 98,15%) e com a implementação de um filtro de pós-processamento, todas as deteções de falsos positivos foram eliminadas e uma queda foi passível de ser detetada 1,019s antes do final do respetivo passo de pré-queda e 2.009s antes do impacto

    Innovative Technologies and Services for Smart Cities

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    A smart city is a modern technology-driven urban area which uses sensing devices, information, and communication technology connected to the internet of things (IoTs) for the optimum and efficient utilization of infrastructures and services with the goal of improving the living conditions of citizens. Increasing populations, lower budgets, limited resources, and compatibility of the upgraded technologies are some of the few problems affecting the implementation of smart cities. Hence, there is continuous advancement regarding technologies for the implementation of smart cities. The aim of this Special Issue is to report on the design and development of integrated/smart sensors, a universal interfacing platform, along with the IoT framework, extending it to next-generation communication networks for monitoring parameters of interest with the goal of achieving smart cities. The proposed universal interfacing platform with the IoT framework will solve many challenging issues and significantly boost the growth of IoT-related applications, not just in the environmental monitoring domain but in the other key areas, such as smart home, assistive technology for the elderly care, smart city with smart waste management, smart E-metering, smart water supply, intelligent traffic control, smart grid, remote healthcare applications, etc., signifying benefits for all countries

    Automatic Detection of Dementia and related Affective Disorders through Processing of Speech and Language

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    In 2019, dementia is has become a trillion dollar disorder. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a type of dementia in which the main observable symptom is a decline in cognitive functions, notably memory, as well as language and problem-solving. Experts agree that early detection is crucial to effectively develop and apply interventions and treatments, underlining the need for effective and pervasive assessment and screening tools. The goal of this thesis is to explores how computational techniques can be used to process speech and language samples produced by patients suffering from dementia or related affective disorders, to the end of automatically detecting them in large populations us- ing machine learning models. A strong focus is laid on the detection of early stage dementia (MCI), as most clinical trials today focus on intervention at this level. To this end, novel automatic and semi-automatic analysis schemes for a speech-based cogni- tive task, i.e., verbal fluency, are explored and evaluated to be an appropriate screening task. Due to a lack of available patient data in most languages, world-first multilingual approaches to detecting dementia are introduced in this thesis. Results are encouraging and clear benefits on a small French dataset become visible. Lastly, the task of detecting these people with dementia who also suffer from an affective disorder called apathy is explored. Since they are more likely to convert into later stage of dementia faster, it is crucial to identify them. These are the fist experiments that consider this task us- ing solely speech and language as inputs. Results are again encouraging, both using only speech or language data elicited using emotional questions. Overall, strong results encourage further research in establishing speech-based biomarkers for early detection and monitoring of these disorders to better patients’ lives.Im Jahr 2019 ist Demenz zu einer Billionen-Dollar-Krankheit geworden. Die Alzheimer- Krankheit (AD) ist eine Form der Demenz, bei der das Hauptsymptom eine Abnahme der kognitiven Funktionen ist, insbesondere des Gedächtnisses sowie der Sprache und des Problemlösungsvermögens. Experten sind sich einig, dass eine frühzeitige Erkennung entscheidend für die effektive Entwicklung und Anwendung von Interventionen und Behandlungen ist, was den Bedarf an effektiven und durchgängigen Bewertungsund Screening-Tools unterstreicht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es zu erforschen, wie computergest ützte Techniken eingesetzt werden können, um Sprach- und Sprechproben von Patienten, die an Demenz oder verwandten affektiven Störungen leiden, zu verarbeiten, mit dem Ziel, diese in großen Populationen mit Hilfe von maschinellen Lernmodellen automatisch zu erkennen. Ein starker Fokus liegt auf der Erkennung von Demenz im Frühstadium (MCI), da sich die meisten klinischen Studien heute auf eine Intervention auf dieser Ebene konzentrieren. Zu diesem Zweck werden neuartige automatische und halbautomatische Analyseschemata für eine sprachbasierte kognitive Aufgabe, d.h. die verbale Geläufigkeit, erforscht und als geeignete Screening-Aufgabe bewertet. Aufgrund des Mangels an verfügbaren Patientendaten in den meisten Sprachen werden in dieser Arbeit weltweit erstmalig mehrsprachige Ansätze zur Erkennung von Demenz vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse sind ermutigend und es werden deutliche Vorteile an einem kleinen französischen Datensatz sichtbar. Schließlich wird die Aufgabe untersucht, jene Menschen mit Demenz zu erkennen, die auch an einer affektiven Störung namens Apathie leiden. Da sie mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit schneller in ein späteres Stadium der Demenz übergehen, ist es entscheidend, sie zu identifizieren. Dies sind die ersten Experimente, die diese Aufgabe unter ausschließlicher Verwendung von Sprache und Sprache als Input betrachten. Die Ergebnisse sind wieder ermutigend, sowohl bei der Verwendung von reiner Sprache als auch bei der Verwendung von Sprachdaten, die durch emotionale Fragen ausgelöst werden. Insgesamt sind die Ergebnisse sehr ermutigend und ermutigen zu weiterer Forschung, um sprachbasierte Biomarker für die Früherkennung und Überwachung dieser Erkrankungen zu etablieren und so das Leben der Patienten zu verbessern

    Machine learning in the social and health sciences

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    The uptake of machine learning (ML) approaches in the social and health sciences has been rather slow, and research using ML for social and health research questions remains fragmented. This may be due to the separate development of research in the computational/data versus social and health sciences as well as a lack of accessible overviews and adequate training in ML techniques for non data science researchers. This paper provides a meta-mapping of research questions in the social and health sciences to appropriate ML approaches, by incorporating the necessary requirements to statistical analysis in these disciplines. We map the established classification into description, prediction, and causal inference to common research goals, such as estimating prevalence of adverse health or social outcomes, predicting the risk of an event, and identifying risk factors or causes of adverse outcomes. This meta-mapping aims at overcoming disciplinary barriers and starting a fluid dialogue between researchers from the social and health sciences and methodologically trained researchers. Such mapping may also help to fully exploit the benefits of ML while considering domain-specific aspects relevant to the social and health sciences, and hopefully contribute to the acceleration of the uptake of ML applications to advance both basic and applied social and health sciences research

    Deep learning-based automatic analysis of social interactions from wearable data for healthcare applications

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    PhD ThesisSocial interactions of people with Late Life Depression (LLD) could be an objective measure of social functioning due to the association between LLD and poor social functioning. The utilisation of wearable computing technologies is a relatively new approach within healthcare and well-being application sectors. Recently, the design and development of wearable technologies and systems for health and well-being monitoring have attracted attention both of the clinical and scientific communities. Mainly because the current clinical practice of – typically rather sporadic – clinical behaviour assessments are often administered in artificial settings. As a result, it does not provide a realistic impression of a patient’s condition and thus does not lead to sufficient diagnosis and care. However, wearable behaviour monitors have the potential for continuous, objective assessment of behaviour and wider social interactions and thereby allowing for capturing naturalistic data without any constraints on the place of recording or any typical limitations of the lab-setting research. Such data from naturalistic ambient environments would facilitate automated transmission and analysis by having no constraints on the recordings, allowing for a more timely and accurate assessment of depressive symptoms. In response to this artificial setting issue, this thesis focuses on the analysis and assessment of the different aspects of social interactions in naturalistic environments using deep learning algorithms. That could lead to improvements in both diagnosis and treatment. The advantages of using deep learning are that there is no need for hand-crafted features engineering and this leads to using the raw data with minimal pre-processing compared to classical machine learning approaches and also its scalability and ability to generalise. The main dataset used in this thesis is recorded by a wrist worn device designed at Newcastle University. This device has multiple sensors including microphone, tri-axial accelerometer, light sensor and proximity sensor. In this thesis, only microphone and tri-axial accelerometer are used for the social interaction analysis. The other sensors are not used since they need more calibration from the user which in this will be the elderly people with depression. Hence, it was not feasible in this scenario. Novel deep learning models are proposed to automatically analyse two aspects of social interactions (the verbal interactions/acoustic communications and physical activities/movement patterns). Verbal Interactions include the total quantity of speech, who is talking to whom and when and how much engagement the wearer contributed in the conversations. The physical activity analysis includes activity recognition and the quantity of each activity and sleep patterns. This thesis is composed of three main stages, two of them discuss the acoustic analysis and the third stage describes the movement pattern analysis. The acoustic analysis starts with speech detection in which each segment of the recording is categorised as speech or non-speech. This segment classification is achieved by a novel deep learning model that leverages bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory with gated activation units combined with Maxout Networks as well as a combination of two optimisers. After detecting speech segments from audio data, the next stage is detecting how much engagement the wearer has in any conversation throughout these speech events based on detecting the wearer of the device using a variant model of the previous one that combines the convolutional autoencoder with bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory. Following this, the system then detects the spoken parts of the main speaker/wearer and therefore detects the conversational turn-taking but only includes the turn taking between the wearer and other speakers and not every speaker in the conversation. This stage did not take into account the semantics of the speakers due to the ethical constraints of the main dataset (Depression dataset) and therefore it was not possible to listen to the data by any means or even have any information about the contents. So, it is a good idea to be considered for future work. Stage 3 involves the physical activity analysis that is inferring the elementary physical activities and movement patterns. These elementary patterns include sedentary actions, walking, mixed activities, cycling, using vehicles as well as the sleep patterns. The predictive model used is based on Random Forests and Hidden Markov Models. In all stages the methods presented in this thesis have been compared to the state-of-the-art in processing audio, accelerometer data, respectively, to thoroughly assess their contribution. Following these stages is a thorough analysis of the interplay between acoustic interaction and physical movement patterns and the depression key clinical variables resulting to the outcomes of the previous stages. The main reason for not using deep learning in this stage unlike the previous stages is that the main dataset (Depression dataset) did not have any annotations for the speech or even the activity due to the ethical constraints as mentioned. Furthermore, the training dataset (Discussion dataset) did not have any annotations for the accelerometer data where the data is recorded freely and there is no camera attached to device to make it possible to be annotated afterwards.Newton-Mosharafa Fund and the mission sector and cultural affairs, ministry of Higher Education in Egypt
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