1,641 research outputs found

    Extrinisic Calibration of a Camera-Arm System Through Rotation Identification

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    Determining extrinsic calibration parameters is a necessity in any robotic system composed of actuators and cameras. Once a system is outside the lab environment, parameters must be determined without relying on outside artifacts such as calibration targets. We propose a method that relies on structured motion of an observed arm to recover extrinsic calibration parameters. Our method combines known arm kinematics with observations of conics in the image plane to calculate maximum-likelihood estimates for calibration extrinsics. This method is validated in simulation and tested against a real-world model, yielding results consistent with ruler-based estimates. Our method shows promise for estimating the pose of a camera relative to an articulated arm's end effector without requiring tedious measurements or external artifacts. Index Terms: robotics, hand-eye problem, self-calibration, structure from motio

    Development and Implementation of a Computational Surgical Planning Model for Pre-Operative Planning and Post-Operative Assessment and Analysis of Total Hip Arthroplasty

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    Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is most often used to treat osteoarthritis of the hip joint. Due to lack of a better alternative, newer designs are evaluated experimentally using mechanical simulators and cadavers. These evaluation techniques, though necessary, are costly and time-consuming, limiting testing on a broader population. Due to the advancement in technology, the current focus has been to develop patient-specific solutions. The hip joint can be approximated as encompassing a bone socket geometry, and therefore the shapes of the implant are well constrained. The variability of performance after the surgery is mostly driven by surgical procedures. It is believed that placing the acetabular component within the “safe zone” will commonly lead to successful surgical outcomes [1]. Unfortunately, recent research has revealed problems with the safe zone concept, and there is a need for a better tool which can aid surgeons in planning for surgery.With the advancement of computational power, more recent focus has been applied to the development of simulation tools that can predict implant performances. In this endeavor, a virtual hip simulator is being developed at the University of Tennessee Knoxville to provide designers and surgeons alike instant feedback about the performance of the hip implants. The mathematical framework behind this tool has been developed.In this dissertation, the primary focus is to further expand the capabilities of the existing hip model and develop the front-end that can replicate a total hip arthroplasty surgery procedure pre-operatively, intra-operatively, and post-operatively. This new computer-assisted orthopaedic surgical tool will allow surgeons to simulate surgery, then predict, compare, and optimize post-operative THA outcomes based on component placement, sizing choices, reaming and cutting locations, and surgical methods. This more advanced mathematical model can also reveal more information pre-operatively, allowing a surgeon to gain ample information before surgery, especially with difficult and revision cases. Moreover, this tool could also help during the implant development design process as designers can instantly simulate the performance of their new designs, under various surgical, simulated in vivo conditions

    Angular variation as a monocular cue for spatial percepcion

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    Monocular cues are spatial sensory inputs which are picked up exclusively from one eye. They are in majority static features that provide depth information and are extensively used in graphic art to create realistic representations of a scene. Since the spatial information contained in these cues is picked up from the retinal image, the existence of a link between it and the theory of direct perception can be conveniently assumed. According to this theory, spatial information of an environment is directly contained in the optic array. Thus, this assumption makes possible the modeling of visual perception processes through computational approaches. In this thesis, angular variation is considered as a monocular cue, and the concept of direct perception is adopted by a computer vision approach that considers it as a suitable principle from which innovative techniques to calculate spatial information can be developed. The expected spatial information to be obtained from this monocular cue is the position and orientation of an object with respect to the observer, which in computer vision is a well known field of research called 2D-3D pose estimation. In this thesis, the attempt to establish the angular variation as a monocular cue and thus the achievement of a computational approach to direct perception is carried out by the development of a set of pose estimation methods. Parting from conventional strategies to solve the pose estimation problem, a first approach imposes constraint equations to relate object and image features. In this sense, two algorithms based on a simple line rotation motion analysis were developed. These algorithms successfully provide pose information; however, they depend strongly on scene data conditions. To overcome this limitation, a second approach inspired in the biological processes performed by the human visual system was developed. It is based in the proper content of the image and defines a computational approach to direct perception. The set of developed algorithms analyzes the visual properties provided by angular variations. The aim is to gather valuable data from which spatial information can be obtained and used to emulate a visual perception process by establishing a 2D-3D metric relation. Since it is considered fundamental in the visual-motor coordination and consequently essential to interact with the environment, a significant cognitive effect is produced by the application of the developed computational approach in environments mediated by technology. In this work, this cognitive effect is demonstrated by an experimental study where a number of participants were asked to complete an action-perception task. The main purpose of the study was to analyze the visual guided behavior in teleoperation and the cognitive effect caused by the addition of 3D information. The results presented a significant influence of the 3D aid in the skill improvement, which showed an enhancement of the sense of presence.Las señales monoculares son entradas sensoriales capturadas exclusivamente por un solo ojo que ayudan a la percepción de distancia o espacio. Son en su mayoría características estáticas que proveen información de profundidad y son muy utilizadas en arte gráfico para crear apariencias reales de una escena. Dado que la información espacial contenida en dichas señales son extraídas de la retina, la existencia de una relación entre esta extracción de información y la teoría de percepción directa puede ser convenientemente asumida. De acuerdo a esta teoría, la información espacial de todo le que vemos está directamente contenido en el arreglo óptico. Por lo tanto, esta suposición hace posible el modelado de procesos de percepción visual a través de enfoques computacionales. En esta tesis doctoral, la variación angular es considerada como una señal monocular, y el concepto de percepción directa adoptado por un enfoque basado en algoritmos de visión por computador que lo consideran un principio apropiado para el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de cálculo de información espacial. La información espacial esperada a obtener de esta señal monocular es la posición y orientación de un objeto con respecto al observador, lo cual en visión por computador es un conocido campo de investigación llamado estimación de la pose 2D-3D. En esta tesis doctoral, establecer la variación angular como señal monocular y conseguir un modelo matemático que describa la percepción directa, se lleva a cabo mediante el desarrollo de un grupo de métodos de estimación de la pose. Partiendo de estrategias convencionales, un primer enfoque implanta restricciones geométricas en ecuaciones para relacionar características del objeto y la imagen. En este caso, dos algoritmos basados en el análisis de movimientos de rotación de una línea recta fueron desarrollados. Estos algoritmos exitosamente proveen información de la pose. Sin embargo, dependen fuertemente de condiciones de la escena. Para superar esta limitación, un segundo enfoque inspirado en los procesos biológicos ejecutados por el sistema visual humano fue desarrollado. Está basado en el propio contenido de la imagen y define un enfoque computacional a la percepción directa. El grupo de algoritmos desarrollados analiza las propiedades visuales suministradas por variaciones angulares. El propósito principal es el de reunir datos de importancia con los cuales la información espacial pueda ser obtenida y utilizada para emular procesos de percepción visual mediante el establecimiento de relaciones métricas 2D- 3D. Debido a que dicha relación es considerada fundamental en la coordinación visuomotora y consecuentemente esencial para interactuar con lo que nos rodea, un efecto cognitivo significativo puede ser producido por la aplicación de métodos de L estimación de pose en entornos mediados tecnológicamente. En esta tesis doctoral, este efecto cognitivo ha sido demostrado por un estudio experimental en el cual un número de participantes fueron invitados a ejecutar una tarea de acción-percepción. El propósito principal de este estudio fue el análisis de la conducta guiada visualmente en teleoperación y el efecto cognitivo causado por la inclusión de información 3D. Los resultados han presentado una influencia notable de la ayuda 3D en la mejora de la habilidad, así como un aumento de la sensación de presencia

    A new method for aspherical surface fitting with large-volume datasets

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    In the framework of form characterization of aspherical surfaces, European National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) have been developing ultra-high precision machines having the ability to measure aspherical lenses with an uncertainty of few tens of nanometers. The fitting of the acquired aspherical datasets onto their corresponding theoretical model should be achieved at the same level of precision. In this article, three fitting algorithms are investigated: the Limited memory-Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS), the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) and one variant of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP). They are assessed based on their capacities to converge relatively fast to achieve a nanometric level of accuracy, to manage a large volume of data and to be robust to the position of the data with respect to the model. Nev-ertheless, the algorithms are first evaluated on simulated datasets and their performances are studied. The comparison of these algorithms is extended on measured datasets of an aspherical lens. The results validate the newly used method for the fitting of aspherical surfaces and reveal that it is well adapted, faster and less complex than the LM or ICP methods.EMR

    Self-calibration and motion recovery from silhouettes with two mirrors

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    LNCS v. 7724-7727 (pts. 1-4) entitled: Computer vision - ACCV 2012: 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision ... 2012: revised selected papersThis paper addresses the problem of self-calibration and motion recovery from a single snapshot obtained under a setting of two mirrors. The mirrors are able to show five views of an object in one image. In this paper, the epipoles of the real and virtual cameras are firstly estimated from the intersection of the bitangent lines between corresponding images, from which we can easily derive the horizon of the camera plane. The imaged circular points and the angle between the mirrors can then be obtained from equal angles between the bitangent lines, by planar rectification. The silhouettes produced by reflections can be treated as a special circular motion sequence. With this observation, technique developed for calibrating a circular motion sequence can be exploited to simplify the calibration of a single-view two-mirror system. Different from the state-of-the-art approaches, only one snapshot is required in this work for self-calibrating a natural camera and recovering the poses of the two mirrors. This is more flexible than previous approaches which require at least two images. When more than a single image is available, each image can be calibrated independently and the problem of varying focal length does not complicate the calibration problem. After the calibration, the visual hull of the objects can be obtained from the silhouettes. Experimental results show the feasibility and the preciseness of the proposed approach. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.postprin

    Multiple View Geometry For Video Analysis And Post-production

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    Multiple view geometry is the foundation of an important class of computer vision techniques for simultaneous recovery of camera motion and scene structure from a set of images. There are numerous important applications in this area. Examples include video post-production, scene reconstruction, registration, surveillance, tracking, and segmentation. In video post-production, which is the topic being addressed in this dissertation, computer analysis of the motion of the camera can replace the currently used manual methods for correctly aligning an artificially inserted object in a scene. However, existing single view methods typically require multiple vanishing points, and therefore would fail when only one vanishing point is available. In addition, current multiple view techniques, making use of either epipolar geometry or trifocal tensor, do not exploit fully the properties of constant or known camera motion. Finally, there does not exist a general solution to the problem of synchronization of N video sequences of distinct general scenes captured by cameras undergoing similar ego-motions, which is the necessary step for video post-production among different input videos. This dissertation proposes several advancements that overcome these limitations. These advancements are used to develop an efficient framework for video analysis and post-production in multiple cameras. In the first part of the dissertation, the novel inter-image constraints are introduced that are particularly useful for scenes where minimal information is available. This result extends the current state-of-the-art in single view geometry techniques to situations where only one vanishing point is available. The property of constant or known camera motion is also described in this dissertation for applications such as calibration of a network of cameras in video surveillance systems, and Euclidean reconstruction from turn-table image sequences in the presence of zoom and focus. We then propose a new framework for the estimation and alignment of camera motions, including both simple (panning, tracking and zooming) and complex (e.g. hand-held) camera motions. Accuracy of these results is demonstrated by applying our approach to video post-production applications such as video cut-and-paste and shadow synthesis. As realistic image-based rendering problems, these applications require extreme accuracy in the estimation of camera geometry, the position and the orientation of the light source, and the photometric properties of the resulting cast shadows. In each case, the theoretical results are fully supported and illustrated by both numerical simulations and thorough experimentation on real data

    Linear pose estimate from corresponding conics

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    We propose here a new method to recover the orientation and position of a plane by matching at least three projections of a conic lying on the plane itself. The procedure is based on rearranging the conic projection equations such that the non linear terms are eliminated. It works with any kind of conic and does not require that the shape of the conic is known a-priori. The method was extensively tested using ellipses, but it can also be used for hyperbolas and parabolas. It was further applied to pairs of lines, which can be viewed as a degenerate case of hyperbola, without requiring the correspondence problem to be solved first. Critical configurations and numerical stability have been analyzed through simulations. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm was compared to that of traditional algorithms and of a trinocular vision system using a set of landmarks

    Characterizing envelopes of moving rotational cones and applications in CNC machining

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    Motivated by applications in CNC machining, we provide a characterization of surfaces which are enveloped by a one-parametric family of congruent rotational cones. As limit cases, we also address ruled surfaces and their offsets. The characterizations are higher order nonlinear PDEs generalizing the ones by Gauss and Monge for developable surfaces and ruled surfaces, respectively. The derivation includes results on local approximations of a surface by cones of revolution, which are expressed by contact order in the space of planes. To this purpose, the isotropic model of Laguerre geometry is used as there rotational cones correspond to curves (isotropic circles) and higher order contact is computed with respect to the image of the input surface in the isotropic model. Therefore, one studies curve-surface contact that is conceptually simpler than the surface-surface case. We show that, in a generic case, there exist at most six positions of a fixed rotational cone that have third order contact with the input surface. These results are themselves of interest in geometric computing, for example in cutter selection and positioning for flank CNC machining.RYC-2017-2264

    Towards A Self-calibrating Video Camera Network For Content Analysis And Forensics

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    Due to growing security concerns, video surveillance and monitoring has received an immense attention from both federal agencies and private firms. The main concern is that a single camera, even if allowed to rotate or translate, is not sufficient to cover a large area for video surveillance. A more general solution with wide range of applications is to allow the deployed cameras to have a non-overlapping field of view (FoV) and to, if possible, allow these cameras to move freely in 3D space. This thesis addresses the issue of how cameras in such a network can be calibrated and how the network as a whole can be calibrated, such that each camera as a unit in the network is aware of its orientation with respect to all the other cameras in the network. Different types of cameras might be present in a multiple camera network and novel techniques are presented for efficient calibration of these cameras. Specifically: (i) For a stationary camera, we derive new constraints on the Image of the Absolute Conic (IAC). These new constraints are shown to be intrinsic to IAC; (ii) For a scene where object shadows are cast on a ground plane, we track the shadows on the ground plane cast by at least two unknown stationary points, and utilize the tracked shadow positions to compute the horizon line and hence compute the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters; (iii) A novel solution to a scenario where a camera is observing pedestrians is presented. The uniqueness of formulation lies in recognizing two harmonic homologies present in the geometry obtained by observing pedestrians; (iv) For a freely moving camera, a novel practical method is proposed for its self-calibration which even allows it to change its internal parameters by zooming; and (v) due to the increased application of the pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras, a technique is presented that uses only two images to estimate five camera parameters. For an automatically configurable multi-camera network, having non-overlapping field of view and possibly containing moving cameras, a practical framework is proposed that determines the geometry of such a dynamic camera network. It is shown that only one automatically computed vanishing point and a line lying on any plane orthogonal to the vertical direction is sufficient to infer the geometry of a dynamic network. Our method generalizes previous work which considers restricted camera motions. Using minimal assumptions, we are able to successfully demonstrate promising results on synthetic as well as on real data. Applications to path modeling, GPS coordinate estimation, and configuring mixed-reality environment are explored