199 research outputs found

    Zindler-type hypersurfaces in R^4

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    In this paper the definition of Zindler-type hypersurfaces is introduced in R4\mathbb{R}^4 as a generalization of planar Zindler curves. After recalling some properties of planar Zindler curves, it is shown that Zindler hypersurfaces satisfy similar properties. Techniques from quaternions and symplectic geometry are used. Moreover, each Zindler hypersurface is fibrated by space Zindler curves that correspond, in the convex case, to some space curves of constant width lying on the associated hypersurface of constant width and with the same symplectic area

    Concerning the semistability of tensor products in Arakelov geometry

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    We study the semistability of the tensor product of hermitian vector bundles by using the ε\varepsilon-tensor product and the geometric (semi)stability of vector subspaces in the tensor product of two vector spaces

    Weighted composition operators preserving various Lipschitz constants

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    Let Lip(X)\mathrm{Lip}(X), Lipb(X)\mathrm{Lip}^b(X), Liploc(X)\mathrm{Lip}^{\mathrm{loc}}(X) and Lippt(X)\mathrm{Lip}^\mathrm{pt}(X) be the vector spaces of Lipschitz, bounded Lipschitz, locally Lipschitz and pointwise Lipschitz (real-valued) functions defined on a metric space (X,dX)(X, d_X), respectively. We show that if a weighted composition operator Tf=h⋅f∘φTf=h\cdot f\circ \varphi defines a bijection between such vector spaces preserving Lipschitz constants, local Lipschitz constants or pointwise Lipschitz constants, then h=±1/αh= \pm1/\alpha is a constant function for some scalar α>0\alpha>0 and φ\varphi is an α\alpha-dilation. Let UU be open connected and VV be open, or both U,VU,V are convex bodies, in normed linear spaces E,FE, F, respectively. Let Tf=h⋅f∘φTf=h\cdot f\circ\varphi be a bijective weighed composition operator between the vector spaces Lip(U)\mathrm{Lip}(U) and Lip(V)\mathrm{Lip}(V), Lipb(U)\mathrm{Lip}^b(U) and Lipb(V)\mathrm{Lip}^b(V), Liploc(U)\mathrm{Lip}^\mathrm{loc}(U) and Liploc(V)\mathrm{Lip}^\mathrm{loc}(V), or Lippt(U)\mathrm{Lip}^\mathrm{pt}(U) and Lippt(V)\mathrm{Lip}^\mathrm{pt}(V), preserving the Lipschitz, locally Lipschitz, or pointwise Lipschitz constants, respectively. We show that there is a linear isometry A:F→EA: F\to E, an α>0\alpha>0 and a vector b∈Eb\in E such that φ(x)=αAx+b\varphi(x)=\alpha Ax + b, and hh is a constant function assuming value ±1/α\pm 1/\alpha. More concrete results are obtained for the special cases when E=F=RnE=F=\mathbb{R}^n, or when U,VU,V are nn-dimensional flat manifolds.Comment: to appear in "Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications

    Nijenhuis tensors in pseudoholomorphic curves neighborhoods

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    Normal forms of almost complex structures in a neighborhood of pseudoholomorphic curve are considered. We define normal bundles of such curves and study the properties of linear bundle almost complex structures. We describe 1-jet of the almost complex structure along a curve in terms of its Nijenhuis tensor. For pseudoholomorphic tori we investigate the problem of pseudoholomorphic foliation of the neighborhood. We obtain some results on nonexistence of the tori deformation.Comment: 27 page

    Quasisymmetric Embeddability of Weak Tangents

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    In this paper, we study the quasisymmetric embeddability of weak tangents of metric spaces. We first show that quasisymmetric embeddability is hereditary, i.e., if XX can be quasisymmetrically embedded into YY, then every weak tangent of XX can be quasisymmetrically embedded into some weak tangent of YY, given that XX is proper and doubling. However, the converse is not true in general; we will illustrate this with several counterexamples. In special situations, we are able to show that the embeddability of weak tangents implies global or local embeddability of the ambient space. Finally, we apply our results to expanding dynamics and establish several results on Gromov hyperbolic groups and visual spheres of expanding Thurston maps.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figure

    Uniqueness of Tangent Cones to Positive-(p,p) Integral Cycles

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    Let (M, \om) be a symplectic manifold, endowed with a compatible almost complex structure J and the associated metric g . For any p \in {1, 2, ... (dim M)/2} the form \Om := \frac{\om^p}{p!} is a calibration. More generally, dropping the closedness assumption on \om, we get an almost hermitian manifold (M, \om, J, g) and then \Om is a so-called semi-calibration. We prove that integral cycles of dimension 2p (semi-)calibrated by \Om possess at every point a unique tangent cone. The argument relies on an algebraic blow up perturbed in order to face the analysis issues of this problem in the almost complex setting.Comment: 22 page

    An Invitation to Generalized Minkowski Geometry

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    The present thesis contributes to the theory of generalized Minkowski spaces as a continuation of Minkowski geometry, i.e., the geometry of finite-dimensional normed spaces over the field of real numbers. In a generalized Minkowski space, distance and length measurement is provided by a gauge, whose definition mimics the definition of a norm but lacks the symmetry requirement. This seemingly minor change in the definition is deliberately chosen. On the one hand, many techniques from Minkowski spaces can be adapted to generalized Minkowski spaces because several phenomena in Minkowski geometry simply do not depend on the symmetry of distance measurement. On the other hand, the possible asymmetry of the distance measurement set up by gauges is nonetheless meaningful and interesting for applications, e.g., in location science. In this spirit, the presentation of this thesis is led mainly by minimization problems from convex optimization and location science which are appealing to convex geometers, too. In addition, we study metrically defined objects, which may receive a new interpretation when we measure distances asymmetrically. To this end, we use a combination of methods from convex analysis and convex geometry to relate the properties of these objects to the shape of the unit ball of the generalized Minkowski space under consideration
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