1,817 research outputs found

    Geographic context configuration in fusion algorithms for maritime surveillance

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    Proceedings of: 17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2014): Salamanca, Spain 7-10 July 2014.Real fusion system applications can be required to operate on wide areas for long periods of time. Adaptation is a basic capability under these circumstances. This paper presents a maritime surveillance platform designed to be flexible and robust. It features online configuration capabilities allowing to: (a) change the applied algorithms, (b) modify the operating parameters of the running algorithms, (c) tune the characterization of the available sensors. These configurations can be applied to limited spatial regions and time spans. This allows to use powerful or more specific configurations for localized scenarios (risks, clutter, alarms), or account for exceptional situations that can affect sensors, such as weather anomalies.This work was funded by contract between DEIMOS SPACE, S.L.U. and Universidad Carlos III, by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grants TEC2012- 37832-C02-01, TEC2011-28626-C02-02, and by Madrid Region Gov., grant CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485).Publicad

    Contextual Knowledge and Information Fusion for Maritime Piracy Surveillance

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    Proceedings of: NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Prediction and Recognition of Piracy Efforts Using Collaborative Human-Centric Information Systems, Salamanca, 19-30 September, 2011Though piracy accounts for only a small fraction of the general losses of the maritime industry it creates a serious threat to the maritime security because of the connections between organized piracy and wider criminal networks and corruption on land. Fighting piracy requires monitoring the waterways, harbors,and criminal networks on the land to increase the ability of the decision makers to predict piracy attracts and manage operations to prevent or contain them. Piracy surveillance involves representing and processing huge amount heterogeneous information often uncertain, unreliable, and irrelevant within a specific context to detect and recognize suspicious activities to alert decision makers on vessel behaviors of interest with minimal false alarm. The paper discusses the role of information fusion, and context representation and utilization in building an piracy surveillance picture.This paper has utilized the results of the research activity supported in part by Projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC and CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485)Publicad

    Applying the Dynamic Region Connection Calculus to Exploit Geographic Knowledge in Maritime Surveillance

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    Proceedings of: 15th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2012), Singapore, 9-12 July 2012.Concerns about the protection of the global transport network have risen the need of new security and surveillance systems. Ontology-based and fusion systems represent an attractive alternative for practical applications focused on fast and accurate responses. This paper presents an architecture based on a geometric model to efficiently predict and calculate the topological relationships between spatial objects. This model aims to reduce the number of calculations by relying on a spatial data structure. The goal is the detection of threatening behaviors next to points of interest without a noticeable loss of efficiency. The architecture has been embedded in an ontology-based prototype compliant with the Joint Directors of Laboratories (JDL) model for Information Fusion. The prototype capabilities are illustrated by applying international protection rules in maritime scenarios.This work was supported in part by Projects CICYT TIN2011-28620-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485) and DPS2008-07029- C02-02.Publicad

    Context-based Information Fusion: A survey and discussion

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    This survey aims to provide a comprehensive status of recent and current research on context-based Information Fusion (IF) systems, tracing back the roots of the original thinking behind the development of the concept of \u201ccontext\u201d. It shows how its fortune in the distributed computing world eventually permeated in the world of IF, discussing the current strategies and techniques, and hinting possible future trends. IF processes can represent context at different levels (structural and physical constraints of the scenario, a priori known operational rules between entities and environment, dynamic relationships modelled to interpret the system output, etc.). In addition to the survey, several novel context exploitation dynamics and architectural aspects peculiar to the fusion domain are presented and discussed

    Data mining for anomaly detection in maritime traffic data

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    For the past few years, oceans have become once again, an important means of communication and transport. In fact, traffic density throughout the globe has suffered a substantial growth, which has risen some concerns. With this expansion, the need to achieve a high Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA) is imperative. At the present time, this need may be more easily fulfilled thanks to the vast amount of data available regarding maritime traffic. However, this brings in another issue: data overload. Currently, there are so many data sources, so many data to obtain information from, that the operators cannot handle it. There is a pressing need for systems that help to sift through all the data, analysing and correlating, helping in this way the decision making process. In this dissertation, the main goal is to use different sources of data in order to detect anomalies and contribute to a clear Recognised Maritime Picture (RMP). In order to do so, it is necessary to know what types of data exist and which ones are available for further analysis. The data chosen for this dissertation was Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Monitorização Contínua das Atividades da Pesca (MONICAP) data, also known as Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data. In order to store 1 year worth of AIS and MONICAP data, a PostgreSQL database was created. To analyse and draw conclusions from the data, a data mining tool was used, namely, Orange. Tests were conducted in order to assess the correlation between data sources and find anomalies. The importance of data correlation has never been so important and with this dissertation the aim is to show that there is a simple and effective way to get answers from great amounts of data.Nos últimos anos, os oceanos tornaram-se, mais uma vez, um importante meio de comunicação e transporte. De facto, a densidade de tráfego global sofreu um crescimento substancial, o que levantou algumas preocupações. Com esta expansão, a necessidade de atingir um elevado Conhecimento Situacional Marítimo (CSM) é imperativa. Hoje em dia, esta necessidade pode ser satisfeita mais facilmente graças à vasta quantidade de dados disponíveis de tráfego marítimo. No entanto, isso leva a outra questão: sobrecarga de dados. Atualmente existem tantas fontes de dados, tantos dados dos quais extrair informação, que os operadores não conseguem acompanhar. Existe uma necessidade premente para sistemas que ajudem a escrutinar todos os dados, analisando e correlacionando, contribuindo desta maneira ao processo de tomada de decisão. Nesta dissertação, o principal objetivo é usar diferentes fontes de dados para detetar anomalias e contribuir para uma clara Recognised Maritime Picture (RMP). Para tal, é necessário saber que tipos de dados existem e quais é que se encontram disponíveis para análise posterior. Os dados escolhidos para esta dissertação foram dados Automatic Identification System (AIS) e dados de Monitorização Contínua das Atividades da Pesca (MONICAP), também conhecidos como dados de Vessel Monitoring System (VMS). De forma a armazenar dados correspondentes a um ano de AIS e MONICAP, foi criada uma base de dados em PostgreSQL. Para analisar e retirar conclusões, foi utilizada uma ferramenta de data mining, nomeadamente, o Orange. De modo a que pudesse ser avaliada a correlação entre fontes de dados e serem detetadas anomalias foram realizados vários testes. A correlação de dados nunca foi tão importante e pretende-se com esta dissertação mostrar que existe uma forma simples e eficaz de obter respostas de grandes quantidades de dado

    Deep learning-based vessel detection from very high and medium resolution optical satellite images as component of maritime surveillance systems

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    This thesis presents an end-to-end multiclass vessel detection method from optical satellite images. The proposed workflow covers the complete processing chain and involves rapid image enhancement techniques, the fusion with automatic identification system (AIS) data, and the detection algorithm based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). The algorithms presented are implemented in the form of independent software processors and integrated in an automated processing chain as part of the Earth Observation Maritime Surveillance System (EO-MARISS).In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Methode zur Detektion von Schiffen unterschiedlicher Klassen in optischen Satellitenbildern vorgestellt. Diese gliedert sich in drei aufeinanderfolgende Funktionen: i) die Bildbearbeitung zur Verbesserung der Bildeigenschaften, ii) die Datenfusion mit den Daten des Automatischen Identifikation Systems (AIS) und iii) dem auf „Convolutional Neural Network“ (CNN) basierenden Detektionsalgorithmus. Die vorgestellten Algorithmen wurden in Form eigenständiger Softwareprozessoren implementiert und als Teil des maritimen Erdbeobachtungssystems integriert

    Generating Test Cases for Marine Safety and Security Scenarios: A Composition Framework

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    In this paper we address the problem of testing complex computer models forinfrastructure protection and emergency response based on detailed and realisticapplication scenarios using advanced computational methods and tools. Specifically,we focus here on testing situation analysis decision support models for marine safety& security operations as a sample application domain. Arguably, methodicalapproaches for analyzing and validating situation analysis methods, decision supportmodels, and information fusion algorithms require realistic vignettes that describe ingreat detail how a situation unfolds over time depending on initial configurations,dynamic environmental conditions and uncertain operational aspects. Meaningfulresults from simulation runs require appropriate test cases, the production of whichis in itself a complex activity. To simplify this task, we introduce here the conceptualdesign of a Vignette Generator that has been developed and tested in an industrialresearch project. We also propose a framework for composing vignettes fromreusable vignette elements together with a formal representation for vignettes usingthe Abstract State Machine method and illustrate the approach by means of variouspractical examples

    Maritime modular anomaly detection framework

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    Detecting maritime anomalies is an extremely important task for maritime agencies around the globe. With the number of vessels at seas growing exponentially, the need for novel automated methods to support them with their routines and upgrade existing technologies is undeniable. MARISA, the Maritime Integrated Surveillance Awareness project, aims at fostering collaboration between 22 governmental organisations and enhance the reaction and decision-making capabilities of the maritime authorities. This work describes our contributions to the development of MARISA’s common toolkit for the detection of maritime anomalies. These efforts, as part of a Masters’ dissertation, lead to the development of the Modular Anomaly Detection Framework, MAD-F, a full data pipe-line which applies efficient and reliable routines to raw vessel navigational data in order to output potential maritime vessel anomalies. The anomalies considered for this work were defined by the experts from various maritime institutions, through MARISA, and allowed us to implement solutions given the real needs in the industry. The MADF functionalities will be validated through actual real maritime exercises. In its current state, we believe that the MAD-F is able to support maritime agencies and be integrated into their legacy systems.Detetar anomalias marítimas é uma tarefa extremamente importante para agências marítimas á escala mundial. Com o número de embarcações em mar crescendo exponencial, a necessidade de desenvolver novas rotinas de suporte ás suas atividades e de atualizar as tecnologias existentes é inegável. MARISA, o projeto de Conscientização da Vigilância Integrada Marítima, visa fomentar a colaboração entre 22 organizações governamentais e melhorar as capacidades de reação e tomada de decisões das autoridades marítimas. Este trabalho descreve as nossas contribuições para o desenvolvimento do toolkit global MARISA, que tem como âmbito a deteção de anomalias marítimas. Estas contribuições servem como parte do desenvolvimento da Modular Anomaly Detection Framework (MAD-F), que serve como um data-pipeline completo que transforma dados de embarcações não estruturados em potenciais anomalias, através do uso de métodos eficientes para tal. As anomalias consideradas para este trabalho foram definidas através do projeto MARISA por especialistas marítimos, e permitiram-nos trabalhar em necessidades reais e atuais do sector. As funcionalidades desenvolvidas serão validadas através de exercícios marítimos reias. No estado atual do MAD-F acreditamos que este será capaz de apoiar agências marítimas, e de posteriormente ser integrado nos sistemas dos mesmos


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    This thesis reports on the most relevant researches performed during the years of the Ph.D. at the Genova University and within the Simulation Team. The researches have been performed according to M&S well known recognized standards. The studies performed on interoperable simulation cover all the environments of the Extended Maritime Framework, namely Sea Surface, Underwater, Air, Coast & Land, Space and Cyber Space. The applications cover both the civil and defence domain. The aim is to demonstrate the potential of M&S applications for the Extended Maritime Framework, applied to innovative unmanned vehicles as well as to traditional assets, human personnel included. A variety of techniques and methodology have been fruitfully applied in the researches, ranging from interoperable simulation, discrete event simulation, stochastic simulation, artificial intelligence, decision support system and even human behaviour modelling