40 research outputs found

    Detecção de Tubos em Imagens Radiográficas Digitais

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    Este artigo apresenta uma metodologia para a detecção do tubo em imagens radiográficas do tipo parede dupla vista dupla (PDVD) de tubulações condutoras de petróleo. O principal objetivo da proposta é reduzir a região de busca através da delimitação da área do tubo para a extração automática do cordão de solda auxiliando, desta forma, a posterior detecção de defeitos em juntas soldadas. O processo de detecção do tubo apresentado é totalmente automático e baseado em técnicas de processamento de imagens como ajustes no brilho e contraste, limiarização e análise das regiões identificadas para a segmentação do tubo. O processo foi aplicado em 167 imagens provenientes de três diferentes sistemas radiográficos obtendo um resultado de 90,4% de acerto na detecção do tubo. Foi realizada uma comparação com outra abordagem para a detecção do tubo em imagens radiográficas do tipo PDVD e a metodologia proposta apresentou melhora em relação ao trabalho anterior. Conclui-se, portanto que o método proposto pode ser usado como uma etapa que precede a detecção automática do cordão de solda

    Вплив первинної обробки на сегментацію рентгенографічних зображень зварних швів

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    Досліджено вплив на результат контролю попередньої обробки цифрових рентгенографічних зображень через їх медіанну фільтрацію та яскравісну нормалізацію шляхом нерізкого маскування і контрастування на основі моделі логарифмічного типу. Наведено приклади експериментального виявлення дефектів зварних швів різного виду.Исследовано влияние на результат контроля предварительной обработки цифровых рентгенографических изображений путем их медианной фильтрации и яркостной нормализации нерезким маскированием и контрастированием на основе модели логарифмического типа. Приведены примеры экспериментального выявления дефектов сварных швов разного вида.The influence of preliminary digital radiographic images processing on the testing result is investigated. Median filtering and intensity normalization by unsharp masking and contrasting by using the logarithmic type model are proposed. The examples of experimental detection of defects of different types of welded joints are presented

    Approaches to Industry 4.0 implementation for electron beam quality assurance using BeamAssure

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    Electron beam welding (EBW) is a complex process used in manufacturing high-value components in the aerospace and nuclear industries. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence, sensing techniques, data science, and other technologies to improve productivity and competitiveness in fast-growing markets. Although the EBW process can be monitored by characterisation of the electron beams before welding or using backscattered electron signals (BSE), the noise and lack of understanding of these signal patterns is a major obstacle to the development of a reliable, rapid and cost-effective process analysis and control methodology. In this thesis a controlled experiment was designed to be relevant to those industries and improve understanding of the relationship between beam and weld quality. The welding quality control starts before welding, continue throughout the welding process, and is completed with examination after welding. The same workflow was followed in this thesis, focusing on aforementioned QC stages, starting with beam probing experiments, followed by monitoring weld pool stability using high dynamic range camera and BSE signals, and ending with metallographic inspection on sections. The rapid development of computer vision methods brought an idea of classifying beam probing data before welding, which is first QC stage. Dataset of 3015 BeamAssure measurements was used in combination with deep learning, and various encoding methods such as Recurrence Plots (RP), Gramian Angular Fields (GAF), and Markov Transition Fields (MTF). The segmentation and classification results achieved a remarkable rate of 97.6% of accuracy in the classification task. This part of the work showed that use of time-series images enabled identification of the beam focus location before welding and providing recommended focus adjustment value. To replicate in-process QC step, titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) plates were welded with a gap opened in a stepwise manner, to simulate gap defects and introduce weld pool instability. Experiments were conducted to monitor the weld pool stability with a HDR camera and BSE detector designed for the need of this experiment. Signal and image analysis revealed occurrence of the weld defects and their locations, which was reflected by last QC stage, metallographic inspection on sections. This final part of the work proved that whatever method is used for gap defects monitoring, those joint misalignments can be easily registered by both methods. More interestingly, BSE monitoring allowed porosity and humping detection, which shapes and location were projected onto the BSE signal amplitude. Presented three stage QC method can contribute to a better understanding of beam probing and BSE signals patterns, providing a promising approach for quality assurance in EBW and could lead to higher weld integrity by improved process monitoring

    NASA Tech Briefs, January 1992

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    Topics include: New Product Ideas; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on NDE in Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurized Components

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    This conference, the tenth in a series on NDE in relation to structural integrity for nuclear and pressurized components, was held from 1st October to 3 October 2013, in Cannes, France. The scientific programme was co-produced by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport (EC-JRC/IET). The Conference has been coordinated by the Confédération Française pour les Essais Non Destructifs (COFREND). The first conference, under the sole responsibility of EC-JRC was held in Amsterdam, 20-22 October 1998. The second conference was locally organized by the EPRI NDE Center in New Orleans, 24-26 May 2000, the third one by Tecnatom in Seville, 14-16 November 2001, the fourth one by the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing in London, 6-8 December 2004, the fifth by EPRI in San Diego, 10-12 May 2006, the sixth by Marovisz in Budapest, 8-10 October 2007, the seventh by the University of Tokyo and JAPEIC in Yokohama, the eight by DGZfP, 29 September to 1st October 2010, the ninth by Epri NDE Center, 22-24 May 2012 in Seattle. The theme of this conference series is to provide the link between the information originated by NDE and the use made of this information in assessing structural integrity. In this context, there is often a need to determine NDE performance against structural integrity requirements through a process of qualification or performance demonstration. There is also a need to develop NDE to address shortcomings revealed by such performance demonstration or otherwise. Finally, the links between NDE and structural integrity require strengthening in many areas so that NDE is focussed on the components at greatest risk and provides the precise information required for assessment of integrity. These were the issues addressed by the papers selected for the conference.JRC.F.5-Nuclear Reactor Safety Assessmen

    NASA Tech Briefs, June 1997

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    Topics include: Computer Hardware and Peripherals; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Books and Reports


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    ABSTRACT The current work contributes to the research in the area of pipelines non-destructive testing by presenting new methodologies for the automatic analysis of welds radiographs. Object recognition techniques based on genetic algorithms were used for the automatic weld bead detection. In addiction, we developed an image digital filter for the detection of defects in the weld bead zone. These methodologies were tested for 120 digital radiographs from carbon steel pipeline welded joints. These images were acquired by a storage phosphor system using double-wall radiographic exposing technique with single-wall radiographic viewing, according to the ASME V code. As a result, even defects that are hard to be detected by human vision are automatically highlighted and extracted from the whole image to be classified in the further stages of the weld inspection process

    The 1994 Silver Anniversary of APOLLO 11: From the Moon to the Stars

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    This report summarizes the technology transfer, advanced studies, and research and technology efforts in progress at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in 1994