5,833 research outputs found

    Semi-automatic Design for Disassembly Strategy Planning: An Augmented Reality Approach

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    Abstract The mounting attention to environmental issues requires adopting better disassembly procedures at the product's End of Life. Planning and reckoning different disassembly strategies in the early stage of the design process can improve the development of sustainable products with an easy dismissing and recycling oriented approach. Nowadays many Computer Aided Process Planning software packages provide optimized assembly or disassembly sequences, but they are mainly based on a time and cost compression approach, neglecting the human factor. The environment we developed is based upon the integration of a CAD, an Augmented Reality tool, a Leap Motion Controller device, see-through glasses and an algorithm for disassembly strategies evaluation: this approach guarantees a more effective interaction with the 3D real and virtual assembly than an approach relying only on a CAD based disassembly sequence planning. In such a way, the operator may not test in a more natural and intuitive way automatic disassembly sequences, but he/she can also propose different strategies to improve the ergonomics. The methodology has been tested in a real case study to evaluate the strength points and criticalities of this approach

    Vision Science and Technology at NASA: Results of a Workshop

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    A broad review is given of vision science and technology within NASA. The subject is defined and its applications in both NASA and the nation at large are noted. A survey of current NASA efforts is given, noting strengths and weaknesses of the NASA program

    Perception architecture exploration for automotive cyber-physical systems

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    2022 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.In emerging autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles, accurate environmental perception by automotive cyber physical platforms are critical for achieving safety and driving performance goals. An efficient perception solution capable of high fidelity environment modeling can improve Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) performance and reduce the number of lives lost to traffic accidents as a result of human driving errors. Enabling robust perception for vehicles with ADAS requires solving multiple complex problems related to the selection and placement of sensors, object detection, and sensor fusion. Current methods address these problems in isolation, which leads to inefficient solutions. For instance, there is an inherent accuracy versus latency trade-off between one stage and two stage object detectors which makes selecting an enhanced object detector from a diverse range of choices difficult. Further, even if a perception architecture was equipped with an ideal object detector performing high accuracy and low latency inference, the relative position and orientation of selected sensors (e.g., cameras, radars, lidars) determine whether static or dynamic targets are inside the field of view of each sensor or in the combined field of view of the sensor configuration. If the combined field of view is too small or contains redundant overlap between individual sensors, important events and obstacles can go undetected. Conversely, if the combined field of view is too large, the number of false positive detections will be high in real time and appropriate sensor fusion algorithms are required for filtering. Sensor fusion algorithms also enable tracking of non-ego vehicles in situations where traffic is highly dynamic or there are many obstacles on the road. Position and velocity estimation using sensor fusion algorithms have a lower margin for error when trajectories of other vehicles in traffic are in the vicinity of the ego vehicle, as incorrect measurement can cause accidents. Due to the various complex inter-dependencies between design decisions, constraints and optimization goals a framework capable of synthesizing perception solutions for automotive cyber physical platforms is not trivial. We present a novel perception architecture exploration framework for automotive cyber- physical platforms capable of global co-optimization of deep learning and sensing infrastructure. The framework is capable of exploring the synthesis of heterogeneous sensor configurations towards achieving vehicle autonomy goals. As our first contribution, we propose a novel optimization framework called VESPA that explores the design space of sensor placement locations and orientations to find the optimal sensor configuration for a vehicle. We demonstrate how our framework can obtain optimal sensor configurations for heterogeneous sensors deployed across two contemporary real vehicles. We then utilize VESPA to create a comprehensive perception architecture synthesis framework called PASTA. This framework enables robust perception for vehicles with ADAS requiring solutions to multiple complex problems related not only to the selection and placement of sensors but also object detection, and sensor fusion as well. Experimental results with the Audi-TT and BMW Minicooper vehicles show how PASTA can intelligently traverse the perception design space to find robust, vehicle-specific solutions

    Methodology for precision landing of unmanned aerial vehicles on a mobile base

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáThe integration of heterogeneous robotic systems is a constant topic today as a promising strategy to overcome the inherent limitations of each system. With this in view, this study explores the development of a precision landing system for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), designed to land autonomously on static and moving targets. To achieve this, a detailed analysis of aspects of the system is first carried out, such as the definition of the fiducial marker, the control architecture, and the definition of gains, followed by the development of the code, which includes the architecture and the interface with an operator. After development, tests begin which are divided into two stages: the first verifies the UAV’s ability to identify and follow moving targets, and the second consists of precision landing experiments in different scenarios. The results of the investigation indicate that the combination of a complete PID controller with Aruco markers is more effective, which is why they were selected for the development of the system. Tracking tests have proven the driver’s ability to guide the UAV to autonomously follow a UGV, although it presents difficulties with high angular speeds. On the other hand, autonomous landing tests showed high efficiency in constant speed scenarios but revealed some failures in situations with sudden changes and requests to the rotation driver.A integração de sistemas robóticos heterogêneos é um tópico constante atualmente como uma estratégia promissora para ultrapassar as limitações inerentes a cada sistema individualmente. Com isso, este estudo explora o desenvolvimento de um sistema de pouso de precisão para Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (UAVs), destinado a aterragens em alvos estáticos e em movimento autonomamente. Para isso, primeiro é feita uma análise detalhada de aspectos do sistema, como a definição do marcador fiducial, da arquitetura de controle e definição de ganhos, seguido do desenvolvimento do código, que inclui a arquitetura e a interface com o operador. Após o desenvolvimento, inicia-se os testes que se dividem em duas etapas: a primeira verifica a capacidade do UAV de identificar e seguir alvos em movimento, e a segunda consiste em experimentos de pouso de precisão em diversos cenários. Os resultados da investigação indicam que a combinação de um controlador PID completo com marcadores Aruco é mais eficaz, razão pela qual foram selecionados para o desenvolvimento do sistema. Os testes de rastreamento comprovaram a habilidade do controlador em orientar o UAV para seguir autonomamente um UGV, embora apresente dificuldades com velocidades angulares elevadas. Por outro lado, os testes de pouso autônomo mostraram alta eficiência em cenários de velocidade constante, mas revelaram algumas falhas em situações com mudanças bruscas e desafiadoras para o controlador de rotação

    Control and communication systems for automated vehicles cooperation and coordination

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe technological advances in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are exponentially improving over the last century. The objective is to provide intelligent and innovative services for the different modes of transportation, towards a better, safer, coordinated and smarter transport networks. The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) focus is divided into two main categories; the first is to improve existing components of the transport networks, while the second is to develop intelligent vehicles which facilitate the transportation process. Different research efforts have been exerted to tackle various aspects in the fields of the automated vehicles. Accordingly, this thesis is addressing the problem of multiple automated vehicles cooperation and coordination. At first, 3DCoAutoSim driving simulator was developed in Unity game engine and connected to Robot Operating System (ROS) framework and Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO). 3DCoAutoSim is an abbreviation for "3D Simulator for Cooperative Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Automated Vehicles Simulator". 3DCoAutoSim was tested under different circumstances and conditions, afterward, it was validated through carrying-out several controlled experiments and compare the results against their counter reality experiments. The obtained results showed the efficiency of the simulator to handle different situations, emulating real world vehicles. Next is the development of the iCab platforms, which is an abbreviation for "Intelligent Campus Automobile". The platforms are two electric golf-carts that were modified mechanically, electronically and electrically towards the goal of automated driving. Each iCab was equipped with several on-board embedded computers, perception sensors and auxiliary devices, in order to execute the necessary actions for self-driving. Moreover, the platforms are capable of several Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication schemes, applying three layers of control, utilizing cooperation architecture for platooning, executing localization systems, mapping systems, perception systems, and finally several planning systems. Hundreds of experiments were carried-out for the validation of each system in the iCab platform. Results proved the functionality of the platform to self-drive from one point to another with minimal human intervention.Los avances tecnológicos en Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS) han crecido de forma exponencial durante el último siglo. El objetivo de estos avances es el de proveer de sistemas innovadores e inteligentes para ser aplicados a los diferentes medios de transporte, con el fin de conseguir un transporte mas eficiente, seguro, coordinado e inteligente. El foco de los ITS se divide principalmente en dos categorías; la primera es la mejora de los componentes ya existentes en las redes de transporte, mientras que la segunda es la de desarrollar vehículos inteligentes que hagan más fácil y eficiente el transporte. Diferentes esfuerzos de investigación se han llevado a cabo con el fin de solucionar los numerosos aspectos asociados con la conducción autónoma. Esta tesis propone una solución para la cooperación y coordinación de múltiples vehículos. Para ello, en primer lugar se desarrolló un simulador (3DCoAutoSim) de conducción basado en el motor de juegos Unity, conectado al framework Robot Operating System (ROS) y al simulador Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO). 3DCoAutoSim ha sido probado en diferentes condiciones y circunstancias, para posteriormente validarlo con resultados a través de varios experimentos reales controlados. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron la eficiencia del simulador para manejar diferentes situaciones, emulando los vehículos en el mundo real. En segundo lugar, se desarrolló la plataforma de investigación Intelligent Campus Automobile (iCab), que consiste en dos carritos eléctricos de golf, que fueron modificados eléctrica, mecánica y electrónicamente para darle capacidades autónomas. Cada iCab se equipó con diferentes computadoras embebidas, sensores de percepción y unidades auxiliares, con la finalidad de transformarlos en vehículos autónomos. Además, se les han dado capacidad de comunicación multimodal (V2X), se les han aplicado tres capas de control, incorporando una arquitectura de cooperación para operación en modo tren, diferentes esquemas de localización, mapeado, percepción y planificación de rutas. Innumerables experimentos han sido realizados para validar cada uno de los diferentes sistemas incorporados. Los resultados prueban la funcionalidad de esta plataforma para realizar conducción autónoma y cooperativa con mínima intervención humana.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Francisco Javier Otamendi Fernández de la Puebla.- Secretario: Hanno Hildmann.- Vocal: Pietro Cerr