455 research outputs found

    Satellite applications as an ocean and coastal zone management tool : three case studies

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    Satellite applications are being used in land, sea, air and space studies and management applications in the sea covering a wide spectrum of fields, such as oceanography (bathymetry, tides, waves, sea level, currents, surface water temperature), fisheries (resources distribution and monitoring of fisheries), shipping (fleet monitoring, communication, safety and rescue, pollution detection and monitoring), and navy (security, strategy, safety). Further, satellites can be used in the process of educating people onboard. The present research is a study of three satellite applications for Ocean and Coastal Zone Management (OCZM). Radar sensors which are used in bathymetric exploration are useful in the oil pipeline industry and in coastal navigation. Thermal and radar imaging have been used to detect indirectly the resource distribution of the tuna fisheries and lately also other fisheries. The Global Position System (GPS) and data communications today permit fleet monitoring, although the focus of this dissertation is on the fishing fleet. The development of any fleet monitoring system can follow the same principle. An interesting point is the cost — although this technology may appear expensive, it is in effect not. One of the objectives of this dissertation is to compare the value of traditional methods and satellite applications. With this I intend to give a new perspective of the capabilities of the new technology and its application in developing countries. The Ocean and Coastal Zone (OCZ) is a very wide area. Normally, the control and monitoring of this would take days, if traditional systems are used, and all analyses would be post-facto. Satellites can provide a wide variety of applications besides data communications technology. They can send position, type of vessel, speed, and other parameters in near-real time and therefore the ability of OCZM can be substantially increased. Herein lies the interest in exploring the employment of satellites as OCZ management tools. The methodology followed in the development of this paper is to conduct an analysis of remote sensing capabilities. This includes comparing remote sensing images and data with traditional methods of obtaining and analysing data for the management of the natural resources within the coastal and ocean areas of a country. In addition, Internet capabilities and library resources have been used extensively to research the arena of satellite science

    Accelerating the Usage of Earth and Oceans Observation Data in Hydrographic Applications

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    Accessing accurate, up-to-date data to support chart production in Canada’s vast and complex waterways can be challenging. In order to improve efficiency in charting these navigable waters, The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) has developed new techniques that leverage Satellite Based Earth Observation (EO) data. The main applications developed by CHS include: Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB), intertidal zone mapping, extraction of accurate coastlines, change detection/rate of change of coastal features and virtual tidal gauges. The results obtained demonstrate that EO data is a reliable source of Hydrospatial information that can meet the CHS and International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) charting requirements.El acceso a datos precisos y actualizados para apoyar la producción de cartas delas vastas y complejas vías fluviales de Canadá puede ser un desafío. Para mejorar la eficacia al cartografiar estas aguas navegables, el Servicio Hidrográfico Canadiense (CHS) ha desarrollado nuevas técnicas que utilizan datos de la Observación de la Tierra (EO) por satélite. Las principales aplicaciones desarrolladas por el CHS incluyen: Batimetría satelital (SDB), cartografía de zonas inter-mareales, extracción de líneas de costa precisas, detección de cambios/nivel de cambios de características costeras y mareógrafos virtuales. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que los datos de OE son una fuente fidedigna de información hidroespacial que puede cumplir los costeras y mareógrafos virtuales. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que los datos de OE son una fuente fidedigna de información hidroespacial que puede cumplir los requisitos cartográficos del CHS y de la Organización Hidrográfica Internacional (OHI).Accéder à des données exactes et à jour en vue de soutenir la production de cartes dans les vastes et complexes voies navigables du Canada peut représenter un défi. Afin d’améliorer l’efficacité dans la cartographie de ces eaux navigables, le Service hydrographique canadien (SHC) a développé de nouvelles techniques qui exploitent les données d’observation de la Terre (EO) par satellite. Les principales applications développées par le SHC comprennent : la bathymétrie par satellite (SDB), la cartographie de la zone intertidale, l’extraction de lignes de côte précises, la détection des changements/le taux de changement des caractéristiques côtières et les marégraphes virtuels. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les données EO sont une source fiable d’informations hydrospatiales qui peuvent répondre aux exigences en matière de cartographie du SHC et de l’Organisation hydrographique internationale (OHI)

    Innovation Technologies and Applications for Coastal Archaeological sites

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    Morphological Development of the German Wadden Sea from 1996 to 2009 Determined with the Waterline Method and SAR and Landsat Satellite Images

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    The Dutch, German, and Danish Wadden Sea contains some of the largest undisturbed tidal flats in the world of about 10,000 km2. The research areas covered in this thesis are the North Frisian, Neuwerk, and Cuxhaven regions of the German Wadden Sea. The goal of the thesis is to use the waterline method with SAR and optical images to derive topographic maps in order to analyze the morphological development of this valuable ecological system on large spatial and engineering time scales (90 km and 14 years). Compared to earlier applications, the method is improved with respect to the geocoding step and the data coverage of the complete tidal range. The results also allow analyzing smaller scale s developmental details, such as sandbars and estuaries. Topographical maps from 1996 to 1999, and 2004 to 2009 were generated. The largest morphological differences occurred between 2009 and 1996, also observed in the -2 m isobaths map. The Bed Elevation Range of the tidal flats includes all the elevation information from 1996 to 2009 in order to identify the maximum changes during the investigation period. It shows high morphodynamic regions are outer parts of the tidal flat, sandbars, and estuaries. Vertical nodal linear regression gives the direction of the morphological development (erosion or sedimentation). Our result shows that the rate of change is mostly between -0.1 to 0.1 m/yr. Extreme erosion rate reaches over -0.3 m/yr, while extreme sedimentation rate is up to 0.36 m/yr. The absolute amount of elevation change called turnover height has a growth rate of 8.2 mm/yr, indicating the growing morphodynamic activity over the investigation period. The net balance height of the whole investigation region shows an increasing trend of 6.8 mm/yr, demonstrating an overall sedimentation. According to large-scale analyses, the most dynamic areas are the sandbars. Tertiussand, D-Steert, Gelbsand, and Medemgrund/Medemsand are given detailed discussion in this thesis. The west side of the sandbars except for Medemgrund/Medemsand face the high wave and tidal energy arriving from the open North sea, and cause large erosion towards east, while Medemgrund/Medemsand located in the Elbe estuary show migration in the opposite direction. The three cross sections of Tertiussand, Gelbsand and Medemgrund all show clearly increasing elevation if comparing the average elevation over the years 1996-1999 and 2004-2009. Since the areas of Tertiussand and Gelbsand decreased, their increased elevation might relate to internal sediment redistribution. Medemgrund increasead in area, so its increased elevation could be compensated by the adjacent tidal flat Medemsand which has significant erosion towards the north and the sediment brought from Elbe River

    The Application of Satellite Imagery in Support of Nautical Charting; Past Experience and Future Possibilites. A Practical View

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    This paper sets out to give a practical overview of how satellite imagery has been used to date in the UKHO and its likely future use in support of nautical charting. It is concerned only with commercially based digital systems. Systems designed primarily for defence purposes are not included. It should be noted that the views expressed herein are the result of the author’s own experience and do not necessarily represent the current official policies of the UKHO

    Developing a remote sensing system based on X-band radar technology for coastal morphodynamics study

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    New data processing techniques are proposed for the assessment of scopes and limitations from radar-derived sea state parameters, coastline evolution and water depth estimates. Most of the raised research is focused on Colombian Caribbean coast and the Western Mediterranean Sea. First, a novel procedure to mitigate shadowing in radar images is proposed. The method compensates distortions introduced by the radar acquisition process and the power decay of the radar signal along range applying image enhancement techniques through a couple of pre-processing steps based on filtering and interpolation. Results reveal that the proposed methodology reproduces with high accuracy the sea state parameters in nearshore areas. The improvement resulting from the proposed method is assessed in a coral reef barrier, introducing a completely novel use for X-Band radar in coastal environments. So far, wave energy dissipation on a coral reef barrier has been studied by a few in-situ sensors placed in a straight line, perpendicular to the coastline, but never been described using marine radars. In this context, marine radar images are used to describe prominent features of coral reefs, including the delineation of reef morphological structure, wave energy dissipation and wave transformation processes in the lagoon of San Andres Island barrier-reef system. Results show that reef attenuates incident waves by approximately 75% due to both frictional and wave breaking dissipation, with an equivalent bottom roughness of 0.20 m and a wave friction factor of 0.18. These parameters are comparable with estimates reported in other shallow coral reef lagoons as well as at meadow canopies, obtained using in-situ measurements of wave parameters.DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónic

    State of art of bathymetric surveys

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    Technological advances in bathymetric equipment, positioning capacity, data processing, as well as the development of new ways of obtaining depth and other ways of exploring the submerged bottom, have been noticed in recent years. It is known that acoustic remote sensing is the most widely used technique for depth measurement. Survey systems can be embedded on various platforms and also provide different accuracies. Coupled to these systems are also Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), auxiliary sensors and speed profilers, improving the accuracy of the data obtained. Alternatively to the use of echo sounders, optical sensing (active and passive sensors) or satellite radar altimetry can be used to estimate depth. Thus, this study aims to present an overview of bathymetric survey methodologies, as well as the evolution of the use of sounding platforms, systems and sensors and various existing technologies. In addition, the main uncertainties involved and the advantages and disadvantages of the available solutions are also evidenced, providing the reader the ability to choose the most appropriate technique

    Application of marine radar to monitoring seasonal and event-based changes in intertidal morphology

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    This paper demonstrates the application of marine radar and a newly developed waterline mapping technique to the continued surveillance and monitoring of inter- and intra-annual intertidal morphological change, thus capturing new detail on coastal system behaviours. Marine radar data from 2006 to 2009 are used to create a sequence of waterline elevation surveys that show clear morphological evolution of two different sites in the Dee estuary, UK. An estimate of volumetric change was made at two locations: West Hoyle sandbank and the NW Wirral beach. Both sites exhibited a similar cyclic pattern of volumetric change, with lowest volumes in autumn and winter, respectively. The average beach elevations above Admiralty Chart Datum clearly reflect the observed change in sediment volume, with reduced elevations in winter and increased elevations in summer, suggesting a trend of high-energy storm waves in autumn and winter that remove sediment and simultaneously moderate the vertical dimension of bedforms in the intertidal area. Data at this temporal and spatial scale are not easily obtainable by other current remote sensing techniques. The use of marine radar as a tool for quantifying coastal change over seasonal and event timescales in complex hydrodynamic settings is illustrated. Specifically, its unique application to monitoring areas with dynamic morphology or that is vulnerable to erosion and/or degradation by storm events is exemplified

    SEASAT views oceans and sea ice with synthetic aperture radar

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    Fifty-one SEASAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of the oceans and sea ice are presented. Surface and internal waves, the Gulf Stream system and its rings and eddies, the eastern North Pacific, coastal phenomena, bathymetric features, atmospheric phenomena, and ship wakes are represented. Images of arctic pack and shore-fast ice are presented. The characteristics of the SEASAT SAR system and its image are described. Maps showing the area covered, and tables of key orbital information, and listing digitally processed images are provided
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