215,052 research outputs found

    Generating functions for generating trees

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    Certain families of combinatorial objects admit recursive descriptions in terms of generating trees: each node of the tree corresponds to an object, and the branch leading to the node encodes the choices made in the construction of the object. Generating trees lead to a fast computation of enumeration sequences (sometimes, to explicit formulae as well) and provide efficient random generation algorithms. We investigate the links between the structural properties of the rewriting rules defining such trees and the rationality, algebraicity, or transcendence of the corresponding generating function.Comment: This article corresponds, up to minor typo corrections, to the article submitted to Discrete Mathematics (Elsevier) in Nov. 1999, and published in its vol. 246(1-3), March 2002, pp. 29-5

    Generating functions for multi-labeled trees

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    Multi-labeled trees are a generalization of phylogenetic trees that are used, for example, in the study of gene versus species evolution and as the basis for phylogenetic network construction. Unlike phylogenetic trees, in a leaf-multi-labeled tree it is possible to label more than one leaf by the same element of the underlying label set. In this paper we derive formulae for generating functions of leaf-multi-labeled trees and use these to derive recursions for counting such trees. In particular,weprove results which generalize previous theorems by Harding on so-called tree-shapes, and by Otter on relating the number of rooted and unrooted phylogenetic trees

    The Betti numbers of the moduli space of stable sheaves of rank 3 on P2

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    This article computes the generating functions of the Betti numbers of the moduli space of stable sheaves of rank 3 on the projective plane P2 and its blow-up. Wall-crossing is used to obtain the Betti numbers on the blow-up. These can be derived equivalently using flow trees, which appear in the physics of BPS-states. The Betti numbers for P2 follow from those for the blow-up by the blow-up formula. The generating functions are expressed in terms of modular functions and indefinite theta functions.Comment: 15 pages, final versio

    Generating trees for permutations avoiding generalized patterns

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    We construct generating trees with one, two, and three labels for some classes of permutations avoiding generalized patterns of length 3 and 4. These trees are built by adding at each level an entry to the right end of the permutation, which allows us to incorporate the adjacency condition about some entries in an occurrence of a generalized pattern. We use these trees to find functional equations for the generating functions enumerating these classes of permutations with respect to different parameters. In several cases we solve them using the kernel method and some ideas of Bousquet-M\'elou. We obtain refinements of known enumerative results and find new ones.Comment: 17 pages, to appear in Ann. Com

    Integrability of graph combinatorics via random walks and heaps of dimers

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    We investigate the integrability of the discrete non-linear equation governing the dependence on geodesic distance of planar graphs with inner vertices of even valences. This equation follows from a bijection between graphs and blossom trees and is expressed in terms of generating functions for random walks. We construct explicitly an infinite set of conserved quantities for this equation, also involving suitable combinations of random walk generating functions. The proof of their conservation, i.e. their eventual independence on the geodesic distance, relies on the connection between random walks and heaps of dimers. The values of the conserved quantities are identified with generating functions for graphs with fixed numbers of external legs. Alternative equivalent choices for the set of conserved quantities are also discussed and some applications are presented.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figures, uses epsf, lanlmac and hyperbasic
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