11 research outputs found

    Runtime Verification Based on Executable Models: On-the-Fly Matching of Timed Traces

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    Runtime verification is checking whether a system execution satisfies or violates a given correctness property. A procedure that automatically, and typically on the fly, verifies conformance of the system's behavior to the specified property is called a monitor. Nowadays, a variety of formalisms are used to express properties on observed behavior of computer systems, and a lot of methods have been proposed to construct monitors. However, it is a frequent situation when advanced formalisms and methods are not needed, because an executable model of the system is available. The original purpose and structure of the model are out of importance; rather what is required is that the system and its model have similar sets of interfaces. In this case, monitoring is carried out as follows. Two "black boxes", the system and its reference model, are executed in parallel and stimulated with the same input sequences; the monitor dynamically captures their output traces and tries to match them. The main problem is that a model is usually more abstract than the real system, both in terms of functionality and timing. Therefore, trace-to-trace matching is not straightforward and allows the system to produce events in different order or even miss some of them. The paper studies on-the-fly conformance relations for timed systems (i.e., systems whose inputs and outputs are distributed along the time axis). It also suggests a practice-oriented methodology for creating and configuring monitors for timed systems based on executable models. The methodology has been successfully applied to a number of industrial projects of simulation-based hardware verification.Comment: In Proceedings MBT 2013, arXiv:1303.037

    Using status messages in the distributed test architecture

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    If the system under test has multiple interfaces/ports and these are physically distributed then in testing we place a tester at each port. If these testers cannot directly communicate with one another and there is no global clock then we are testing in the distributed test architecture. If the distributed test architecture is used then there may be input sequences that cannot be applied in testing without introducing controllability problems. Additionally, observability problems can allow fault masking. In this paper we consider the situation in which the testers can apply a status message: an input that causes the system under test to identify its current state. We show how such a status message can be used in order to overcome controllability and observability problems

    The effect of the distributed test architecture on the power of testing

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    Copyright @ 2008 Oxford University PressThere has been much interest in testing from finite-state machines (FSMs). If the system under test can be modelled by the (minimal) FSM N then testing from an (minimal) FSM M is testing to check that N is isomorphic to M. In the distributed test architecture, there are multiple interfaces/ports and there is a tester at each port. This can introduce controllability/synchronization and observability problems. This paper shows that the restriction to test sequences that do not cause controllability problems and the inability to observe the global behaviour in the distributed test architecture, and thus relying only on the local behaviour at remote testers, introduces fundamental limitations into testing. There exist minimal FSMs that are not equivalent, and so are not isomorphic, and yet cannot be distinguished by testing in this architecture without introducing controllability problems. Similarly, an FSM may have non-equivalent states that cannot be distinguished in the distributed test architecture without causing controllability problems: these are said to be locally s-equivalent and otherwise they are locally s-distinguishable. This paper introduces the notion of two states or FSMs being locally s-equivalent and formalizes the power of testing in the distributed test architecture in terms of local s-equivalence. It introduces a polynomial time algorithm that, given an FSM M, determines which states of M are locally s-equivalent and produces minimal length input sequences that locally s-distinguish states that are not locally s-equivalent. An FSM is locally s-minimal if it has no pair of locally s-equivalent states. This paper gives an algorithm that takes an FSM M and returns a locally s-minimal FSM M′ that is locally s-equivalent to M.This work was supported in part by Leverhulme Trust grant number F/00275/D, Testing State Based Systems, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada grant number RGPIN 976, and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant number GR/R43150, Formal Methods and Testing (FORTEST)

    Canonical finite state machines for distributed systems

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    There has been much interest in testing from finite state machines (FSMs) as a result of their suitability for modelling or specifying state-based systems. Where there are multiple ports/interfaces a multi-port FSM is used and in testing, a tester is placed at each port. If the testers cannot communicate with one another directly and there is no global clock then we are testing in the distributed test architecture. It is known that the use of the distributed test architecture can affect the power of testing and recent work has characterised this in terms of local s-equivalence: in the distributed test architecture we can distinguish two FSMs, such as an implementation and a specification, if and only if they are not locally s-equivalent. However, there may be many FSMs that are locally s-equivalent to a given FSM and the nature of these FSMs has not been explored. This paper examines the set of FSMs that are locally s-equivalent to a given FSM M. It shows that there is a unique smallest FSM χmin(M) and a unique largest FSM χmax(M) that are locally s-equivalent to M. Here smallest and largest refer to the set of traces defined by an FSM and thus to its semantics. We also show that for a given FSM M the set of FSMs that are locally s-equivalent to M defines a bounded lattice. Finally, we define an FSM that, amongst all FSMs locally s-equivalent to M, has fewest states. We thus give three alternative canonical FSMs that are locally s-equivalent to an FSM M: one that defines the smallest set of traces, one that defines the largest set of traces, and one with fewest states. All three provide valuable information and the first two can be produced in time that is polynomial in terms of the number of states of M. We prove that the problem of finding an s-equivalent FSM with fewest states is NP-hard in general but can be solved in polynomial time for the special case where there are two ports

    Scenarios-based testing of systems with distributed ports

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    Copyright @ 2011 John Wiley & SonsDistributed systems are usually composed of several distributed components that communicate with their environment through specific ports. When testing such a system we separately observe sequences of inputs and outputs at each port rather than a global sequence and potentially cannot reconstruct the global sequence that occurred. Typically, the users of such a system cannot synchronise their actions during use or testing. However, the use of the system might correspond to a sequence of scenarios, where each scenario involves a sequence of interactions with the system that, for example, achieves a particular objective. When this is the case there is the potential for there to be a significant delay between two scenarios and this effectively allows the users of the system to synchronise between scenarios. If we represent the specification of the global system by using a state-based notation, we say that a scenario is any sequence of events that happens between two of these operations. We can encode scenarios in two different ways. The first approach consists of marking some of the states of the specification to denote these synchronisation points. It transpires that there are two ways to interpret such models and these lead to two implementation relations. The second approach consists of adding a set of traces to the specification to represent the traces that correspond to scenarios. We show that these two approaches have similar expressive power by providing an encoding from marked states to sets of traces. In order to assess the appropriateness of our new framework, we show that it represents a conservative extension of previous implementation relations defined in the context of the distributed test architecture: if we onsider that all the states are marked then we simply obtain ioco (the classical relation for single-port systems) while if no state is marked then we obtain dioco (our previous relation for multi-port systems). Finally, we concentrate on the study of controllable test cases, that is, test cases such that each local tester knows exactly when to apply inputs. We give two notions of controllable test cases, define an implementation relation for each of these notions, and relate them. We also show how we can decide whether a test case satisfies these conditions.Research partially supported by the Spanish MEC project TESIS (TIN2009-14312-C02-01), the UK EPSRC project Testing of Probabilistic and Stochastic Systems (EP/G032572/1), and the UCM-BSCH programme to fund research groups (GR58/08 - group number 910606)


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    In the area of testing communication systems, the interfaces between systems to be tested and their testers have great impact on test generation and fault detectability. Several types of such interfaces have been standardized by the International Standardization Organization (ISO). A general distributed test architecture, containing distributed interfaces, has been presented in the literature for testing distributed systems based on the Open Distributing Processing (ODP) Basic Reference Model (BRM), which is a generalized version of ISO distributed test architecture. We study in this paper the issue of test selection with respect to such an test architecture. In particular, we consider communication systems that can be modeled by finite state machines with several distributed interfaces, called ports. A test generation method is developed for generating test sequences for such finite state machines, which is based on the idea of synchronizable test sequences. Starting from the initial effort by Sarikaya, a certain amount of work has been done for generating test sequences for finite state machines with respect to the ISO distributed test architecture, all based on the idea of modifying existing test generation methods to generat

    Model Based Security Testing for Autonomous Vehicles

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to introduce a novel approach to generate a security test suite to mitigate malicious attacks on an autonomous system. Our method uses model based testing (MBT) methods to model system behavior, attacks and mitigations as independent threads in an execution stream. The threads intersect at a rendezvous or attack point. We build a security test suite from a behavioral model, an attack type and a mitigation model using communicating extended finite state machine (CEFSM) models. We also define an applicability matrix to determine which attacks are possible with which states. Our method then builds a comprehensive test suite using edge-node coverage that allows for systematic testing of an autonomous vehicle

    Fail-Safe Testing of Safety-Critical Systems

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    This dissertation proposes an approach for testing of safety-critical systems. It is based on a behavioral and a fault model. The two models are analyzed for compatibility and necessary changes are identified to make them compatible. Then transformation rules are used to transform the fault model into the same model type as the behavioral model. Integration rules define how to combine them. This approach results in an integrated model which then can be used to generate tests using a variety of testing criteria. The dissertation illustrates this general framework using a CEFSM for the behavioral model and a Fault Tree for the fault model. We apply the technique to a variety of applications such as a Gas burner, an Aerospace Launch System, and a Railroad Crossing Control System. We also investigate the scalability of the approach and compare its efficiency with integrating a state chart and a fault tree. Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes (CADP) has been used as a supporting tool for this approach to generate test cases from the integrated model and to analyze the integrated model for some properties such as deadlock and livelock