18 research outputs found

    Neural networks and their application in water management

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    U radu su detaljnije opisane neuralne mreže koje su dnaas sve češće u primjeni pri rješavanju problema iznimno visokog stupnja složenosti. Uz definiranje neuralnih mreža, dana je njihova podjela, prikaz strukture i osobina te je izdvojen pregled povijesnog razvoja. Istaknuta je primjenu neuralnih mreža unutar područja vodnog gospodarstva i to prije svega na području Hrvatske. Pri tome su ukratko opisane najznačajnije neuralne mreže koje su do danas razvijene i rabljene u praksi.Neural networks, nowadays increasingly used for solving problems of exceptionally high level of complexity, are described in great detail. After definition of neural networks, their classification is given, and their structure and properties are presented. An overview of their historic development is also given. An emphasis is placed on the use of neural networks in water management, especially in the territory of Croatia. At that, most significant neural networks developed so far and used in current practice are briefly presented

    Prediction of Frost-Heaving Behavior of Saline Soil in Western Jilin Province, China, by Neural Network Methods

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    In this study, backpropagation neural network (BPNN) and generalized regression neural network (GRNN) approaches are used to predict the frost-heaving ratio (FR) of the saline soil specimen collected from Nong’an, Western Jilin, China. Four variables, namely, water content (WC), compactness, temperature, and content of soluble salts (CSS), are considered in predicting FR. A total of 360 pieces of data, collected from the experimental results, in which 30 pieces of data were selected randomly as the testing set data and the rest of the data were treated as the training set data, are applied to develop the prediction models. The predicted data from the models are compared with the experimental data. Then, the results of the two approaches are compared to obtain a relatively reliable model. Results indicate that the prediction model for the FR of saline soil in Nong’an can be successfully established using the GRNN method. Four new GRNN models are constructed for sensitivity analysis to assess the influence degree of the influencing factors, and the results indicate that water content is the most influential variable in the FR of the saline soil specimen, whereas content of soluble salts is the least influential variable

    Machine-learning-based prediction of oil recovery factor for experimental CO2-Foam chemical EOR: Implications for carbon utilization projects 2023/9/1

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    Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) using CO2 injection is promising with economic and environmental benefits as an active climate-change mitigation approach. Nevertheless, the low sweep efficiency of CO2 injection remains a challenge. CO2-foam injection has been proposed as a remedy, but its laboratory screening for specific reservoirs is costly and time-consuming. In this study, machine-learning models are employed to predict oil recovery factor (ORF) during CO2-foam flooding cost-effectively and accurately. Four models, including general regression neural network (GRNN), cascade forward neural network with Levenberg–Marquardt optimization (CFNN-LM), cascade forward neural network with Bayesian regularization (CFNN-BR), and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), are evaluated based on experimental data from previous studies. Results demonstrate that the GRNN model outperforms the others, with an overall mean absolute error of 0.059 and an R2 of 0.9999. The GRNN model's applicability domain is verified using a Williams plot, and an uncertainty analysis for CO2-foam flooding projects is conducted. The novelty of this study lies in developing a machine-learning-based approach that provides an accurate and cost-effective prediction of ORF in CO2-foam experiments. This approach has the potential to significantly reduce screening costs and time required for CO2-foam injection, making it a more viable carbon utilization and EOR strategy

    DAMP: a protocol for contextualising goodness-of-fit statistics in sediment-discharge data-driven modelling

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    The decision sequence which guides the selection of a preferred data-driven modelling solution is usually based solely on statistical assessment of fit to a test dataset, and lacks the incorporation of essential contextual knowledge and understanding included in the evaluation of conventional empirical models. This paper demonstrates how hydrological insight and knowledge of data quality issues can be better incorporated into the sediment-discharge data-driven model assessment procedure: by the plotting of datasets and modelled relationships; and from an understanding and appreciation of the hydrological context of the catchment being modelled. DAMP: a four-point protocol for evaluating the hydrological soundness of data-driven single-input single-output sediment rating curve solutions is presented. The approach is adopted and exemplified in an evaluation of seven explicit sediment-discharge models that are used to predict daily suspended sediment concentration values for a small tropical catchment on the island of Puerto Rico. Four neurocomputing counterparts are compared and contrasted against a set of traditional log-log linear sediment rating curve solutions and a simple linear regression model. The statistical assessment procedure provides one indication of the best model, whilst graphical and hydrological interpretation of the depicted datasets and models challenge this overly-simplistic interpretation. Traditional log-log sediment rating curves, in terms of soundness and robustness, are found to deliver a superior overall product — irrespective of their poorer global goodness-of-fit statistics

    An Assessment of Anthropogenic CO_2 Emissions by Satellite-Based Observations in China

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    Carbon dioxide (CO_2) is the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas and its concentration in atmosphere has been increasing rapidly due to the increase of anthropogenic CO_2 emissions. Quantifying anthropogenic CO_2 emissions is essential to evaluate the measures for mitigating climate change. Satellite-based measurements of greenhouse gases greatly advance the way of monitoring atmospheric CO2 concentration. In this study, we propose an approach for estimating anthropogenic CO_2 emissions by an artificial neural network using column-average dry air mole fraction of CO_2 (XCO_2) derived from observations of Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) in China. First, we use annual XCO_2 anomalies (dXCO_2) derived from XCO_2 and anthropogenic emission data during 2010–2014 as the training dataset to build a General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) model. Second, applying the built model to annual dXCO_2 in 2015, we estimate the corresponding emission and verify them using ODIAC emission. As a results, the estimated emissions significantly demonstrate positive correlation with that of ODIAC CO_2 emissions especially in the areas with high anthropogenic CO_2 emissions. Our results indicate that XCO_2 data from satellite observations can be applied in estimating anthropogenic CO_2 emissions at regional scale by the machine learning. This developed method can estimate carbon emission inventory in a data-driven way. In particular, it is expected that the estimation accuracy can be further improved when combined with other data sources, related CO_2 uptake and emissions, from satellite observations