188 research outputs found

    generalized multiple delay-dependent H∞, functional observer design for nonlinear system

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    Producción CientíficaFunctional observers are the major alternative to many practical estimation problems where full-order observers cannot be used. This paper introduces a generalized approach to design H∞ functional observers for a class of Lipschitz nonlinear systems with multiple time delays. Moreover, the considered system extends from previously published work in that it presents nonlinearity, multiple delay and external disturbance. Their main findings come from the development of a generalized augmented Lyapunov function that uses both the extended reciprocal convex combination and the Wirtinger inequality. The stability of the observer is therefore guaranteed by an LMI optimization problem. Finally, the steps of the design procedure were condensed and proffered for the two numerical examples to test the recommended design approach

    Static anti-windup compensator design for locally Lipschitz systems under input and output delays

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    This paper proposes a static anti-windup compensator (AWC) design methodology for the locally Lipschitz nonlinear systems, containing time-varying interval delays in input and output of the system in the presence of actuator saturation. Static AWC design is proposed for the systems by considering a delay-range-dependent methodology to consider less conservative delay bounds. The approach has been developed by utilizing an improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, locally Lipschitz nonlinearity property, delay-interval, delay derivative upper bound, local sector condition, L2 gain reduction from exogenous input to exogenous output, improved Wirtinger inequality, additive time-varying delays, and convex optimization algorithms to obtain convex conditions for AWC gain calculations. In contrast to the existing results, the present work considers both input and output delays for the AWC design (along with their combined additive effect) and deals with a more generic locally Lipschitz class of nonlinear systems. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is demonstrated via simulations for a nonlinear DC servo motor system, possessing multiple time-delays, dynamic nonlinearity and actuator constraints

    Design of robust control for uncertain fuzzy quadruple-tank systems with time-varying delays

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    Producción CientíficaThe robust H∞ observer-based control design is addressed here for non-linear Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems with time-varying delays, subject to uncertainties and external disturbances. This is motivated by the quadruple-tank with time delay control problem. The observer design methodology is based on constructing an appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (LKF) for an augmented system formed from the original and the delayed states. The bilinear terms are transferred to the linear matrix inequalities, thanks to a change of variables which can be solved in one step. Furthermore, by employing the L2 performance index, the adverse effects of persistent bounded disturbances is largely avoided. The proposed method has the advantage of relating the controller and Lyapunov function to both the original and delayed states. Then, the controller and observer gains are obtained simultaneously by solving these inequalities with off-the-shelf software (Yalmip/MATLAB toolbox). Finally, an application to a simulated quadruple-tank system with time delay is carried out to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed technique, showing a compromise between controller simplicity and robustness that outperforms previous approaches.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Robust finite-time fault estimation for stochastic nonlinear systems with Brownian motions

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    Motivated by real-time monitoring and fault diagnosis for complex systems, the presented paper aims to develop effective fault estimation techniques for stochastic nonlinear systems subject to partially decoupled unknown input disturbances and Brownian motions. The challenge of the research is how to ensure the robustness of the proposed fault estimation techniques against stochastic Brownian perturbations and additive process disturbances, and provide a rigorous mathematical proof of the finite-time input-to-stabilization of the estimation error dynamics. In this paper, stochastic input-to-state stability and finite-time stochastic input-to-state stability of stochastic nonlinear systems are firstly investigated based on Lyapunov theory, leading to simple and straightforward criteria. By integrating augmented system approach, unknown input observer technique, and finite-time stochastic input-to-state stability theory, a highly-novel fault estimation technique is proposed. The convergence of the estimation error with respect to un-decoupled unknown inputs and Brownian perturbations is proven by using the derived stochastic input-to-state stability and finite-time stochastic input-to-state stability theorems. Based on linear matrix inequality technique, the robust observer gains can be obtained in order to achieve both stability and robustness of the error dynamic. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed fault estimation techniques is demonstrated by the detailed simulation studies using a robotic system and a numerical example

    International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering – Book of Extended Abstracts

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    The present volume on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering - Book of Extended Abstracts of the ICMASC’2022 collects the extended abstracts of the talks presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering – ICMA2SC'22 that took place at the beautiful city of Porto, Portugal, in June 27th-June 29th 2022 (3 days). Its aim was to bring together researchers in every discipline of applied mathematics, science, engineering, industry, and technology, to discuss the development of new mathematical models, theories, and applications that contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and practice. Authors proposed research in topics including partial and ordinary differential equations, integer and fractional order equations, linear algebra, numerical analysis, operations research, discrete mathematics, optimization, control, probability, computational mathematics, amongst others. The conference was designed to maximize the involvement of all participants and will present the state-of- the-art research and the latest achievements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Model-based Fault Diagnosis and Fault Accommodation for Space Missions : Application to the Rendezvous Phase of the MSR Mission

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    The work addressed in this thesis draws expertise from actions undertaken between the EuropeanSpace Agency (ESA), the industry Thales Alenia Space (TAS) and the IMS laboratory (laboratoirede l’Intégration du Matériau au Système) which develop new generations of integrated Guidance, Navigationand Control (GNC) units with fault detection and tolerance capabilities. The reference mission isthe ESA’s Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission. The presented work focuses on the terminal rendezvoussequence of the MSR mission which corresponds to the last few hundred meters until the capture. Thechaser vehicle is the MSR Orbiter, while the passive target is a diameter spherical container. The objectiveat control level is a capture achievement with an accuracy better than a few centimeter. The research workaddressed in this thesis is concerned by the development of model-based Fault Detection and Isolation(FDI) and Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) approaches that could significantly increase the operational andfunctional autonomy of the chaser during rendezvous, and more generally, of spacecraft involved in deepspace missions. Since redundancy exist in the sensors and since the reaction wheels are not used duringthe rendezvous phase, the work presented in this thesis focuses only on the thruster-based propulsionsystem. The investigated faults have been defined in accordance with ESA and TAS requirements andfollowing their experiences. The presented FDI/FTC approaches relies on hardware redundancy in sensors,control redirection and control re-allocation methods and a hierarchical FDI including signal-basedapproaches at sensor level, model-based approaches for thruster fault detection/isolation and trajectorysafety monitoring. Carefully selected performance and reliability indices together with Monte Carlo simulationcampaigns, using a high-fidelity industrial simulator, demonstrate the viability of the proposedapproaches.Les travaux de recherche traités dans cette thèse s’appuient sur l’expertise des actionsmenées entre l’Agence spatiale européenne (ESA), l’industrie Thales Alenia Space (TAS) et le laboratoirede l’Intégration du Matériau au Système (IMS) qui développent de nouvelles générations d’unités intégréesde guidage, navigation et pilotage (GNC) avec une fonction de détection des défauts et de tolérance desdéfauts. La mission de référence retenue dans cette thèse est la mission de retour d’échantillons martiens(Mars Sample Return, MSR) de l’ESA. Ce travail se concentre sur la séquence terminale du rendez-vous dela mission MSR qui correspond aux dernières centaines de mètres jusqu’à la capture. Le véhicule chasseurest l’orbiteur MSR (chasseur), alors que la cible passive est un conteneur sphérique. L’objectif au niveaude contrôle est de réaliser la capture avec une précision inférieure à quelques centimètres. Les travaux derecherche traités dans cette thèse s’intéressent au développement des approches sur base de modèle de détectionet d’isolation des défauts (FDI) et de commande tolérante aux défaillances (FTC), qui pourraientaugmenter d’une manière significative l’autonomie opérationnelle et fonctionnelle du chasseur pendant lerendez-vous et, d’une manière plus générale, d’un vaisseau spatial impliqué dans des missions située dansl’espace lointain. Dès lors que la redondance existe dans les capteurs et que les roues de réaction ne sontpas utilisées durant la phase de rendez-vous, le travail présenté dans cette thèse est orienté seulementvers les systèmes de propulsion par tuyères. Les défaillances examinées ont été définies conformément auxexigences de l’ESA et de TAS et suivant leurs expériences. Les approches FDI/FTC présentées s’appuientsur la redondance de capteurs, la redirection de contrôle et sur les méthodes de réallocation de contrôle,ainsi que le FDI hiérarchique, y compris les approches à base de signaux au niveau de capteurs, les approchesà base de modèle de détection/localisation de défauts de propulseur et la surveillance de sécuritéde trajectoire. Utilisant un simulateur industriel de haute-fidélité, les indices de performance et de fiabilitéFDI, qui ont été soigneusement choisis accompagnés des campagnes de simulation de robustesse/sensibilitéMonte Carlo, démontrent la viabilité des approches proposées

    Fractional Order Fault Tolerant Control - A Survey

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    In this paper, a comprehensive review of recent advances and trends regarding Fractional Order Fault Tolerant Control (FOFTC) design is presented. This novel robust control approach has been emerging in the last decade and is still gathering great research efforts mainly because of its promising results and outcomes. The purpose of this study is to provide a useful overview for researchers interested in developing this interesting solution for plants that are subject to faults and disturbances with an obligation for a maintained performance level. Throughout the paper, the various works related to FOFTC in literature are categorized first by considering their research objective between fault detection with diagnosis and fault tolerance with accommodation, and second by considering the nature of the studied plants depending on whether they are modelized by integer order or fractional order models. One of the main drawbacks of these approaches lies in the increase in complexity associated with introducing the fractional operators, their approximation and especially during the stability analysis. A discussion on the main disadvantages and challenges that face this novel fractional order robust control research field is given in conjunction with motivations for its future development. This study provides a simulation example for the application of a FOFTC against actuator faults in a Boeing 747 civil transport aircraft is provided to illustrate the efficiency of such robust control strategies