57 research outputs found

    Online support vector machine application for model based fault detection and isolation of HVAC system

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    Abstract—Preventive maintenance plays an important role in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. One cost effective strategy is the development of analytic fault detection and isolation (FDI) module by online monitoring the key variables of HAVC systems. This paper investigates realtime FDI for HAVC system by using online Support Vector Machine (SVM), by which we are able to train a FDI system with manageable complexity under real time working conditions. It is also proposed a new approach which allows us to detect unknown faults and updating the classifier by using these previously unknown faults. Based on the proposed approach, a semi unsupervised fault detection methodology has been developed for HVAC system

    Residual generation and fault diagnosis of rechargeable lead-acid batteries

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    In many process and manufacturing industries, early detection of faults has great practical importance. Since it saves time and cost involved in the repairing of the equipment. Qualitative methods such as neural networks and fuzzy logic are popular tools in model based fault detection and classification of nonlinear dynamic systems. Since it is difficult to accurately model these kind of systems. In the first part of this work, neural network and adaptive neuro-fuzzy logic methods are used in the modeling of a water-tank system to produce residuals for fault classification. This study shows that neural networks have better performance but longer training time compared to the adaptive neuro-fuzzy logic. The second part of this research investigates the classification tree and Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) approaches in fault classification of nonlinear dynamic systems. Comparing the performance of these approaches indicates that FDA method results in longer computational time but lower tree size for high dimensional training data. The contributions of this thesis are modeling and fault diagnosis of lead-acid battery system using qualitative techniques in combination with statistical methods such as classification tree

    Fault detection and isolation using viability theory and interval observers

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    This paper proposes the use of interval observers and viability theory in fault detection and isolation (FDI). Viability theory develops mathematical and algorithmic methods for investigating the viability constraints characterisation of dynamic evolutions of complex systems under uncertainty. These methods can be used for checking the consistency between observed and predicted behaviour by using simple sets that approximate the exact set of possible behaviour (in the parameter or state space). In this paper, FDI is based on checking for an inconsistency between the measured and predicted behaviours using viability theory concepts and sets. Finally, an example is provided in order to show the usefulness of the proposed approachPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sensors Fault Diagnosis Trends and Applications

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    Fault diagnosis has always been a concern for industry. In general, diagnosis in complex systems requires the acquisition of information from sensors and the processing and extracting of required features for the classification or identification of faults. Therefore, fault diagnosis of sensors is clearly important as faulty information from a sensor may lead to misleading conclusions about the whole system. As engineering systems grow in size and complexity, it becomes more and more important to diagnose faulty behavior before it can lead to total failure. In the light of above issues, this book is dedicated to trends and applications in modern-sensor fault diagnosis

    Advances in gain-scheduling and fault tolerant control techniques

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    This thesis presents some contributions to the state-of-the-art of the fields of gain-scheduling and fault tolerant control (FTC). In the area of gain-scheduling, the connections between the linear parameter varying (LPV) and Takagi-Sugeno (TS) paradigms are analyzed, showing that the methods for the automated generation of models by nonlinear embedding and by sector nonlinearity, developed for one class of systems, can be easily extended to deal with the other class. Then, two measures, based on the notions of overboundedness and region of attraction estimates, are proposed in order to compare different models and choose which one can be considered the best one. Later, the problem of designing state-feedback controllers for LPV systems has been considered, providing two main contributions. First, robust LPV controllers that can guarantee some desired performances when applied to uncertain LPV systems are designed, by using a double-layer polytopic description that takes into account both the variability due to the varying parameter vector and the uncertainty. Then, the idea of designing the controller in such a way that the required performances are scheduled by the varying parameters is explored, which provides an elegant way to vary online the behavior of the closed-loop system. In both cases, the problem reduces to finding a solution to a finite number of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), which can be done efficiently using the available solvers. In the area of fault tolerant control, the thesis first shows that the aforementioned double-layer polytopic framework can be used for FTC, in such a way that different strategies (passive, active and hybrid) are obtained depending on the amount of available information. Later, an FTC strategy for LPV systems that involves a reconfigured reference model and virtual actuators is developed. It is shown that by including the saturations in the reference model equations, it is possible to design a model reference FTC system that automatically retunes the reference states whenever the system is affected by saturation nonlinearities. In this way, a graceful performance degradation in presence of actuator saturations is incorporated in an elegant way. Finally, the problem of FTC of unstable LPV systems subject to actuator saturations is considered. In this case, the design of the virtual actuator is performed in such a way that the convergence of the state trajectory to zero is assured despite the saturations and the appearance of faults. Also, it is shown that it is possible to obtain some guarantees about the tolerated delay between the fault occurrence and its isolation, and that the nominal controller can be designed so as to maximize the tolerated delay.Aquesta tesi presenta diverses contribucions a l'estat de l'art del control per planificació del guany i del control tolerant a fallades (FTC). Pel que fa al control per planificació del guany, s'analitzen les connexions entre els paradigmes dels sistemes lineals a paràmetres variants en el temps (LPV) i de Takagi-Sugeno (TS). Es demostra que els mètodes per a la generació automàtica de models mitjançant encastament no lineal i mitjançant no linealitat sectorial, desenvolupats per una classe de sistemes, es poden estendre fàcilment per fer-los servir amb l'altra classe. Es proposen dues mesures basades en les nocions de sobrefitació i d'estimació de la regió d'atracció, per tal de comparar diferents models i triar quin d'ells pot ser considerat el millor. Després, es considera el problema de dissenyar controladors per realimentació d'estat per a sistemes LPV, proporcionant dues contribucions principals. En primer lloc, fent servir una descripció amb doble capa politòpica que té en compte tant la variabilitat deguda al vector de paràmetres variants i la deguda a la incertesa, es dissenyen controladors LPV robustos que puguin garantir unes especificacions desitjades quan s'apliquen a sistemes LPV incerts. En segon lloc, s'explora la idea de dissenyar el controlador de tal manera que les especificacions requerides siguin programades pels paràmetres variants. Això proporciona una manera elegant de variar en línia el comportament del sistema en llaç tancat. En tots dos casos, el problema es redueix a trobar una solució d'un nombre finit de desigualtats matricials lineals (LMIs), que es poden resoldre fent servir algorismes numèrics disponibles i molt eficients. En l'àrea del control tolerant a fallades, primerament la tesi mostra que la descripció amb doble capa politòpica abans esmentada es pot utilitzar per fer FTC, de tal manera que, en funció de la quantitat d'informació disponible, s'obtenen diferents estratègies (passiva, activa i híbrida). Després, es desenvolupa una estratègia de FTC per a sistemes LPV que fa servir un model de referència reconfigurat combinat amb la tècnica d'actuadors virtuals. Es mostra que mitjançant la inclusió de les saturacions en les equacions del model de referència, és possible dissenyar un sistema de control tolerant a fallades que resintonitza automàticament els estats de referència cada vegada que el sistema es veu afectat per les no linealitats de la saturació en els actuadors. D'aquesta manera s'incorpora una degradació elegant de les especificacions en presència de saturacions d'actuadors. Finalment, es considera el problema de FTC per sistemes LPV inestables afectats per saturacions d'actuadors. En aquest cas, es porta a terme el disseny de l'actuador virtual de tal manera que la convergència a zero de la trajectòria d'estat està assegurada tot i les saturacions i l'aparició de fallades. A més, es mostra que és possible obtenir garanties sobre el retard tolerat entre l'aparició d'una fallada i el seu aïllament, i que el controlador nominal es pot dissenyar maximitzant el retard tolerat

    Fault detection in trajectory tracking of wheeled mobile robots

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    The problem of fault detection in nonlinear systems with application to trajectory tracking of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots (WMRs) is addressed in this thesis. For the considered application, a nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot--having nonlinear kinematics--is required to follow a predefined smooth trajectory (in the absence of obstacles in the environment). This goal has to be accomplished despite the presence of faults that may occur in two of its major subsystems which are vital for navigation, namely the driving subsystem and the steering subsystem. These faults are assumed to be caused by actuator faults in either of these two subsystems. The problem addressed here is to detect the presence of faults and to determine the subsystem which has been affected by these faults. Toward this end, two different fault detection approaches are proposed and investigated. The first approach is based on system identification through Extended Kalman Filters (EKF) whereas the second one is based on system identification via artificial neural networks. In the former approach a novel method for residual generation is proposed while in the latter by utilizing the neural network's formal stability properties the desired performance can be guaranteed. Each of the proposed fault detection methods is studied subject to two different kinds of controllers (namely a dynamic linear controller and a dynamic feedback linearization based controller) and two different types of actuator faults (namely the Loss-of-Effectiveness fault and Locked-In-Place fault). In this way, the impact of the controller strategy on the fault detection approach is also investigated and evaluated

    Observer based active fault tolerant control of descriptor systems

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    The active fault tolerant control (AFTC) uses the information provided by fault detection and fault diagnosis (FDD) or fault estimation (FE) systems offering an opportunity to improve the safety, reliability and survivability for complex modern systems. However, in the majority of the literature the roles of FDD/FE and reconfigurable control are described as separate design issues often using a standard state space (i.e. non-descriptor) system model approach. These separate FDD/FE and reconfigurable control designs may not achieve desired stability and robustness performance when combined within a closed-loop system.This work describes a new approach to the integration of FE and fault compensation as a form of AFTC within the context of a descriptor system rather than standard state space system. The proposed descriptor system approach has an integrated controller and observer design strategy offering better design flexibility compared with the equivalent approach using a standard state space system. An extended state observer (ESO) is developed to achieve state and fault estimation based on a joint linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach to pole-placement and H∞ optimization to minimize the effects of bounded exogenous disturbance and modelling uncertainty. A novel proportional derivative (PD)-ESO is introduced to achieve enhanced estimation performance, making use of the additional derivative gain. The proposed approaches are evaluated using a common numerical example adapted from the recent literature and the simulation results demonstrate clearly the feasibility and power of the integrated estimation and control AFTC strategy. The proposed AFTC design strategy is extended to an LPV descriptor system framework as a way of dealing with the robustness and stability of the system with bounded parameter variations arising from the non-linear system, where a numerical example demonstrates the feasibility of the use of the PD-ESO for FE and compensation integrated within the AFTC system.A non-linear offshore wind turbine benchmark system is studied as an application of the proposed design strategy. The proposed AFTC scheme uses the existing industry standard wind turbine generator angular speed reference control system as a “baseline” control within the AFTC scheme. The simulation results demonstrate the added value of the new AFTC system in terms of good fault tolerance properties, compared with the existing baseline system

    Advanced Fault Diagnosis and Health Monitoring Techniques for Complex Engineering Systems

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    Over the last few decades, the field of fault diagnostics and structural health management has been experiencing rapid developments. The reliability, availability, and safety of engineering systems can be significantly improved by implementing multifaceted strategies of in situ diagnostics and prognostics. With the development of intelligence algorithms, smart sensors, and advanced data collection and modeling techniques, this challenging research area has been receiving ever-increasing attention in both fundamental research and engineering applications. This has been strongly supported by the extensive applications ranging from aerospace, automotive, transport, manufacturing, and processing industries to defense and infrastructure industries

    Sensor Fault Detection and Isolation Using System Dynamics Identification Techniques.

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    A sensor, generally composed of a power supply, a sensing device, a transducer, and a signal processor, behaves like any other dynamic system. A damage in any of its components can cause unexpected deviations in the sensor measurements from the actual values. Due to its increasing importance in system diagnosis and controls, a faulty sensor may lead to a process shut down or even a fatal accident in safety-critical systems. One of the the challenge is to detect and isolate a fault in the sensor from one in the monitored system once abnormal behaviors are observed in the measurements. This work first tackles such a challenge in a single-input-single-output system by tracking the dynamic response and the associated gain factor of the sensor and the monitored system. Inspired by the fact that sensor measurements depict the dynamics of the monitored plant and the sensor, a subspace identification approach is proposed to detect, isolate, and accommodate a sensor failure under regular operation conditions without additional hardware components. In order to deal with the increased complexity in a multiple-input-multiple-output system, an approach is then proposed to identify the underlying relations in a nonlinear dynamic system with a set of linear models, each capturing the system dynamics in the representative operating regime. Evaluated based on the minimum description length principle, the proposed approach identifies the most correlated system inputs for the target output and the associated model structure using genetic algorithm. An approach is finally developed to detect and isolate sensor faults and air leaks in a diesel engine air path system, a highly dynamic multiple-input-multiple-output system. The proposed approach utilizes analytical redundancies among the intake air mass flow rates and the pressures in the boost and intake manifolds. Without the need for a complete model of the target system, fault detectors are constructed in this work using the growing structure multiple model system identification algorithm. Given the addition information on operation regime from the identified model, the proposed approach evaluates both the global and local properties of the generated residuals to detect and isolate the potential sensor and system faults.Ph.D.Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89790/1/jiangli_1.pd

    Proceedings - 30. Workshop Computational Intelligence : Berlin, 26. - 27. November 2020

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    Dieser Tagungsband enthält die Beiträge des 30. Workshops Computational Intelligence. Die Schwerpunkte sind Methoden, Anwendungen und Tools für Fuzzy-Systeme, Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen und Data-Mining-Verfahren sowie der Methodenvergleich anhand von industriellen und Benchmark-Problemen