73 research outputs found

    Coherence and Reliability in Judicial Reasoning

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    The reliability, validity, and accuracy of self-reported absenteeism from work: a meta-analysis

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    Because of a variety of access limitations, self-reported absenteeism from work is often employed in research concerning health, organizational behavior, and economics, and it is ubiquitous in large scale population surveys in these domains. Several well established cognitive and social-motivational biases suggest that self-reports of absence will exhibit convergent validity with records-based measures but that people will tend to underreport the behavior. We used meta-analysis to summarize the reliability, validity, and accuracy of absence self-reports. The results suggested that self-reports of absenteeism offer adequate test–retest reliability and that they exhibit reasonably good rank order convergence with organizational records. However, people have a decided tendency to underreport their absenteeism, although such underreporting has decreased over time. Also, self-reports were more accurate when sickness absence rather than absence for any reason was probed. It is concluded that self-reported absenteeism might serve as a valid measure in some correlational research designs. However, when accurate knowledge of absolute absenteeism levels is essential, the tendency to underreport could result in flawed policy decisions

    Semantics without Toil? Brady and Rush Meet Halldén

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    The present discussion takes up an issue raised in Section 5 of Ross Brady and Penelope Rush’s paper ‘Four Basic Logical Issues’ concerning the (claimed) triviality – in the sense of automatic availability – of soundness and completeness results for a logic in a metalanguage employing at least as much logical vocabulary as the object logic, where the metalogical behaviour of the common logical vocabulary is as in the object logic. We shall see – in Propositions 4.5–4.7 – that this triviality claim faces difficulties in the face of HalldĂ©n incompleteness, for essentially the same reasons that HalldĂ©n thought this phenomenon raised seman- tic difficulties for the modal logics of C. I. Lewis exhibiting it. To counter any inclination to dismiss the phenomenon as providing at best a marginal range of counterexamples to the triviality claim, a Postscript assembles some reminders of the extent of – and the varied considerations favouring – HalldĂ©n incompleteness

    Lower secondary school students’ reasoning about compound probability in spinner tasks

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    In this paper we investigate the different ways in which students in lower secondary school (14–15 year-olds) reason about compound stochastic events (CSE). We ask students during clinical interviews to respond to CSE-tasks in a spinner context, where two linked spinners display equal or different sizes of red and white areas. We seek to enrich our knowledge of how students make sense of CSE by not focusing exclusively on sample-space grounded reasoning. We open up the analysis to how students’ reasoning can reflect aspects of multiplicative reasoning in relation to The Product Law of Probability. Our results show that students have difficulty in applying well-grounded combinatorial reasoning as well as multiplicative reasoning to the tasks, but they do show intuitive reasoning that reflect aspects of The Product Law of Probability. Two ways of reasoning identified in the current study are area-based part-whole reasoning and lowest-chance reasoning.publishedVersionUnit Licence Agreemen

    Virtual Reality training for patients with non-specific persistent low back pain and pain-related fear of movement: A single-subject experimental study

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2019-10-15Introduction: Non-specific persistent low back pain is one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal conditions in modern society. A growing body of evidence shows graded exposure therapy is the most preferable treatment to target pain-related fear of movement. However, graded exposure therapy has some limitations, e.g. low patient preference and high drop-out rates. Therefore, the emerging nature of Virtual Reality (VR) provides an interesting medium to investigate whether pain and pain-related fear can be targeted through graded exposure using immersive virtual environments. Method: In a sequential replicated and randomized single-subject experimental design with multiple measurements, 10 patients with non-specific persistent low back pain had a 35-day intervention with 6 to 9 VR training sessions. Primary outcome measures (measured daily) were pain intensity, pain-related fear of movement, pain catastrophization and pain anxiety symptoms, while secondary outcome measures (measured pre- and post-intervention) were related to disability and activities of daily life. Results: VR training resulted in a statistically significant reduction of pain intensity, painrelated fear of movement, pain catastrophizing, and pain anxiety. Clinically relevant improvements were observed for disability. Conclusion/Future implications: There is a need to reduce the costs and suffering caused by persistent low back pain. VR may provide opportunities to exercise in specifically tailored virtual environments, with the goal of achieving meaningful and valued life-activities in an engaging fashion. However, the technology is only in its infancy, and thus, opportunities and challenges with implementation must be further investigated. Finally, given the nature of the present study design, the results cannot be generalized to a larger population, and therefore, further research involving rigorous trial designs (randomised controlled trial) is also warranted.Introduksjon: Langvarige korsryggsmerter er blant de mest prevalente muskel- og skjelettplagene i det moderne samfunnet. Stadig mer forskning viser at smerte-relatert frykt for bevegelse kan opprettholde funksjonstap hos mange ryggpasienter, og at gradvis eksponeringsterapi er blant de mest effektive behandlingsmetodene. Men gradvis eksponeringsterapi har begrensninger som bl.a. lav pasient-preferanse og hÞy drop-out rate. PÄ bakgrunn av den nylige teknologiske utviklingen av Virtual Reality (VR), Äpnes det utforskning av effekten av gradvis eksponeringstrening for ryggpasienter i ulike virtuelle miljÞ. Metode: I et sekvensielt replisert, randomisert singel-subjekt eksperimentelt design med gjentatte mÄlinger, gjennomgikk 10 ryggpasienter en 35-dagers intervensjon som bestod av et minimum av 6 VR-treninger og maksimum av 9 VR-treninger. PrimÊre utfallsmÄl bestod av smerteintensitet, smerte-relatert frykt, katastrofetanker og angst for smerte, mens sekundÊre utfallsmÄl mÄlte endringer i funksjonsnivÄ og aktiviteter i dagliglivet. Resultater: Studien viste at VR-trening hadde en statistisk signifikant effekt pÄ smerteintensitet, smerte-relatert frykt, katastrofetanker og angst for smerte. Klinisk relevante endringer ble observert for endringer i funksjonsnivÄ. Konklusjon/Fremtidige implikasjoner: Det er et stort behov for Ä redusere kostnader og lidelse forbundet med ryggsmerter. Tilpasset trening i ulike virtuelle miljÞ i VR bÞr undersÞkes nÊrmere ettersom det fremstÄr som et motiverende og kostnadseffektivt hjelpemiddel for bruk i fysioterapipraksis. Men teknologien er fortsatt i utviklingsstadiet, og det trengs fortsatt oversikt over muligheter og utfordringer ved implementering. Forskerne i denne studien anerkjenner at resultatene av studien ikke kan generaliseres til en stÞrre populasjon grunnet studiedesign, og at det er behov for studier randomiserte kontrollerte studier pÄ dette feltet.Masteroppgave i fysioterapivitenskapFYST39

    An epistemic interpretation of paraconsistent weak Kleene logic

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    This paper extends Fitting’s epistemic interpretation of some Kleene logics to also account for Paraconsistent Weak Kleene logic. To achieve this goal, a dualization of Fitting’s “cut-down” operator is discussed, leading to the definition of a “track-down” operator later used to represent the idea that no consistent opinion can arise from a set including an inconsistent opinion. It is shown that, if some reasonable assumptions are made, the truth-functions of Paraconsistent Weak Kleene coincide with certain operations defined in this track-down fashion. Finally, further reflections on conjunction and disjunction in the weak Kleene logics accompany this paper, particularly concerning their relation with containment logics. These considerations motivate a special approach to defining sound and complete Gentzen-style sequent calculi for some of their four-valued generalizations.Fil: Szmuc, DamiĂĄn Enrique. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de FilosofĂ­a y Letras; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones FilosĂłficas. - Sociedad Argentina de AnĂĄlisis FilosĂłfico. Instituto de Investigaciones FilosĂłficas; Argentin
