69 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering

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    These are the online proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering (WITMSE), which was held in the Trippenhuis, Amsterdam, in August 2012

    Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering (WITMSE-2012)

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    Information theoretic refinement criteria for image synthesis

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    Aquest treball està enmarcat en el context de gràfics per computador partint de la intersecció de tres camps: rendering, teoria de la informació, i complexitat.Inicialment, el concepte de complexitat d'una escena es analitzat considerant tres perspectives des d'un punt de vista de la visibilitat geomètrica: complexitat en un punt interior, complexitat d'una animació, i complexitat d'una regió. L'enfoc principal d'aquesta tesi és l'exploració i desenvolupament de nous criteris de refinament pel problema de la il·luminació global. Mesures de la teoria de la informació basades en la entropia de Shannon i en la entropia generalitzada de Harvda-Charvát-Tsallis, conjuntament amb les f-divergències, són analitzades com a nuclis del refinement. Mostrem com ens aporten una rica varietat d'eficients i altament discriminatòries mesures que són aplicables al rendering en els seus enfocs de pixel-driven (ray-tracing) i object-space (radiositat jeràrquica).Primerament, basat en la entropia de Shannon, es defineixen un conjunt de mesures de qualitat i contrast del pixel. S'apliquen al supersampling en ray-tracing com a criteris de refinement, obtenint un algorisme nou de sampleig adaptatiu basat en entropia, amb un alt rati de qualitat versus cost. En segon lloc, basat en la entropia generalitzada de Harvda-Charvát-Tsallis, i en la informació mutua generalitzada, es defineixen tres nous criteris de refinament per la radiositat jeràrquica. En correspondencia amb tres enfocs clàssics, es presenten els oracles basats en la informació transportada, el suavitzat de la informació, i la informació mutua, amb resultats molt significatius per aquest darrer. Finalment, tres membres de la familia de les f-divergències de Csiszár's (divergències de Kullback-Leibler, chi-square, and Hellinger) son analitzats com a criteris de refinament mostrant bons resultats tant pel ray-tracing com per la radiositat jeràrquica.This work is framed within the context of computer graphics starting out from the intersection of three fields: rendering, information theory, and complexity.Initially, the concept of scene complexity is analysed considering three perspectives from a geometric visibility point of view: complexity at an interior point, complexity of an animation, and complexity of a region. The main focus of this dissertation is the exploration and development of new refinement criteria for the global illumination problem. Information-theoretic measures based on Shannon entropy and Harvda-Charvát-Tsallis generalised entropy, together with f-divergences, are analysed as kernels of refinement. We show how they give us a rich variety of efficient and highly discriminative measures which are applicable to rendering in its pixel-driven (ray-tracing) and object-space (hierarchical radiosity) approaches.Firstly, based on Shannon entropy, a set of pixel quality and pixel contrast measures are defined. They are applied to supersampling in ray-tracing as refinement criteria, obtaining a new entropy-based adaptive sampling algorithm with a high rate quality versus cost. Secondly, based on Harvda-Charvát-Tsallis generalised entropy, and generalised mutual information, three new refinement criteria are defined for hierarchical radiosity. In correspondence with three classic approaches, oracles based on transported information, information smoothness, and mutual information are presented, with very significant results for the latter. And finally, three members of the family of Csiszár's f-divergences (Kullback-Leibler, chi-square, and Hellinger divergences) are analysed as refinement criteria showing good results for both ray-tracing and hierarchical radiosity

    Proceedings of the Sixth Russian-Finnish Symposium on Discrete Mathematics

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    Learning to Behave: Internalising Knowledge

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    Improvements on Device Independent and Semi-Device Independent Protocols of Randomness Expansion

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    To generate genuine random numbers, random number generators based on quantum theory are essential. However, ensuring that the process used to produce randomness meets desired security standards can pose challenges for traditional quantum random number generators. This thesis delves into Device Independent (DI) and Semi-Device Independent (semi-DI) protocols of randomness expansion, based on a minimal set of experimentally verifiable security assumptions. The security in DI protocols relies on the violation of Bell inequalities, which certify the quantum behavior of devices. The semi-DI protocols discussed in this thesis require the characterization of only one device - a power meter. These protocols exploit the fact that quantum states can be prepared such that they cannot be distinguished with certainty, thereby creating a randomness resource. In this study, we introduce enhanced DI and semi-DI protocols that surpass existing ones in terms of output randomness rate, security, or in some instances, both. Our analysis employs the Entropy Accumulation Theorem (EAT) to determine the extractable randomness for finite rounds. A notable contribution is the introduction of randomness expansion protocols that recycle input randomness, significantly enhancing finite round randomness rates for DI protocols based on the CHSH inequality violation. In the final section of the thesis, we delve into Generalized Probability Theories (GPTs), with a focus on Boxworld, the largest GPT capable of producing correlations consistent with relativity. A tractable criterion for identifying a Boxworld channel is presented

    Quantum algorithms for quantum many-body systems and small quantum computers

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    On semiparametric regression and data mining

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    Semiparametric regression is playing an increasingly large role in the analysis of datasets exhibiting various complications (Ruppert, Wand & Carroll, 2003). In particular semiparametric regression a plays prominent role in the area of data mining where such complications are numerous (Hastie, Tibshirani & Friedman, 2001). In this thesis we develop fast, interpretable methods addressing many of the difficulties associated with data mining applications including: model selection, missing value analysis, outliers and heteroscedastic noise. We focus on function estimation using penalised splines via mixed model methodology (Wahba 1990; Speed 1991; Ruppert et al. 2003). In dealing with the difficulties associated with data mining applications many of the models we consider deviate from typical normality assumptions. These models lead to likelihoods involving analytically intractable integrals. Thus, in keeping with the aim of speed, we seek analytic approximations to such integrals which are typically faster than numeric alternatives. These analytic approximations not only include popular penalised quasi-likelihood (PQL) approximations (Breslow & Clayton, 1993) but variational approximations. Originating in physics, variational approximations are a relatively new class of approximations (to statistics) which are simple, fast, flexible and effective. They have recently been applied to statistical problems in machine learning where they are rapidly gaining popularity (Jordan, Ghahramani, Jaakkola & Sau11999; Corduneanu & Bishop, 2001; Ueda & Ghahramani, 2002; Bishop & Winn, 2003; Winn & Bishop 2005). We develop variational approximations to: generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs); Bayesian GLMMs; simple missing values models; and for outlier and heteroscedastic noise models, which are, to the best of our knowledge, new. These methods are quite effective and extremely fast, with fitting taking minutes if not seconds on a typical 2008 computer. We also make a contribution to variational methods themselves. Variational approximations often underestimate the variance of posterior densities in Bayesian models (Humphreys & Titterington, 2000; Consonni & Marin, 2004; Wang & Titterington, 2005). We develop grid-based variational posterior approximations. These approximations combine a sequence of variational posterior approximations, can be extremely accurate and are reasonably fast