11 research outputs found

    Towards a Physical Quantitative Assessment of Model-Based PolSAR Decompositions

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    Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Science and Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry (POLinSAR'2019), Frascati, Italia.We claim that there still remain some open issues regarding the quantitative assessment of model-based PolSAR decomposition. The performance analysis for real data is hampered by the usual unavailability of the corresponding ground-truth data for comparison. In addition, due to modelling issues there appear some parameters whose validation and interpretation are subject to a high ambiguity, as it is the case of vegetation orientation and randomness. The questions that remain to be answered are: What is the actual role of them? Can we assign them a consistent physical interpretation or are they acting just as fitting parameters?Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Agencia Española de Investigación (AEI) y Fondos FEDR. Proyecto TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P

    Modifying the Yamaguchi Four-Component Decomposition Scattering Powers Using a Stochastic Distance

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    Model-based decompositions have gained considerable attention after the initial work of Freeman and Durden. This decomposition which assumes the target to be reflection symmetric was later relaxed in the Yamaguchi et al. decomposition with the addition of the helix parameter. Since then many decomposition have been proposed where either the scattering model was modified to fit the data or the coherency matrix representing the second order statistics of the full polarimetric data is rotated to fit the scattering model. In this paper we propose to modify the Yamaguchi four-component decomposition (Y4O) scattering powers using the concept of statistical information theory for matrices. In order to achieve this modification we propose a method to estimate the polarization orientation angle (OA) from full-polarimetric SAR images using the Hellinger distance. In this method, the OA is estimated by maximizing the Hellinger distance between the un-rotated and the rotated T33T_{33} and the T22T_{22} components of the coherency matrix [T]\mathbf{[T]}. Then, the powers of the Yamaguchi four-component model-based decomposition (Y4O) are modified using the maximum relative stochastic distance between the T33T_{33} and the T22T_{22} components of the coherency matrix at the estimated OA. The results show that the overall double-bounce powers over rotated urban areas have significantly improved with the reduction of volume powers. The percentage of pixels with negative powers have also decreased from the Y4O decomposition. The proposed method is both qualitatively and quantitatively compared with the results obtained from the Y4O and the Y4R decompositions for a Radarsat-2 C-band San-Francisco dataset and an UAVSAR L-band Hayward dataset.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE J-STARS (IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

    Understanding of crop lodging induced changes in scattering mechanisms using RADERSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 derived metrics

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    Abstract. Crop lodging – the bending of crop stems from the vertical – is a major yield-reducing factor in cereal crops and causes deterioration in grain quality. Accurate assessment of crop lodging is important for improving estimates of crop yield losses, informing insurance loss adjusters and influencing management decisions for subsequent seasons. The role of remote sensing data, particularly synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data has been emphasized in the recent literature for crop lodging assessment. However, the effect of lodging on SAR scattering mechanisms is still unknown. Therefore, this research aims to understand the possible change in scattering mechanisms due to lodging by investigating SAR image pairs before and after lodging. We conducted the study in 26 wheat fields in the Bonifiche Ferraresi farm, located in Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Italy. We measured temporal crop biophysical (e.g. crop angle) parameters and acquired multi-incidence angle RADARSAT-2 (R-2 FQ8-27° and R-2 FQ21-41°) and Sentinel-1 (S-1 40°) images corresponding to the time of field observations. We extracted metrics of SAR scattering mechanisms from RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 image pairs in different zones using the unsupervised H/α decomposition algorithm and Wishart classifier. Contrasting results were obtained at different incidence angles. Bragg surface scattering increased in the case of S-1 (6.8%), R-2 FQ8 (1.8%) while at R-2 FQ21, it decreased (8%) after lodging. The change in double bounce scattering was more prominent at low incidence angle. These observations can guide future use of SAR-based information for operational crop lodging assessment in particular, and sustainable agriculture in general

    Disaster debris estimation using high-resolution polarimetric stereo-SAR

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    AbstractThis paper addresses the problem of debris estimation which is one of the most important initial challenges in the wake of a disaster like the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Reasonable estimates of the debris have to be made available to decision makers as quickly as possible. Current approaches to obtain this information are far from being optimal as they usually rely on manual interpretation of optical imagery. We have developed a novel approach for the estimation of tsunami debris pile heights and volumes for improved emergency response. The method is based on a stereo-synthetic aperture radar (stereo-SAR) approach for very high-resolution polarimetric SAR. An advanced gradient-based optical-flow estimation technique is applied for optimal image coregistration of the low-coherence non-interferometric data resulting from the illumination from opposite directions and in different polarizations. By applying model based decomposition of the coherency matrix, only the odd bounce scattering contributions are used to optimize echo time computation. The method exclusively considers the relative height differences from the top of the piles to their base to achieve a very fine resolution in height estimation. To define the base, a reference point on non-debris-covered ground surface is located adjacent to the debris pile targets by exploiting the polarimetric scattering information. The proposed technique is validated using in situ data of real tsunami debris taken on a temporary debris management site in the tsunami affected area near Sendai city, Japan. The estimated height error is smaller than 0.6m RMSE. The good quality of derived pile heights allows for a voxel-based estimation of debris volumes with a RMSE of 1099m3. Advantages of the proposed method are fast computation time, and robust height and volume estimation of debris piles without the need for pre-event data or auxiliary information like DEM, topographic maps or GCPs

    On the Use of Generalized Volume Scattering Models for the Improvement of General Polarimetric Model-Based Decomposition

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    Recently, a general polarimetric model-based decomposition framework was proposed by Chen et al., which addresses several well-known limitations in previous decomposition methods and implements a simultaneous full-parameter inversion by using complete polarimetric information. However, it only employs four typical models to characterize the volume scattering component, which limits the parameter inversion performance. To overcome this issue, this paper presents two general polarimetric model-based decomposition methods by incorporating the generalized volume scattering model (GVSM) or simplified adaptive volume scattering model, (SAVSM) proposed by Antropov et al. and Huang et al., respectively, into the general decomposition framework proposed by Chen et al. By doing so, the final volume coherency matrix structure is selected from a wide range of volume scattering models within a continuous interval according to the data itself without adding unknowns. Moreover, the new approaches rely on one nonlinear optimization stage instead of four as in the previous method proposed by Chen et al. In addition, the parameter inversion procedure adopts the modified algorithm proposed by Xie et al. which leads to higher accuracy and more physically reliable output parameters. A number of Monte Carlo simulations of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) data are carried out and show that the proposed method with GVSM yields an overall improvement in the final accuracy of estimated parameters and outperforms both the version using SAVSM and the original approach. In addition, C-band Radarsat-2 and L-band AIRSAR fully polarimetric images over the San Francisco region are also used for testing purposes. A detailed comparison and analysis of decomposition results over different land-cover types are conducted. According to this study, the use of general decomposition models leads to a more accurate quantitative retrieval of target parameters. However, there exists a trade-off between parameter accuracy and model complexity which constrains the physical validity of solutions and must be further investigated.This work was supported in part by National Nature Science Foundation of China under Grant 41531068, 41371335, 41671356 and 41274010, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and EU FEDER under Project TIN2014-55413-C2-2-P, and China Scholarship Council under Grant 201406370079

    Application Of Polarimetric SAR For Surface Parameter Inversion And Land Cover Mapping Over Agricultural Areas

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    In this thesis, novel methodology is developed to extract surface parameters under vegetation cover and to map crop types, from the polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) images over agricultural areas. The extracted surface parameters provide crucial information for monitoring crop growth, nutrient release efficiency, water capacity, and crop production. To estimate surface parameters, it is essential to remove the volume scattering caused by the crop canopy, which makes developing an efficient volume scattering model very critical. In this thesis, a simplified adaptive volume scattering model (SAVSM) is developed to describe the vegetation scattering as crop changes over time through considering the probability density function of the crop orientation. The SAVSM achieved the best performance in fields of wheat, soybean and corn at various growth stages being in convert with the crop phenological development compared with current models that are mostly suitable for forest canopy. To remove the volume scattering component, in this thesis, an adaptive two-component model-based decomposition (ATCD) was developed, in which the surface scattering is a X-Bragg scattering, whereas the volume scattering is the SAVSM. The volumetric soil moisture derived from the ATCD is more consistent with the verifiable ground conditions compared with other model-based decomposition methods with its RMSE improved significantly decreasing from 19 [vol.%] to 7 [vol.%]. However, the estimation by the ATCD is biased when the measured soil moisture is greater than 30 [vol.%]. To overcome this issue, in this thesis, an integrated surface parameter inversion scheme (ISPIS) is proposed, in which a calibrated Integral Equation Model together with the SAVSM is employed. The derived soil moisture and surface roughness are more consistent with verifiable observations with the overall RMSE of 6.12 [vol.%] and 0.48, respectively

    Land cover and forest mapping in boreal zone using polarimetric and interferometric SAR data

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    Remote sensing offers a wide range of instruments suitable to meet the growing need for consistent, timely and cost-effective monitoring of land cover and forested areas. One of the most important instruments is synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology, where transfer of advanced SAR imaging techniques from mostly experimental small test-area studies to satellites enables improvements in remote assessment of land cover on a global scale. Globally, forests are very suitable for remote sensing applications due to their large dimensions and relatively poor accessibility in distant areas. In this thesis, several methods were developed utilizing Earth observation data collected using such advanced SAR techniques, as well as their application potential was assessed. The focus was on use of SAR polarimetry and SAR interferometry to improve performance and robustness in assessment of land cover and forest properties in the boreal zone. Particular advances were achieved in land cover classification and estimating several key forest variables, such as forest stem volume and forest tree height. Important results reported in this thesis include: improved polarimetric SAR model-based decomposition approach suitable for use in boreal forest at L-band; development and demonstration of normalization method for fully polarimetric SAR mosaics, resulting in improved classification performance and suitable for wide-area mapping purposes; establishing new inversion procedure for robust forest stem volume retrieval from SAR data; developing semi-empirical method and demonstrating potential for soil type separation (mineral soil, peatland) under forested areas with L-band polarimetric SAR; developing and demonstrating methodology for simultaneous retrieval of forest tree height and radiowave attenuation in forest layer from inter-ferometric SAR data, resulting in improved accuracy and more stable estimation of forest tree height