57,856 research outputs found

    How does prior lucky event affect individual’s risk taking preference?

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    We conducted a controlled experiment with Philippines domestic helpers and Lingnan undergraduate students to study if prior “lucky” event will increase their risk-taking behaviour. The major finding from our study is that prior lucky events do increase risk-taking behaviour among Philippines domestic helpers but not for students. Our study also found out that there are inconsistent behaviour of interviewees while choosing for options indicating their risk preference and this degree of inconsistency is greater among the Philippines group compared to the students group

    Motivations of Americans to be Fans of Non-U.S. Sports Teams

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    This research was conducted to gain a better understanding of why American sports fans chose to follow international teams and how they consumed the international sports product. The results provided can assist sports marketers learn about the various ways to expand their business internationally and the key factors that most influence non-domestic fans. By understanding fan motivations in an international context, marketers can more effectively execute their business plans when trying to sell in foreign markets. Previous information was gathered regarding fan motivations and behavior, but little was known about fandom abroad. The data were measured through a 13 question survey and randomly sent out to a sample of 1500 students at a northeastern college in the United States. The 29 complete responses were statistically analyzed and used to develop results. From the analyses, the top three most influential factors motivating Americans to follow international sports were: influence of a star player or coach, the location of the team and the league in which they play in. These three factors were the primary reasons why individuals chose to become fans of certain teams and should be utilized in international sports sales/marketing strategies

    Visual Representations of Gender and Computing in Consumer and Professional Magazines

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    Studies in the nineteen-eighties showed that advertising images of computers were gendered, with women relatively less represented, and shown with less empowered roles, problems or presented as sexual objects. This paper uses a mix of content and interpretative analysis to analyse current imagery in consumerist and professional society publications. It reveals the present variation and complexity of the iconography of computers and people across different domains of representation, with the continuation of gender bias in subtle forms

    A 'manual on masculinity'? The consumption and use of mediated images of masculinity among teenage boys in Ireland

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    Most of the research on masculinity in Ireland stresses the influences of family, work and education in the construction of gender (Ferguson, 1998; Ferguson and Synott, 1995; Ferguson and Reynolds, 2001; McKeown et al., 1998, Owens, 2000). Although the impact of the entertainment media is regularly alluded to, there is a dearth of empirical work in this area. While it is generally agreed that mediated images play a highly influential role in young people's lives, both the nature and the scope of this influence remain unclear in the absence of concrete ethnographies of reception. This paper discusses the findings of a quantitative and qualitative investigation into Irish male teenagers’ consumption and reception of a broad range of media texts and discusses these findings in relation to the relevant literature. It points to the shortcomings of both 'hypodermic needle' theories, which claim direct media influence, and of some active audience theories, which posit consumers as impervious to ideological influence. Contrary to popular discourses which frame the media as an autonomous, regressive force that lags behind a more progressive reality, the findings presented here suggest that mediated fictions are part of wider 'gender scripts' (Nixon, 1996) that both inform and are informed by the social structures within which (male) viewers are immersed

    POLIS media and family report

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    At home with the future : influences on young children's early experiences with digital technologies

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    Early years curricula encourage practitioners to build on children's home experiences. Research into the kinds of activities that young children engage in at home and considerations of how to link these to their experiences in pre-school settings can therefore make an important contribution to practice. This chapter, which draws on studies investigating young children's home experiences with digital technologies, seeks to identify some of the key factors that influence the nature and extent of these experiences. Although digital divides - reflecting classic social divisions of economic status, gender and ethnicity - have been extensively explored in order to understand the causes of inequalities in access to digital technologies, our research concluded that parental attitudes towards these technologies are more influential than economic disadvantage in determining young children's experiences. To explore this issue in greater detail, we have drawn on the concept of prolepsis, a key influence on parents' interactions with their children deriving from the projection of their memories of their own idealised past into the children's futures (Cole, 1996). Parents' assumptions, values and expectations are influenced by their past experiences, enacted in the present, and are then carried by their children into the future as they move from home to formal education. We argue that prolepsis has powerful explanatory force for understanding the kinds of decisions parents make about activities such as the extent to which children engage in technological play

    You are what you play?: a quantitative study into game design preferences across gender and their interaction with gaming habits

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    Gaming is rapidly gaining popularity as a pastime among women. One explanation for this could be the industry targeting female gamers through specific ‘girl game’ releases. This could imply that there are a priori differences in game design preferences between female and male gamers. The purpose of the present study is to explore these differences to see whether there is a mediating effect of previous experience with certain game genres on subsequent design preferences of male and female gamers. More particularly, we distinguish between ‘core’ genre players (CP) and ‘non-core’ genre players (NCP). By means of a 2*2 ANOVA design using an online survey, we examine the main effects of gender, core genre players (CP/NCP) and the interaction effects between both independent variables. The results show that game preferences of male CP, female CP and male NCP are generally in line with one another whereas those of female NCP differ significantly

    Television sport in the age of screens and content

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    The death of television has been long predicated in the digital age, yet it remains a powerful mediator of live sports. This article focuses on football and examines the implications for the sport of the move to an age of screens and content. These may be large screens in public places or in our homes or those at work or smaller screens carried in the palm of our hands, but what we use them for, how content gets onto those screens, and the implications for sports and sports fans remain compelling questions in the digital age. The article argues that through reflecting on major media sport events such as the FIFA World Cup, we see patterns of continuity in the role played by television as well as evidence of change

    Fair Use and the Fairer Sex: Gender, Feminism, and Copyright Law

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    Copyright laws are written and enforced to help certain groups of people assert and retain control over the resources generated by creative productivity. Because those people are predominantly male, the copyright infrastructure plays a role, largely unexamined by legal scholars, in helping to sustain the material and economic inequality between women and men. This essay considers some of the ways in which gender issues and copyright laws intersect, proposes a feminist critique of the copyright legal regime which advocates low levels of copyright protections, and asserts the importance of considering the social and economic disparities between women and men when evaluating the impacts and performance of intellectual property laws
