33 research outputs found

    Factored particle filtering with dependent and constrained partition dynamics for tracking deformable objects

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    In particle filtering, dimensionality of the state space can be reduced by tracking control (or feature) points as independent objects, which are traditionally named as partitions. Two critical decisions have to be made in implementation of reduced state-space dimensionality. First is how to construct a dynamic (transition) model for partitions that are inherently dependent. Second critical decision is how to filter partition states such that a viable and likely object state is achieved. In this study, we present a correlation-based transition model and a proposal function that incorporate partition dependency in particle filtering in a computationally tractable manner. We test our algorithm on challenging examples of occlusion, clutter and drastic changes in relative speeds of partitions. Our successful results with as low as 10 particles per partition indicate that the proposed algorithm is both robust and efficient.This research is part of project "Expression Recognition based on Facial Anatomy", grant number 109E061, supported by The Support Programme for Scientific and Technological Research Projects of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). In comparative evaluation of the tracking algorithms we utilized the SPOT tracking code that was made publicly available by researchers Lu Zhang and Laurens van der Maaten. A special thanks to Fish Species who generously provided the high definition aquarium videos used in our experiments (http://www.fish-species.org.uk)Publisher's VersionAuthor Post Prin

    Machine Analysis of Facial Expressions

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    Machine Analysis of Facial Expressions

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    Unobtrusive and pervasive video-based eye-gaze tracking

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    Eye-gaze tracking has long been considered a desktop technology that finds its use inside the traditional office setting, where the operating conditions may be controlled. Nonetheless, recent advancements in mobile technology and a growing interest in capturing natural human behaviour have motivated an emerging interest in tracking eye movements within unconstrained real-life conditions, referred to as pervasive eye-gaze tracking. This critical review focuses on emerging passive and unobtrusive video-based eye-gaze tracking methods in recent literature, with the aim to identify different research avenues that are being followed in response to the challenges of pervasive eye-gaze tracking. Different eye-gaze tracking approaches are discussed in order to bring out their strengths and weaknesses, and to identify any limitations, within the context of pervasive eye-gaze tracking, that have yet to be considered by the computer vision community.peer-reviewe

    Timing is everything: A spatio-temporal approach to the analysis of facial actions

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    This thesis presents a fully automatic facial expression analysis system based on the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). FACS is the best known and the most commonly used system to describe facial activity in terms of facial muscle actions (i.e., action units, AUs). We will present our research on the analysis of the morphological, spatio-temporal and behavioural aspects of facial expressions. In contrast with most other researchers in the field who use appearance based techniques, we use a geometric feature based approach. We will argue that that approach is more suitable for analysing facial expression temporal dynamics. Our system is capable of explicitly exploring the temporal aspects of facial expressions from an input colour video in terms of their onset (start), apex (peak) and offset (end). The fully automatic system presented here detects 20 facial points in the first frame and tracks them throughout the video. From the tracked points we compute geometry-based features which serve as the input to the remainder of our systems. The AU activation detection system uses GentleBoost feature selection and a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier to find which AUs were present in an expression. Temporal dynamics of active AUs are recognised by a hybrid GentleBoost-SVM-Hidden Markov model classifier. The system is capable of analysing 23 out of 27 existing AUs with high accuracy. The main contributions of the work presented in this thesis are the following: we have created a method for fully automatic AU analysis with state-of-the-art recognition results. We have proposed for the first time a method for recognition of the four temporal phases of an AU. We have build the largest comprehensive database of facial expressions to date. We also present for the first time in the literature two studies for automatic distinction between posed and spontaneous expressions

    Memory-Based Active Visual Search for Humanoid Robots

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    Ogni giorno milioni e milioni di videocamere monitorano la vita quotidiana delle persone, registrando e collezionando una grande quantit\ue0 di dati. Questi dati possono essere molto utili per scopi di video-sorveglianza: dalla rilevazione di comportamenti anomali all'analisi del traffico urbano nelle strade. Tuttavia i dati collezionati vengono usati raramente, in quanto non \ue8 pensabile che un operatore umano riesca a esaminare manualmente e prestare attenzione a una tale quantit\ue0 di dati simultaneamente. Per questo motivo, negli ultimi anni si \ue8 verificato un incremento della richiesta di strumenti per l'analisi automatica di dati acquisiti da sistemi di video-sorveglianza in modo da estrarre informazione di pi\uf9 alto livello (per esempio, John, Sam e Anne stanno camminando in gruppo al parco giochi vicino alla stazione) a partire dai dati a disposizione che sono solitamente a basso livello e ridondati (per esempio, una sequenza di immagini). L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi \ue8 quello di proporre soluzioni e algoritmi automatici che permettono di estrarre informazione ad alto livello da una zona di interesse che viene monitorata da telecamere. Cos\uec i dati sono rappresentati in modo da essere facilmente interpretabili e analizzabili da qualsiasi persona. In particolare, questo lavoro \ue8 focalizzato sull'analisi di persone e i loro comportamenti sociali collettivi. Il titolo della tesi, beyond multi-target tracking, evidenzia lo scopo del lavoro: tutti i metodi proposti in questa tesi che si andranno ad analizzare hanno come comune denominatore il target tracking. Inoltre andremo oltre le tecniche standard per arrivare a una rappresentazione del dato a pi\uf9 alto livello. Per prima cosa, analizzeremo il problema del target tracking in quanto \ue8 alle basi di questo lavoro. In pratica, target tracking significa stimare la posizione di ogni oggetto di interesse in un immagine e la sua traiettoria nel tempo. Analizzeremo il problema da due prospettive complementari: 1) il punto di vista ingegneristico, dove l'obiettivo \ue8 quello di creare algoritmi che ottengono i risultati migliori per il problema in esame. 2) Il punto di vista della neuroscienza: motivati dalle teorie che cercano di spiegare il funzionamento del sistema percettivo umano, proporremo in modello attenzionale per tracking e il riconoscimento di oggetti e persone. Il secondo problema che andremo a esplorare sar\ue0 l'estensione del tracking alla situazione dove pi\uf9 telecamere sono disponibili. L'obiettivo \ue8 quello di mantenere un identificatore univoco per ogni persona nell'intera rete di telecamere. In altre parole, si vuole riconoscere gli individui che vengono monitorati in posizioni e telecamere diverse considerando un database di candidati. Tale problema \ue8 chiamato in letteratura re-indetificazione di persone. In questa tesi, proporremo un modello standard di come affrontare il problema. In questo modello, presenteremo dei nuovi descrittori di aspetto degli individui, in quanto giocano un ruolo importante allo scopo di ottenere i risultati migliori. Infine raggiungeremo il livello pi\uf9 alto di rappresentazione dei dati che viene affrontato in questa tesi, che \ue8 l'analisi di interazioni sociali tra persone. In particolare, ci focalizzeremo in un tipo specifico di interazione: il raggruppamento di persone. Proporremo dei metodi di visione computazionale che sfruttano nozioni di psicologia sociale per rilevare gruppi di persone. Inoltre, analizzeremo due modelli probabilistici che affrontano il problema di tracking (congiunto) di gruppi e individui.Every day millions and millions of surveillance cameras monitor the world, recording and collecting huge amount of data. The collected data can be extremely useful: from the behavior analysis to prevent unpleasant events, to the analysis of the traffic. However, these valuable data is seldom used, because of the amount of information that the human operator has to manually attend and examine. It would be like looking for a needle in the haystack. The automatic analysis of data is becoming mandatory for extracting summarized high-level information (e.g., John, Sam and Anne are walking together in group at the playground near the station) from the available redundant low-level data (e.g., an image sequence). The main goal of this thesis is to propose solutions and automatic algorithms that perform high-level analysis of a camera-monitored environment. In this way, the data are summarized in a high-level representation for a better understanding. In particular, this work is focused on the analysis of moving people and their collective behaviors. The title of the thesis, beyond multi-target tracking, mirrors the purpose of the work: we will propose methods that have the target tracking as common denominator, and go beyond the standard techniques in order to provide a high-level description of the data. First, we investigate the target tracking problem as it is the basis of all the next work. Target tracking estimates the position of each target in the image and its trajectory over time. We analyze the problem from two complementary perspectives: 1) the engineering point of view, where we deal with problem in order to obtain the best results in terms of accuracy and performance. 2) The neuroscience point of view, where we propose an attentional model for tracking and recognition of objects and people, motivated by theories of the human perceptual system. Second, target tracking is extended to the camera network case, where the goal is to keep a unique identifier for each person in the whole network, i.e., to perform person re-identification. The goal is to recognize individuals in diverse locations over different non-overlapping camera views or also the same camera, considering a large set of candidates. In this context, we propose a pipeline and appearance-based descriptors that enable us to define in a proper way the problem and to reach the-state-of-the-art results. Finally, the higher level of description investigated in this thesis is the analysis (discovery and tracking) of social interaction between people. In particular, we focus on finding small groups of people. We introduce methods that embed notions of social psychology into computer vision algorithms. Then, we extend the detection of social interaction over time, proposing novel probabilistic models that deal with (joint) individual-group tracking

    3D Gaze Estimation from Remote RGB-D Sensors

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    The development of systems able to retrieve and characterise the state of humans is important for many applications and fields of study. In particular, as a display of attention and interest, gaze is a fundamental cue in understanding people activities, behaviors, intentions, state of mind and personality. Moreover, gaze plays a major role in the communication process, like for showing attention to the speaker, indicating who is addressed or averting gaze to keep the floor. Therefore, many applications within the fields of human-human, human-robot and human-computer interaction could benefit from gaze sensing. However, despite significant advances during more than three decades of research, current gaze estimation technologies can not address the conditions often required within these fields, such as remote sensing, unconstrained user movements and minimum user calibration. Furthermore, to reduce cost, it is preferable to rely on consumer sensors, but this usually leads to low resolution and low contrast images that current techniques can hardly cope with. In this thesis we investigate the problem of automatic gaze estimation under head pose variations, low resolution sensing and different levels of user calibration, including the uncalibrated case. We propose to build a non-intrusive gaze estimation system based on remote consumer RGB-D sensors. In this context, we propose algorithmic solutions which overcome many of the limitations of previous systems. We thus address the main aspects of this problem: 3D head pose tracking, 3D gaze estimation, and gaze based application modeling. First, we develop an accurate model-based 3D head pose tracking system which adapts to the participant without requiring explicit actions. Second, to achieve a head pose invariant gaze estimation, we propose a method to correct the eye image appearance variations due to head pose. We then investigate on two different methodologies to infer the 3D gaze direction. The first one builds upon machine learning regression techniques. In this context, we propose strategies to improve their generalization, in particular, to handle different people. The second methodology is a new paradigm we propose and call geometric generative gaze estimation. This novel approach combines the benefits of geometric eye modeling (normally restricted to high resolution images due to the difficulty of feature extraction) with a stochastic segmentation process (adapted to low-resolution) within a Bayesian model allowing the decoupling of user specific geometry and session specific appearance parameters, along with the introduction of priors, which are appropriate for adaptation relying on small amounts of data. The aforementioned gaze estimation methods are validated through extensive experiments in a comprehensive database which we collected and made publicly available. Finally, we study the problem of automatic gaze coding in natural dyadic and group human interactions. The system builds upon the thesis contributions to handle unconstrained head movements and the lack of user calibration. It further exploits the 3D tracking of participants and their gaze to conduct a 3D geometric analysis within a multi-camera setup. Experiments on real and natural interactions demonstrate the system is highly accuracy. Overall, the methods developed in this dissertation are suitable for many applications, involving large diversity in terms of setup configuration, user calibration and mobility

    Application of improved particle filter in multiple maneuvering target tracking system

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