16 research outputs found

    An Improved Lagrangian Relaxation Method for VLSI Combinational Circuit Optimization

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    Gate sizing and threshold voltage (Vt) assignment are very popular and useful techniques in current very large scale integration (VLSI) design flow for timing and power optimization. Lagrangian relaxation (LR) is a common method for handling multi-objectives and proven to reach optimal solution under continuous solution space. However, it is more complex to use Lagrangian relaxation under discrete solution space. The Lagrangian dual problem is non-convex and previously a sub-gradient method was used to solve it. The sub-gradient method is a greedy approach for substituting gradient method in the deepest descent method, and has room for further improvement. In addition, Lagrangian sub-problem cannot be solved directly by mathematical approaches under discrete solution space. Here we propose a new Lagrangian relaxation-based method for simultaneous gate sizing and Vt assignment under discrete solution space. In this work, some new approaches are provided to solve the Lagrangian dual problem considering not only slack but also the relationship between Lagrangian multipliers and circuit timing. We want to solve the Lagrangian dual problem more precisely than did previous methods, such as the sub-gradient method. In addition, a table-lookup method is provided to replace mathematical approaches for solving the Lagrangian sub-problem under discrete size and Vt options. The experimental results show that our method can lead to about 50 percent and 58 percent power reduction subject to the same timing constraints compared with a Lagrangian relaxation method using sub-gradient method and a state-of-the-art previous work. These two methods are implemented by us for comparison. Our method also results in better circuit timing subject to tight timing constraints

    Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Report 2008

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    Department Research New Chair Publications Enterprisehttps://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/ece-annualreports/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Algorithmic techniques for nanometer VLSI design and manufacturing closure

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    As Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology moves to the nanoscale regime, design and manufacturing closure becomes very difficult to achieve due to increasing chip and power density. Imperfections due to process, voltage and temperature variations aggravate the problem. Uncertainty in electrical characteristic of individual device and wire may cause significant performance deviations or even functional failures. These impose tremendous challenges to the continuation of Moore's law as well as the growth of semiconductor industry. Efforts are needed in both deterministic design stage and variation-aware design stage. This research proposes various innovative algorithms to address both stages for obtaining a design with high frequency, low power and high robustness. For deterministic optimizations, new buffer insertion and gate sizing techniques are proposed. For variation-aware optimizations, new lithography-driven and post-silicon tuning-driven design techniques are proposed. For buffer insertion, a new slew buffering formulation is presented and is proved to be NP-hard. Despite this, a highly efficient algorithm which runs > 90x faster than the best alternatives is proposed. The algorithm is also extended to handle continuous buffer locations and blockages. For gate sizing, a new algorithm is proposed to handle discrete gate library in contrast to unrealistic continuous gate library assumed by most existing algorithms. Our approach is a continuous solution guided dynamic programming approach, which integrates the high solution quality of dynamic programming with the short runtime of rounding continuous solution. For lithography-driven optimization, the problem of cell placement considering manufacturability is studied. Three algorithms are proposed to handle cell flipping and relocation. They are based on dynamic programming and graph theoretic approaches, and can provide different tradeoff between variation reduction and wire- length increase. For post-silicon tuning-driven optimization, the problem of unified adaptivity optimization on logical and clock signal tuning is studied, which enables us to significantly save resources. The new algorithm is based on a novel linear programming formulation which is solved by an advanced robust linear programming technique. The continuous solution is then discretized using binary search accelerated dynamic programming, batch based optimization, and Latin Hypercube sampling based fast simulation

    A p-cell approach to integer gate sizing

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    Standard-Cell-library-based design ow is widely followed in the Application Specific Integrated Circuit(ASIC) industry. Most of the realistic cell libraries are geometrically spaced introducing significant sparseness in the library. This is because uniformly spaced gate sizes would result in a large number of gate sizes and maintaining the huge volume of data for this number of gate sizes is difficult. This thesis aims to propose a practical approach to implement integer gate sizes. A parameterized cell (p-cell) approach to the generation of layouts of standard gates is presented. The use of constant delay model for gate delay estimation is proposed which eliminates the need for maintaining huge volumes of delay tables in the standard cell library. This approach has tremendous potential since it greatly simplifies the standard-cell-based design methodology and can give significant power and area savings.Power and area savings of up to 28% are possible using this approach

    Lagrangian relaxation-based multi-threaded discrete gate sizer

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    In integrated circuit design gate sizing is one of the key optimization techniques which is repeatedly invoked to trade-off delays for area and/or power of the gates during logic design and physical design stages. With increasing design sizes of a million gates and larger, discrete gate sizes and non-convex delay models the gate sizing algorithms that were designed for continuous sizes and convex delay models are slow and timing inaccurate. Of the several published discrete gate sizing algorithms, recent works have shown that Lagrangian relaxation based gate sizers have produced designs with the lowest power on average with high timing accuracy. But they are also very slow due to a large number of expensive timing updates spread across hundreds of iterations of solving the Lagrangian sub-problem. In this thesis we present a Lagrangian relaxation based multi-threaded discrete gate sizer for fast timing and power reduction by swapping the gate sizes and the threshold voltages. We developed two parallelization enabling techniques to reduce the runtime of Lagrangian sub-problem solver, namely, mutual exclusion edge (MEE) assignment and directed acyclic graph (DAG) based netlist traversal. MEEs are dummy edges assigned to reduce computational dependencies among gates sharing one or more common fan-ins. DAG based netlist traversal facilitates simultaneous resizing of gates belonging to different topological levels. We designed a Lagrange multiplier update framework that enables rapid convergence of the timing recovery and power recovery algorithms. To reduce the runtime of timing updates, we proposed a simple and fast-to-compute effective capacitance model and several mechanisms to calibrate the timing models to improve their accuracy. Compared to the state-of-the-art gate sizer, our proposed gate sizer is on average 15x faster and the optimized designs have only 1.7\% higher power. In digital synchronous designs simultaneous gate sizing and clock skew scheduling provides significantly more power saving. We extend the gate sizer to simultaneously schedule the clock skew. It can achieve an average of 18.8\% more reduction in power with only 20\% increase in the runtime

    Discrete Gate Sizing Methodologies for Delay, Area and Power Optimization

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    The modeling of an individual gate and the optimization of circuit performance has long been a critical issue in the VLSI industry. In this work, we first study of the gate sizing problem for today\u27s industrial designs, and explore the contributions and limitations of all the existing approaches, which mainly suffer from producing only continuous solutions, using outdated timing models or experiencing performance inefficiency. In this dissertation, we present our new discrete gate sizing technique which optimizes different aspects of circuit performance, including delay, area and power consumption. And our method is fast and efficient as it applies the local search instead of global exhaustive search during gate size selection process, which greatly reduces the search space and improves the computation complexity. In addition to that, it is also flexible with different timing models, and it is able to deal with the constraints of input/output slew and output load capacitance, under which very few previous research works were reported. We then propose a new timing model, which is derived from the classic Elmore delay model, but takes the features of modern timing models from standard cell library. With our new timing model, we are able to formulate the combinatorial discrete sizing problem as a simplified mathematical expression and apply it to existing Lagrangian relaxation method, which is shown to converge to optimal solution. We demonstrate that the classic Elmore delay model based gate sizing approaches can still be valid. Therefore, our work might provide a new look into the numerous Elmore delay model based research works in various areas (such as placement, routing, layout, buffer insertion, timing analysis, etc.)

    Strategic Optimization Techniques For FRTU Deployment and Chip Physical Design

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    Combinatorial optimization is a complex engineering subject. Although formulation often depends on the nature of problems that differs from their setup, design, constraints, and implications, establishing a unifying framework is essential. This dissertation investigates the unique features of three important optimization problems that can span from small-scale design automation to large-scale power system planning: (1) Feeder remote terminal unit (FRTU) planning strategy by considering the cybersecurity of secondary distribution network in electrical distribution grid, (2) physical-level synthesis for microfluidic lab-on-a-chip, and (3) discrete gate sizing in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) circuit. First, an optimization technique by cross entropy is proposed to handle FRTU deployment in primary network considering cybersecurity of secondary distribution network. While it is constrained by monetary budget on the number of deployed FRTUs, the proposed algorithm identi?es pivotal locations of a distribution feeder to install the FRTUs in different time horizons. Then, multi-scale optimization techniques are proposed for digital micro?uidic lab-on-a-chip physical level synthesis. The proposed techniques handle the variation-aware lab-on-a-chip placement and routing co-design while satisfying all constraints, and considering contamination and defect. Last, the first fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) is proposed for the delay driven discrete gate sizing problem, which explores the theoretical view since the existing works are heuristics with no performance guarantee. The intellectual contribution of the proposed methods establishes a novel paradigm bridging the gaps between professional communities

    Modeling and Simulation of Advanced Nano-Scale Very Large Scale Integration Circuits

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    With VLSI(very large scale integration) technology shrinking and frequency increasing, the minimum feature size is smaller than sub-wavelength lithography wavelength, and the manufacturing cost is significantly increasing in order to achieve a good yield. Consequently design companies need to further lower power consumption. All these factors bring new challenges; simulation and modeling need to handle more design constraints, and need to work with modern manufacturing processes. In this dissertation, algorithms and new methodology are presented for these problems: (1) fast and accurate capacitance extraction, (2) capacitance extraction considering lithography effect, (3) BEOL(back end of line) impact on SRAM(static random access memory) performance and yield, and (4) new physical synthesis optimization flow is used to shed area and reduce the power consumption. Interconnect parasitic extraction plays an important role in simulation, verification, optimization. A fast and accurate parasitic extraction algorithm is always important for a current design automation tool. In this dissertation, we propose a new algorithm named HybCap to efficiently handle multiple planar, conformal or embedded dielectric media. From experimental results, the new method is significantly faster than the previous one, 77X speedup, and has a 99% memory savings compared with FastCap and 2X speedup, and has an 80% memory savings compared with PHiCap for complex dielectric media. In order to consider lithography effect in the existing LPE(Layout Parasitic Extraction) flow, a modified LPE flow and fast algorithms for interconnect parasitic extraction are proposed in this dissertation. Our methodology is efficient, compatible with the existing design flow and has high accuracy. With the new enhanced parasitic extraction flow, simulation of BEOL effect on SRAM performance becomes possible. A SRAM simulation model with internal cell interconnect RC parasitics is proposed in order to study the BEOL lithography impact. The impact of BEOL variations on memory designs are systematically evaluated in this dissertation. The results show the power estimation with our SRAM model is more accurate. Finally, a new optimization flow to shed area blow in the design synthesis flow is proposed, which is one level beyond simulation and modeling to directly optimize design, but is also built upon accurate simulations and modeling. Two simple, yet efficient, buffering and gate sizing techniques are presented. On 20 industrial designs in 45nm and 65nm, our new work achieves 12.5% logic area growth reduction, 5.8% total area reduction, 10% wirelength reduction and 770 ps worst slack improvement on average

    MOCAST 2021

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    The 10th International Conference on Modern Circuit and System Technologies on Electronics and Communications (MOCAST 2021) will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from July 5th to July 7th, 2021. The MOCAST technical program includes all aspects of circuit and system technologies, from modeling to design, verification, implementation, and application. This Special Issue presents extended versions of top-ranking papers in the conference. The topics of MOCAST include:Analog/RF and mixed signal circuits;Digital circuits and systems design;Nonlinear circuits and systems;Device and circuit modeling;High-performance embedded systems;Systems and applications;Sensors and systems;Machine learning and AI applications;Communication; Network systems;Power management;Imagers, MEMS, medical, and displays;Radiation front ends (nuclear and space application);Education in circuits, systems, and communications

    Timing Closure in Chip Design

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    Achieving timing closure is a major challenge to the physical design of a computer chip. Its task is to find a physical realization fulfilling the speed specifications. In this thesis, we propose new algorithms for the key tasks of performance optimization, namely repeater tree construction; circuit sizing; clock skew scheduling; threshold voltage optimization and plane assignment. Furthermore, a new program flow for timing closure is developed that integrates these algorithms with placement and clocktree construction. For repeater tree construction a new algorithm for computing topologies, which are later filled with repeaters, is presented. To this end, we propose a new delay model for topologies that not only accounts for the path lengths, as existing approaches do, but also for the number of bifurcations on a path, which introduce extra capacitance and thereby delay. In the extreme cases of pure power optimization and pure delay optimization the optimum topologies regarding our delay model are minimum Steiner trees and alphabetic code trees with the shortest possible path lengths. We presented a new, extremely fast algorithm that scales seamlessly between the two opposite objectives. For special cases, we prove the optimality of our algorithm. The efficiency and effectiveness in practice is demonstrated by comprehensive experimental results. The task of circuit sizing is to assign millions of small elementary logic circuits to elements from a discrete set of logically equivalent, predefined physical layouts such that power consumption is minimized and all signal paths are sufficiently fast. In this thesis we develop a fast heuristic approach for global circuit sizing, followed by a local search into a local optimum. Our algorithms use, in contrast to existing approaches, the available discrete layout choices and accurate delay models with slew propagation. The global approach iteratively assigns slew targets to all source pins of the chip and chooses a discrete layout of minimum size preserving the slew targets. In comprehensive experiments on real instances, we demonstrate that the worst path delay is within 7% of its lower bound on average after a few iterations. The subsequent local search reduces this gap to 2% on average. Combining global and local sizing we are able to size more than 5.7 million circuits within 3 hours. For the clock skew scheduling problem we develop the first algorithm with a strongly polynomial running time for the cycle time minimization in the presence of different cycle times and multi-cycle paths. In practice, an iterative local search method is much more efficient. We prove that this iterative method maximizes the worst slack, even when restricting the feasible schedule to certain time intervals. Furthermore, we enhance the iterative local approach to determine a lexicographically optimum slack distribution. The clock skew scheduling problem is then generalized to allow for simultaneous data path optimization. In fact, this is a time-cost tradeoff problem. We developed the first combinatorial algorithm for computing time-cost tradeoff curves in graphs that may contain cycles. Starting from the lowest-cost solution, the algorithm iteratively computes a descent direction by a minimum cost flow computation. The maximum feasible step length is then determined by a minimum ratio cycle computation. This approach can be used in chip design for several optimization tasks, e.g. threshold voltage optimization or plane assignment. Finally, the optimization routines are combined into a timing closure flow. Here, the global placement is alternated with global performance optimization. Netweights are used to penalize the length of critical nets during placement. After the global phase, the performance is improved further by applying more comprehensive optimization routines on the most critical paths. In the end, the clock schedule is optimized and clocktrees are inserted. Computational results of the design flow are obtained on real-world computer chips