9 research outputs found

    Design and Implement a Gas Pipeline Inspection System using Robotic Vehicle

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    Gas leak is an important safety issue in oil and gas production. During the past fifteen years, a considerable number of studies have been made into how to detect and localize gas leaks. Equipped with sensors measuring the point concentration of specific substances, a variety of mobile robots and technologies have been looking for gas sources. This paper presents a real-time system to detect abnormal events on gas pipes, by developing a data monitoring system to detect the gas levels and concentration using GAS leak detector system that is positioned on robotic vehicle (pioneer p3-dx) combined with modern communication technologies in terms of GPS to locate the robot in real-time accuracy of tracking process. Keywords: Gas Detection, Robotic (outdoor seeker), EASYPEE (zigbee) board, GP

    Tracking an Odor Plume in a Laminar Wind Field with the Crosswind-Surge Algorithm

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    We introduce a novel bio-inspired odor source localization algorithm (surge-cast) for environments with a main wind flow and compare it to two well- known algorithms. With all three algorithms, systematic experiments with real robots are carried out in a wind tunnel under laminar flow conditions. The algo- rithms are compared in terms of distance overhead when tracking the plume up to the source, but a variety of other experimentally measured results are provided as well. We conclude that the surge-cast algorithm yields significantly better performance than the casting algorithm, and slightly better performance than the surge-spiral algorithm

    Understanding the Potential Impact of Multiple Robots in Odor Source Localization

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    We investigate the performance of three bio-inspired odor source localization algorithms used in non-cooperating multi-robot systems. Our performance metric is the distance overhead of the first robot to reach the source, which is a good measure for the speed of an odor source localization algorithm. Using the performance distribution of single-robot experiments, we calculate an ideal performance for multi-robot teams. We carry out simulations in a realistic robotic simulator and provide quantitative evidence of the differences between ideal and realistic performances of a given algorithm. A closer analysis of the results show that these differences are mainly due to physical interference among robots

    Mobile Robots for Localizing Gas Emission Sources on Landfill Sites: Is Bio-Inspiration the Way to Go?

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    Roboticists often take inspiration from animals for designing sensors, actuators, or algorithms that control the behavior of robots. Bio-inspiration is motivated with the uncanny ability of animals to solve complex tasks like recognizing and manipulating objects, walking on uneven terrains, or navigating to the source of an odor plume. In particular the task of tracking an odor plume up to its source has nearly exclusively been addressed using biologically inspired algorithms and robots have been developed, for example, to mimic the behavior of moths, dung beetles, or lobsters. In this paper we argue that biomimetic approaches to gas source localization are of limited use, primarily because animals differ fundamentally in their sensing and actuation capabilities from state-of-the-art gas-sensitive mobile robots. To support our claim, we compare actuation and chemical sensing available to mobile robots to the corresponding capabilities of moths. We further characterize airflow and chemosensor measurements obtained with three different robot platforms (two wheeled robots and one flying micro-drone) in four prototypical environments and show that the assumption of a constant and unidirectional airflow, which is the basis of many gas source localization approaches, is usually far from being valid. This analysis should help to identify how underlying principles, which govern the gas source tracking behavior of animals, can be usefully “translated” into gas source localization approaches that fully take into account the capabilities of mobile robots. We also describe the requirements for a reference application, monitoring of gas emissions at landfill sites with mobile robots, and discuss an engineered gas source localization approach based on statistics as an alternative to biologically inspired algorithms

    Tracking Odor Plumes in a Laminar Wind Field with Bio-Inspired Algorithms

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    We introduce a novel bio-inspired odor source localization algorithm (surge- cast) for environments with a main wind flow and compare it to two well-known algorithms. With all three algorithms, systematic experiments with real robots are carried out in a wind tunnel under laminar flow conditions. The algorithms are compared in terms of distance overhead when tracking the plume up to the source, but a variety of other experimental results and some theoretical considerations are provided as well. We conclude that the surge-cast algorithm yields significantly better performance than the casting algorithm, and slightly better performance than the surge-spiral algorithm

    Mapping multiple gas/odor sources in an uncontrolled indoor environment using a Bayesian occupancy grid mapping based method

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Robotics and Autonomous Systems 59 (2011): 988–1000, doi:10.1016/j.robot.2011.06.007.In this paper we address the problem of autonomously localizing multiple gas/odor sources in an indoor environment without a strong airflow. To do this, a robot iteratively creates an occupancy grid map. The produced map shows the probability each discrete cell contains a source. Our approach is based on a recent adaptation [15] to traditional Bayesian occupancy grid mapping for chemical source localization problems. The approach is less sensitive, in the considered scenario, to the choice of the algorithm parameters. We present experimental results with a robot in an indoor uncontrolled corridor in the presence of different ejecting sources proving the method is able to build reliable maps quickly (5.5 minutes in a 6 m x 2.1 m area) and in real time

    Airborne chemical sensing with mobile robots

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    Airborne chemical sensing with mobile robots has been an active research areasince the beginning of the 1990s. This article presents a review of research work in this field,including gas distribution mapping, trail guidance, and the different subtasks of gas sourcelocalisation. Due to the difficulty of modelling gas distribution in a real world environmentwith currently available simulation techniques, we focus largely on experimental work and donot consider publications that are purely based on simulations

    Gas source tracing with a mobile robot using an adapted moth strategy

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    As a sub-task of the general gas source localisation problem, gas source tracing is supposed to guide a gas-sensitive mobile system towards a source by using the cues determined from the gas distribution sensed along a driven path. This paper reports on an investigation of a biologically inspired gas source tracing strategy. Similar to the behaviour of the silkworm moth Bombyx mori, the implemented behaviour consists of a fixed motion pattern that realises a local search, and a mechanism that (re-)starts this motion pattern if an increased gas concentration is sensed. While the moth uses the local airflow direction to orient the motion pattern, this is not possible for a mobile robot due to the detection limits of currently available anemometers. Thus, an alternative method was implemented that uses an asymmetric motion pattern, which is biased towards the side where higher gas sensor readings were obtained. The adaptated strategy was implemented and tested on an experimental platform. This paper describes the strategy and evaluates its performance in terms of the ability to drive the robot towards a gas source and to keep it within close proximity of the sourc