9 research outputs found

    Los videojuegos como servicio y las cajas de botín: Un análisis de las prácticas ideológicas del capitalismo

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Filosofia, Facultat de Filosofia, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2023-2024. Tutor: Montserrat Crespín PeralesEste artículo propone un análisis político y socioeconómico de los videojuegos como servicio (games as a service). La crítica se centrará en las cajas de botín (loot boxes), una de las «microtransacciones» presentes en este tipo de videojuegos. Este caso servirá para centrar la crítica y poder situar mejor el problema dentro de su contexto. El análisis explorará tres tesis: que los efectos de las cajas de botín son perjudiciales para los jugadores, que la ideología imperante en el neocapitalismo fomenta un consumo ludópata y que la concienciación es la mejor vía para luchar contra esta ideología

    What kind of video gamer are you?

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose.- This paper attempts to understand the extent to which the effect of motivations on purchase intention varies for diverse segments of video gamers (depending on their personality). Design/Methodology.- Information was collected from 511 Spanish video game consumers. Structural equation modeling, clustering, and multi-group analysis were then conducted to compare results between segments of gamers. Findings.- Results show that hedonic, social and mainly addiction motivations lead to purchase intention of game-related products. Moreover, we identify a typology of gamer that gives rise to differences in motivations-purchase intention links: (1) Analysts include individuals who are essentially conscientious, prefer inventive or cognitive and simulation games and whose behavior is more influenced by hedonic and social motivations to play; (2) Socializers comprise individuals who are mainly extrovert and emotionally stable gamers and who prefer sports and strategy games. The motivations to play that affect their purchase intentions are mainly social; and (3) Sentinels include individuals that are unmindful and introvert, prefer inventive, cognitive, sports and simulation games, and whose social motivations drive their purchase intentions. Originality.- There are 2,200 million video gamers around the world, although it is assumed that this vast market is not homogeneous, which has implications for consumer motivations and purchase intention. However, the currently available classifications that address this challenge are rather limited. In this sense, the present paper provides valuable insights into understanding how personality offers a useful variable to segment consumers in the video game industry and how it moderates the effect of motivations on purchase behavior.Ministerio de Economía y Competetitividad (proyecto ECO2017-82107-R)Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA112P17

    Kerangka kesedaran kognitif bagi reka bentuk antaramuka pengajaran berasaskan gamifikasi dalam kalangan pelajar kejuruteraan

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    Gamification is one of the most popular methods of teaching today. The usage of gamification appropriately applied to students will contribute to their learning. In the global world of education, the use of gamification affects the quality of their learning. This study discuses the elements of gamification design that contribute to the awareness of cognitive learners. A total of 400 UTHM students comprising of engineering students answer the questionnaire was developed to determine the criteria involved in cognitive awareness in developing gamification learning. The findings of the survey were analyzed using statistical descriptive. In addition, data found in survey questions are used for literature review to analyse the criteria for gamification to enhance cognitive awareness through content analysis and the targeted literatures are journals, conferences and books available in the database from 2015 to 2018. Both survey and literature review analys were used to indentify cognitive domain awareness criteria in gamification in learning design. In order to verify and validate the criteria, a checklist was used involving three experts in the field of gamification. This data is analyzed through heuristic analysis. Next, the data was verified and validated by the expert. The data was analysed using an interpretation of cohen kappa result. The overall findings determined the criteria of cognitive awareness in gamification learning for engineering students. It is hoped that the criteria for cognitive awareness will help to improve the decision-making process and the ability to evaluate students performance

    Gamificação na educação : potenciais e desafios para aprimorar o ensino a partir de conceitos de economia comportamental

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    Orientador: Profa. Dra. Adriana Sbicca FernandesTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciências EconômicasInclui referênciasResumo : Este trabalho aborda a temática da utilização da gamificação no contexto da educação e explora os potenciais efeitos que essa abordagem pode gerar quando implementada. O objetivo principal é compreender como a gamificação pode ser uma ferramenta auxiliar para professores e alunos, visando aprimorar a eficácia do ensino e o envolvimento dos estudantes dentro da sala de aula. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo aprofundado de artigos que tratam do tema da gamificação, examinando seus efeitos e os testes conduzidos para verificar a eficácia dessa abordagem. A análise da literatura revela que existem poucas evidências concretas que comprovem a efetividade da gamificação no ambiente educacional, devido à escassez de testes conduzidos de maneira adequada. Isso indica a necessidade de realizar mais estudos e aprofundar a discussão sobre o tema, a fim de obter uma compreensão mais completa e embasada dos potenciais benefícios e desafios associados à gamificação na sala de aula. Acredita-se que a gamificação pode proporcionar uma experiência de aprendizagem mais envolvente, ao incorporar elementos de jogos, como desafios, recompensas e competição, no processo educacional. No entanto, é fundamental que sejam conduzidos mais testes e pesquisas para avaliar a eficácia dessa abordagem, bem como identificar as melhores práticas e estratégias de implementação. Portanto, este estudo busca contribuir para a compreensão e o aprimoramento da aplicação da gamificação na educação, destacando a importância de investigações adicionais e uma análise mais aprofundada das suas implicações no contexto educacional. A ampliação do conhecimento nessa área poderá oferecer subsídios valiosos para professores, gestores educacionais e pesquisadores interessados em explorar o potencial da gamificação como uma ferramenta pedagógica inovadora

    Totally Administered Heteronomy: Adorno on Work, Leisure, and Politics in the Age of Digital Capitalism

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    This paper aims to demonstrate the contemporary relevance of Adorno’s thought for business ethicists working in the critical tradition by showing how his critique of modern social life anticipated, and ofers continuing illumination of, recent technological transformations of capitalism. It develops and extrapolates Adorno’s thought regarding three central spheres of modern society, which have seen radical changes in light of recent technological developments: work, in which employee monitoring has become ever more sophisticated and intrusive; leisure consumption, in which the algorithmic developments of the culture industry have paved the way for entertainment products to dominate us; and political discourse, in which social media has exacerbated the anti-democratic tendencies Adorno warned of in the mid-twentieth century. We conclude by presenting, as a rejoinder to these developments, the contours of an Adornian ethics of resistance to the reifcation and dehumanisation of such developments

    Gaming the gamer? – The ethics of exploiting psychological research in video games

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ethical implications of video game companies employing psychologists and using psychological research in game design. Design/methodology/approach The author first argues that exploiting psychology in video games may be more ethically problematic than familiar application domains like advertising, gambling and political rhetoric. Then an overview of the effects particular types of game design may have on user behavior is provided, taking into account various findings and phenomena from behavioral psychology and behavioral economics. Findings Finally, the author concludes that the corresponding ethical problems cannot – and should not – be addressed by means of regulation or rating systems. The author argues instead that a more promising countermeasure lies in using the same psychological research to educate gamers (children in particular) and thereby increase their capacity for meta-cognition. Originality/value The importance of this lies in the tremendous effect these behavior-modifying technologies may have upon our self-determination, well-being and social relations, as well as corresponding implications for the society

    Rechtliche Beurteilung von Mikrotransaktionen und Lootboxen

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    The purchase of additional items in videogames, also called ‘Microtransactions’, has recently grown to become one of the dominating methods of monetization in the games industry. However, many versions of these monetization schemes face severe backlash because it appears that the ways to monetize games are increasingly influencing the contents of the medium and that those games are purposefully designed to bring vulnerable players to spend more money than they meant to. In this thesis, those points of criticism were taken into consideration and as a starting point to explore the legality of these kinds of monetization schemes from a legal standpoint. This was done with regards to the Unfair Competition Law, Youth Protection regulation and general civil law. Also, the chance-based variant of microtransactions, the so called ‘Lootboxes’, have been examined with regard to their legality under gambling regulations

    Rechtliche Beurteilung von Mikrotransaktionen und Lootboxen

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    The purchase of additional items in videogames, also called ‘Microtransactions’, has recently grown to become one of the dominating methods of monetization in the games industry. However, many versions of these monetization schemes face severe backlash because it appears that the ways to monetize games are increasingly influencing the contents of the medium and that those games are purposefully designed to bring vulnerable players to spend more money than they meant to. In this thesis, those points of criticism were taken into consideration and as a starting point to explore the legality of these kinds of monetization schemes from a legal standpoint. This was done with regards to the Unfair Competition Law, Youth Protection regulation and general civil law. Also, the chance-based variant of microtransactions, the so called ‘Lootboxes’, have been examined with regard to their legality under gambling regulations