218 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review of Existing Data Mining Approaches Envisioned for Knowledge Discovery from Multimedia

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    The extensive use of multimedia technologies extended the applicability of information technology to a large extent which results enormous generation of complex multimedia contents over the internet. Therefore the number of multimedia contents available to the user is also exponentially increasing. In this digital era of the cloud-enabled Internet of Things (IoT), analysis of complex video and image data plays a crucial role.It aims to extract meaningful information as the distributed storages and processing elements within a bandwidth constraint network seek optimal solutions to increase the throughput along with an optimal trade-off between computational complexity and power consumption. However, due to complex characteristics of visual patterns and variations in video frames, it is not a trivial task to discover meaningful information and correlation. Hence, data mining has emerged as a field which has diverse aspects presently in extracting meaningful hidden patterns from the complex image and video data considering different pattern classification approach. The study mostly investigates the existing data-mining tools and their performance metric for the purpose of reviewing this research track.It also highlights the relationship between frequent patterns and discriminativefeatures associated with a video object. Finally, the study addresses the existing research issues to strengthen up the future direction of research towards video analytics and pattern recognition

    From AAL to ambient assisted rehabilitation: a research pilot protocol based on smart objects and biofeedback

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    AbstractThe progressive miniaturization of electronic devices and their exponential increase in processing, storage and transmission capabilities, represent key factors of the current digital transformation, also sustaining the great development of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and the Internet of Things. Although most of the investigations in the recent years focused on remote monitoring and diagnostics, rehabilitation too could be positively affected by the widespread integrated use of these devices. Smart Objects in particular may be among the enablers to new quantitative approaches. In this paper, we present a proof-of-concept and some preliminary results of an innovative pediatric rehabilitation protocol based on Smart Objects and biofeedback, which we administered to a sample of children with unilateral cerebral palsy. The novelty of the approach mainly consists in placing the sensing device into a common toy (a ball in our protocol) and using the information measured by the device to administer multimedia-enriched type of exercises, more engaging if compared to the usual rehabilitation activities used in clinical settings. We also introduce a couple of performance indexes, which could be helpful for a quantitative continuous evaluation of movements during the exercises. Even if the number of children involved and sessions performed are not suitable to assess any change in the subjects' abilities, nor to derive solid statistical inferences, the novel approach resulted very engaging and enjoyable by all the children participating in the study. Moreover, given the almost non-existent literature on the use of Smart Objects in pediatric rehabilitation, the few qualitative/quantitative results here reported may promote the scientific and clinical discussion regarding AAL solutions in a "Computer Assisted Rehabilitation" perspective, towards what can be defined "Pediatric Rehabilitation 2.0"

    The Interaction of Trait Competitiveness and Leaderboard Design - An Experimental Analysis of Effects on Perceptions and Usage Intention

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    Gamification is a valuable approach to foster user engagement, raise motivation, and induce behavioral change. As a maturing field of research, the complex interactions of the various elements of gameful systems remain opaque. However, understanding these interactions, especially between user and gamified system, builds the foundation for the vast application of gamified systems. To advance our knowledge in this field, we employ an experimental research design with 192 participants. Thereby we show that users’ personal development competitiveness positively affects the perception and usage intention of a competitive gamified system in a work scenario. Further, this relationship is moderated by the system’s design. Focusing on a team-based rather than a player-based leaderboard supports the usage intentions and perceptions of individuals high in personal development competitiveness. Our study supports the need for individualized gameful systems rather than relying on one-system-fits-all approaches often found in business practice

    Gamification Kit: Käytännöllinen työkalu käyttäjälähtöisen pelillistämisen suunnitteluun

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    The use of game elements in non-game contexts can increase user engagement, which makes applying gamification principles to all kinds of services attractive. However, designing user-centered gamification is easier said than done. It is not enough to apply points and leaderboards to a service for it to become successfully gamified. Gamification design needs to be user-centered to create meaningful gamified experiences for the users. This thesis conducts a design science research that studies what kind of a tool can aid user-centered gamification design process. The outcome of this study is Gamification Kit – a practical toolkit that brings user-centeredness to gamification design. The toolkit is evaluated in a case study, where it is used to gamify an existing service. Based on this study, the Gamification Kit simplifies the complex process of gamification design and ensures that user-centeredness is considered in gamification. The toolkit is especially focusing on increasing the intrinsic motivation of the users towards the service. The Gamification Kit divides the design process of gamification into three phases – gamification applicability, ideation and validation. The applicability phase discusses if gamification should be applied to a specific service. It evaluates if the service contains aspects that are required for user-centered gamification, and identifies the main user emotions related to the use of the service. In the ideation phase, gamification activity loops, which consist of challenge, feedback and reward, are created. These activity loops can be used to create initial gamification concepts. In the validation phase, the intrinsic motivation of the gamification concept is validated by evaluating the presence of the intrinsic motivation drivers in the concept – meaning, mastery, autonomy and relatedness. The Gamification Kit is still in its early stage of development. The results of this study however indicate that the Gamification Kit can be used to aid the design of user-centered gamification in the study context. However, future research is needed for more generalizable results.Pelielementtien käyttö palveluissa voi sitouttaa asiakkaita, mikä tekee pelillisten ominaisuuksien käytön niissä houkuttelevaksi. Käyttäjälähtöisen pelillistämisen suunnittelu ei kuitenkaan ole yksinkertaista. Pisteiden ja tulostaulujen lisääminen palveluun ei tee siitä onnistuneesti pelillistettyä. Pelillistämisen suunnittelun täytyy olla käyttäjälähtöistä, jotta pelilliset kokemukset voidaan tehdä merkityksellisiksi käyttäjille. Tämä diplomityö käyttää design science research –menetelmää ja tutkii, minkälainen työkalu voi auttaa käyttäjälähtöistä pelillistämisprosessia. Tutkimuksen tulos on Gamification Kit – käytännöllinen työkalu, joka tuo käyttäjälähtöisyyden pelillistämisen suunnitteluun. Tämä tutkimus arvioi työkalua case study –menetelmällä, käyttäen sitä projektissa, jossa pelillistetään olemassa oleva palvelu. Tutkimuksen perusteella Gamification Kit yksinkertaistaa kompleksista pelillistämisen suunnitteluprosessia ja varmistaa, että käyttäjälähtöisyys otetaan huomioon pelillistämisessä. Työkalu keskittyy erityisesti kasvattamaan käyttäjän sisäistä motivaatiota palvelun käyttöä kohtaan. Gamification Kit jakaa pelillistämisen suunnitteluprosessin kolmeen vaiheeseen – pelillistämisen soveltuvuus, ideointi ja validointi. Soveltuvuusvaihe tarkastelee tulisiko pelillistämistä liittää tutkittavaan palveluun arvioimalla sisältääkö palvelu ominaisuuksia, joita käyttäjälähtöiseen pelillistämiseen tarvitaan. Lisäksi se tunnistaa tärkeimmät tunnetilat, jotka liittyvät palvelun käyttöön. Ideointivaiheessa luodaan pelillistämisen aktiivisuusluuppeja, jotka koostuvat haasteesta, palautteesta ja palkinnosta. Näiden avulla voidaan luoda alustavia pelillistämiskonsepteja. Validointivaiheessa pelillistämiskonseptin sisäisen motivaation lähteitä validoidaan. Tämä tehdään arvioimalla, kuinka hyvin sisäisen motivaation tekijät - merkitys, taituruus, autonomia ja suhde – ovat läsnä pelillistämiskonseptissa. Gamification Kit on vielä kehitystyönsä alussa. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset kuitenkin osoittavat, että sitä voidaan käyttää apuna käyttäjälähtöisen pelillistämisen suunnittelussa tutkimuksen kontekstissa. Jatkotutkimusta kuitenkin tarvitaan, jotta tulokset olisivat yleistettävissä muihin käyttötilanteisiin

    Bounding Box Annotation with Visible Status

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    Training deep-learning-based vision systems requires the manual annotation of a significant amount of data to optimize several parameters of the deep convolutional neural networks. Such manual annotation is highly time-consuming and labor-intensive. To reduce this burden, a previous study presented a fully automated annotation approach that does not require any manual intervention. The proposed method associates a visual marker with an object and captures it in the same image. However, because the previous method relied on moving the object within the capturing range using a fixed-point camera, the collected image dataset was limited in terms of capturing viewpoints. To overcome this limitation, this study presents a mobile application-based free-viewpoint image-capturing method. With the proposed application, users can collect multi-view image datasets automatically that are annotated with bounding boxes by moving the camera. However, capturing images through human involvement is laborious and monotonous. Therefore, we propose gamified application features to track the progress of the collection status. Our experiments demonstrated that using the gamified mobile application for bounding box annotation, with visible collection progress status, can motivate users to collect multi-view object image datasets with less mental workload and time pressure in an enjoyable manner, leading to increased engagement.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figure