13 research outputs found

    Implementing an intrinsically integrated game on Newtonian mechanics in the classroom: outcomes in terms of conceptual understanding and transfer

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    Digital educational games have demonstrated large variations in learning outcomes and transfer. Furthermore, educational games are usually embedded in a larger educational setting. This case study evaluates in detail a lesson around an educational game designed to foster transfer. The game, Newtons Race, is an intrinsically integrated game on Newtonian mechanics. The learning goal of the lesson is understanding and applying the relationship between forces and motion. Outside of the game, lesson activities include a debriefing session, a generalisation assignment, and an assignment on transfer situations. This lesson was evaluated using a mixed-methods approach. A pre-post test design (N=27) demonstrated a large significant learning effect (p = .002, d = .908). Transfer, as measured within the posttest, was also fostered significantly. In the qualitative part of the study, students written statements on the worksheets and students utterances during the discussion were analyzed using open coding. 79 percent Of all quotes were coded as scientifically correct.Comment: 25 pagers, 4 figures, 6 table

    Improving girls’ perception of computer science as a viable career option through game playing and design: Lessons from a systematic literature review

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    The objective of exposing girls to Computer Science as a career option has led to research directed towards gaming activities for girls. These activities include both game play and game design. Research about gaming activities for increasing girls’ interest in computer science has gained much attention over the past few years and has resulted in a number of contributions. We follow up with an overview of the status of research through a Systematic Literature Review. We investigate the relation between the various game playing or designing activities and their impact on girls’ perception of Computer Science as a career choice. We further present the design consideration for the games and related activities to potentially improve the perception of girls towards a Computer Science career. The applied method is a Systematic Literature Review through which we investigate which contributions were made, which knowledge areas were most explored, and which research facets have been used. We identify 25 papers to distill a common understanding of the state-of-the-art. Specifically, we investigate the effects that the game play/design activities had on girls’ perception about Computer Science; and what are the key design factors to be kept in mind while designing a serious game to improve girls’ perception about Computer Science. The results of this systematic literature review show that game playing or designing could indeed improve how girls perceive having a career in CS. The key aspects that such activities require are personalizing, opportunity for collaboration and the presence of a female lead characterThis work has been done during the tenure of an ERCIM Alain Bensoussan fellowshi

    The Impact of Gamification on Second-Language Learning

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    Background: The Technology-Enhanced Training Effectiveness Model (TETEM) has been used to assess the effectiveness of various technology driven solutions in improving students’ learning outcomes in multiple academic fields. However, limited research is available on the use of TETEM in the context of second language learning. Using a modified TETEM, this study seeks first, to assess the direct effects of student’s attitude, and experience with video-gaming on student’s achievement and second, to evaluate the effects of student’s attitude and experience that are mediated by student’s motivation. Methods: This study was conducted among preparatory year students at Al-Jouf University, Saudi Arabia. In a simple random sampling, students were assigned to the technology-enhanced group (Duolingo® group) or the control group. We started with confirmatory factor analysis to establish homogenous latent variables, and subsequently used structural equation models to evaluate the presence of direct and mediated effects. Results: The technology-enhanced group performed better in reading, grammar, and vocabulary, while the control group showed more participation and timely completion of assignments. Positive attitude towards video gaming had both a direct and mediating positive correlation with student achievement. Additionally, motivation towards ESL learning was independently and positively correlated with student achievement. Conclusion: Technology enhancement improves students’ performance for ESL, however, adequate integration of technology in the course curricula is needed to minimize interference with class participation. Positive attitude towards video games and motivation towards ESL learning are positive predictors of student achievement, while experience with video games has no significant effect

    Supporting learning in intelligent tutoring systems with motivational strategies.

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    Motivation and affect detection are prominent yet challenging areas of research in the field of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). Devising strategies to engage learners and motivate them to practice regularly are of great interest to researchers. In the learning and education domain, where students use ITSs regularly, motivating them to engage with the system effectively may lead to higher learning outcomes. Therefore, developing an ITS which provides a complete learning experience to students by catering to their cognitive, affective, metacognitive, and motivational needs is an ambitious yet promising area of research. This dissertation is the first step towards this goal in the context of SQL-Tutor, a mature ITS for tutoring SQL. In this research project, I have conducted a series of studies to detect and evaluate learners' affective states and employed various strategies for increasing motivation and engagement to improve learning from SQL-Tutor. Firstly, I established the reliability of iMotions to correctly identify learners' emotions and found that worked examples alleviated learners' frustration while solving problems with SQL-Tutor. Gamification is introduced as a motivational strategy to persuade learners to practice with the system. Gamification has emerged as a strong engagement and motivation strategy in learning environments for young learners. I evaluated the effects of gamified SQL-Tutor on undergraduate students and found that gamification indirectly improved learning by influencing learners’ time on task. It helped students by increasing their motivation which produce similar effects as intrinsically motivated students. Additionally, prior knowledge, gamification experience, and interest in the topic moderated the effects of gamification. Lastly, self-regulated learning support is presented as another strategy to affect learners’ internal motivation and skills. The support provided in the form of interventions improved students’ learning outcomes. Additionally, the learners' challenge-accepting behaviour, problem selection, goal setting, and self-reflection have improved with support without experiencing any negative emotions. This research project contributes to the latest trends of motivation and learning research in ITS

    Avaliação da percepção de uso de uma plataforma gamificada sob a perspectiva discente: uma abordagem no estudo da UML

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    Software modeling is considered one of the most important topics in software engineering education. Currently, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the most widespread and used software modeling language in the software engineering industry. Although the UML is constantly being improved and studied, many studies show that there is difficulty in teaching and learning the subject, due to the complexity of its concepts and the students' cognitive difficulties with abstraction. Also, students face difficulties in understanding the semantics and syntax of models, as well as structuring the information in these models. In addition, there are difficulties for teachers in finding different pedagogical strategies, in order to teach modeling. In this sense, some researches thus search for new tools, techniques or methodologies that help teachers and motivate students regarding the study of UML. This work proposed the development of a web platform to support the studying of software modeling with the UML, using gamification resources. The platform proposed allowed students to complement their UML knowledge in an environment with game elements. Aiming to investigate the impact of using the developed gamified platform, a case study was carried out to evaluate the user experience and satisfaction from the student perspective. From the results, it can be concluded that the platform obtained great acceptance and satisfaction of use. Most of the students participating in the research were satisfied with the usability of the platform, reporting a feeling of contribution of the tool in the studying of the content, in addition to pointing out the satisfaction of using gamification as a pedagogical strategy. As a result, the platform was effective in terms of engaging and motivating students, being a complement to the traditional teaching method.Modelagem de software é considerado um dos temas mais importantes no ensino da engenharia de software. Atualmente, a Unified Modeling Language (UML) é a linguagem de modelagem de software mais difundida e utilizada na indústria da engenharia de software. Embora a UML seja constantemente aprimorada e estudada, muitos trabalhos mostram que há dificuldade no ensino-aprendizagem do tema, devido à complexidade de seus conceitos e às dificuldades cognitivas dos discentes com a abstração. Ainda, os estudantes enfrentam dificuldades para compreender a semântica e a sintaxe dos modelos, bem como estruturar as informações nesses modelos. Além disso, há dificuldades para os docentes em encontrar diferentes estratégias pedagógicas, com o objetivo de ensinar a modelagem. Nesse sentido, algumas pesquisas apresentam uma busca por novas ferramentas, técnicas ou metodologias que auxiliem os professores e motivem os estudantes no que tange ao estudo da UML. Este trabalho propôs o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma web para apoio ao estudo da modelagem de software com a UML, usando recursos de gamificação. A plataforma proposta permitiu aos estudantes complementarem seus conhecimentos da UML em um ambiente com elementos de jogos. Visando investigar o impacto do uso da plataforma gamificada desenvolvida foi realizado um estudo de caso para avaliar a experiência de uso e a satisfação na perspectiva discente. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a plataforma obteve uma ótima aceitação e satisfação de uso. A maioria dos discentes participantes da pesquisa se sentiu satisfeita no quesito usabilidade da plataforma, relatando um sentimento de contribuição da ferramenta no estudo do conteúdo, além de apontar a satisfação do uso da gamificação como estratégia pedagógica. Como resultado, a plataforma foi eficaz quanto ao engajamento e motivação dos discentes, sendo um complemento ao método tradicional de ensino

    Leveling up Instruction: Action Research Evaluating the Impact of Gamification on the Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance of Students Disaffected From High School English Language Arts

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    The purpose of this action research was to evaluate the impact of gamification on the intrinsic motivation and academic performance of students disaffected from high school English language arts (ELA). Three questions guided this study: (a) how does gamification affect the intrinsic motivation of students disaffected from high school ELA, (b) does gamification affect the academic performance of students disaffected from high school ELA, and (c) what recommendations can students offer after reflecting on their experiences with gamification? The game elements of challenge, narrative, role-play, and teamwork were incorporated into the design of a five-week instructional unit focused on research and argumentative writing skills. Participants (n=19) were purposefully selected from the teacher-researcher’s 12th grade ELA courses based on their disaffection relative to their peers. Utilizing a convergent parallel mixed methods approach, data were collected through the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (Ryan, 1982), focus group interviews, and a teacher-made assessment of student learning (i.e., Argumentative Research Skills Assessment). Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and correlation tests. Qualitative data were analyzed inductively using constant comparative methods. The results revealed a significant increase in participants’ intrinsic motivation and academic performance after exposure to gamification. While significant associations were found between participants’ feelings of intrinsic motivation and competency, no significant associations were found between gamification and academic performance. These findings indicated that while gamification affected the intrinsic motivation of participants through supporting their feelings of autonomy and relatedness, its greatest impact came through supporting their feelings of competency. Moreover, while participants’ academic performance increased after exposure to gamification, the lack of significant associations rendered it impossible to say whether gamification itself resulted in this increase. Participant recommendations, implications, and limitations to the study are provided

    Chasing Newton: Designing and implementing an intrinsically integrated game on Newtonian mechanics

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    It has long been a coveted idea to combine the motivational aspects of games with learning in formal education. Digital educational games have indeed shown potential in this respect. However, individual educational games demonstrate large variations in (learning) outcomes. Ensuring that learning and gameplay are integrated with each other appears to be the key to obtaining higher learning outcomes. This is referred to as intrinsic integration. This dissertation adds to the body of knowledge on the characteristics that make educational games effective, realizing that no easy fix exists. To use a game in formal education, students should be able to transfer their acquired conceptual knowledge from the game context to other scenarios. This is possible by embedding the game in other learning activities. This dissertation describes four studies that were conducted to answer the main research question: How can a digital intrinsically integrated game be designed and implemented in a lesson fostering conceptual knowledge and transfer regarding Newtonian mechanics? Findings of our studies provide more insight on how students learn using a digital educational game. We developed a guiding frame for designing an intrinsically integrated game. Our studies demonstrate the benefits of embedding an educational game within other learning activities. Based on our findings, we give practical recommendations for such learning activities. Our studies provide an in-depth analysis, giving more insight on students’ learning and providing recommendations for others who want to venture into the wonderful world of game didactics

    Interactive AR Experiences as Training Applications: Guidelines and Requirements for Piano Pedagogy in Mixed Reality

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    In this thesis, we analyze research regarding augmented reality (AR) and its use as an educational and training tool, for piano pedagogy specifically. Several exiting systems involve the use of AR in training and educational scenarios. The effectiveness of any one system varies based on the learning environment and how the technology is being used in a given scenario. Integrating new technology with learning environ-ments is not a simple process and if the technology is used in an ineffective way it can hinder the learning experience. To prevent this, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the users' needs as well as an argument as to why the technology will aid in the learning process. In order to work towards such an understanding and argument with respect to piano pedagogy, focusing on notation literacy, and Augmented Reality, we designed and implemented a series of prototypes of a piano training application called KeynVision (keen-vision) for the Microsoft Hololens. The design goal was to explore the introduction of octave scales, chords, and arpeggios to beginners while also improving their note literacy. The design of the developed prototypes was evaluated by an iterative playtesting process with a panel of experts and practitioners in piano pedagogy. By utilizing the benefits of augmented contextualization that mixed reality experiences provide, we created prototypes of an application that can meet the requirements needed to effectively aid students in the process of learning with beginner's exercises. Based on our research and the results of the expert panel, we believe that AR can be an effective tool for aiding students in the process of learning new tasks such as playing piano.M.S., Digital Media -- Drexel University, 201